Over the past two years, the development of web applications (websites) has advanced greatly and what we used to create a website earlier is already outdated or more recent methods have appeared.

Previously, to create a dropdown list in html ( in English. - dropdown), we just used

Inside the select element are option elements - list elements. Each option element contains a value attribute, which stores the value of the element. However, the value of the option element does not have to match the text it displays. For example:

With the selected attribute we can set the default selected element - it doesn't have to be the first element in the list:

Another attribute, disabled, can be used to prevent a specific element from being selected. Typically, elements with this attribute are used to create headings:

To create a multiple choice list, you need to add the multiple attribute to the select element:

Select element in HTML5

By holding down the Ctrl key, we can select several elements in such a list:

Select also allows you to group elements using a tag :

Select element in HTML5

Using element groups applies to both drop-down and multiple-select lists.

Very often, when registering or surveying on sites, you are asked to do something selection from dropdown list. For example, select your country from many other countries. All these are different elements of the form, they can be designed in different ways: from simple HTML5 to complex CSS3.

Today we will look at one such example of designing a select field using HTML/CSS and an icon Font Awesome. But we will start, as usual, with document markup.

HTML code

Inside a tag select there are dropdown list items option. In turn, tags select And form nested in a common container div. Tag form must be present if the data will subsequently be sent to the server.

Positioning the container with the class box in the center of the window.

position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

We connect the icon font before the closing tag in advance head.

Styling the selector

We set the dimensions for the selection field - 250x50 pixels and make the fields for the items 10 pixels on all sides.

Box select(
width: 250px;
height: 50px;
padding: 10px;

Removing the frame and stroke:

Border: none;
outline: none;

We specify purple background color, title, color and font size for lists.

Background: #ab05af;
font-family: "Russo One", sans-serif;
color: #fff;
font-size: 20px;

Create a shadow around the field.

Box-shadow: 0 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.3);

Generally select box ready and working, but it looks boring, and the triangle you need to hit with the mouse is very small. And if I thought so, then the designer will think the same, we need to prepare in advance for different options.

Most likely, the designer will replace the tiny triangle with an icon from the font Font Awesome.

It looks much nicer this way, but the code still needs to be written by a layout designer. What could be the solution here? We won't touch HTML code, and use a pseudo-element before.

Before pseudo-element for .box

The first thing to do is to write down the icon code and font name "Font Awesome 5 Free". Choose on the website fontawesome.com the desired icon indicating “selection” and copy its code.

.box::before (
content: "\f150";
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
text-align: center;
line-height: 50px;
color: #fff;
font-size: 28px;
background: #da00e0;
pointer-events: none;

Next, we position it absolutely, specify the dimensions 50x50, the color of the icon is white, the background is light purple. We set a very important property pointer-events: none. This means that the pseudo element before is not the object of the mouse event, but the value none tells the "mouse selection" event to go to the bottom layer and access the element underneath it - that little triangle. The triangle hasn't disappeared, it's just under the pseudo-element before, serving only as decoration. By clicking on the beautiful icon, the “ugly” triangle actually works and we make our choice.

A combo box, also called a drop-down menu, is one of the flexible and convenient form elements. Depending on the settings, you can select one or more values ​​from the list. The advantage of a list is its compactness and versatility; the list can occupy one or several lines, and you can select one or more values ​​from it. The combo box is created as follows.

Tag , which sets the height of the list; the width of the list is determined automatically based on the length of the text inside

Tag attributes , with which you can change the presentation of the list.


The presence of multiple tells the browser to display the element's contents


Defines a unique element name the multiple attribute is added, then you can select more than one item.


Defines the list item value that will be sent to the server. A “name/value” pair is sent to the server, where the name is specified by the name attribute of the tag

Grouping List Items

If the list is quite extensive, it makes sense to group its elements into blocks to ensure the list is visual and easy to work with. The tag is used for this purpose . It is a container inside which tags are located is that it is not highlighted like a regular list element, it is emphasized using bold style, and all elements included in this container are shifted to the right of their original position. To add a group title, use the label attribute, as shown in Example 3.

Example 3: Grouping List Items

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The result of the example is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Grouped list

A dropdown list in HTML can be created using a tag select. In addition to the drop-down (or "drop-down") list, the tag select allows you to create a list item with multiple selection. Tag usage syntax select The HTML looks like this:

Here using the tag option list elements are specified.

Result of application:

Electronics Syroezhkin Chizhikov Kukushkina

SELECT tag attributes

Let's look at the tag attributes select:

  • name
  • size- number of displayed lines in the list (number);
  • multiple- enables the function of multiple selection of drop-down list elements;
  • disabled- blocks access to the element;
  • form- allows you to bind a drop-down list to a form (may be necessary if the list itself is outside the form to which it should be linked). The form id is passed as an argument.

Perhaps these are all the main attributes of the tag select which are most often used. Let's now see how to make a dropdown list in HTML using the specified attributes:

Dropdown list using HTML - Nubex

OPTION tag attributes

Tag option, as already noted, allows you to define children of the dropdown list select, which, in turn, plays the role of a container. Tag option has its own attributes:

  • disabled- sets a ban on selecting a given list element;
  • label- allows you to set a label for the current list element (instead of the text specified in the tag, the value of the label is displayed, which allows you to display an abbreviated value); Please note: this attribute is not supported in Firefox.
  • selected- the current list item will be selected by default;
  • value- the value that will be transferred to the server;

Let's look at an advanced use case for the tag option:

The result of the example above will look like this:

Mr. Electronics Syroezhkin Chizhikov Kukushkina

The Nubex website builder allows you to create custom forms using the form builder module. The operation of drop-down lists in Nubex is described in the article: