And an example of logins" in order to give yourself a worthy name and remember this vital combination. Let's look at examples of logins and passwords that a user can register to work online.

The modern Internet user has access to all its advantages - freedom of access to information, communication through a variety of channels, an immense arsenal of technical tools for visualizing their creative ideas, sources of income... Sometimes a lot depends on a good memory for logins - a letter read on time, data saved on time . To work effectively on the global network, you need at least several individual logins and passwords to access forums, social networks, chats, and video conferences. The problem is that there are almost a billion users on the Internet. And all the most successful and common login options have already been mastered by someone.

There are different approaches to forming names. Let's look at typical examples of logins that are accepted in the online world. The most common ones are often based on one’s own first and last name, a creative pseudonym, a combination of numbers with meaning for the user (year of birth with a name, other important dates), a nickname, an informal version of the name. There are gaming nicknames - in computer games. In fact, it doesn’t matter what exactly the login contains. The main thing is that it must be unique, otherwise the user simply will not go through the registration procedure on the site. Sometimes it is impossible to change the selected login; it is better to approach this issue quite thoughtfully.

Example of logins based on full name

Most often, a user names himself on the Internet using his own. This is a logical and easy example of logins, the most common, but associated with the problem of uniqueness - there are many identical surnames. In this situation, there is a way out: connect your full name with digital data, separate them with a dot or hyphen, use suffixes, prefixes and special characters.

  • anna.andreeva.1999;
  • semen-semenich.

It all depends on the user’s imagination. True, in this case, many people know the year of birth. You can use any numbers - postal code, car number. The login is used to register on a website, forum, or social network. This requires a binding; it’s better to take someone close in spirit to the login to make it easier to remember:

  • pr-manager (profession);
  • lenochka (sister's name).

The password can be changed if necessary, especially after a hacking attempt.

Mail logins

Basically, a login for mail (examples will be discussed below) is created in order to create the latter; it is a combination of the domain name of an individual mailbox “number”, which can be designated by a word and numbers. A typical example of logins for mail looks like this:

The choice of mailbox depends on and the name - on the audience to which letters can be sent from this address. There is a difference between personal mail and business mail - the first is intended only for private correspondence, the second - only for business relationships.

Login for Skype

Chat and video conferencing capabilities thanks to the Skype application are used by a lot of people today. In addition to mail and many other numerous online registrations, Skype also requires you to register a nickname that is easy to remember. What is the best username to use on Skype? Examples can be given endlessly, but it is better to take the name of the program - Skype - as a basis and add your individual data. Here is an example of logins designed specifically for Skype:

  • marina.erohina-skype;
  • skypeskiper;
  • dimaskype

This way, uniqueness will be maintained, and it will be easier for all users (including you) to remember your unique name for communicating on Skype.

Universal and professional logins

If the options discussed above are quite individual, then here is another example of logins that are selected quite strictly and seriously. This is your business login, which you use at work or when corresponding with people important to your career, clients, and officials. Agree that by sharing a frivolous contact( [email protected] or [email protected]) You are unlikely to gain authority in business circles. In addition, such an email address is difficult to remember, and the first time the addressee receives such a letter, the addressee may send it to spam without delving into it. To gain the authority of others and inspire respect for yourself, you must not only be a professional, have good manners and work efficiently. Little things like a missing button or a stupid email address or online nickname can confuse an employer or business partner alike. Here's an example of logins that will reflect your personality and make them easy to remember:

[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected].

As you can see, the impression of a business login is radically different.

How to remember logins

In order not to expose yourself to the risk of data loss, you need to record your login and password combination in a safe place, inaccessible to strangers, encode it in a notebook or keep a special offline file where you can enter all individual data. It is desirable that the login and password are logically related to each other. A professional login may have a password in the form of the name of the department or product that the company produces. Personal - the name of a child or favorite film actor. Using it, you can securely fix the most ornate login in your memory.

Login is user ID to log into Internet services (mailboxes, forums, social networks, etc.). The name comes from the English words " log", which translates as " logbook", And " in", which means "in", "inside". The login is used in conjunction with a password, a special secret word. This is a couple necessary to gain access to personal data that should be hidden from outsiders. The security password changes periodically.

Depending on the specific service, the identifier may coincide or not with a username that displayed inside the service and visible to other people. If there is no match, then enter carried out by entering a login and password, and communication is carried out under a name. This name could be real or fictional, whether to include the last name or not. Typically used on the Internet pseudonyms(nicknames, nicknames). For example, the portal requires you to enter a separate login and username (with last name) when registering:

In social networks it is often used for access E-mail or phone number. Here is an example of logging into

Rules for creating a login

Traditionally, identifiers for logging into the service consist of a set Latin letters and numbers (plus the underscore “_”). This has been the case since the days of the Unix operating system, when this method of protecting users was invented. The use of the Cyrillic alphabet is possible for some systems operating on the Runet.

Also allowed use of special icons. The aforementioned favors the symbols “-” and “.”, but swears at the underscore “_”. accepts all three of these characters, but limits their use. Special characters must not appear at the beginning or end of the identifier, and must not follow each other. Examples correct names for “vasya1996”, “katerina.sidorova”, “ya-svobodnyi”.

Rules for creating a password

Reliable Passwords are considered to be length at least 8 characters, consisting of Latin letters (necessarily lowercase and uppercase mixed!) and numbers. Example: "frt67hG438", "Hjd521Yjk". Categorically Not recommended use secret words consisting of a set of identical letters or numbers, phone numbers, first names, last names, addresses. Verbal experiments like “1234567”, “iloveyou”, “privet” are a real gift for attackers.

Cyrillic in passwords prohibited. Special characters are used to a limited extent, this depends from a specific service. The same allows you to use the set “!@$%^&*()_-+”, this increases the complexity of the secret word. To make your password more complex, replace the letter “i” with “!”, “a” with “@”, and so on. If your imagination is completely impoverished, launch a special generator, like

We live in an information age where anyone can hack your email, your social media profile, or your website if you have one.

How to come up with a login and password for registration so that no one hacks you? Very simple…

It is extremely important to have strong protection at hand so that even the most powerful hackers cannot hack you.

I always thought this was a little nonsense, well, who needs the data of this or that person. But, if you think sensibly, then people who know how to hack can always do it. If it’s not clear, then I’ll try to give an example that it’s like the desire of a pickpocket who has gotten stuck to snatch an old lady’s purse on a bus.

That is, hackers can improve their skills in this way. Although, everyone may have their own motives, which is why I decided to write a detailed post on how you can protect your Internet resources and data.

How to come up with a login and password for registration

Now, everywhere on the Internet, what do you constantly enter? That’s right: passwords and more passwords, so it’s important to register ones that no one will ever hack.

A good password should meet the following modern requirements:

  • must contain not only Latin letters, but also numbers;
  • its length should be from 8-12 characters and this is the minimum;
  • It is best to use all letters of your keyboard for the password;
  • It will be great if your password has spaces, and several;
  • do not try to create passwords that indicate your date of birth or street and house number;
  • no need to enter the password like the letters that are placed next to each other on the keyboard.

These are the simple rules that you should consider when registering passwords for your social networking profiles, for example: VK, facebook, twitter, google plus . Let's say, if you register on a one-time forum, for example, just to download something, then you can enter anything.

By the way, an excellent rule, try to update passwords on your sites from time to time, this will complicate and even scare off possible haters. And best of all, attach authorization via SMS to your sites.

Even if they find out your username and password, they still won’t be able to log in, since they will need to gain access to your mobile phone.

Secure login and password

There are many ways to help you find a complex password.

  1. It must not be understandable. How we come up with a password is basically a word and some numbers that mean something. Think of a word that is not in the dictionary, then add numbers to it that, in your life, mean nothing.
  2. Come up with a few words, and put some kind of symbol, for example, a comma, in the very middle of each one. Here's an example “Better!!iipa,ro l”. It seems to be a phrase: “The best password,” but try to find it again, because there are two exclamation marks and commas.
  3. Enter the password in upper and lower case letters. Here: "MyBirthday229", such a password will also be difficult to guess.
  4. In general, it would be cool if you put a word in your password and add your non-existent date of birth to it. Even if hackers hack you, they will check your date of birth, your relatives, but not others. Here's a simple example: "Sanechek19550202". As you can see, the numbers here don’t mean anything at all, so it’s extremely difficult to find one.
  5. We take some book or magazine and write down a phrase there, which, again, does not fit into your life. For example, the following type of password cannot be guessed "Valery Meladze in Minsk". The most important thing is that you don't forget it.

Well, I think you’ve figured out passwords, now you know what a strong and complex password should look like, which can be used to register mail, social networks, websites, forums, YouTube.

How to come up with a login

The most important thing you need to remember is that the words you use in your login should not be used in your password and vice versa.

To find your login, you can:

  • use the standard generator on the website;
  • come up with something like this from your past or vice versa from what you dream of coming to, for example: business-cool;
  • can be taken from your hobby;
  • a profession in real life would also work;

In short, there are a lot of free words that you can use to log in to any website.

I hope that I didn’t miss anything and that the article on how to come up with a login and password for registration turned out normal. If I missed something, then sorry, I can add.

That's all for me, thank you for reading this post.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

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Most of us, in one way or another, maintain activity on various social networks or other Internet resources. A personal account on any website should be made as secure as possible from hacking. In this article we will give some tips that will help you create a unique login and strong password for use on any website.

How to create a secure username and password

Create a login

  • Do not under any circumstances set the Login and Password fields to the same or very similar values;
  • Most sites suggest using an email address or nickname as a login. Use an email address. This is very convenient and practically eliminates the possibility of forgetting your login;
  • To make it easier to remember your login, you can use the same one in several accounts.

Coming up with a password

Since the main difficulty in hacking is guessing a password, its creation should be taken very seriously. It must be remembered that the password should not be easy to guess (for example, 1234567 or qwerty). Also, when creating a password, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • Do not use your first name, last name or the names of people close to you as a password. This data is likely to be well known, so it will be easy to retrieve.
  • try to create a password from combinations of words and numbers (different keyboard languages, different case). This is the easiest and most reliable way to create a complex password.
  • Don't make the password very short. No matter how complex the combination of letters and numbers in a password is, it will be easier to crack if it is short.
  • create a password that you can remember. To avoid having to resort to remembering passwords in your browser, remember your password and enter it manually each time you visit your account.
  • Do not write down your passwords anywhere. Just as in the case of PIN codes for bank cards, try not to store your passwords in writing anywhere.

The principles of creating a secure login and password for both websites and individual applications (Mail Agent, Skype, Instagram, etc.) are completely the same. You can find other tips on how to create a new login and password in the article -

Every person does everything for the first time at some point. For the first time, he crosses the threshold of school, for the first time he picks up his passport, for the first time he registers a mailbox or an account on the Internet.

And if parents enroll a child in school, and government agencies issue a passport, then registration on a website or social network is a purely personal matter. This is where difficulties arise due to ignorance of the most common things for any advanced user. For example, what is a login and password and where to get them.

A login is required to register in any Internet service: on a social network or on a website, as well as to create your own mailbox. In fact, this is a set of letters, numbers, and sometimes other symbols under which the user will “remember” this resource. The login can sometimes coincide with the nickname, but most often these are different sets of characters.

To register an email, you need to come up with your own original login, which is often a combination of the letters of the first and last name in combination with the numbers of the year of birth or another number that is significant to the user. As a rule, you come up with a login yourself, or the system “helps” with this, offering options that have not yet been taken by other users.

Login and password are required exclusively for Internet users; they are not used in real life. But on the Internet, without a login and password, you will not be able to perform the simplest and most necessary actions: write letters to friends, use social networks, create electronic wallets and make purchases, write comments on messages, etc.

All of these tasks require registration on a website or service, which will require you to come up with and enter your username and password into the system.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in choosing a login and password. However, in practice, many users are faced with a difficult problem: the number of registrations on the Internet is growing every year, and an increasing number of suitable logins are already taken by other people.

Some services, for example, may offer options for free alphanumeric combinations.

There are no such problems with inventing your own password, but here you will face difficulties of a different nature. You should not come up with a password that is too simple, as your account may be “hacked” - i.e. strangers will have access to it. A good password should be long, at least 7 or 8 characters, and contain letters, numbers, and if possible, other symbols.

It is not recommended to use your birthday date as a password, since such a password is the easiest to “calculate” - just look at a page on a social network, where many people post this information in the public domain.

A fairly common situation: a person registers an account in Odnoklassniki, actively uses it for some time, but then stops communicating for a while. When a few months later he wants to go to his page, it turns out that the login under which he was registered has already been forgotten and is not written down anywhere.

Fortunately, the administration of Odnoklassniki, anticipating such situations, not only by login, but also by email address and mobile phone number. To be able to subsequently restore your login, you just need to provide the system with this data during registration, and you will always be confident in the ability to access your page.

If you have forgotten your email login, you can use the system prompts. As a rule, when registering, each user indicates a secret word: he comes up with a question and an answer to it. This information will be useful if you lose your login.

However, you can do it simpler: contact one of your friends to whom you wrote letters from this address. Most likely, he will find your lost login without any problems.

To restore a lost VKontakte login, as in Odnoklassniki, the easiest way is to use your mobile phone number - of course, if you registered it among your personal information. You can try logging in using your email address, but again, only if you remember it.

Logging in by phone number is also good because no one else will use this method except you, so the administration prefers to restore access to accounts using your mobile phone.