Let's say a few more words about registering ActiveX components. Typically, BASIC independently registers all ActiveX components at the time of their creation. Registration consists of assigning a special unique identifier CLSID to the ActiveX component and entering it into the registry database Windows Registry several records characterizing the properties of the component and its location. We have already talked a little about registering programs in the sections on COM and DCOM. Regarding the distribution and dissemination of developed ActiveX components across local network or the Internet, then this is a separate topic and will be discussed below.

Rice. 1.11. Using a pre-built ActiveX control in the browser

Placing ActiveX controls on Web pages
ActiveX controls are connected to HTML documents using the tag, which is proposed in one of the working standards of the W3 consortium. The purpose of this tag (in Netscape Navigator) is to integrate foreign elements into HTML. Here is the complete tag syntax:

Some of the listed attributes are similar to the attributes of the well-known tag , so we will not consider them here.

Here is a description of tag-specific attributes:
This attribute specifies the class identifier of the control element being called. Each OCX module, and therefore each ActiveX control, must have its own unique class identifier. It is usually abbreviated CLSID and is a fairly long string of hexadecimal digits - for example, "017C99A0-8637-llCF-A3A9-00A0C9034 920".

But why is there "URL" in the syntax of this attribute? The fact is that the tag can be used to connect not only ActiveX controls, but also other program objects, including those that are recognized not by “class identifiers”, but in some other way.
To ensure that the browser only deals with one syntax, the CLSID is set according to the rules of the URL: the left side contains the word "clsid", and the right side contains the actual class identifier.
Example: CLASSID="clsid:017C99A0-8637-llCF-A3A9-00A0C9034 920"

This attribute specifies the URL (this time a real one, with the prefix "http:" or "ftp:"). You can list multiple URLs in this attribute in case one of the servers is unavailable for some reason.
The same attribute allows you to specify the required version number for ActiveX controls.
For example, if you write CODEBASE="http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/iexplorer/iestock.ocx# Version=4.72,0.1171"
then an attempt to obtain this ActiveX module from the Internet is made not only when it is not on the user’s computer, but also when the control element is installed, but has an older version number than the one specified in the CODEBASE attribute (In our example a version no older than is required).

These two optional attributes allow you to specify the types (in terms of the MIME standard) of those files that are referenced by the CLASSID (CODETYPE attribute) and DATA (TYPE attribute) attributes. For ActiveX controls, the CODETYPE attribute, if present, must be set to "application/x-oleobject".

This attribute specifies the location of the data file that may be needed for this control to operate. For some ActiveX controls, this attribute is required. In addition, using the DATA attribute, you can include the file containing the control element directly in the HTML file in encoded form.

Typically this statement is empty. It can be used to declare an object when it is not implemented, but is only a parameter of another object. At the same time, the entire set of object attributes is written to the browser’s memory in case someone requires them.

Needed to organize interaction with other objects that have an identifier. It can also be used in a URL addressing scheme (that is, it can appear after the "#" character in a URL).
You can create as many tags as you like with the same CLASSID value, but their ID values ​​must be different.

An optional attribute that can be used when preparing an HTML form (for this, the tag must be inside a tag pair ... ). The data sent will contain the information received by the browser from the object.

This empty attribute makes it possible, within the window occupied by the object in the browser space, to select additional subareas and mark them as additional URL links (a kind of hotspots). The coordinates of these regions and the URLs of links for them are specified using tags with special additional attributes, which must be located between the AND corresponding to it.

The demo shows the bridge between 2D graphics in HTML5 and true 3D (using WebGL). The purpose of this article is to show how to draw 3D objects using a polygonal mesh. A polygonal mesh is a collection of vertices, edges, and faces that define the shape of polyhedral objects in 3D computer graphics and solid modeling.

Simple 3D objects

The facade consists of triangles, quadrangles or other simple polygons. To demonstrate this, we prepared simple 3D objects - a cube and polyhedral spheres (with a variable number of faces).

Draw 3D Objects Step 1: HTML

As usual (for all canvas based demos) we have very simple HTML markup (with one object inside, canvas):

Wireframe 3D Objects in HTML5 Use Up/Down Buttons to Control Object Transparency

Retrieving object initialization, see:

//var obj = new cube(); //var obj = new sphere(6); var obj = new sphere(16);

This means that if we need to display a cube, you must uncomment the first line, if you want to display a sphere with 6 faces, you need to select the second option.

Step 2. JS

There are three JavaScript file(main.js, meshes.js and transform.js), we publish two of them, the third (transform.js) contains only calculation functions related to rotation, scaling and project objects. So let's look at the first JavaScript code:

js/meshes.js // Get a random color function getRandomColor() ( var letters = "0123456789ABCDEF".split(""); var color = "#"; for (var i = 0; i< 6; i++) { color += letters; } return color; } // Подготовка объекта function prepareObject(o) { o.colors = new Array(); // Составим норм o.normals = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < o.faces.length; i++) { o.normals[i] = ; o.colors[i] = getRandomColor(); } // Составим центр: рассчитать максимальные позиции o.center = ; for (var i = 0; i < o.points.length; i++) { o.center += o.points[i]; o.center += o.points[i]; o.center += o.points[i]; } // Составим расстояния o.distances = new Array(); for (var i = 1; i < o.points.length; i++) { o.distances[i] = 0; } // Вычисляем среднее положение центра o.points_number = o.points.length; o.center = o.center / (o.points_number - 1); o.center = o.center / (o.points_number - 1); o.center = o.center / (o.points_number - 1); o.faces_number = o.faces.length; o.axis_x = ; o.axis_y = ; o.axis_z = ; } // Объект куб function cube() { // Подготовим точки и граней куба this.points=[ , , , , , , , , , , ]; this.faces=[ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]; prepareObject(this); } // Объект сфера function sphere(n) { var delta_angle = 2 * Math.PI / n; // Составим вершины (точек) сферы var vertices = ; for (var j = 0; j < n / 2 - 1; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { vertices = ; vertices = 100 * Math.sin((j + 1) * delta_angle) * Math.cos(i * delta_angle); vertices = 100 * Math.cos((j + 1) * delta_angle); vertices = 100 * Math.sin((j + 1) * delta_angle) * Math.sin(i * delta_angle); } } vertices[(n / 2 - 1) * n] = ; vertices[(n / 2 - 1) * n + 1] = ; vertices[(n / 2 - 1) * n] = 0; vertices[(n / 2 - 1) * n] = 100; vertices[(n / 2 - 1) * n] = 0; vertices[(n / 2 - 1) * n + 1] = 0; vertices[(n / 2 - 1) * n + 1] = -100; vertices[(n / 2 - 1) * n + 1] = 0; this.points = vertices; // Составим первый слой var faces = ; for (var j = 0; j < n / 2 - 2; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { faces = ; faces = ; faces = j * n + i; faces = j * n + i + 1; faces = (j + 1) * n + i + 1; faces = j * n + i; faces = (j + 1) * n + i + 1; faces = (j + 1) * n + i; } faces = ; faces = ; faces = (j + 1) * n - 1; faces = (j + 1) * n; faces = j * n; faces = (j + 1) * n - 1; faces = j * n + n; faces = (j + 2) * n - 1; } for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { faces = ; faces = ; faces = (n / 2 - 1) * n; faces = i; faces = i + 1; faces = (n / 2 - 1) * n + 1; faces = (n / 2 - 2) * n + i + 1; faces = (n / 2 - 2) * n + i; } faces = ; faces = ; faces = (n / 2 - 1) * n; faces = n - 1; faces = 0; faces = (n / 2 - 1) * n + 1; faces = (n / 2 - 2) * n; faces = (n / 2 - 2) * n + n - 1; this.faces=faces; prepareObject(this); }

At the very beginning, we must prepare all the points and the façade of our objects. There are 2 functions: cube (which generates initial arrays for a simple cube object) and spheres (for generating a sphere). It is much more difficult to calculate all the points and faces for a polyhedral sphere. Once we have all these points and surfaces, we must calculate other parameters (such as distance, absolute center and three axes).

// Internal variables var canvas, ctx; var vAlpha = 0.5; var vShiftX = vShiftY = 0; var distance = -700; var vMouseSens = 0.05; var iHalfX, iHalfY; // Initialization function sceneInit() ( // Preparing the canvas and object context canvas = document.getElementById("scene"); ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); iHalfX = canvas.width / 2; iHalfY = canvas.height / 2; // Initial scale and translation scaleObj(, obj); translateObj([-obj.center, -obj.center, -obj.center],obj); translateObj(, obj); // Connect to the event handler document. onkeydown = handleKeydown; canvas.onmousemove = handleMousemove; // Main loop setInterval(drawScene, 25); ) // Event handler OnKeyDown function handleKeydown(e) ( kCode = ((e.which) || (e.keyCode)); switch (kCode) ( case 38: vAlpha = (vAlpha = 0.2) ? (vAlpha - 0.1) : vAlpha; break; // Down key ) ) // OnMouseMove event handler function handleMousemove(e) ( var x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft; var y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; if ((x > 0) && (x< canvas.width) && (y >0) && (y< canvas.height)) { vShiftY = vMouseSens * (x - iHalfX) / iHalfX; vShiftX = vMouseSens * (y - iHalfY) / iHalfY; } } // Рисуем основную функцию function drawScene() { // Очистить холст ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); // Установить цвет заливки, цвет обводки, толщину линии и глобальной альфа- ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; ctx.lineWidth = 0.5; ctx.globalAlpha= vAlpha; // Вертикальный и горизонтальный поворот var vP1x = getRotationPar(, , vShiftX); var vP2x = getRotationPar(, , vShiftX); var vP1y = getRotationPar(, , vShiftY); var vP2y = getRotationPar(, , vShiftY); rotateObj(vP1x, vP2x, obj); rotateObj(vP1y, vP2y, obj); // Пересчитываем расстояния for (var i = 0; i < obj.points_number; i++) { obj.distances[i] = Math.pow(obj.points[i],2) + Math.pow(obj.points[i],2) + Math.pow(obj.points[i], 2); } // Подготовить массив с фасадом треугольников (с расчетом максимальное расстояние для каждой грани) var iCnt = 0; var aFaceTriangles = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < obj.faces_number; i++) { var max = obj.distances]; for (var f = 1; f < obj.faces[i].length; f++) { if (obj.distances[f]] >max) max = obj.distances[f]]; ) aFaceTriangles = (faceVertex:obj.faces[i], faceColor:obj.colors[i], distance:max); ) aFaceTriangles.sort(sortByDistance); // Prepare an array with predicted points var aPrjPoints = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i< obj.points.length; i++) { aPrjPoints[i] = project(distance, obj.points[i], iHalfX, iHalfY); } // Нарисовать объект (поверхность) for (var i = 0; i < iCnt; i++) { ctx.fillStyle = aFaceTriangles[i].faceColor; // Начало пути ctx.beginPath(); // Фасад индекс вершины var iFaceVertex = aFaceTriangles[i].faceVertex; // Переместить в исходное положение ctx.moveTo(aPrjPoints, aPrjPoints); // И нарисовать три линии (построить треугольник) for (var z = 1; z < aFaceTriangles[i].faceVertex.length; z++) { ctx.lineTo(aPrjPoints], aPrjPoints]); } // Закрыть путь, и заполнить треугольник ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fill(); } } // Функция сортировки function sortByDistance(x, y) { return (y.distance - x.distance); } // Инициализация if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", sceneInit); } else { if (window.onload) { var curronload = window.onload; var newonload = function() { curronload(); sceneInit(); }; window.onload = newonload; } else { window.onload = sceneInit; } }

Once the page is loaded, we do the main initialization (sceneInit function). We create a canvas and object context, which means we perform the initial scale and translate our objects that we created at the very beginning (a cube or a ball). We then attach event handlers to OnKeyDown and OnMouseMove and set a timer to render our main scene (the DrawScene function). Don't forget that we can change the globalAlpha parameters by pressing the Up/Down keys.

HTML tags Meaning and application

An element is a universal way to embed multimedia content into a page - videos, flash videos, applets, images and even web pages. It can contain multiple elements, which are used to define options for plugins built into the element.

You can also place fallback content inside the element, which is displayed if the media file is not supported. Attributes and parameters vary depending on the object type and are sometimes unique to third-party plugins that display media content.

Browser support Tag
Attributes Attribute Value Description
Not supported in HTML5.
Determines the alignment of an element according to surrounding elements.
archiveURLNot supported in HTML5.
The attribute allows you to set an arbitrary number of files necessary for the operation of the object (files are listed separated by a space).
borderpixelsNot supported in HTML5.
Defines the width of the border around an object
classidclass_IDNot supported in HTML5.
Defines the class ID value set in Windows registry or URL.
codebaseURLNot supported in HTML5.
Determines where to find the code for an object
codetypemedia_typeNot supported in HTML5.
Indicates the object type specified by the classid attribute.
dataURLSpecifies the resource address that will be used by the object.
declaredeclareNot supported in HTML5.
Specifies that the object must only be declared (use is assumed by another element).
formform_idSpecifies one or more forms to which the object belongs.
heightpixelsSpecifies the height of the object.
hspacepixelsNot supported in HTML5.
Specifies spaces to the left and right of an object.
namenameSpecifies the name of the object.
standbytextNot supported in HTML5.
Defines the text displayed while the object is loading.
typemedia_typeSpecifies the MIME type specified in the data attribute
usemap#mapnameSpecifies the name of the image card used with the object.
vspacepixelsNot supported in HTML5.
Defines white space at the top and bottom of an object.
Specifies the width of the object.
Example of use Example of using tags and

Posting videos from YouTube

In this example, we have posted a video from YouTube video hosting using the and tag. The width and height of the video were set using the width and height attributes. Please note that the tag is paired and the path to the video must be specified with the data attribute, and the tag has a syntax similar to placing a regular image (tag ) - uses the src attribute and does not require a closing tag.

The result of our example:

The following example shows the use of the element in conjunction with the tag, which is used to define plugin parameters.

Example of using an element Differences between HTML 4.01 and HTML 5 Most attributes are not supported in HTML5. HTML5 has added a new form attribute, objects can be used and submitted in forms, objects cannot be used inside a tag


The tag is used to insert objects into an HTML page. These objects are used by the browser to process various files: images, audio or video files, flash animation, etc. Some types of files (for example, GIF images) are understood by browsers initially and can be displayed using internal resources. But, nevertheless, thanks to the tag, you can choose how these files will be processed: by the browser itself (if it understands them) or by a program connected to it that will be launched.

Connected programs can be various plugins, add-ons, etc., which are used depending on the type of data being processed. This role can be played by audio, video, flash players, ActiveX components, applets and other programs. If the browser cannot find the required plug-in extension on the user’s computer, it downloads it to the address specified in the tag.

Also, using of this element You can embed other HTML documents into pages, like the . But, unlike frames, documents embedded in this way cannot be replaced by others during the work process.

Elements can be nested multiple times to provide alternate information in case the parent container object cannot be rendered by the browser. Also, tags that transmit additional data are actively used inside them.

In addition, the tag may not be supported by some browsers at all or in in some cases(Remember this!), so to be on the safe side, it is often included with a tag with similar content placed before the closing tag.

When processing, browsers act as follows. They first try to render the object using only the information from the opening tag and subtags, if any. Then, if nothing works, they move on to the rest of the subtags and try to display them, for example it could be alt text or another tag with which they act in the same way, etc.


Personal attributes:

  • align - Sets the position of the object relative to the surrounding context.
  • archive - Specifies a comma-separated list of paths to archives with additional data to “preload” them.
  • border - Sets the size of the border around the object.
  • classid - Indicates the class of the object using the address of its location.
  • codebase - Used to set the base address by which the relative addresses specified in classid, data, archive will be determined.
  • codetype - Specifies the data type used by the object specified by the classid attribute.
  • data - Indicates the address of the document with the data that the object will process.
  • declare - Only declares an object and writes its values ​​to memory, without loading data files.
  • height - Overrides the height of the object.
  • hspace - Specifies side margins from the surrounding context.
  • standby - Shows a message while the object is loading.
  • type - Indicates the type of data stored at the address specified in data .
  • vspace - Margins above and below the surrounding context.
  • width - Overrides the width of the object.
  • accesskey - sets a key quick access to focus on an HTML element.
  • class - specifies the name of the tag class or classes used in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
  • dir - indicates the direction of the text within the element.
  • - specifies the name of an HTML tag identifier that can be used as an “anchor” or in style sheets.
  • lang - indicates the language in which the text inside the HTML element is written.
  • style - required to use built-in CSS styles to tag.
  • tabindex - sets the tab order between elements (Tab key).
  • title - displays a tooltip when you hover the mouse over an HTML element.
Tag type

Purpose: objects.

Tag model: inline (built-in, line level). It can also be placed in the page title, inside . But only if it does not have visually displayed content.

May contain: block tags, inline tags, tags, plain text and HTML special characters(mnemonics).

Opening tag: required. Closing tag: required.

Syntax content

HTML Example: Using the OBJECT Tag

seodon.ru - Using the OBJECT tag Sorry, but the file cannot be displayed.

IN in this example tags that connect audio are nested inside each other, since some browsers understand the first option, while others understand the second. For greater cross-browser compatibility, one could also add , but then the example would be invalid.

HTML version support
Version:HTML 4.01HTML 5XHTML 1.0XHTML 1.1
Browser support
Browser:Internet ExplorerGoogle ChromeMozilla FirefoxOpera
Version:6.0 and higher2.0 and higher2.0 and higher9.2 and higher3.1 and higher

OBJECT element attributes

This element allows you to embed any multimedia object on the site along with a processing program of this object. In this section we will look at embedding music, video and Flash animation. However, the capabilities of the OBJECT element are much broader: in principle, you can embed any active content into the page, as long as the user has a program to process this object.

The OBJECT element uses programs on the visitor's computer to render active content. It can use the default player for a specific file type if the file type is familiar to the browser, or use a specific program you specify if the user has one on their computer.

This element has many attributes. Obviously, not all of them are required; more precisely, this element does not have strictly required attributes. However, among them we can highlight the most important ones, which will simplify and speed up the processing of your object by the browser.

The classid attribute specifies the address of the program that will work with the object. The value of this attribute can be a full or relative path to the program file. This is not always convenient, because different computers programs are located in different places, and servers usually do not have the programs needed to play multimedia files. The second method is more convenient: using the identifier of a registered ActiveX application. In this case, the identifier itself must be preceded by keyword clsid, as in Listing 4.11. The second option is most often used because it is universal. IDs for various applications and active objects are easy to find on the Internet.

The codetype attribute must take a value containing the MIME type of the object that is specified in the classid attribute. The browser uses this information to prepare the resources needed to run the file.


MIME type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a standard used on the Internet to indicate the type of an object. The type corresponding to your object can be found in the registry. To do this, in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder you need to open a folder with the permission corresponding to your object, and the MIME type of the object will be indicated in the Content Type line.

Listing 4.11 shows the use of the classid and codetype attributes.

Listing 4.11. Using the classid and codetype attributes

Embedding objects

The example shows the identifier for the Player Windows Media, and the type is for playing an MP3 file. When viewing the page, you will see the player ready to launch (Fig. 4.12).

Rice. 4.12. Insert Windows Player Media

The data attribute takes as its value the address of the file that needs to be launched using the player. True, this method of defining a file is not always used - sometimes the name of the file to be launched must be passed through the PARAM element. The path to the file must be relative to the folder specified by the codebase attribute. If the value of this attribute is not specified, then the path should be relative to the current document.

The type attribute specifies the type of the object, which is specified in the data parameter. Here you need to specify the MIME type of the object. This will allow the browser to select a program to play the file. If you do not specify a specific program for playback, the browser itself will select an application to play files of the specified type. The browser uses the value of the type attribute when the value of the codetype attribute is not specified.

Listing 4.12 shows the code that will run the file test. mp3 for playback.

Listing 4.12. Using the data and type attributes

Embedding objects

If you need to embed a Java applet on a page, use the code attribute and specify the class name of your Java applet as its value. Essentially this attribute is used instead of the APPLET element.

Listing 4.13 shows an example of embedding an applet.

Listing 4.13. Embedding Java Applets

Embedding objects

You've seen the codebase attribute several times already; it specifies the path to the folder where the files used by this object are stored. The paths to all files are specified in the OBJECT element, relative to the folder specified as the value of this attribute.

In addition to the attributes responsible for the basic functions of the object, we are interested in attributes that allow us to control the appearance of the object on the page. It is precisely these attributes of the OBJECT element that we will consider next.

To align an object on the page, use the align attribute; its values ​​are similar to the values ​​of this attribute for the IMG element, but I will repeat them just in case.

Horizontal alignment:

Left – on the left edge;

Right – on the right edge.

Vertical alignment:

Top – aligns the top border of the object to itself high element strings;

Texttop – align the top border of the object to the tallest text element;

Middle – the middle of the object is aligned to the baseline of the line;

Absmiddle – the middle of the object is aligned to the middle of the line;

Baseline – alignment of the bottom border of the object along the baseline of the line;

Bottom – similar to baseline;

Absbottom – the bottom border of the object is aligned with the bottom border of the current line.

The height and width attributes are responsible for the dimensions of an object; they set its height and width, respectively. These parameters set the size of the application window that will be used to play the file. In other words, if you are playing a video file, then the specified height and width will indicate not only the screen size, they will also include the size of the player panel.

As with images, you can set the distance to text for objects using the hspace and vspace attributes.

Thanks to the attributes of the OBJECT element, you can change Common parameters your object, but there is one more very important element that allows you to set parameters of the application itself in which playback occurs.

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