Hello, today I’ll tell you how to make a design for your profile on the vBulletin forums.
So let's get started...

1.Go to our profile

2.In the profile, select "Customize Profile"

3. A page will open with a lot of different menus, now we will try to sort everything out

Font Family- this is the main font that will be used throughout the profile.
Text Color- the color by which your text will be displayed in your profile.
Hyperlink Color- the color that links will be displayed in your profile.
Border Color- the color of the borders that will highlight the menus (that is, the color of the frames)
Border StyleBorder Width Padding- this is the style of the frames, you can make it a cursor, you can make it transparent, etc.
Background Color - background color in your profile
Background Image- background image that will be displayed on your profile
Repeat- by selecting this function you can repeat your background image (horizontally, vertically, etc.)
If you are going to use the function Repeat, then it’s best to choose a picture with the same type of image like this:

All pictures that will be used in the profile design must be uploaded to your album, the size is no more than 600x600, it is better to change the dimensions yourself because When you upload a picture to your album, it will automatically change size and lose quality.


Block Borders,Major Block Headers,Minor Block Headers,Block Footers-basically these are all settings related to frames, color of theme names.

5.Primary Content Areas,Secondary Content Areas,Controls

Highlighted in green in the picture Primary Content Areas
Highlighted in red in the picture Secondary Content Areas
Highlighted in purple in the picture Controls
On the menu Controls You can separately customize the text font, its size and customize the frames separately.

P.S. In almost all menus, instead of a boring monochromatic color, you can use a background image for tables of contents and submenus, you just need to experiment, try, try and try, and then no FAQ will be needed, you’ll figure it out yourself, good luck in your creativity.