A difficult topic to present. Starting to write these lines, I realize that my human language is very poor and primitive to describe this method of self-knowledge. But, as they say: “If you grab the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.” Are you wondering what a scientist who came from the Orthodox Church can say after communion about higher powers? To be honest, me too.

Because communication with higher powers in official science and Orthodoxy, to put it mildly, is not welcome. In psychology there is a concept beyond the “I” - which means what lies beyond the boundaries of consciousness, in various religions - these are the names of gods and saints, in esoteric teachings - certain entities. For myself, I have always called it that way - communication with higher powers, and just yesterday I learned (thanks to Google and Yandex) that such communication already has its own name - channeling.

Probably each of you has encountered something supernatural in your life. People at all times have tried to achieve communication with otherworldly forces, entering various states. The use of hallucinogenic and poisonous substances, self-torture of the flesh, meditation, going to nirvana, fasting, prayer vigils are various ways to enter into this communication. But if there are higher powers, then there are also lower ones. Whoever strives for whom communicates with him. There is no need to explain who is better to communicate with for self-knowledge.

In my youth I had the opportunity to attend a seance with all the negative consequences of this action. Let me tell you, the feeling of communicating with low people is painful and painful. But I probably should have had this experience in order to learn to distinguish the “wheat from the chaff.”

Various psychological techniques and practices persuaded my consciousness to communicate with the superconscious. And 10 years of spiritual practice strengthened my understanding of the patterns of communication with higher powers.

I will now try to describe these patterns, based on personal experience and testimonies of people walking the path of spiritual self-knowledge.

Perception, awareness, intention and love are the key words to describe the possibility of communication with higher powers. Let's look at them in more detail.

Perception. To communicate with higher powers, it is necessary to achieve an appropriate level of perception of the real world and oneself in this world. You also need to learn to perceive the higher world. The speed of human perception must correspond to the speed of a representative of the higher world. with whom communication takes place. My communication with the higher ones always took place without the use of artificial means, only as a consequence of self-knowledge.

I am sure that everyone can communicate with them this way. But it is difficult to feel, perceive, and realize them without the intervention of the mind; practice is needed. The Internet is replete with descriptions of such practices, but I want to warn gullible readers that a practice that may be suitable for one person will be categorically contraindicated for another and will lead away from the path of self-knowledge. The mind is designed in such a way that it constantly analyzes information from the past or present, or ponders the future. Speculation confuses the reliability of information - it is like a prism through which, when refracted, the meaning can be distorted. Therefore, it is necessary to turn off the internal dialogue - chatting with yourself. Again, existing techniques for shutting off internal dialogue are aimed at eliminating thoughts, not at organizing them. I turn off the internal dialogue by praying from the bottom of my heart with maximum awareness of every word and selfless love for the highest. And then a special state is activated. I call it awareness.

Awareness. My communication with the higher ones is different in that I absolutely clearly feel like the earthly person that I am. I realize who I am, where I am. All earthly parameters of time and space.

I perceive any act of communication with higher powers as an everyday occurrence - I do not fall into borderline emotional states. There is no fear or euphoria. Sometimes this can be expressed in a feeling of a blessed flow of cleansing energy, giving strength, quiet joy and an incredible feeling of love. Sometimes communication occurs through mental images, the quiet voice of intuition. Sometimes these are “signs” of the real world that need awareness: life events, phenomena, meetings with people, books, movies - the Universe communicates with us constantly.

At my request, higher powers usually come out to communicate when I need their help and support, when I declare through inner prayer my readiness to meet with them and that my human strength and capabilities have been exhausted.

Intention. If I need to ask a question, I use intention. Try to understand your feelings when a thought is just getting ready to form into words. This is the intention of meaning. This is a monologue without words. Bodily sensations plus mental images sent with love. This is such a peculiar language.

Communication with superiors is characterized by the absence of strict control and violence over oneself. Because the harder you try and make efforts, the more your attention will concentrate on these efforts.

I have never sought material benefits from such communication and an easy life. Someone will have a natural question: why do I need this then? This is how I understand it. We all come to this Earth in order to fulfill our lessons, and by knowing ourselves, we complete these lessons faster. But self-knowledge is a process. Having completed one lesson, we can begin to complete the next one. In this case, communication with the higher ones will help us on this path. You can call it a check with conscience.

If someone turns to the higher ones with requests for an easy life and earthly enrichment, as the equivalent of this easy life, then this is also possible. The higher ones will help you understand yourself and find exactly your honest way of acquiring earthly goods, exactly your life partner, exactly your way out of a difficult situation.

Trust only your own experience. Each of us can see the same thing, but from different angles. Anyone who wants to get acquainted with an artistic presentation of communication with higher powers, in the library of this home site, you will find an easy-to-read and unique book by Kirill Anzhar. In it, he shares his personal experience of self-discovery through channeling.

Love. Be respectful to your superiors. Put love and light into the intention of communicating with them, and you will definitely receive a response. It's hard to confuse him. The lower ones feed on fears, doubts, aggression and, when communicating, evoke precisely these emotions in people. The higher ones communicate in the universal language of the Universe - the language of love.

Readers often ask about how to strengthen their connection to higher powers, the Divine - connection to the Higher Self, spiritual guides and their spiritual family.

These are not answers to all questions, but just thoughts on how stay in touch with your senior management, which can significantly help us in our travels.

With an ever-increasing number of souls beginning to awaken, it seems that this could be very beneficial.

You are always in touch, but...

The first thing you need to understand is that you are never alone: ​​you may not feel it, but you are always connected to your Higher Self, spiritual guides and spiritual family.

They always listen and always respond to you and send messages. The only question is whether you accept these messages or not, whether you hear the information being transmitted to you.

The communication mode may vary. Some people can literally HEAR messages - they hear the sounds of words (this is called clairaudience).

But most of us don't have that kind of clairaudience, at least not yet.

For the majority of people, communication and guidance coming from their Higher Self and guides come in the form of intuition: unexpected thoughts that come to mind as if by chance; ideas that suddenly pop into your head and the feelings associated with them.

Keep in mind that a spirit usually communicates with us in a whisper - a gentle whisper in our head and our heart, it will almost never scream.

His messages are so subtle that it is very easy to not hear them or to dismiss them as just our imagination.

Many people are so busy and their analytical minds chattering so loudly that they don't notice or hear the subtle messages coming from the spirit.

Even if they detect them, their rational minds are likely to reject or ignore these messages.

So it seems like we have no connection! And indeed, there is no active connection, but only because you were unable to receive the messages.

Another way the spirit communicates with you is through signs and symbols transmitted to you by the outside world.

Often this method of communication is more specific and unambiguous than messages coming through your intuition, and spirit uses it as an auxiliary channel of communication when appropriate.

As always, you must pay attention and trust what you see and feel for such a channel to be effective.

Let's first explore the reasons why you are not receiving your intuitive messages and what you can do to correct the situation.

Top 3 Reasons Why You're Not Receiving Messages

The first three reasons why you are not receiving messages sent to you are:

1.You don't notice them because you are too busy and distracted.
2.You can't hear them because they are drowning in too much psychic noise.
3.You don't trust them and simply ignore or reject them.

Let's look at each reason in more detail and discuss the findings.

Busy and distracted

People often do not notice intuitive messages coming from spirit because they are too busy and their attention is distracted by hectic daily life.

They are immersed in affairs, problems and events; interaction with friends, family, colleagues; into any other type of concern, and they simply do not pay attention to messages from the spirit.

These messages are usually very subtle, so you really have to pay attention to recognize them.

We are all busy people to one degree or another, and we can be very busy at times - this is not unusual.

But if you want to have a good connection with spirit, you still need to try to set aside some quiet and secluded time, preferably every day.

A short period of time where you slow down, relax, and have the opportunity to hear and feel the connection and messages that come through it.

This could be some form of daily meditation if that type of activity resonates with you. Any quiet time will work: solo walks in nature, running, gardening, whatever.

Anything you enjoy doing that relaxes you, leads you to relative thoughtlessness, will allow the relatively subtle thoughts and feelings of your intuition to be heard.

If you can't find time for solitude every day, then don't worry - every other day is also good.

In my personal case, sitting quietly and still is not for me, so meditation is not for me. I prefer secluded walks in nature and in the mountains. I don't do this every day, but quite often.

Exercise and being outdoors seem to revitalize me, and some of my best ideas, inspiration, and explicit messages come to me during and after them.

What works best for you? Please share in the comments below because you may be able to help other people with your ideas.

2. Mental noise

People often don't hear messages from spirit because their minds are busy solving the problems of everyday life.

The constant chatter of our analytical and egoistic mind is psychic noise that can drown out incoming messages delivered through our intuition.

Messages from spirit are as quiet as a whisper and can easily be further weakened by our thoughts, fears and worries.

You need to regularly set aside time to quiet your mind so that you can hear the guidance and information coming from your Higher Self and guides.

Any quiet time will work, but the less physical sensory stimulation, the better.

Of course, meditation serves this purpose very well if it resonates with you.

It turns down the volume of our mind and reduces worry, stress and anxiety, which are the main sources of noise and prevent us from hearing divine messages.

In meditation, you turn off the external world and immerse yourself in the inner world, which is your portal into the field of consciousness and facilitates listening to messages from spirit.

The immortal essence of all beings is pure consciousness, and we are all part of a single field of consciousness, which is why immersion within ourselves is important for getting in touch.

If meditation doesn't work for you, then do whatever it takes to relax and calm your mind. Absolute Zen, such as complete detachment, is not required.

Often, any repetitive, relatively easy, low-brain task that you enjoy can serve this purpose.

Calming your mind in any way on a regular basis is the best first step. This will allow you to hear relatively subtle thoughts and feelings from your intuition.

3. Not trusting your intuition

Perhaps the biggest problem with receiving messages from Spirit is that you notice incoming messages, but your rational mind rejects or ignores them.

You don't have a sense of trust that they are meant for you and that they matter to you. This is one of the main reasons why people don't feel like they have a connection with spirit.

They notice messages, but immediately ignore or dismiss them because their rational mind doesn't understand or trust intuitive communication or views those thoughts and feelings as impractical, unrealistic, stupid, or whatever.

Developing Trust in Your Intuition

To create a functional channel of communication with spirit, you must learn to trust your intuition.

This is very difficult for many because of the rational approach that our culture instills in us.

You cannot expect the process of communicating with spirit to follow rational rules: the rational model of the world was developed based on the study of the material world, and in this case we are not dealing with the material world.

Try to keep an open mind and pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings, as well as the things you see and hear around you.

Firstly, it is really helpful to know that your Higher Self and guides are always in touch with you and their main way of communicating with you is through your intuition.

You must trust that you are being listened to and responded to. And you must believe that you are capable of getting the answers.

Don't expect this trust to be developed overnight. This happens, but more often it may take some time.

If you set the intention to achieve better connection, it will happen.

Take action and tell your Higher Self, guides, and spiritual family (out loud or in your mind) that you want to establish ongoing contact with them.

Then all you have to do is start paying attention to your thoughts and feelings and what is happening around you.

Most likely, the beginning will be small coincidences and synchronicities. Make it a habit to observe them and write them down.

Also get into the habit of asking questions about what worries you. Start with some small thing that you want to happen that day.

The goal is to make small successes that will increase your confidence that your channel of communication with spirit is open and working.

After asking for help with something, pay attention to what appears.

Sometimes the answer comes in the form of what you desired. Another time a helpful person will appear or you may stumble upon some useful information.

Often the answer will be as an inspiring idea or thoughts in your head.

Sometimes it will be obvious that an idea comes from spirit because there was absolutely no precedent for the idea in your previous thinking - it just came out of the blue.

Trust that these are truly messages from spirit meant for you, and allow yourself to gain confidence and experience in how communication with spirit occurs.

Ask them to send you a sign of their presence

One way to build your conviction and trust is to simply ask them send you a sign of their presence.

They will give you the sign that they know will be the best to convince you. This could be something very personal since they know you better than you know yourself.

Some traditional signs that may be offered by your angelic guides are as simple as they come: they place a coin or feathers in your path, perhaps repeating this several times.

But honestly, it could be anything, so keep an open mind and pay attention to everything.

Another way they can show their presence around you is through repeating numbers.

If you see numbers such as: 11:11, 444 or any other number that appears repeatedly and often or in rapid succession in a way that seems incredible, then it very much looks like it is a high-five greeting from the other side.

The repeating numbers are how my mentors initially got my attention.

After they realized that I noticed their frequent and incredible repeating numbers, they helped me stumble upon the book Angel Numbers 101, which explains what they mean.

As the book points out, not only do your guides receive your attention with repeating numbers, but they can be used as code messages and are an alternative communication channel that complements and backs up your intuition.

Ask for a presence sign you can not only when you initially try to establish a connection. You can do this whenever you feel that the connection is weakening or if doubts come to you, and you need to be sure of their presence.

They will be very happy to give you a sign of their presence any time you need confirmation.

They want you to trust their messages, and they know how important it is for you to believe in their presence.

I've done this myself many times. Sometimes I get busy or stressed and get distracted by my work and the world and start to feel like I'm disconnected.

When I'm in this state, I just say out loud, “You know, guys (that's how I address my mentors - “you guys”), I'm feeling really disconnected, and it would be very reassuring to have a sign of your presence.”

The sign always comes, and sometimes in the most surprising and delightful way!

Here's an outline of how to manage your primary channel of communication with spirit through your intuitive channel. But there is an alternative communication channel that you should be aware of.

Alternative communication channel - external signs and symbols

Another way of delivering messages is through the use of signs and symbols in the outside world.

Your guides often use this mechanism by presenting you with an image or symbol, a word or phrase, a song, significant numbers, or anything else that serves as a symbolic message.

They may appear on license plates, road signs, music plays on the radio and the like.

Unfortunately, most of the time people don't even pay attention to such things. If they happen to notice something, they usually chalk it up to a meaningless coincidence.

Start paying more attention to symbols in the world around you and your first impressions of what they might mean. With practice, you can recognize them perfectly and begin to trust this symbolic communication channel.

Start asking questions and pay attention to the form in which the answer comes: it may come through your intuition, as a hunch or an inspired idea, but it can also come as a sign or symbol.

For example, you may see a license plate with some relevant and meaningful words on it, which you will feel like an answer - trust your feelings and the message.

Strengthening the connection

With trust, patience and practice, using the methods described above, you will firmly strengthen your channel of communication with the Divine, as many thousands upon thousands have already done.

Plus those many others who come online every day, and one of them will be you.

The spirit rejoices when each of us recognizes and then establishes a strong connection with the divine.

This allows them to begin to guide us more effectively, and this is what they signed up for and agreed to do for us when we decided to dive into embodiment in the Earth game.

In this way, they can finally fulfill their goal to the fullest - this is very useful and satisfying for them!

If you have anything you'd like to add to this, I'd love to hear it, and I'm sure other readers would too.

I remember this day well - January 7, 1994. He was not working, although the calendar said Friday. Russians were getting used to celebrating a new national holiday - Christmas. On this day, January 7th, for the first time I had to participate in a conversation with an unknown mind, the dialogue with which, and most importantly its content, shortly before that we listened to the recording on a simple cheap tape recorder. The meaning of what I heard was amazing! In the mysterious interlocutor one could discern a remarkable intellect, the answers were always logical, the speech was interesting, concise and literary almost impeccable. But the voice - the voice was well known: the timbre easily identified Gennady Kharitonov, a member of our SL study group. True, in everyday life he never spoke like that! There were clearly artistic notes here - special expressiveness of words, good diction, even some edifying intonation. No, Gena doesn’t say that!...

Someone unknown, invisible, was conducting a conversation, using Kharitonov’s voice as a kind of instrument.

On the evening of January 7th, I had to enter into a dialogue with this mysterious Something and resolve a number of burning questions for myself. First of all, this is not a prank. Secondly, that this is truly a different world. Thirdly, that this is not a random episode and communication can be continued.

I spent the whole day preparing questions, replaying the conversation scenario in my head. It might not take place or be the last, and therefore, taking advantage of the moment, I wanted to find out as much as possible. There were more than one and a half hundred questions and they were not exhausted. All day I felt like something like a crew member from Tolstoy’s Aelita, ready to launch to Mars. 192... the year, a revolutionary inter-time, a country torn by war, and two eccentrics, engineer Los and Red Army soldier Gusev, fly into the unknown...

Something similar was happening again now, seven decades later. A great power that has fallen into fragments, post-Soviet timelessness and devastation everywhere you look... Even the place for dialogue with extraterrestrial intelligence matches Los’s workshop: a construction trailer on a vacant lot near the multi-storey building being built in Volzhsky on Mira Street. Gena worked as a night watchman and during his duty it was convenient for us to have these strange conversations with the other world. True, several times later the communication sessions were broken down for a very prosaic reason: due to drinking by construction workers who chose the trailer for completely different, table conversations with inevitable quarrels, swearing and showdowns. The cave century coexisted and almost coexisted with the 21st or 22nd century, I don’t know exactly when dialogues with the Higher Mind will become commonplace.

But if there, in “Aelita,” all the events were pure fantasy, a beautiful fiction, then here... here there was a mysterious, incomprehensible reality that they would not believe in for a long time. At least until people en masse realize the existence and multiplicity of other worlds and understand that it is possible to communicate with them.

Where did it all start? How was the contact established?

It was initiated by Gera Gubin, a twenty-six-year-old worker, a well-known radio amateur in Volzhsky, who two years earlier had joined our group with Kharitonov. And this is their achievement: contact...

From the confused story of Gubin, who showed me their first tape recordings of conversations with Nekto, it turned out that he and Kharitonov, while on duty at night in the trailer, tried to make psychographic contact. For this they tried to use hypnosis, but it seemed that Gennady did not need it, since he easily entered into a kind of trance and his hand began to move fluently, as if writing down text. They inserted a pen into the pinch, brought up a piece of cardboard with white paper, and then individual words began to appear on it. But the entire text remained, as a rule, an illegible set of scribbles. Hera asked questions, and Gennady’s hand wrote something in response.

And at some point, Hera, without making out anything on the piece of paper, asked his friend to answer in a voice, and suddenly Kharitonov... spoke! He answered clearly and at the same time not in the way he usually spoke. Question, another question... The answers were not his, not Kharitonov’s, Hera knew his friend, they had been inseparable since childhood. Someone else spoke in Gennady’s voice, maybe some kind of extraterrestrial civilization!...

For several December nights in 1993, that’s all they did - they talked with an unknown interlocutor about just about anything, however, without writing down the essence, until they figured out to connect a microphone. At the same time, Gennady remained a passive person in contact, since after conversations in a trance he did not remember anything. He only saw some pictures that were indirectly somehow related to the topic of conversation.

As far as I know, negotiations were conducted in a similar way of communication by members of the so-called “Group 2” from the Far Eastern city of Dalnegorsk. In 1990, I met with the head of Group-2, Alexander Glaz, at a seminar in Tomsk, and we spent the whole night listening to Alexander’s story and fragments of tape recordings, of which there were a lot. They also communicated through an intermediary! But in Dalnegorsk, hypnosis was used. The mediator himself was in a somnambulistic state, completely disconnected from the outside world. Even his speech was unnatural, inhibited, forced, and, most importantly, not very intelligible. And yet I remember with what amazement and attention we listened to it, since it was not the speech of a person - the other world communicated with people through an intermediary!

We understood that this was a breakthrough, this was a new and important step in the knowledge of other worlds, proving their existence in some other dimensions.

Later, I spoke more than once at meetings of a group of Volga residents about the achievements of the Dalnegorsk people; we tried to listen to illegible recordings of A. Glaz’s conversations, but we ourselves did not try to repeat the experiment. It looks like Gubin and Kharitonov succeeded...

We lit a candle and prepared the tape recorder for recording. Gena took off his glasses, unfastened the watch bracelet from his hand, and lay down on the bench next to the table at which Gubin and I sat. Will the session work this time, in the presence of a new person? Gena was embarrassed and smiled reservedly. He sat comfortably on the bench, put his arms along his body, and a padded jacket under his head. Everyone fell silent, only the candle flame crackled quietly.

Nothing happened for ten minutes. Gena breathed sleepily, sometimes squinting his eyes, his eyeballs moving behind his closed eyelids. Suddenly, both of his arms began to slowly rise, reached a vertical position, his hands were feeling something round. “An energy ball,” Hera whispered in my ear, “always begins like this...” Meanwhile, Gennady’s left hand clenched his fingers tightly and froze vertically, and his right hand timidly, with stops, began to make pendulum movements.

“One, two, three, four...” Gubin began counting, setting the rhythm for the movement of his hand. “Can you hear us?”
The answer was silence.
Again the count and again Hera’s quiet question: “Answer, can you hear us?”
Suddenly Kharitonov’s lips parted and he said clearly: “Ask. We are ready to answer...”
I pressed the tape recorder key.

Today is January 7th, nineteen o'clock in the evening. We have many questions for you on different areas of the world order, life, science, religion. I would like to count on your understanding of this interest in your civilization. In my opinion, there is huge scope for cooperation here. To begin with, I would like to know more about you, so as not to speculate on anything and not be afraid of superstitious assumptions. So who are you? Another civilization, another life or a single source of information?
- We are just like you. But you are children...
- What is your place of residence: Earth, Solar system or deep space?
- We are a different world. There is no comparison here.
- What dimensions are you in?
- You are measuring...
- I see... You have no concept of dimensionality?
- You are a child, we are older. We have come and taught you. If you want, you teach yourself. This is the condition of contact and the condition of the experiment you set up.
- We would like to quickly acquire new knowledge. Maybe now is the time when we need to use your help.
- Can you name a period when our help was not needed?
- Yes, we find it difficult... Probably, she was always needed. Do you have your own planet to inhabit?
- No. We are an energy world.
- Does it cover the entire Universe or just the region of the Earth?
- Solar system.
- You don’t spread to other galaxies?
- No, you don’t understand: we are in the solar system and now we occupy your physical plane, namely the emotional one.
- Tell me: is the three-dimensional dimension in which we live not finite?
- These are your fairy tales. You are now living in the fifth dimension. But you only use three.
- Will there be a time when we realize that we can use all five dimensions?
- The question makes no sense. If this were not the case, then why are you living?
- How many dimensions are there, an infinite number?
- You have seven plans. You know it, you call it chakras. You now exist in five dimensions. Is this news to you?
- To some extent, yes. I believed that the fourth dimension was time. How to imagine the fifth dimension?
- The world has no dimensions. But you shared it. Originally, you were divided into five worlds.
- Name the parameters of these measurements. We know the length, width, height, time...
- You are talking about the physical plane. We're talking about something else. There are at least three in you: ego, spirit and soul. Religion doesn't lie here.
- Still about measurements...
- Okay, let's do this: do you imagine that you are real?
- Introducing.
- Is the other world a reality for you?
- A controversial issue. The majority of humanity does not recognize it.
- So you don’t call it real?
- Yes.
- Even though it exists... So what is reality then?
- What we see and feel.
- Reality is one of the points of vision. Your world is also otherworldly for someone. Do you agree with this?
- Yes, it’s possible...
- That is, you agree that this is just one of the points of vision.
- Okay, do you have the possibility of material embodiment?
- No.
- Don't you need it?
- No.
- It's difficult for us to understand. What do you look like to yourself?
- We were called an atom for comparison. Imagine an atom.
- It is hard to imagine. But are elements of cooperation and interaction between earthlings and you possible?
- What are we doing now?
- Yes, this is the beginning.
- No, you are wrong: you are not the first, you are not the last.
- Are we interesting to you as partners?
- You are children... Be careful. You are talking to yourself, but you are still a child.
- Well, how to rise to the heights of complete understanding?
- If we are talking to you, it means you will rise.
- You sometimes call yourself “I”. Are you speaking on behalf of yourself or civilization?
- I repeat. There are at least three of you: ego, spirit and soul. The ego is you personally. Spirit is your foundation. We are part of the soul, its component. We cannot interfere with your physical plane. We use only your emotions.
- Is it the law of cosmic communication that you cannot interfere, or do you just think so?
- You should not interfere even in the life of your neighbor. Are you sure you're doing the right thing?
- No, of course... How far is human civilization behind you?
- We will not talk about the level - who is smarter, who is dumber. Different levels, different. Tell me, who is stupider - the dog or you?
- I hope it's a dog. Or I'm wrong?
- And if a dog thinks that it is smarter, is it wrong?
- But, unfortunately, we will not know about this...
- Ask...
- Does the World Ring of the Mind exist and how many civilizations are included in it?
- We won’t give you ready-made answers; you have to figure it out yourself. But I will tell you: the world is one and if there is a Ring, it means that there are civilizations that are not included there.
- The earthlings, apparently, are not entering yet?
- In your opinion, no. But the child begins to walk. Do you think he will become an adult or not?
- Tell me, can a group like Volzhskaya cooperate with you...
- What are you doing now?
- To speed up the progress of humanity?
- No, we don’t speed things up, we only help.
- And you agree to help us?
- Imagine, you won, won due to the merits of others. Agree that you will lose the joy and taste of victory.
- Agree. But why can’t you reach out to the scientific, political, and creative elite of states in a similar contact way?
- Really?
- But these cases are unknown and it seems that politicians and scientists are very skeptical about any anomalous phenomena and contacts with aliens.
- Many are not given it, they have a different charge. And others will never talk about it, due to their high position in society.
- Do the level of knowledge and intelligence of ordinary people significantly reduce mutual opportunities for contacts?
- No.
- No? But this is precisely what calls into question the usefulness of such contacts. Moreover, they discredit them. When ordinary people start talking about contacts, no one believes them.
- Fine. Let's do it this way. Many contacts, in your opinion, are false and you have already encountered this in your research. But first: there is some truth in every lie. Second: imagine a patient comes to you and declares himself crazy. Who is he - a liar or a madman?
- We probably need to figure it out.
- Agree that this cannot happen at the same time. He can't be both a liar and crazy. Do you agree with this?
- Yes.
- In this case, you are reasoning logically. Yes, there is no way out here. But I’ll tell you: a person, as a rule, is illogical, although logic is his strong point. And any lie, in your understanding, is just one of the unrealized realities.
- Tell me, will you allow me to talk about the contact situation with you and how best to do this: through the press, books, or is it better to remain silent?
- It's your problems.
- Many of your answers remind you of contacts with the Dalnegorsk Group-2...
- This is wrong.
-You don’t know about them?
- We don't remind them.
- Do you know who leads Group 2? Why did publications about this group suddenly stop?
- No, we haven’t met them.
- Do you know the earthly point of view on the existence of the forces of good and light, as well as the forces of evil and darkness? That is, the division of forces is from God and Satan.
- What is darkness? This is one of the components of light. This is a far-fetched question. We told you that your vision is reality. But reality is one of the points of vision. Do you remember? Both God and Satan are real to you. You have a God, in your understanding, we have our own God, in our understanding.
- How fair is the point of view on religion or is it human prejudice?
- This is one of the visions, one of the points of perception of the world. We told you that lies as such do not exist. If you tell me now that you have a million in your pocket and a Mercedes in the garage, then you are only lying to yourself, because I can believe it and for me it will be true.
- Tell me, why is a person valuable to you?
- He gives birth to us, we give birth to him. We are a whole.
- It’s hard to understand... Tell me, does the human soul have a special meaning for you?
- Yes, we are part of the soul, we have already told you this.
- Is the human soul eternal?
- Even in your understanding, it is eternal.
-Can she reincarnate endlessly?
- This is one of the realities.
- But few people believe in this now. And there is no evidence to the contrary.
- It's your problems.
- Don’t you want to explain to humanity the fallacy of such views?
- What do you do if they don’t understand you and don’t want to listen?
- We are looking for evidence, facts that will convince. There is little evidence yet...
- Nothing will convince you.
- So it’s useless to strive for this?
- No, but you have to believe it yourself, we won’t give you any evidence.
- Let’s say I personally believe it, but those around me don’t believe it. What can be done to ensure that the truth prevails?
- What is your desire to be believed?
- Find evidence.
- For what? The purpose of this evidence?
- So that humanity does not go astray.
- Do you think that you are not mistaken and teach all humanity?
- Well, I hope that I am not mistaken about the soul. After all, you yourself said that there is a soul and it is eternal.
- But you must understand this. If you believe, then you will understand, but if you only think that you believe, then will it give you anything? You are lying, lying to yourself. You are sure that you have a soul, but you are looking for proof. Do you believe in God? Or do you only believe what you see here? Can you explain all your actions?
- No I can not.
- And you want to teach humanity?
- Well, at least not to wander in the dark. Not to teach, but...
- Everyone has their own path. We told you - don't interfere. You can suggest, you can teach, but if you don’t have faith, then it’s better to leave.
- So-so... So, there may come a time in my personal life when I give up on researching the anomalous as being too much for my mind and leave the researchers... Will this be the right way?
- This will be only one of the ways.
- But I would like to go a little further.
- You must learn to believe. This is the first. Everything is given to you through faith. Understand, I'm not talking about religion. Faith is more than religion. Faith is conviction, it is strength to fight, it is food for the mind. Do you yourself believe in the eternity of the soul?
- I still doubt it, unfortunately.
- If they believed, then there would be no questions. Did I answer you?
- They answered, but I need evidence to answer my doubts - then faith will appear.
- Nobody will prove anything to you. When a child is taught what is possible and what is not, is it proven to him? And does he understand the evidence?
- There are accusations, and they are fair, that contacts do not bring new information. Why?
- Do you know a lot of old things? If you don't know the material you've covered, how will you understand the new stuff? First. Second: if you don't appreciate the little, why give you more? Yes, we are not giving you anything new. Can you name a contact when they would give you something new?
- Unfortunately, such contacts are few, according to statistics no more than one percent.
- No, there was not a single contact where they would give you a new one. They give you something old that you don’t understand.
- But this reduces interest in contacts and their reliability.
- How can I give you something new? Will you understand that this is new?
- Scientists are advancing in knowledge, they give birth to new ideas.
- Do they give birth to new ideas? They just find old ones. They take them from nature, that is, what has always existed. Your scientists simply discover something and call it new, even though it existed before them without them.
- Everything is correct. We believe that the development of science will become more and more intense. Now humanity is looking for ways to harness new energy. Are there other energies that are useful to people?
- Eat.
- Are they environmentally friendly for humanity?
- There are such and such.
- Will humanity soon take possession of them or will we die without waiting?
- You are already starting to master them. You are still developing.
- In what countries?
- In the leading ones.
- You are not right. Don't you consider yourself a leading power? Well, I'll tell you this: there are nine countries that have already come close to this decision.
- Fusion?
- No. You invented thermonuclear fusion.
- Psychic energy?
- Yes.
- But will it be able to illuminate cities and move trains?
- Excuse me, one gram of your body emits tens of millions of times more energy than one gram of the sun. And this has already been proven by you.
- It is doubtful that we have such energy...
- Ask...
- Is thought really material? Can we do a lot with our thoughts?
- Yes.
- But why doesn’t it work then?
- Do you know how to control your thoughts?
- I would like to learn.
- Wanting and being able to are two different things...
- Will we ever master this, or can some of the earthlings already?
- I told you that you will all reach your goal.
- But not soon?
- Everything depends on you.
- Let's continue. The intensity of contacts has increased many times over on Earth compared to other eras. What are the reasons for this?
- Your time is different. After all, you yourself spoke about the year 2000. First. Secondly, can you prove that there were no contacts before or there were fewer of them?
- But there is little evidence. They named unique ones: Leonardo da Vinci, Paracelsus... But these are isolated cases, now we hear about contactors much more often.
- Sorry, there used to be a lot of simple contacts, but only the bright ones remain.
- Weren’t these people burned at the stake?
- More often - yes.
- Is it inevitable or can it be avoided?
- If he is destined to, then yes.
- Tell me, are crazy people some kind of unsolved type of contact or is it really going beyond the limits of reason?
- This is a different vision of reality.
- Can it have useful facets or is it completely useless for society?
- Everything depends on you.
- But we see that it is useless. They do not create, they do not advance science, they become a burden to society.
- Then the whole earth is a burden...
- So they are needed too?!
- Just think about it. Does the animal world create? Does the plant world create?...
- You're right. By the way, which representatives of the animal world are the highest in intelligence or closest to humanity?
- Let's clarify: high or close? If it is high, then we will not answer. We told you not to compare.
- Close!
- Rats.
- The closest?!
- Yes, your characters even match.
- Interesting... Yes, in some ways this is indeed true: they are cunning, sophisticated, aggressive, and act together. Yes, it seems... Tell me, what about the dolphin civilization...
- You said it correctly - civilization. You answered your own question.
- But why can’t there be contacts between us?
- You don’t want to recognize them as the strongest, you are too proud for that. You want the whole world to live and think like you.
- What do you need to admit?
- Recognize everything as equal.
- And then the contacts will be successful? Who would you advise to go with for such communication from the animal world?
- You must go with everyone. If I say dolphins, I will offend the others. I'm not telling you whose intelligence is superior. This means you must be equal to everyone. But the easiest contact you can make is with rats. They are closer to you. And only then come the dolphins.
- But will the rats understand our goals?
- You don’t understand each other’s goals... Rats won’t understand you. But you can contact. We are talking about contacts, not goals. This is the first. Second: it’s impossible to live the way you behave in nature, and I’m afraid that rats will replace you.
- Let's continue. Should the growing intensity of contacts be considered a special action to interact with humanity? What are the goals of this interaction?
- We answered you: we help when it’s bad.
- We feel bad now, do you think?
- Do you think you feel good?
- In Russia, yes, it’s bad, but in other countries it’s probably better.
- Name the countries where it’s good now.
- Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, USA...
- We told you: the better you are physically, the worse you will be spiritually, and vice versa.
- So, spiritually, they are reaching a dead end?
- You're right. A person lives only when he fights.
- Will Russia, undergoing a terrible breakdown, gain something spiritual?
- You are the future. You are the spiritual center of the Earth.
- But few people believe in it. We see the imperfection of our compatriots, the savagery and backwardness of many, many...
- This is one of the advantages. If everything was good for you, you would not grow, you would not fight.
- Right...

The candle on the table crackles quietly, wax flows down the trunk, forming intricate figures. Sometimes, from our breathing or from turning the pages with my questions prepared for future use, the flame trembles, bends to the sides, and then black shadows begin to rush around the trailer, like the wings of a huge bird.

The reels in the tape cassette were spinning - Gera occasionally looked at their movement in order to change the track in time if the tape ran out. Gena was lying on the bench in the same position: his left hand, with his fingers clenched tightly, was raised up and motionless, his right hand was moving rhythmically like a pendulum, as if wound up. Judging by the way Hera became wary as he prepared to change the tape, we have been talking with Something for about 45 minutes. Now he will change the side of the tape and for these seconds I must try to interrupt the conversation.

The dialogue goes, surprisingly, smoothly, almost without stopping, only occasionally Kharitonov’s right hand freezes and then his speech breaks off mid-sentence. Hera, apparently already having experience, does not worry about the hitches, as I did at first, but immediately begins counting out loud: “One, two three, four...” And so on until nine. The rhythm remains the same as Gennady’s hand was just walking like a pendulum. Sometimes the count is repeated several times until the hand moves again and an aloof voice sounds: “Ask...”

At some point, for some reason, on some intuition, I also connect to the counting and Hero and I are already counting in a low voice: “six, seven, eight, nine...” In my opinion, this reduces pauses in rare stops; Hera noticed this too and nodded at me, saying, keep doing this.

It amazes me how long Gennady holds his hand raised up without getting tired, without trying to change his position, and this non-stop pendulum with his right hand is also something unreal...

Later, in one of the subsequent sessions, our invisible Interlocutor explained to us that the movement of the right hand is a necessary measure in order to be able to use the senses of the “translator”: speech, hearing, vocabulary and, perhaps, some other qualities . THEY called Kharitonov “Translator” - that was his role in our dialogue, and since from the very beginning THEY insisted that our names, if possible, should never be spoken out loud, Gena was designated as such: Translator. “We are alien energy for your brain,” the Interlocutor explained, “so the brain prevents our invasion. But when we occupy it with purely mechanical work, in this case pendulum movement, this problem is eliminated. But sometimes failures still occur...”

The tape recorder key clicked, Hera quickly changed the side of the cassette. “Ask,” comes the voice of the Invisible Man.

Forgive us for such a question... We don’t know who we’re talking to, and if you are from the forces of evil, then we have doubts: is God really so omnipotent and omnipotent? You see what doubts we have...
- I understood you. First of all, you are a sieve, and in your concept there are lies and truth. What is truth? This is one of the visions. Do you agree? You are talking about the power of God and Satan. Can you imagine God not knowing about this? You prove that God is omniscient and omnipresent, and suddenly Satan does his work without knowing it?
- Well, it turns out that people exaggerate the capabilities of Satan...
- No. The fact is that the world is one. And in your concept, God and Satan do not exist, as you see them, for you are on the lower plane. You will be taller and you will no longer ask such questions. Although there, higher up, there will already be a different concept of good and evil, and there will also be good and evil, but in a different understanding.
- Tell me, is there a God as such? Maybe this is the Universal Mind, and we personify it into a personality.
- We told you that you are gods yourself. Did I answer you?
- However, this truth is not comprehended by us. We are gods - and we can’t do anything. Even to fight evil, to understand the world in volume...
- You are children. If you want, you are the children of the gods. But you will become gods. Think logically.
- This is probably a long process. Thousands or millions of years?
- Everything depends on you. A minute may be enough, or thousands of years may not be enough. Everything depends on you. We call this charge. Otherwise we cannot explain to you what it is.
- But can you say who created the Earth, the Galaxy, the cosmos?
- You!
- But we are not gods yet...
- Okay, let's go back 15 thousand years ago. You have changed the Earth. You had a goal. Having changed it and entered into the flesh, you have forgotten about the goal. If I tell you it, then the whole meaning of your existence will be lost.
- It's a secret?
- This is a secret created by you. If you are eternal, then how do you ask about the beginning and the end?
- By and large, we don’t know whether they are eternal?
- How can we talk about eternity if you are looking for the beginning and end of eternity? Explain to me. If you can explain this to me, then I will explain it to you.
- But our questions are inspired by the fact that there is now a lot of talk about the end of the world, about the possible death of humanity... Tell me, is it true that on May 5, 2000 a new savior of the world will be born? Is this information correct?
- No.
- Is this one of the legends?
- It's simply not true.
- Is it true that, according to the celestial inscription in the city of Salsk, the end of the world will come on June 7, 2002?
- No. You have already experienced the end of the world more than once.
- You're right. Looks like you're keeping an eye on this situation...
- But the Savior will come, and the Savior is with you. Have you ever thought that God is in you, that you are gods yourself? However, when you see him in the flesh, you destroy him. Why?
- We probably don’t believe it...
“You believe in God, you believe in the messiah, but when he comes in the flesh, you destroy him. And those who glorified God, glorified the Messiah, will destroy him. Why? This is one of our interests that makes us contact you. We don't understand your illogicality.
-Are you talking specifically about the fate of Christ?
- Not only.
- Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, other initiates... Did they exist?
- You don't believe in their existence. You can imagine... By the way, who do you consider the author of your articles - yourself?
- Do you know that I write articles?
- The Translator knows this.
- It seems to me that I write the articles myself, because they are not easy for me. Do you have a different opinion?
- Fine. Who are you interviewing? Isn't he the author of the articles?
- Well, co-author - for sure. Are you saying that I don’t write the articles myself? That they are given to me by someone?
- I want to say that you write to the whole world. Agree that you write articles depending on your view of the world. This means that the world affects you. This means that the world writes by you or through you. Do you agree?
- I can agree that only that part of the world that supports me in my views. Others criticize, and there are many of them.
- But you still have a trace from those critics...
- Yes, I'm looking for arguments...
- You are dividing again. I say that the whole world writes your articles. You are just a writer.
- Tell me, since we are talking about these articles... Is this a necessary thing, at least for our city, region? Or are they useless?
- You are not right. Many people came to you thanks to your articles. Or have you already forgotten about it?
- No, I really appreciate it. But there are some citizens who treat them very aggressively.
- This is your road. Do you want carpets laid for you?
- So you have to go through obstacles?
- If they give them to you, then go. Ask...
- Does humanity pose a threat to other civilizations?
- Similar to you? Yes!
- Like those gathered here? But we don't seem to be aggressive.
- We are talking about the physical world.
- And our nuclear tests, nuclear stations - do they interfere with the lives of other civilizations?
- You can’t even imagine how much you destroy!
- Civilizations?! Are you talking about microbes or other thinking life? Should we be stopped at this point?
- Yes.
- But tell me, what, from your point of view, is the technical path of development for humanity? Is he a dead end?
- It's a dead end for everyone.
- Both for humanity and for other civilizations?
- Yes.
- How to avoid this dead end?
- What is happening in your time now?
- Well, the struggle of those who recognize the technical path of development, and those who believe that we need to go into nature, into caves. But this is probably impossible.
- Do you understand that leaving the technical world means going into caves? You must create machines, but you must not obey them. Machines must obey you.
- Do you think we are already undergoing a process of subordination?
- Think for yourself...
- Yes, we are becoming more and more enslaved...
- Machines control you, not you control them.
- And in the future it will be even worse?
- Everything depends on you.
- We can’t rely on your help?...

At this point our dialogue was interrupted and the session ended. But then we talked about many, many more things with our invisible Interlocutor. Over the course of several years of our communication, we have accumulated at least one hundred and fifty hours of tape recordings, and they require comprehension. But this is a topic for another book. Books about worlds that...

Which exist! I, a researcher, have little doubt about this. But was I convincing to the readers?... I don’t know. I know something else - I will look for new evidence and facts of the plurality of worlds. And there is a conviction that humanity will not have long to wander in the dark... If not for me, the door will open for others. It will open!

© ufologist writer Gennady Belimov (Volzhsky, Volgograd region)

edited news Intercessor - 13-06-2012, 11:21

“Angels bring us messages from the Divine Mind of our Creator. They are like a gift to us from God, so that we always remember our Divine nature, remaining kind and loving, discover and develop our talents - for the good of this world - and protect ourselves from any harm.”
Doreen Virtue

How often do you turn to spiritual guides and angels for help?

Do you always receive the support you would like?

If you don't see the answers or don't understand what your invisible assistants want to tell you, then you're doing something wrong.

Activation of Unconditional Love by Chakras

These short meditations will help you activate Unconditional Self-Love in every chakra of your physical body.

The main condition under which angels, archangels, spiritual guides and masters can help you is your request, appeal.

According to the law of free will and choice, being on the other side of the veil, they cannot interfere with circumstances without your permission.

The main function of our mentors, guardian angels is help and guide us on the path of life.

Therefore, when you contact them, they eagerly and honorably strive to fulfill your requests.

And how these requests are executed depends on the wording you used to address them.

Of course, there are no strictly approved rules for communicating with your mentors.

But if you want to receive help and support from higher powers, there are some things you should know when you contact them.

1. Ask in a language you understand

Books about angels and prayer books describe how to correctly address archangels and angels, how to read commands and prayers.

I am not a supporter of such communication. The main thing is that the request is from the heart and understandable to you ourselves.

Many prayers are written in a specific language that few people understand.

Therefore, if you use ready-made commands, replace them with those words that are closer to you.

2. Clearly formulate your request to the angels

“A man rides the subway and thinks: “My wife is a fool, my friends are traitors, my life is a failure.” An Angel stands behind him, writes in a notebook and thinks: “What strange desires, and most importantly, the same ones every day! But there’s nothing you can do, you have to do it!”

Your mentors take everything literally, so clearly and formulate your requests specifically, if you want to be understood correctly.

Before you make a request, think it through carefully. It should be clear not only to you, but also to others.

Our spiritual teachers and mentors in this regard are no different from our real interlocutors.

Put yourself in the shoes of the person you are addressing, read the request and evaluate how accurately it conveys the meaning of what was said.

Would you understand what you said yourself?

It is a mistake to believe that God, the universe, already knows what you want, because you constantly think about it.

We usually think about what we don't want or what worries us.

Analyze what thoughts appear most often in your head. What you think is what you get. Like in that joke about an angel.

Angels answer our requests, but we do not always understand or see the answer.

3. Ask for a solution to the problem

Although angels are assigned to us to help us, we chose to go through life’s lessons ourselves.

In other words, they won't clean your house or earn a living for you.

They can give strength, confidence or show a way out of a problematic situation, but taking action is your prerogative.

What is the point of contacting them if you still have to solve the problems yourself?

With the help of higher powers, you will find a way out of unpleasant circumstances much faster, and in some cases, “miraculously” you will bypass them altogether.

At the same time, realize the difference that you are not abdicating responsibility, but passing the solution to the problem to the wiser part of you.

Angels are the same as us, if you believe in the concept that everything is one, that everything is particles of God.

Watch the video and learn about an unconventional way to solve problems.

4. Don't be shy to demand

Appealing to spiritual mentors and archangels is not a plea for help. You have right to ask and even demand.

People are accustomed to thinking that one should approach higher powers with trepidation and even fear.

And then sit and wait for the blessing to come. If they didn’t help, it means they were punished for something, so it serves them right, choose yourself.

But spiritual mentors only waiting for us to ask them. They know what we do not know, being in the three-dimensional world, in human bodies.

Many are afraid to ask, they think that it needs to be done in some special way, otherwise they will not understand, or worse, they will become angry because they did not ask properly.

Angels and spiritual teachers are not better than us, their vibrations are simply higher. Therefore, they see the whole picture, and we only see part.

But in some situations it is necessary to be able to declare harshly about your needs.

The infographic below describes such cases, and on the contrary, there are ready-made requirements that you can use if you find yourself in such circumstances.

In an emergency, when life is in danger, angels have the right interfere without your asking.

Participants in the closed group Golden Keys of Mastery on Facebook shared their personal experiences of communicating with higher powers:

“I don’t know if this is a demand or an ultimatum or anything else... I have many such examples.

So at one time I bought an apartment, at market prices of 15-20, I bought it for ten.

Up there, to be honest, I didn’t think about where I was sending, I simply said: “But I don’t even have 10 yet, just like that. But I'm ready to buy it for 10. There won’t be an apartment, there will be problems... I won’t survive this... That’s what you want.”

That if I stay a little longer in that space, my health will suffer very seriously, and a disastrous outcome is possible...

The situation was really tough... And the main thing was the confidence that there were only such options. Others are not accepted.

A year before the purchase, I set a date - until April 30. I filled out the deposit on April 29... That’s it in a nutshell.”

Nadezhda Gunko

“I start every day with gratitude and end the same way.

It’s automatic, but consciously, sincerely)) like a copybook for first-graders – without fail. Only for me it is part of my being, life, a piece of me.

And I always do this ritual with love. I secure it with prayers and boldly step into a new day!

When I call on my Angels to help in a specific matter, I give a decree.

I ask you to arrange everything in the safest, most environmentally friendly, easiest way for me and all participants in the process, for the highest benefit of EVERYONE!

Just recently I had a toothache. She called on Archangel Raphael and his assistants for help.

She asked for help to ease the pain and save the tooth, if this corresponds to the Divine plan.

She asked me to cover me with an emerald ray of healing and to be next to me.
After a couple of minutes the pain went away and I fell asleep. Later I treated the tooth, everything was ok”

Irina Lomaka

“From my experience. When several problems began to be highlighted at the same time, I demanded: “Since you are showing me so many things, then make it easier to work through. Let everything be worked out as a package in your sleep!”

I “spent” several nights in the Violet Temple, and somehow everything gradually calmed down.

Now if this happens again, I don’t forget to contact higher powers.

Be sure that you really need what you demand, and then your request will definitely be heard!

How and when to communicate with spiritual guides

In what form and at what time will communication with angels and spirit guides be most effective?

1. Before going to bed and after waking up

And also at night if you can’t sleep.

Use this time to communicate with your invisible helpers. During such periods, brain function slows down and switches to alpha frequency mode.

This is exactly the state we achieve when immersed in meditation. At these moments, the chances of hearing a voice increase significantly true self.

2. In writing

When you write your request, the subconscious opens. It is quite possible that the answer will come almost immediately.

If this does not happen, you will have the opportunity to check your request for specificity and evaluate whether it is clear.

A request written by hand is more powerful than one spoken in the mind.

This is how he takes on physical form. And this speeds up getting results.

Even if you are used to doing everything yourself, remember that your invisible friends are always next to you.

You should not rely only on your own strength. You can always turn to the wiser part of you, and your question will be resolved much faster and easier.

When you establish a close connection with the spiritual world, you will be in the flow of divine energy, learn to trust, get rid of anxiety.

On the eve of Christmas, when the heavens are open to our requests, I want to talk to you about how to correctly ask questions to the Higher Powers, incl. questions to the angels.

I am sure that each of us, in one way or another, has received messages from angels in our lives. Someone received greetings from the other side in the form of clear signals expressed in some kind of visual or auditory images - it could be a phrase uttered in your head, or maybe some visions that came as a response to a request. But most often the message from the angels comes in the form of a deep feeling of calm, a feeling that everything will be fine, i.e. is expressed simply by a clear change in internal state. This is the most common option and, by the way, the most truthful.

Because you can hear a voice sounding in your ears, you can hear a bell, you can see some image - and all this can be a falsification of the mind. But it is impossible to falsify a state of peace, especially if before that you were in confusion, anxiety and tension.

How exactly should you formulate your requests to the angels?

There is one important rule - you need to ask not for events, not for some advice, not for facts, you need to ask condition.

We all came here to Earth with our own unique stellar handwriting, with our own unique past lives in order to build our own unique life. And if we wanted to know the answer, we would simply open our genetic memory and immediately quit the game. It's like seeing a game of chess that has already been completely played out. Why play then? Then there is no need to be in the body. But the fact of the matter is that we chose to play this game, knowing in advance that in this particular life we ​​have limited ourselves in some way.

Often the mind wedges itself into the dialogue of our heart with the Higher powers and wants to receive some logical or rational answers. But, in fact, the angels cannot give you any valuable instructions, they can only help energetically influence your space, help you maintain calm. You decide everything else yourself, because you are the one who decides your life.

You've probably heard the metaphor that a person is stronger than an angel because he can choose between good and evil and has freedom, unlike an angel who is the executor of God's will. Therefore, it is you who are the master of the situation, and you choose the road. And heavenly forces are beings who energetically help you make your desires come true. They help you achieve that inner balance, create such inner harmony that will be favorable for bringing your creative desires to life. The angels can tell you whether it is better to go to the right or to the left along the road you have chosen, but they cannot tell you which road to take.

Accordingly, the questions you ask should be not so much questions as requests. You ask with all your heart - what should I know in order to... For example - What should I know so that I can do this? And you wait for an answer.

Information should come to you completely by accident, in everyday life: you will accidentally see it in a magazine, hear it in a momentary television interview or in a conversation... Just be careful, follow the signs. If you wanted to look at a magazine - take a look, you wanted to linger at the TV - linger, you suddenly wanted to talk to a person with whom you have never spoken - talk. Those. you need to feel the gravity within yourself - this is openness to contact. And this information will help you make a decision that will clarify some of your internal doubts.

But you must understand that the answer will come at the time you need. While you are tense and waiting for an answer, you will not receive it.

In any case, remember that when you receive an answer (whether it is words, visions or signs), you must certainly have a feeling of deep peace inside. Because any answer from the Higher powers is accompanied by a feeling of calm. Unmistakable help always brings with it the energy of the Home, the energy of God, the energy of Creation. And this energy definitely gives a feeling of serenity.

So if you doubt whether you are receiving a response, the marker is very simple: is it arriving? in your soul and warmth? If yes, then you have received the support of Higher powers.

For many, their conscience does not allow them to contact angels often, to “pull” them over trifles. This is a common misconception. We ourselves, no matter how much we love each other, but we get tired of communicating even with the closest people, and we need time to be in peace and recover. And we unconsciously transfer this image to our angels.

But here we need to understand that angelic energy is built into us. The Creator manifests itself through us on Earth; His spark is present in each of us. And angels are the light of God. Therefore, when you find yourself in a situation of unbearability, when you understand that in a “human” way you cannot disperse the clouds in the depths of your heart and the sticky web in your thoughts, you need to ask for help not from someone, but from your own divine part - turn to the Heart. This is where help comes from.

Angels are happy to transform our pain, our fear. Because the transformed distorted energy returns to the Creator with radiant light. And this is the purpose of the angels - the return of divine light to its original pure state. And it is thanks to people that angels can realize this.

But they cannot respond until you have made a request. And in this sense you should always contact. When, for example, you feel offended by your parents and turn to the angels, saying: “I ask you to remove this burden from my soul and tell me what I should do to resurrect my love for these people,” you give the green light, give access for transformation.

Therefore, it is not just “you can contact”, but you can always contact when you lose clarity of thought, experience confusion, when you are confused, when clouds appear in your sky... Ask for clarification, ask to transform all the negativity, ask.

It is very good to make a request at night. In general, it is good to contact not at the moment when you are already feeling bad, but regularly with a request to set you up - for the day or for the night. If you asked for peace in your heart for today, if you thanked life, if you tuned in to love, then no hardships of life, no turmoil will harm you in any way.

For example, I always have before my eyes two large portraits by the artist Suvorov - Archangel Uriel and Archangel Michael. I communicate with them every day, thank them and interact, and read messages to them in the morning and evening. Despite the fact that the era of cataclysms has long passed in my life, I clearly understand that this is not superfluous, even now.

I am often asked: how to develop and strengthen the connection with the Supreme?

My dears, the era has come. In past eras, communication with the Supreme was a way out of the fields of the Earth, but now communication with the Supreme is, on the contrary, an invitation to Him to us, to Earth. And this happens through a point in the Heart.

Therefore, one should not confuse genuine enlightenment with a game called esotericism and. True enlightenment is when every cell in your body increases in frequency. And this happens when you are focused on loving people, the world and yourself, as a part of this world.

Those. If you set the goal of love in your heart, life itself will tell you what practices will help you. Some people may benefit from meditative handicrafts or drawing mandalas to open their hearts, others need to go to a dog shelter and have them treated there, and others need to make peace with their grandmother, with whom they have had a tense relationship for the last 10 years.

You yourself feel what allows you to open a new door within yourself. That's why stay inthis is the most rapid approach to the Supreme. That's what I wish for you!