It's easy to cancel unwanted subscriptions.

Most modern applications are distributed free of charge, but offer users a paid subscription to unlock all the functions. Most often, applications lure users with a trial “free” subscription, which literally after a few days turns into a paid one and money is automatically charged for it. How to view a list of all active subscriptions on iPhone and iPad and cancel unwanted ones is described in this instruction.

How to cancel a paid app subscription on iPhone and iPad (iOS 12.1.4 and newer versions)

Starting with iOS 12.1.4, Apple has made it much easier to view active paid subscriptions on iPhone and iPad. To gain access to them, just launch the App Store application, click on your profile picture in the upper right corner and on the page that opens select “ Subscription management».

Immediately after this, a page will open with a list of connected paid subscriptions that can be managed. All you have to do is select the unnecessary subscription and cancel it.

How to cancel a paid app subscription on iPhone and iPad (iOS 12.1.3 and older versions)

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → « Username» → « iTunes Store and App Store».

Step 2. Click on your Apple ID account and in the window that opens, select “ View Apple ID" iOS will ask you to verify your identity by entering your Apple ID password or scanning your finger or face.

Step 3. On the new page, select the “ Subscriptions».

Step 4. After a short download, a list of all subscriptions will open. Subscriptions are divided into active and inactive. Select the subscription you want to cancel in the " Active».

Step 5: A new page will list your subscription details: end date, cost, and available renewal options. Click the button Cancel subscription" at the bottom of the page. Please note that you can similarly cancel trial subscriptions, which are free for a certain period of time.

Step 6: Confirm your cancellation. It is important to note that the effect of the subscription will continue to apply after the subscription until the end of its validity period. For example, if you are subscribed to a music service, you will be able to continue listening to music under the terms of a paid subscription until it ends.

Ready! You have canceled your subscription to the application. Please note that it will continue to be displayed in the list of active ones, but money for its renewal will not be debited. After the expiration date, the subscription line will move to the list of inactive ones.