“Lesson Polynomial” - And check: 2. Multiply polynomials: 4. Divide the polynomial A(x) by B(x). 3. Factor the polynomial. 1. Perform addition and subtraction of polynomials: P(x)=-2x3 + x2 -x-12 and Q(x)= x3 -3x2 -4x+1. Actions with polynomials. Lesson 15.

“Converting an entire expression into a polynomial” - Develop students' computational skills. Introduce the concept of an entire expression. Converting integer expressions. Polynomials and, in particular, monomials are integer expressions. Exercise students in bringing similar terms. Examples of integer expressions are the following expressions: 10y?+(3x+y)(x?-10y?), 2b(b?-10c?)-(b?+2c?), 3a?-(a(a+2c) )/5+2.5ac.

“Multiplication of polynomials” - -x6+3x7-2x4+5x2 3 -1 0 -2 0 5 0 0 7 -8 3 5 -6 7x4-8x3+3x2+5x-6. Presentation. Positional number of a polynomial. Multiplying polynomials using positional numbers. Ryabov Pavel Yurievich. Head: Kaleturina A. S.

"Polynomial of standard form" - Standard view polynomial. Examples. 3x4 + 2x3 – x2 + 5. Addition of polynomials. Preparation for s/r No. 6. Dictionary. Chapter 2, §1b. For polynomials with one letter, the leading term is uniquely determined. Check yourself. 6x4 – x3y + x2y2 + 2y4.

"Polynomials" - A monomial is considered a polynomial consisting of one term. Taking the common factor out of brackets. Algebra. Polynomials. Let's multiply the polynomial a+b by the polynomial c+d. Product of a monomial and a polynomial Multiplication of a monomial by a polynomial. The terms 2 and -7, which do not have a letter part, are similar terms. The terms of the polynomial 4xz-5xy+3x-1 are 4xz, -5xy, 3x and -1.

“Lesson Factorization” - Application of FSU. Abbreviated multiplication formulas. Lesson topic: Answers: var 1: b, d, b, g, c; var 2: a, d, c, b, a; var 3: c, c, c, a, b; Var 4: g, g, c, b, d. So how? Taking the common factor out of brackets. 3. Complete the factorization: Work in groups: Put the common factor out of brackets. 1.Complete the factorization: a).

An integer expression is a mathematical expression made up of numbers and literal variables using the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication. Integers also include expressions that involve division by any number other than zero.

Whole expression examples

Below are some examples of integer expressions:

1. 12*a^3 + 5*(2*a -1);

3. 4*y- ((5*y+3)/5) -1;

Fractional Expressions

If an expression contains division by a variable or by another expression containing a variable, then such an expression is not an integer. This expression is called a fractional expression. Let us give a complete definition of a fractional expression.

A fractional expression is a mathematical expression that, in addition to the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication performed with numbers and letter variables, as well as division by a number not equal to zero, also contains division into expressions with letter variables.

Examples of fractional expressions:

1. (12*a^3 +4)/a

3. 4*x- ((5*y+3)/(5-y)) +1;

Fractional and integer expressions make up two large sets of mathematical expressions. If we combine these sets, we get a new set called rational expressions. That is, rational expressions are all integer and fractional expressions.

We know that entire expressions make sense for any values ​​of the variables that are included in it. This follows from the fact that to find the value of an entire expression it is necessary to perform actions that are always possible: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division by a number other than zero.

Fractional expressions, unlike whole ones, may not make sense. Since there is an operation of dividing by a variable or an expression containing variables, and this expression can become zero, but dividing by zero is impossible. The values ​​of the variables for which the fractional expression will make sense are called valid values ​​of the variables.

Rational fraction

One of the special cases of rational expressions will be a fraction whose numerator and denominator are polynomials. For such a fraction in mathematics there is also a name - a rational fraction.

A rational fraction will make sense if its denominator is not zero. That is, all values ​​of variables for which the denominator of the fraction is different from zero will be acceptable.