You can buy a lot of great things at good prices on eBay. Unfortunately, in rare cases it happens that the paid goods are not delivered for some reason or the delivered goods do not correspond to the description and, moreover, turn out to be of extremely low quality.

The seller has 3 days to solve your problem. Usually he voluntarily returns the cost of the goods and delivery. If the seller does not provide convincing arguments in his favor or does not respond to the complaint at all, then eBay's conflict resolution service makes a decision in favor of the buyer and returns the money. In this case, the money is returned through the payment system through which it was spent. For example, you paid with your bank card via PayPal. The money will be returned to your card with a slight delay after 3-4 banking days.

An item arrived that does not match the description.

1. Again, contact the seller if the defects in the product are minor, and you will most likely keep the product. For example, the clothes you received are slightly different in color or the material is slightly lower quality than what was described. Usually sellers are willing to refund part of the cost of the product if there are minor complaints about the quality. This is not a very large amount, about 5-10% of the cost, but it is quite possible to return it without opening a dispute and without sending the goods back to the seller.

2. If the seller refuses to compensate for the defects of the product or does not want to return the money in full, and you do not intend to keep this product, then feel free to open an official dispute. If you are unable to reach an agreement with the seller during the dispute, then the next step is to convert the dispute into a claim.

A dispute is opened in exactly the same way as in case of non-receipt of goods. You can also do this procedure in an alternative way - directly in the “Conflict Resolution Center”.

To do this, select the “I received an item that does not match the seller’s description” option, and then click the “Continue” button.

On the next page, select the problematic product, then describe the problem and, if necessary, attach photos and videos.

The claim will be considered with the participation of the administration. Very often such disputes are resolved in favor of the buyer. Please note that in some cases the seller may require the return of the goods. If you are determined to return the money, send the item back to the seller. Delivery is paid by you. In some cases, where, for example, the item is completely destroyed, return shipping is not required. After receiving the goods, the seller either independently returns the cost of the goods and the original delivery, or eBay forces him to do so.

Thus, when making purchases on eBay, the buyer is reliably protected both from various accidents, such as the loss of a package, and from the actions of an unscrupulous seller. When shopping on eBay, it is important to remember that there is always the possibility of a refund, even when thousands of kilometers separate you from the seller. The main thing is to be confident that you are right and to strictly and promptly comply with eBay’s regulations regarding the resolution of disputes.

We wish you to always win your dispute on eBay!

Knowing and following eBay security recommendations will help protect the user from illegal activities of fraudsters. After all, few people know that even if money is lost, you can receive compensation from the insurance company or make a refund through PayPal or another payment system. What opportunities exist to protect your rights at the most famous online auction and what is the “eBay Standard Purchase Protection Program”?

If the current situation cannot be resolved through a standard dispute, then it is necessary to resort to Standard Buyer Protection. This method allows eBay to issue refunds to buyers, but only in cases where:

  • Product not delivered
  • The purchased product differs significantly from the description

eBay Maximum Compensation Amount- that's $200 ($25 of which eBay takes for the money transfer). And that: $175

  • If the item price is $600, the Buyer is entitled to a refund of $175
  • If the item price is $100, the Buyer is entitled to a refund of $75
  • If the item price is $26, the Buyer is entitled to a refund of $1

How to make a refund to a card via PayPal

If the item was paid for using the PayPal electronic payment system, then you must go through PayPal’s Buyer Complaint Process, that is, file a complaint. This method allows you to fully reimburse the funds spent. PayPal and eBay cooperate together, so the problem is resolved as quickly as possible.

eBay's Money Back Guarantee applies to virtually every item on But there are exception categories:

  • Motor vehicles.
  • Real estate.
  • Websites and Businesses for sale.
  • Advertisements and services.
  • Some categories of business equipment.

The main points, subject to which the transaction is protected by the Standard eBay Buyer Protection Program

Purchase amount exceeds $25

If the Buyer purchased several units of goods, then each claim will be considered separately and not in total (even if all goods were purchased from the same Seller). Money for which goods were ordered for wholesale auction, can also be refunded according to the general rules - the amount paid at the end of the auction must exceed $25. In this case, it does not matter how many identical units of goods were purchased - purchases are considered as one transaction.

The bid was successful or the Buyer purchased the item on eBay at a fixed price

The Seller and the Buyer at the time of completion of the auction have a zero or positive rating (not negative).

The name of the purchased item is not included in the lists prohibited by eBay's rules for auctioning.

Payment to the Seller was sent using one of the methods approved by eBay, and the Buyer there is a document, confirming this payment.

If the payment was made using a credit card (either directly to the Seller or using a payment service other than PayPal), you must initially contact your bank to cancel the transaction before submitting a request to eBay.

IMPORTANT! Non-refundable:

— The description of the purchased product differs slightly from that presented at the auction.
— Payment for the purchase was made using one of the methods that is not approved by eBay. For example: cash in letter, Western Union, MoneyGram.
— Items were damaged or lost during delivery.
— Products that have been tampered with (changed), rejected or repaired
— Virtual goods.
— Double payment or overpayment.
— Funds spent on delivery and storage.
— If, when making a transaction, the Buyer used the services of Escrow, the costs of these services are not refundable.
— Compensation for moral damage.
— Transactions paid using the PayPal payment system, for which claims have already been made (PayPal Claim) and the funds have already been returned to the Buyer.


  1. Open a dispute “Item was not delivered or does not match the description.”
  2. End it with the wording “Communication with the Seller is over.” Your refund request must meet all of the requirements outlined above. The buyer is provided with a link to a page where they can submit a request for compensation.
  3. Fill out the request form.
  4. Log in to the eBay website and select Dispute Console in My eBay. On the View Dispute page, click on the link “Submit a claim for damages” (Standard Purchase Protection Program claim form).
  5. Fill out this form and confirm the request (Submit).

Submission of proof of payment made

Within two weeks of submitting the application, the Buyer will be contacted by an eBay compensation manager. He will definitely ask for proof of payment. In what form they need to be demonstrated is written here.

If the Buyer paid for the order using a credit card, then it is required to provide evidence of refusal of compensation from the bank. Typically, this is a copy of a letter or official certificate. If the payment was made without the participation of an intermediary, then you must have paper confirmation of the payment made.

eBay may request an independent assessment of the value and identity of the item (or proof of payment). This may be an examination report or a notarized certificate of authenticity. This document can be sent to eBay by traditional mail or fax. If the goods cost less than the cost of obtaining such a document, the Buyer has the right to report the impossibility of carrying out this action. During the investigation process, the compensation manager will contact both the Buyer and its partners, as well as the Seller. It is important to note that if within 72 hours there was no response to the manager's question, then eBay has the right to initiate closure of the investigation and subsequently refuse a refund.

One of the most common problems faced by buyers of the eBay online auction is when the purchased and paid for item does not arrive within the designated time frame, or the item received does not, to one degree or another, correspond to the pre-sale description presented on the site. To protect buyers and solve these problems, eBay has developed and operates the eBay Buyer Protection Program. The main tool for resolving conflict situations is Dispute (Case), a kind of ordinary dispute, but on an e-commerce platform.

The Dispute mechanism is as follows: a problem arose and if the Buyer, during communication with the Seller, could not resolve it, then he contacts the eBay Resolution Center in his eBay account and opens a dispute on a particular lot, indicating the reason. Then, first of all, eBay offers to work out a compromise solution between the Buyer and the Seller independently through correspondence, but if the “golden mean” in the Buyer’s opinion has not been found, then he transfers Dispute(case) in Claim / Complaint(claim) and then eBay begins to study the situation and make an arbitration and final decision.

The eBay Buyer Protection program provides two options for which eBay allows disputes to be opened:

  1. The goods were not received on time ( I didn't receive my item yet).
  2. The product does not correspond to the description presented at the time of sale ( I received an item that wasn't as described).


  1. Item not received or not as described.
  2. Payment must be made using the following methods - PayPal, ProPay, Skrill, Paymate Credit card or debit card processed through The seller's Internet merchant account, Bill Me Later. Let us remind you that the most common payment method at the auction (99% of payments) is PayPal.
  3. Items must be purchased strictly through the eBay trading interface.
  4. Payment for the goods must be made in full and at one time; splitting the payment amount into several parts is not allowed.


1. The product was purchased by mistake of the buyer, by accident or on a momentary whim, but the buyer realized his mistake (there is an opportunity to return the product to the seller).

2. There were obvious attempts to deceive the auction administration, to negotiate with the seller to artificially lower the cost of goods to evade taxes, there were frequent disputes, etc. Suspicious activities may result in your account being closed without warning.

3. Goods sent to a third party. Those. If the goods are received by a forwarder in the USA and sent to you, for example, to the Russian Federation, then the Program does not apply to your goods.

5. Products purchased on eBay Wholesale Deals (the eBay wholesale platform) and some other conditions which can be found in the Program description on the eBay website.

Acceptable time limits for opening and conducting disputes under the eBay Buyer Protection program

You can apply to the Protection Program within, but not later than 30 days from the actual or estimated date (latest estimated) delivery of goods. The estimated delivery time must be understood as the time that the seller has defined as the last delivery date in the section Delivery (delivery) lot. In the event that the estimated delivery time is not indicated in the Delivery section, then a period of 7 days after payment, if the seller and buyer are in the same country and 30 days from the date of payment, if the seller and buyer are in different countries. In total, for international shipments, the maximum possible period for opening a dispute will be 60 days.

If within 3 working days after opening a dispute, the Seller does not make contact and does not want to resolve it, then you can demand eBay to intervene and make an arbitration decision, i.e. transfer the dispute to claim(claim). Also after opening a dispute you have 30 days before the dispute is transferred to a claim, if after this period you have not notified eBay about the resolution of the dispute or have not converted the dispute to a claim, then your dispute will be automatically closed.

The seller has 3 working days after opening a dispute (case) to respond to the buyer’s claim.

eBay may extend the dispute resolution period in the event of certain circumstances - if delivery times have been extended due to national holidays, due to the work of postal services, in the event of natural and man-made emergencies, national disasters, changes in laws and government regulations.

Possible decisions made during the dispute

Full refund(full refund). The entire amount paid, at the initiative of the Seller or at the discretion of eBay, is returned to the Buyer. If the goods are received, this is done in exchange for their return, which is paid by the Buyer.

Partial refund(partial refund). The seller only partially compensates the amount paid. This usually occurs if the item received has a minor defect, requires repair, and/or it is not cost-effective to send it back.

Returning a product in exchange for a replacement(return the item in exchange for a replacement item). The Buyer returns the product back to the Seller and in exchange receives a replacement. The costs associated with the return are borne by the Buyer. As a rule, the Seller sends a replacement upon arrival of the goods or upon receiving a tracking number (parcel number) tracked via the Internet.

Solutions for cases where the buyer has not received the goods

In cases where the buyer has not received the package with the purchased item on eBay, it is necessary to open a dispute in the Resolution Center and contact the seller. Which, in turn, is obliged to notify the buyer about the delivery details, provide a tracking number or reimburse the cost of the goods and delivery, i.e. make a full refund ( refund).

If the buyer is not satisfied with the seller's actions in resolving the dispute or the seller does not respond at all, then the dispute can be turned into a claim and require eBay to make a final decision. eBay will then conduct its own investigation, which will review the information provided by both the buyer and the seller. It will be checked whether the goods were delivered to the buyer within the specified period. Written confirmation of delivery ( Proof of signature or signature confirmation- this is the buyer’s signature on the courier’s invoice or postal notice) is requested if the cost of the goods is $750 or more (if a dispute is opened in PayPal, then a signature confirmation may be required if the cost of the goods is $250 or more).

If eBay determines that the item was not delivered, the buyer will be issued a refund for the item and the full shipping cost ( full refund) to the buyer's PayPal account.

Solutions for cases where the buyer received a product that does not correspond to the description

In cases where the buyer received a product that does not correspond to the description, he should also contact the Resolution Center to contact the seller through a dispute (case). The seller must respond to the buyer and offer possible solutions, such as returning or replacing the product, or full refund of the cost of the product.

If the buyer is not satisfied with the actions or conditions of the seller in resolving the dispute, or the seller does not make contact at all, then you can transfer the dispute to a claim and demand that eBay make a final decision.

When reviewing a case, eBay will review the item information provided in the auction item description, as well as information provided by the buyer and seller. If it is not possible to accurately determine whether the product corresponds to the description, the buyer will need to return the product to the seller.

Conditions for returning goods to the seller

  • Item must be returned in the same condition as received.
  • The seller is obliged to accept the goods at the address specified in the lot description.
  • If compensation for return payment is not provided for in the seller's Return Policy, then the buyer returns the product at his own expense. eBay may pay returns in some cases. If the cost of the goods is $750 or more, the goods must be returned with a written confirmation of receipt (signature confirmation), i.e. the seller must sign the courier invoice upon receipt.
  • The seller pays all customs fees upon return.

In some cases, a return is not necessary:

  • the seller's exact return address is not determined;
  • returning the goods is dangerous;
  • the seller violates its Return Policy;
  • The transaction does not meet the terms of eBay Buyer Protection.

After confirming that the item has been returned to the seller, the buyer will be given a full refund for the item and a full refund to the buyer's PayPal account.

An alternative solution may be a partial refund to cover the difference in the properties of the goods received and those presented in the description at the auction (partial refund), but the return of the goods is not obligatory.

If the buyer suspects that the goods received are a fake or counterfeit and can prove this, then there is no need to return the goods. The Buyer will be asked to dispose of the item appropriately and eBay will refund the full cost of the item and shipping. The Buyer must not resell such items on eBay or elsewhere.

Return of funds to the buyer (Refund)

Refunds during a dispute on eBay are processed through PayPal. If the buyer does not have a PayPal account (he made payments using methods other than PayPal), then he must create a PayPal account at the email address registered to the eBay account from which the dispute was opened. Otherwise, the refund will be issued in the form of a coupon redeemable for future purchases on eBay. If the payment was made from your card via PayPal, then the refund will be made to your card - a reverse transaction (transaction period up to 10 days).

Additional eBay Buyer Protection Terms

  • Buyers and sellers leave final decisions to eBay.
  • eBay may provide the seller and buyer involved in a dispute with access to each other's personal and contact information.
  • If the parties to the dispute speak different languages, eBay will provide communication assistance until the dispute is resolved.
  • In some cases, eBay may open and resolve a case on behalf of the buyer.
  • eBay Buyer Protection does not guarantee the product.
  • Items shipped through the Global Shipping Program are eligible for eBay Buyer Protection.
  • If errors were made when returning funds, eBay may independently correct these errors by debiting or crediting funds.

Algorithm for opening a dispute

So, even if you have carefully read the main points and conditions of the eBay Buyer Protection program regarding opening and maintaining disputes given above, and still decide to open a dispute, you should once again carefully consider the following points. Remember, a dispute is not a game, as soon as you open it, the paid amount is blocked on the seller’s PayPal account until clarification. Buyers who often open unfounded disputes seriously risk losing their eBay account - it will be blocked.

  • The goods were not received within the expected time frame. Remember that international delivery times, depending on the chosen method, can be a month or even more. Carefully read the “Delivery” section in the product description, but you should not rely entirely on the information received - you can easily find the average delivery times for a particular type of delivery on our website and forum. It’s a good idea to ask the seller again about when and how the goods were sent. It happens that sellers make a mistake in the tracking number, send it in a different way than agreed (to save money), or delay shipping. All these issues can be resolved through regular correspondence.
  • Product received but not as described. Take the time to read the sales description of the product very carefully again. Decide whether your claims are justified and weigh everything. Ask yourself this question: can you prove to eBay that the item is not as described? By posting, for example, his photo.
  • Contact with the Seller was unsuccessful. In most cases, it is contact with the seller that helps, in the traditional way - personal eBay mail (the results of other contact methods will not be taken into account when considering a dispute in eBay). Calmly, balancedly, soberly, and most importantly, politely and reasonably, offer him options for getting out of the current situation or consider counter-offers. Remember, sending the goods back is usually at the buyer’s expense and does not always make sense; you may be satisfied with a partial refund. The vast majority of sellers will already offer you the optimal solution at this stage.
  • A lot of time has passed since payment for the goods. If deadlines are running out, hurry up, otherwise you will not have the opportunity to open a dispute
  • We have provided additional information that it is advisable to take into account at the end of the article.

Opening a dispute. Step by step guide

Step 1

You need to log into the eBay auction site using your username and password. On the main page we need a menu Customer support(customer support).

Screenshot from

By clicking on the menu button, we will be taken to the customer support page, where we are interested in two items: “I didn’t receive my item” (item not received) and “My item doesn’t match the seller’s description” (product does not meet the description).

Screenshot from

Step 2

Select the reason for opening a dispute by clicking on the appropriate line. For example, “I didn’t receive my item”. An information page will open in front of us, notifying you what to do if you have not received the item and the algorithm of actions from eBay to resolve your problem. You can also familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the programs buyer protections and support from eBay and Paypal.

Screenshot from

As you can see from the algorithm in the image, the first step would be opening a dispute(Open a case), which is what we do by clicking on the corresponding button.

Step 3

Selecting a lot that was not delivered or does not match the description is made on the next page. If the product with which there is a problem is in the image on the page, then simply click on this image. If this product is not shown, you can use the search bar by name or lot number.

Screenshot from

On the next page we will be asked to review the parcel delivery information (tracking number and parcel path, if provided by the seller). If this information did not help you, then click Open a case.

Screenshot from

You can also select the lot for which you are opening a dispute in your personal account My eBay. In your personal account, opposite the lot, find the Actions column and select from the menu More Actions(additional actions). From the drop-down list we need the line Resolve a problem(Solve the problem of).

Screenshot from

After clicking on this line, you will be taken to a page where you select your problem, select your case, open the Dispute and the further course of action is described below.

Recently, another innovation has been added to eBay. When you have problems with non-receipt or non-compliance with the description of the goods and you want to contact the seller Contact Seller, then when you go to the page for selecting a question to the seller and clicking on any of the items I haven't received my item yet or Item I received is not as described– a dispute against the seller will be opened automatically! Therefore, in order not to spoil the relationship with the seller at the very initial stage of resolving issues, select the Other option and ask your question

Step 4

Filling out the dispute opening form. On this page we will be asked to fill out a kind of questionnaire, the accuracy and completeness of which will largely determine the outcome of the case. Therefore, we will consider each element of the questionnaire in detail from top to bottom.

  • What's the problem with the item?(select the item that most accurately describes the problem)
    • Damaged in Shipping(item damaged during delivery)
    • Defective or broken(defective or defective)
    • It"s the wrong item(wrong product sent)
    • It's fake or counterfeit(fake or counterfeit)
    • It"s missing parts or pieces(the completeness is broken, some of the goods are missing)
    • It's unusable(the product is useless, for example concert tickets arrived too late)
    • The problem isn't shown above(none of the items in the list apply)
  • How can eBay help you?(How can eBay help you?) – Help you want from eBay , to choose from:
    • I want a full refund(I want a full refund).
    • I still want the item from the seller(I still want to receive the item from the seller) – I will have to wait for the item if the seller sends the same one again and there is a possibility of receiving two identical items due to possible problems with the delivery of the first one. Your conscience will tell you what to do in this case.
  • Please enter a phone number where we can get in touch with you(Enter a contact phone number to contact you). – You can enter your phone number for clarification on the dispute; in practice, no one clarifies anything over the phone.
  • Can we share your number with the seller?(Can this number be provided to the seller?) – Put Yes, although it is unlikely that a seller from another continent will call you, but you will confirm your desire to be ready for contact .
  • Send a message to the seller with more details(Message to the seller) - Briefly describe the essence of the claims here. If possible, provide links to photos of the goods received. This message will be read by eBay if they have to make a decision.

Screenshot from

And your last action is the final confirmation of the opening of the dispute Open a Case, a notice about which you will see on the next page.

Screenshot from

You will also receive an email from eBay with all the details of the dispute. It will look something like this:

Screenshot from

Now all you have to do is correspond with the seller in a dispute format and wait for the final decision of the seller or eBay. You will be informed about every step of the seller and the result of the dispute via email.

Nuances to consider

  • A competent and comprehensive selection and study of the seller reduces the risk of running into problems with the authenticity, reliability and condition of the product and its delivery - many times over!
  • It should be kept in mind that a dispute can only be opened once for one transaction. This dispute can be opened either on eBay or PayPal (if the payment was made through this payment system).
  • The eBay administration keeps records of disputes that are opened, and if the buyer opens them too often, this may be perceived ambiguously and suspiciously (even if the buyer is always right!) and the buyer can easily lose protection under the eBay Buyer Protection program. Or to block your account. Therefore, every time you should think carefully before opening a dispute. If the purchase is inexpensive, then perhaps you shouldn’t open it at all.
  • If, during a dispute on eBay, a decision is made to pay compensation to the user, then it is paid to his account in the PayPal payment system, regardless of what payment method was used during the transaction.
  • If the Seller voluntarily refused to return the funds during the dispute or there are no funds in his account, then in the event of a decision on the dispute on eBay being made in favor of the Buyer, who, due to certain restrictions, cannot accept payments to his PayPal account (and to residents of Ukraine , Kazakhstan and other CIS countries, due to the restrictions imposed by PayPal, this applies, since they still cannot accept payments), then he will receive the amount due in the form online coupon for an amount equivalent to the amount of compensation. The buyer can use the coupon code when paying for their purchases on any of the regional eBay sites. When paying for goods through the PayPal payment system (and this is a prerequisite when using a coupon), directly on the checkout page to receive a discount, in the field Redeem coupon, gift card or gift certificate at the moment of checkout on the eBay website or field Enter Redemption Code You must enter the coupon code on the PayPal website.
    If the coupon value is less than the payment amount, PayPal will withdraw the difference from the payment card; if it is more, the balance will be “ burns out" The coupon can be used only 1 time when making a payment for one or several lots from one Seller (his consent to use the coupon is not required). If you cannot accept Paypal, but you want to receive a refund on a dispute in “real” money and not with a coupon, then a dispute must be opened directly to PayPal, and not from your eBay account. You can find more detailed information about coupons directly on the eBay website and on our forum.
  • If the dispute was opened and conducted directly on the PayPal website, the procedure for paying compensation when a decision is made in favor of the Buyer will not change and is made by returning funds to the card (Refund).
  • If the payment was made via Paypal, then as soon as the Buyer opens a Dispute (on eBay or Paypal), an amount equivalent to the transaction amount is blocked (on hold) on the Seller's Paypal account until the Dispute is resolved.
  • Depending on which of the regional eBay sites the product was purchased on, when opening a Dispute, the Buyer will be redirected to the appropriate branch, according to the rules and conditions in force at which a decision will be made.
  • If the Seller sent the goods in a way that provides for tracking the progress of delivery via the Internet and provided a current tracking number - tracking number, then it is practically useless to open a Dispute - it will most likely be resolved not in your favor. The exception is when the tracking number shows that the item was returned to the sender, sent to another country (the Seller made a mistake with the address) or the shipping date does not match (the Seller gave the wrong parcel number).
  • If the decision on the dispute is not made in your favor, the deadline for opening a dispute has expired, etc., you still have a way to return the funds paid by chargeback. The bank that issues your card prepares a corresponding application, which is then reviewed by a special department. A decision on refund is usually made within 30-50 days.

Appeal against eBay's decision (appeal a case)

The rules of the eBay Buyer Protection program provide for the possibility of filing an appeal (objection) to the decision of the auction administration regarding a particular dispute. That is, if the result of the dispute was an eBay decision that you are absolutely not satisfied with and you believe that your case was considered biased, superficially and erroneously, then you have the opportunity to appeal the auction decision within 45 days after the decision was made. To file an appeal, you must contact the Resolution Center and provide additional materials regarding your case. Your appeal and case will be reviewed again and if eBay considers you to be right, you will receive a refund of your costs.

Dispute and reviews

Opening a dispute, returning funds or goods does not in any way affect the procedure for exchanging mutual reviews ( feedback) at the end of the transaction. To generate up-to-date information about a particular user, eBay recommends exchanging reviews after each transaction.

I managed to place an order for a gopro action camera on ebay. And everything would be fine, but for the purchase I chose a seller whose price for this device was almost two times lower than the general price on ebay. Well, it’s tempting to buy a good thing for ridiculous money, although in your heart you understand that this is most likely a scam.

Judging by the information on the product page, the seller had as many as 8 gopro action cameras in stock at the start of sales. The seller set a very low price for the product, so the entire lot was sold out within half an hour. Besides me, there were seven other lucky people who managed to buy gopro at a good price.

I placed the order, paid via PayPal and waited for the seller to send the goods. The first doubts that I would not receive the treasured device crept in when I saw that the seller from whom I placed the order is registered in China, although according to the information from the product page, the gopro camera I ordered is located in the USA.

The next day I went to ebay to see how my order was doing and saw that the item had been removed and the store was blocked. At that moment I realized that I would not see the gopro I ordered at a ridiculous price like my own ears.

I have not yet had experience opening a dispute and returning money on ebay, so I wrote about the problem in support. eBay support responded very quickly, for which I respect them. I wrote about the problem in the morning and received a response in the evening.

The answer was something like this: the seller is suspected of fraud, but ebay cannot immediately return the money.

First, you need to contact the seller through the conflict resolution center (found the link at the bottom of the ebay website), after which the seller must provide an answer within four days, if he does not do this, then the dispute will already be considered by the ebay customer support service.

I followed the link to the conflict resolution center, selected the “I have not yet received my product” option, described my complaints to the seller and opened a dispute. This is the information that appeared. The picture shows that the request to the seller was sent on January 19, and the seller must respond by January 23.

At the same time, the following information appeared on the order page: A request for a product not received has been opened and is awaiting action by the seller.

It’s interesting that I paid for the order in dollars, but the price on the product page was indicated in rubles, and the most interesting thing is that the amount was clearly underestimated and was constantly changing. Ebay calculated the cost of goods in rubles according to some formula known only to it.

The seller did not respond within the allotted time and the status of the dispute changed. Information has appeared: This request may be referred to ebay customer service for review. At the same time, ebay sent a reminder message: If the seller has not responded to you, please contact us.

Now I had to go to the conflict resolution center again and send a request not to the seller, but to ebay support. This is a very important part of returning money for a purchase, since if you miss the allotted period, ebay will consider that the buyer has independently resolved the issue with the seller and will close the dispute. On the request page, you need to select the “ask ebay for help” option.

After contacting ebay customer support, the status of the dispute changes and information appears that the dispute is being considered. Now we need to wait for a decision on the open dispute from ebay.

Literally the next day after contacting the conflict resolution service, information appeared that ebay had issued a full refund. Even though ebay stated that it may take up to 48 hours for the refund to be processed, the money was credited to my paypal account immediately.

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to a few points. The price of the product was indicated in dollars, I paid the invoice in dollars, but on the order page after purchase, the cost of the product was already indicated in rubles, excluding delivery costs.

In addition to this, the price of the goods in rubles was constantly changing and was clearly underestimated. I still haven’t figured out how ebay calculates this amount, but I realized that after payment, you don’t have to pay any attention to the price of the ordered and paid goods indicated in rubles. Ebay will refund the money you paid for the item in dollars.

Separately, we need to say about delivery. The seller indicated that they ship the item through their International Shipping Program. This means that there will be two payments in the PayPal account, the first to the seller of the goods, the second to the Pitney Bowes delivery service. In the product information (until the seller was blocked), the delivery cost was indicated as a separate line.

Since there were two payments in the paypal account, I thought that in order to get a refund I would have to contact the seller separately (open a dispute on ebay) and the Pitney Bowes delivery service.

It turned out that Pitney Bowes is the company through which ebay carries out international delivery and in order to return the money it is enough to open a dispute against the seller. If the dispute is resolved in favor of the buyer, ebay immediately returns the money for the product and delivery in full.

Services for ordering goods from China are popular today. Each site has its own strategy for resolving conflict situations related to the return of the amount paid for a product. For example, you can return money to Ebay by following a strictly sequential algorithm of actions.

Is it possible to get money back on Ebay?

Ebay is an international marketplace that uses PayPal for financial transactions. Every seller or Ebay store knows that in the event of a conflict situation related to a product, he must return the money that the client transferred. This return guarantee allows customers to order items on the condition that payment for the item can be claimed back.

You can choose from (depending on the type of claim) one of three options:

  • product refund guarantee;
  • client protection program;
  • submitting a request to the provider for compensation for financial damage.

Simultaneous use of two programs is unacceptable. If a person made a request for a refund under one of the programs, and then assumed that he would receive a faster response from applying to another, the first request will be cancelled.

In what situations is it possible to demand a refund?

You can return money to the seller on Ebay in strictly defined situations, and all of them are directly related to the product. At the end of the auction, the transaction is formalized and the goods are sent by mail accordingly.

Due to the lack of delivery of the parcel within the estimated period of receipt, the client has the right to return the money paid both for the product itself and to return the cost of its delivery.

Another situation may be related to a discrepancy between the item received and its description. Naturally, no one wants to pay for low-quality goods. Moreover, among sellers there are often scammers who try to send the buyer a counterfeit item.

To get a refund in the cases described above, you must take certain actions:

  1. Open a refund request for one of the programs with participation services for resolving conflicting interests of the site itself.
  2. Make a purchase from the official website using your own PayPal account or Qiwi wallet service.
  3. A special case of a return is the purchase of goods through an interactive auction. Additionally, if a dispute arises, you will need to provide an invoice and a receipt for payment for the goods.

Important! There is one exception to this rule: purchases made at the Sotheby’s auction site are not covered by warranty.

The general period that Ebay gives to the seller fluctuates around 1 calendar month for overseas transactions, and one week for transactions within state borders.

How to request a refund

A refund request will not be granted if the buyer has not initially attempted to resolve the conflict with the seller. This is a standard procedure that is completed on the eBay website. The seller should write (preferably in English) what problems the buyer has with the product. The response from the seller should take three days, not considering the day appeals. The timing for the initial attempt to resolve a conflict situation is very important, because the payment system through which the reverse transaction will be made in the future can process refund requests only within a month and a half and no more.

The item is not received. This situation can arise for any reason - slow mail, goods not sent on time, fraud. In any case, an arbitrator is required who will help resolve the situation in favor of the innocent party:

Conscientious sellers contact customers and try to return money if the situation is truly critical. However, in a number of cases, the consumer’s request remains unanswered, and at this moment a dispute (otherwise known as a dispute) should be opened through the functionality of the service and payment system. The seller has only three days, not counting the time of treatment, to respond to a consumer complaint.

The Conflict Resolution Center asks why the controversial situation arose. Of the two options offered in the buyer's section you should choose the appropriate one (non-receipt of the parcel or discovery of defects on the product that make it unsuitable for use, both due to physical damage and for aesthetic reasons).

It is important to meet the return deadlines. The payment service can only help during the first month and a half after payment.

Returning money if the goods have not arrived is much easier than arguing about a low-quality product. When it comes to a broken, torn or dented item, you should keep in mind that the system will require evidence dissatisfaction the item received. In some cases, the conflict resolution service does not oblige you to return the goods to the seller, but at the same time takes assurances from the buyer that the item will be disposed of after the money is returned.

How long to wait for a refund?

After the issue of return has been resolved positively, you should open an account with PayPal if this has not been done before. Money is not refunded to other payment services. eBay has two weeks to inform the customer about the return decision. When all the nuances are settled, a message comes to your personal account stating that the money will be returned within two days.

What to do if the money has not been returned

After the deadline set by the service for replenishing the account has arrived, and the funds have not arrived in the account, you should consult with consultants about possible problems with the transfer. It is also necessary to take into account that account transactions can be processed within 5 banking days, so if the claim was satisfied on Friday, then you should not expect the money to arrive on Monday. It must be taken into account that banking days are counted. Unreceived money may get stuck in the bank, so it would be a good idea to request the history of all transactions with the account.

Thus, Ebay is a very reliable online auction for ordering goods from China online. He will force the buyer to return the money to maintain the service’s customer base. Unreliable sellers may be blocked by the service itself if they show their insolvency.