What are headers?

When you hear the word "title" you might think of a tag - but no, this article will talk about tags <h1>…<h6>. </p> <p>The difference between these tags is in the levels: <h1>- this is the first level heading, <h2>- second level heading and so on. The higher the level, the more important the block after the heading is considered; that is, the tag <h6>will be the least significant headline of all presented. In turn, the tag <h1>is considered the most important of all these tags and the second most important for SEO promotion (the first in importance is the <title>, which defines the title of the document).</p> <p>These tags are used to logically format the content of the page, structure it so that the text is divided into logical parts, and the material is more easily perceived by readers.</p> <p><b>Important addition:</b> tags <h1>…<h6>not used to highlight text; if you need to make a phrase bold, use the tag <strong>, but not <h6>(if the style of this heading is simply bold).</p> <h2>How to use headings?</h2> <p>Rule number one</span><span>- there should be on the page</span><b>only one</b> tag <h1>. </p> <p>Rule number two</span><span>- title with tag</span><b><h1> </b> it should be <b>the largest</b><span>, while the rest of the headers <h2>…<h6>should be smaller (the size varies depending on the level, the lower the level, the smaller the header size): <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/timeweb.com/media/default/0001/01/646a24a81bbb4399103014c3b4bef90af9db3efc.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>(if you have now read these lines and realized that your site has been done wrong, then this is already a reason to make some adjustments to the design of the site)</p> <p>Rule number three</span><span>- page structure</span><b>Necessarily</b> must have <b>hierarchy</b><span>. That is, you can't use the header first <h1>and then immediately <h4>or <h5>- after the first level comes the second level, which means after <h1>tag should go <h2>- and nothing else. The point here is not only in the abstract “correct”, but in the very design of the material, which for adequate perception must lend itself to some kind of logic.</p> <p>Rule number four</span><span>- title tags</span><b>doubles</b>: </p> <b><h1> </b> Article title <b></h1> </b> <p>Introduction.</p> <b><h2> </b><span>Article title 1</span><b></h2> </b> <span> <p>Part of article 1.</p> </span> <b> <h3> </b><span>Subtitle of Article 1</span><b></h3> </b> <span> <p>Point 1 of part 1.</p> </span> <b> <h3> </b><span>Subtitle of Article 2</span><b></h3> </b> <span> <p>Point 2 of part 1.</p> </span> <p>The tips below apply to headings of all levels, be it the first level <h1>or one of the levels below.</p> <p>Headings should:</p> <ul><li><span>be arranged in a hierarchical order;</span></li> <li><span>do not end with a period;</span></li> <li><span>have meaning, convey the idea of ​​the text following it (and not just “let it be”);</span></li> <li><span>be even in small articles that can be divided into several parts;</span></li> <li><span>have no grammatical errors (the presence of such may reduce the relevance of the title).</span></li> </ul><p>Other tips to give when writing headlines:</p> <ul><li><span>Don’t overuse headings and make a lot of them on the page <h2>…<h6>- search bots may regard this as over-optimization of the site or spam;</span></li> <li><span>titles should contain direct occurrences of keywords, as this will increase the relevance of the page in relation to this request; however, too much keyword density will not be a plus - search bots will ignore detailed headings due to over-optimization;</span></li> <li><span>headers should be</span><b>unique</b><span>(repeated titles may not be taken into account by search engines);</span></li> <li><span>the title should be close to the beginning of the document (that is, the beginning of the HTML code): the higher the title, the higher the value it has (compared to other elements of the page);</span></li> <li><span>the desired title length is no more than 60 characters; this is due to search engines that accept a certain number of characters (and a long title may not be fully processed).</span></li> </ul><p>Separately, we can say about</span><b>header design</b><span>- it will be great if all the headings on the page are different from other text (even if we are not talking about <h1>, and about <h5>or <h6>). You can somehow highlight the headings stylistically, for example, put them on a colored plate or highlight them in a font.</p> <p>And subheadings can be numbered, with numbers in the form of pictures. Both convenient and beautiful.</p> <h2>How to use a tag <h1></h2> <p>Tag <h1>has its differences from other tags, so we need to talk about it separately. Here you can give the following tips:</p> <ul><li><span>the page should only contain</span><b>one</b> tag <h1>; </li> <li><span>tag <h1>should be on</span><b>each</b> page;</li> <li><span>tag <h1>must be different from <title>, but not radically;</span></li> <li><span>tag <h1>should not consist only of <a href="https://gamevid.ru/en/repair/kak-sdelat-bolshe-klyuchei-v-direkte-operatory-klyuchevyh/">keywords</a>, they are best used in diluted form;</span></li> <li><span>tag <h1>should encourage reading the article, so when coming up with it, it is recommended to use tips regarding “catchy” headlines;</span></li> <li><span>Punctuation should not be used.</span></li> </ul><h2>What does the heading structure look like?</h2> <p>To understand what structure a page should have, look at this plan: <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/timeweb.com/media/default/0001/01/6da73912335d6fd8f5a4e1756ff17f7f22e2fc2a.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Common mistakes</h2> <p>You need to especially pay attention to the correct markup when using free CMS and individual templates - in some cases <h1>and subheadings of other levels may not be at all where they should be (for example, <h3>highlights block headers). This is common in WordPress, so if you see sidebar widgets have title tags, change them to something else (such as ).</p> <p>Also, sometimes titles include some extraneous elements like an image or a link, and this negatively affects SEO.</p> <p>Another common mistake is having multiple tags on a page. <h1>. This tag should be one and only one.</p> <p>Often tags <h1>…<h6>may be incorrectly formatted in the visual text editor in the admin panel: they are not closed, left empty, or include a lot of text there. It is important not only</span><i>What</i><span>you write in the headlines, but also</span><i>How</i><span>you will do it - therefore</span><b>follow the design</b>. </p> <p>If we return to the text, then the errors are standard: too many keywords, punctuation marks, and so on (all this has already been written about above). However, it is important to remember about the content of the title itself - it must be related to the text. which comes next.</p> <p>That is <b>The header should do its job</b><span>. Because when he doesn't do it, problems begin.</p> <p>By the way, there are mistakes on the contrary - when, instead of putting a title tag, they put tags <p>AND <span>with some style.</p> <p>It also happens that, after reading everything above, a person decides to abandon headings and not use them in small texts. And here you need to understand that almost any text can be divided into small parts and titled accordingly.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>If you want to use SEO to increase conversions on your site, then you need to be careful about the headings on your site pages and their design. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to follow the tips listed in this article, and do not forget that the main thing for whom you are writing headlines and doing the right design is site visitors (and not search bots).</p> <p>3 main levels of text hierarchy that allow the designer to attract attention and direct the user to further reading. <br></p> <h1>Levels of typographic hierarchy</h1> <p>The design of headings and subheadings is a very important part of any interface. Headings and subheadings allow you to create a visual hierarchy, draw attention to the main content, and encourage the reader to read further.</p> <p>There are three main levels of typographic hierarchy:</p> <ul><li><b>First level</b>– this is the title itself. The task of this level is to attract the reader and lead him in the direction of the second level.</li> <li><b>Second level</b>- these are subheadings, quotes, descriptions and everything else that goes separately from the main text, but in its support. The purpose of this level is to increase the scannability of the text and push the reader to further reading.</li> <li><b>Third level</b>– this is our main text. The goal of this level is to get out of the user's way. We must not interfere or draw attention to anything that could distract the user and lead him away from the page. The user decides whether to proceed to this level based on the previous two.</li> </ul><h1>First level (header)</h1> <p>The main goal of the first level is to attract readers and motivate them to continue (start) reading our text. Reading large blocks of text is quite difficult and time-consuming, so you need to <span>offer the reader a benefit</span> in the title.</p> <p>On average, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, and only 2 out of 10 will read the rest of the text. Therefore, maximum information content is important for the title.</p> <p>The title should be the most visually prominent element on the page. Typically, the main heading is contained in the H1 tag.</p> <p>To highlight the title, you can use standard visual highlighting techniques:</p> <ul><li><b>Contrast</b>– the title should be sufficiently contrasting in relation to the other elements.</li> <li><b>Size</b>– Increasing the text size for the heading is the easiest way to make this element stand out.</li> <li><b>Typeface</b> is another way to highlight a title. You can make the title text bold, super bold, or italic. This will allow the text to stand out.</li> <li><b>Space</b>– to more clearly identify the title, you need to add free space around it. So that the user clearly knows that this is the main element on the page, and they need to focus their attention on it.</li> </ul><h1>Second level (subheading)</h1> <p>The subheading has a similar purpose to the heading, only on a smaller scale. Subheadings are also used to direct the reader to read further in the text and help hold the attention that the headline attracts.</p> <p>The subtitle, together with other secondary elements, should maintain interest and make the reader want to read the text in more detail.</p> <p>Also, subheadings allow <span>structure the text and create a hierarchy</span> On the page. They allow a person to understand where he can start reading and where he can stop, in order to take in the maximum amount of useful information.</p> <p>To highlight subheadings, you must use the same methods as to highlight headings. But at the same time, you need to remember that the subheading is one level lower than the heading, and one level higher than simple text. You need to visually match this. The subheading should not stand out more than the title or less than the regular text.</p> <h1>Third level</h1> <p>There is usually a lot of information presented at this level (the body of your information), so it should be as readable and non-distracting as possible. You must <span>enable the reader to concentrate on reading the text and not disturb</span> to him.</p> <ul><li>The text should be in contrast to the background. The user should be able to read the text without any additional effort.</li> <li>It is better to use a single-color background and refrain from using textures as a background, as they make it difficult for the user to perceive information.</li> <li>The text size should be comfortable to read. There is no need to refine or make this text too small. If the text is difficult to read, the user simply will not read it.</li> <li>If you have links at this level, they should be different from the main text. The user must understand where the link is in the text and what will happen when it is clicked.</li> </ul> <p>Hello, friends! We are glad to welcome you to Andrey and Dasha’s blog – Thebizfromscratch. It’s been a while since we wrote anything about SEO, and in this article we want to catch up, because the topic for today is the Impact of Headings H1, H2 – H6 on Website Promotion. We will tell you what rules and principles we use to write headings on our blog and hope that our experience will be useful to you.</p> <h2><span>How to correctly place meta tags H1, H2…H6</span></h2> <p>So, when creating a publication, we write meta tags in the following order:</p> <p>It is the most significant heading, therefore it is customary to include in h1 tags the main search key, preferably diluted with neutral words, i.e. diluted title.</p> <p>The next most important heading is the one used to highlight the low-frequency query matched to the main query.</p> <ol><li><b>H3, H4,H5, H6</b></li> </ol><p>In fact, they do not have much influence on promotion. However, including keywords in them can lead to over-optimization, which will only cause a negative response from search bots. Therefore, we use these meta tags only for the beautiful structuring of the article. To make it more convenient for visitors to read and immediately understand where one thought ends and another begins. Moreover, do not forget that all posts are written exclusively for readers and you should not get carried away with the frequent repetition of the same words/phrases.</p> <p>And so that the information mentioned above is correctly understood, let's look at an example! Let's say you wrote an article for the search query - “How to make a website.” This phrase must be entered in the Title field and repeated at least 2 times without changes in the text itself. Or, as many people do, they repeat the search query once every 1000 characters. <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/thebizfromscratch.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/syuda-tittle.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If you further need to highlight the structure, then feel free to use H2 containing a low-frequency query. Again, within the framework of the example - “How to make a high-quality website using the WordPress engine.” Write the rest of the meta tags without keywords. <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/thebizfromscratch.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/struktura.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <ol><li>Do not include links to other promoted pages in your titles. The link code will be regarded by search engines as keywords and will only harm your ranking.</li> <li>Don't place lower order headings above more important ones. H1 should come first, then H2 and then in increasing order. A tree structure should emerge.</li> <li>It is recommended to use H1 once, H2 no more than 3 times, and H3-H6 as many times as necessary (only without keys and only if necessary).</li> </ol><p>Perhaps these were the basic principles and rules that we use when preparing articles. We hope that the topic - the influence of headings H1, H2 - H6 on website promotion - has been covered and you have found useful information for yourself. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments, we will try to help.</p> <p>Which determine the level of importance of headings on the page.</p> <p>Accordingly, the h1 heading is the most important and the h6 heading the least. Thanks to these tags, the correct hierarchy of the page structure is created.</p> <p>Headings briefly express the main idea, which is revealed in more detail in the text. After reading the title, the site visitor makes a decision: stay on the page and continue reading the document or leave the site.</p> <p>That is, the main purpose of headings is to attract the user's attention.</p> <p>But we must not forget that thanks to headings, the webmaster creates a competent hierarchy, structure of content on the page, convenience for consuming content, which directly affects the SEO optimization of the resource.</p> <p>By analyzing headlines, search robots evaluate the overall relevance and relevance of the information presented on the page to the user.</p> <h2>Headings in the article</h2> <p>Visually, the headings in the body of the document look like this:</p> <p>It can be seen that each heading, depending on its significance, differs in font size. Thus, the entire structure of the article becomes clear to the reader, and the material is more accessible and easily digestible.</p> <h2>Headers in code</h2> <p>When viewing an HTML document, there is no such obvious visual difference between the headings. The markup looks like this:</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/zagolovki-h1-h6-v-kode.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>A more clear example in code:</p> <p>Everything here is clear and logical: each heading is specified by the corresponding HTML tag of its level.</p> <h2>Heading Hierarchy</h2> <p>When designing a website page, you must use headings. But this needs to be done logically and thoughtfully. There is a strict order of h1-h6 tags in the body of the document.</p> <p>Every page starts with an h1 heading. It always comes first and only, never repeating itself in the structure of the article.</p> <p>For example, on our website it looks like this:</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/primer-h1.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>The second most important is the h2 heading, which can appear several times, depending on the volume and semantic load of the content.</p> <p>Very often, this h2 header is enough for a competent and correct page design. But it also happens that you have to use the following heading: h3.</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/primer-h2-h3.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>The h3 heading is used within the text indicated by the h2 heading, dividing the content into additional meaningful sections.</p> <p>As a rule, the h4 heading is the last one in the article hierarchy and is rarely used. That is, we can say that the h5 and h6 headings are not used at all. But this does not mean that they cannot be used. If there is a need, then it is worth remembering about them.</p> <p><b>Main</b>- you need to care about the ease of perception of the material by the user.</p> <p>As an example, I will give the correct hierarchy of the article:</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ierarhia.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><h2>Why h1 is the most important</h2> <p>The h1 heading is the general heading of the entire document, so it can only be used once.</p> <p>It is the main one, since it is by it that the user judges the content of the article and decides whether to read it or not.</p> <p>In order to create a good h1 heading that will convey the essence of the document, you need to understand how h1 differs from title and know the basic requirements for its composition.</p> <h2>Why should h1 be different from Title?</h2> <p>Title is also the main title of the document, but it is indicated not only for site visitors, but also for search robots. You can see the title on the search results page or in a browser tab with an open site page.</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/primer-title-v-serp.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Example of title display in search results <p>H1 Heading should be different from Title because they have different purpose.</p> <p><b>Firstly.</b> A properly composed h1 heading should attract the user’s attention and meet his expectations so that the article is wanted to be read. Visitors can also see this heading under your other articles or in sections of the site. An interesting h1 heading can encourage the visitor to move on to another article and spend even more time on your resource, which can have a beneficial effect on behavioral factors.</p> <p><b>Secondly.</b> The h1 header indicates to search engines that the content located on this page matches the title heading that was previously examined by the user on the search results page.</p> <p><b>And the main task of title</b>- is to be optimized for search queries. Read more about title compilation in.</p> <p>The same title and h1 in itself is not considered spam. And in some topics this is justified, because it is difficult to make these tags different.</p> <p>But by repeating their content you are not giving the search engine anything new. Therefore, it is advisable to sharpen them for different purposes. Title - mainly for SEO. H1 - for conversion and marketing. This is ideal, but the implementation itself depends on the specific situation.</p> <h2>Requirements for h1</h2> <ul><li>You should try to make the h1 heading short, but at the same time as informative as possible. Ideally, no more than 5-7 words.</li><li>It is not recommended to repeat the h1 heading on the same page several times. The main rule: one page - one h1 heading.</li><li>The title is placed at the top of the entire document.</li><li>You cannot use lower priority headings h2, h3, etc. before the h1 heading.</li> </ul><p>There is an unspoken belief that the length of the h1 heading should not exceed 50 characters. But it is not critical if this limit is exceeded. Everything is individual and depends on the content of the page.</p> <p>In the h1 header, as in the title, it is recommended to use keywords. If you can do this in the exact occurrence of the query, great. If this is not possible, then the request can be diluted. The main thing is that the title is readable and understandable.</p> <h2>How to make a headline catchy</h2> <p>First of all, you need to understand that a person is not looking for any specific product or service, but a solution to his problem. And the title should be aimed at exactly this.</p> <p>There are many techniques for writing an attractive headline. Let's look at some of them.</p> <h3>Solving the user's problem</h3> <p>For example, you can write two different headings:</p> <ul><li>"Have a headache? Get rid of headaches in a week!"</li><li>"Is it possible to get rid of a headache?"</li> </ul><p>IN <a href="https://gamevid.ru/en/repair/kak-nastroit-temu-v-vordpress-kakie-varianty-resheniya/">this option</a>, the first headline will be more successful than the second. Since it is he who tells the user that his problem will be definitely solved within a certain period of time.</p> <h3>We intrigue the visitor</h3> <p>Again, for example, two header options:</p> <ul><li>"We share the most <a href="https://gamevid.ru/en/news/effektivnye-metody-udaleniya-bannera-vymogatelya-vinlokera-windows-zablokirovan---virus-prosit-otpr/">effective method</a> headache treatment!</li><li>"A good method for treating headaches!"</li> </ul><p>The first headline will be more attractive to the visitor.</p> <h3>"Exam" method</h3> <p>This method of composing headlines provokes the user to open the article in order to test their own knowledge. For example:</p> <ul><li>“Do you know for sure that you are dealing with headaches correctly?”</li><li>“Do you know everything about fighting headaches?”</li> </ul><p>The first option is again more successful than the second.</p> <p>When writing headlines, you need to strive to ensure that they are concise, informative and attractive to visitors. But you need to walk the line between attractiveness and clickbait. The title must correspond to the content of the document, and that, in turn, must meet the user's expectations.</p> <h2>How to use h2-h6 headings</h2> <ul><li>It is necessary to understand that the smallest heading cannot be present in the text that does not have a larger heading. For example, if a document contains an h3 heading, then it must be preceded by an h2 heading.</li><li>The higher the priority of the heading, the larger its font size should be. In all known CMSs, this function is usually implemented by default.</li><li>Each heading should be succinct and informative, reflecting the main essence of the material that follows it.</li><li>h2-h6 tags should not include others <a href="https://gamevid.ru/en/ipod/ispolzovanie-tega-footer-dlya-sozdaniya-podvala-na-stranice-novye-tegi/">HTML tags</a> or markup elements.</li><li>Don't spam your headlines with keywords. As a rule, queries are used when composing title and h1. You can use keywords in h2-h6 headers, but you should do so with caution. The main thing is to reveal the essence of the information that follows the title.</li><li>You need to remember that Yandex search results may contain h2-h3 headings instead of title.</li> </ul><p>There is no need to try to insert all levels of headings into the text, guided by the principle of “so that it is”. If the amount of information is small, then there may not be headers h2-h6. First of all, you need to use common sense, focusing on how convenient it is to read your text. And, of course, it is necessary to respect the hierarchy of headings that we talked about earlier.</p> <h2>Common mistakes in using h1-h6 headings</h2> <p>Often, when composing h1-h6 headers, webmasters make the same mistakes. Let's look at them in more detail.</p> <ul><li>There are several h1 headings on the page. This is the most serious mistake, which, oddly enough, occurs most often. The main rule: one document - one h1 heading.</li><li>Heading hierarchy is not respected. Not everyone understands this point, believing that they have the right to format the text as they please. Search engines think differently. The heading hierarchy must be respected.</li><li>Headings made up of keywords. You can use keys in headers, but only within reason. You should not format several keys in the form of a title, separated by commas. Typically, headers contain keys in order of priority. That is, the h1 header includes the highest-frequency query, and the h6 header (if used) includes the low-frequency query.</li><li>You shouldn't use h2-h6 tags in menu items or other headings that don't relate to the content.</li> </ul><h2>How to write h1-h6 headings in WordPress</h2> <p>The most common content management system. Therefore, let's look at it in more detail.</p> <p>The h1 heading is written in the field above the main content of the document:</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/wordpress-dobavit-zagolovok-h1.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>The remaining heading levels h2-h4 are formatted as follows. The text is written and converted into a title:</p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/wordpress-vibor-zagolovkov.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>Then select the required header level:</p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/wordpress-zagolovki-h2-h4.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p>You can also switch from the visual editor to the code editor to view title tags in the following format:</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/webmasterie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/wordpess-zagolovok-v-kode.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><h2>FAQ</h2> <p><b>Is it possible to use an h1 header multiple times in HTML 5?</b></p> <p>HTML 5 in its rules allows the use of multiple h1 headings. But I specifically wrote with this question to , to which they answered me that it is recommended to use h1 only once, even in HTML 5.</p> <p><b>Is it necessary to use an h1 heading on the home page?</b></p> <p>Not necessarily, if this cannot be done, then you don’t have to use it.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>Using headings in a document allows you to make the text more user-friendly. When composing headings, you need to respect their hierarchy and take care of the attractiveness and capacity of the text. Headings should not be clickbait or yellow. Each heading should correspond to the text that follows it.</p> <p>Proper design of the material will allow you to improve <a href="https://gamevid.ru/en/instructions/povedencheskih-faktorov-povedencheskie-faktory-delyatsya-metody/">behavioral factors</a> site, and therefore will have a positive impact on the ranking of your resource in search results.</p> <p>This article was written primarily for aspiring content managers who are only involved in adding articles written by other people, but can be applied by authors themselves, as well as all other roles involved in creating and publishing content.</p> <p>The purpose of the article: to show the basic rules of how to optimize articles for keywords.</p> <p>Here and further we are talking about information sites that consist of articles aimed at attracting users from search engines. In cases, for example, with commercial sites that sell goods and services, these principles may differ.</p><p>Keywords are search queries that, by entering them into a search engine, the user will be directed to our website. From the point of view of search engines, the headings and subheadings of the text play a significant role in the document’s compliance with keywords and they need to be “optimized” first.</p> <p>We will divide the headings into 3 groups:</p> <ul><li>Subheadings in the body of the page (H2-H3).</li> </ul><p><b>Meta tag</b><b>Title</b>– located at the top of the browser and most often appears in search results <a href="https://gamevid.ru/en/news/chto-soderzhit-lyubaya-poiskovaya-sistema-poiskovye-sistemy-sostav-funkcii/">search engine</a>(in the snippet).</p> <p>At the same time, if the keyword that the user types is contained in the Title page, then it is highlighted accordingly, thereby providing greater click-through rate.</p> <p>Based on this, we can conclude that the Title should contain the main keyword, which, if possible, should be located as close to the beginning as possible. In addition, this title is in the snippet <a href="https://gamevid.ru/en/repair/kak-otklyuchit-personalizaciyu-vydachi-v-poiskovyh-sistemah-personalizirovannyi/">search results</a> must describe the article in a favorable light so that the user wants to click on the link. However, there is no need to deceive users’ expectations; if you write in the Title something that is not in the content of the article, the user will be disappointed and leave the page without finishing reading it.</p> <p>But usually articles are optimized not only for 1 keyword, there can be 3, 5, 10, 15 and even 50 and 100, but the more frequent the request (the more often it is requested in the search engine), the more valuable it is for the site, and the most popular keyword is <i>main</i>.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/seostop.ru/sites/default/files/seo-article-2.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>As stated above, we place the main keyword at the beginning of the Title, then add additional keywords that would better reveal the article regarding its content. No more than 2-3. If there are no such keywords, then we add words that will better tell the user what he will “get” by clicking on the link, and will differentiate the article from competitors’ pages.</p> <p>It is highly undesirable to use tautologies within the Title; the use of synonyms is encouraged to cover a larger number of search queries.</p> <p>I also recommend looking at successful competitors in order to better understand the principles of composing titles, but you absolutely cannot copy their titles, no matter how clickable they may seem, you need to rebuild.</p> <p>Only 1 strategy for composing Title headings was described above. In addition, it may contain a question and an explanation. This is in cases where the list of keywords contains frequent queries with questions.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/seostop.ru/sites/default/files/seo-article-3.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>But this is not always the case, you need to look at the search results, and if, for a query with questions, there are sites on the top lines without the content of the question, then it is better to write the Title without the question.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/seostop.ru/sites/default/files/seo-article-4.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>There are also the concepts of direct and diluted occurrence of a key. Under <b>direct</b> implies the inclusion in the title of the key query in the form in which it is requested in the search engine, and <b>dilution</b> They call the splitting of a key phrase with some additional word or at least its declension, a change in word form.</p> <p>Usually the Title includes a direct entry, but you need to look at the search engine results and adjust the strategy based on it. You can also use punctuation marks such as em dashes (don't use en dashes instead) and colons to make them more attractive. We do not put a period at the end of a sentence; other punctuation marks, in particular the question mark, are allowed.</p> <p><b>Page title</b><b>H1</b>– is located on the page itself, as a rule, at the very beginning and represents the title of the article in the classical sense.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/seostop.ru/sites/default/files/seo-article-5.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In addition, this title appears in teasers of articles inside the site, and when reading it, a person should understand what the article is about and how interesting it will be to read.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/seostop.ru/sites/default/files/seo-article-6.png' height="626" width="624" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The site owner’s task is to ensure as many page views as possible for each unique visitor. In addition to this purpose, this type of title must also contain a keyword. As a rule, either a diluting occurrence of the main keyword is used here, see the example.</p> <p>If the main keyword query is “Antidepressants without a prescription,” then the H1 headline could be “Best Antidepressants Without a Prescription.”</p> <p>You can also change the keyword more significantly “TOP 10 safe antidepressants”, that is, here the word “doctor” is excluded altogether. But it is better to use this technique with caution.</p> <p>But sometimes you can include the main key without changes. "Antidepressants without a prescription: the best safe drugs."</p> <p>In addition, it is also possible to use a synonym for the main keyword instead of itself. A synonym for the word “drug” is “sedative.” The synonym is selected from the context. Instead of a synonym, you can introduce a generalization - “drug”. Or you can use both a synonym/generalization and a main query.</p> <p>These are not all the techniques; here you also need to look at your competitors and differentiate yourself from them.</p> <p>You need to remember that the purpose of the H1 header is to sell the idea of ​​reading the article, so it can be written more beautifully, and not just for the purpose of introducing a keyword. For such “marketing” tasks, you can also use punctuation marks, such as a colon, to add a little intrigue, but of course you cannot resort to yellow headline techniques.</p> <p><b>Subheadings in the body of the article (</b><b>H2-</b><b>H3)</b>– these subheadings structure the text into thematic sections. In many sites, based on these subheadings, the “content” of the page is formed, which serves as navigation.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/seostop.ru/sites/default/files/seo-article-7.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In these queries, on the contrary, it is undesirable to use the main keyword if it was used in Title and H1, but if we used a synonym for the main query in H1, then it can be used in one form or another in these headings. The use of synonyms is encouraged, especially if they have not been used elsewhere.</p> <p>But there are exceptions. If the subtitle is a stable phrase that people are accustomed to perceive in a certain form. For example, when describing a line of animal food, the subheadings will be the names themselves, then the names should be written as they are usually written, and not through synonyms or split occurrences.</p> <p>In addition, sometimes the content of subheadings ends up in the search engine snippet instead of the Title. Sometimes H1 gets there too, but rarely.</p> <p>The rules for composing subheadings are not strict; in some topics it is very difficult to select synonyms, and sometimes it is impossible not to use keywords in subheadings.</p> <p>When optimizing with a subtitle, you need to adhere to the following principles:</p> <ul><li>they should be more or less concise and succinct, but it is better to avoid one-word options;</li> <li>should look advantageous in the content, because the user sees the content of the article at the very beginning, and based on it, in many cases he decides to continue reading.</li> </ul><p>Also, some authors have the sin of using the same subheadings as a template for many articles, for example, this is popular when describing medicines, feed, but it is undesirable to do this; if possible, you need to dilute and uniqueize them.</p> <p>H2 means a second level subheading, and H3 means a third level (subheading). When designing subheadings, it is very important to maintain hierarchy. That is, H2 comes first and only then H3. There must be at least 2 headings for each level.</p> <p>It is considered good practice to have 1 subheading for every 700–1000 characters. H3 subheadings can be used more often if this is required to structure the text.</p> <p>When publishing an article, as a rule, the content manager already has a list of keywords and has data on their frequency. Then everything is simple, but when writing some articles the semantic core is not used and when publishing such articles you have to obtain data on keywords.</p> <p>Here it is important to be able to use search query statistics from Yandex wordstat.yandex.ru and analyze competitors.</p> <p>Using the selection method or from competitors’ headings, we select 1 main and several auxiliary keywords.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/seostop.ru/sites/default/files/seo-article-8.png' height="845" width="494" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="https://www.acint.net/aci.js";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() //--> </script><br> <br> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> <div class="post-meta"> <div class="post-rating"> <div class="post-rating__title">Article rating:</div> <div id="post-ratings-557" class="post-ratings" data-nonce="79f57c6f5f"><img id="rating_557_1" src="https://gamevid.ru/wp-content/plugins/wp-postratings/images/stars/rating_off.gif" alt="1 Star" title="1 Star" onmouseover="current_rating(557, 1, '1 Звезда');" onmouseout="ratings_off(0, 0, 0);" onclick="rate_post();" onkeypress="rate_post();" style="cursor: pointer; 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