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Layers are the basis of Photoshop. Any, no matter how serious, manipulation of an image usually involves the use of layers and masks. Without understanding the concept of layering, you simply won't be able to truly edit your photos in Adobe Photoshop, and even if you can, the process will be painful and unnatural.

What are layers?

Layers in Adobe Photoshop can be thought of as sheets of transparent film stacked on top of each other. Any image can be applied to each of the sheets, so that the images lying on top overlap the images below them. Image-free areas of the sheets remain transparent and the underlying layers are visible through them. In general, if you look at the stack from above, you get a single complex image made up of complementary overlapping elements of individual layers.

Layers are needed so that you can create one from several images, and also so that in a multilayer image you can edit each layer independently of the other layers.

Working in Photoshop, we repeatedly create new layers, glue existing ones, duplicate, move, change the order of layers and their transparency, in a word, we do with layers everything that may be required when editing a photo.

Obviously, any file opened or created in Adobe Photoshop contains at least one layer. Usually this layer is called Background, i.e. background or backdrop.

Technically, many actions in Adobe Photoshop can be performed directly with the Background layer, without resorting to additional layers, but even in such situations, I still prefer to create a copy of the main layer and work with the copy, keeping the source intact, and only if the result is completely me okay, I allow myself to merge the layers together. This approach is more convenient and safer. And why, in fact, turn Photoshop into Paint?

Layers palette

The Layers palette is usually located at the bottom left. If you don't see it, press F7.

Let's look at the main elements of the layers palette.

Each layer has a small colored icon. To the right of it is the name of the layer. By default, new layers are given standard names (Layer 1, Layer 2, etc.), but you can always rename them to your liking by double-clicking on the layer name.

Next to the color layer icon there can be a black and white icon layer masks, which is responsible for which areas of this layer should be shown and which should be hidden. If there is no layer mask, the entire layer is visible. The layer mask is the most important tool when working with layers, and therefore we will return to this issue later and talk about masks.

To the left of the layer icon is an eye icon, symbolizing layer visibility. Click on it and the eye will disappear and the layer will become invisible.

To make a layer active, just click on it with the mouse. To select multiple layers, use the Ctrl/Cmd or Shift keys.

To create a copy of the active layer, press Ctrl/Cmd+J. To merge selected layers, press Ctrl/Cmd+E. If only one layer is selected, it will be merged with the underlying layer. Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+E merges all currently visible layers. To merge all the layers of the document together, go to the Layers menu and select Flatten Image.

Layers can be dragged with the mouse and, thus, their relative positions can be changed. The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl/Cmd+] and Ctrl/Cmd+[ move active layer one position up or down, respectively.

At the top of the layers palette are the following settings:

Layer filtering allows you to display in the palette only those layers that meet certain criteria and hide all others. You can filter layers by type, by name, by styles, etc.

By using Lock layer You can partially or completely prohibit editing a specific layer.

To the right are the settings windows Opacity And Fill responsible for the degree layer opacity. The default values ​​are 100%, i.e. The layer is completely opaque and visible in all its glory. 50% will mean that the layer is half transparent and the lower layers are visible through it. At 0% the layer becomes completely transparent and invisible. There is only one difference between Opacity and Fill: Opacity adjusts the opacity of the layer along with all the styles and special effects applied to it, while Fill only affects the pixels of the layer itself, without affecting the styles.

The Background layer differs from other layers in that its opacity is always 100% and cannot be adjusted. In addition, Background is permanently protected from movement. The blend mode for Background is always Normal, since there are no other layers underneath it and there is simply nothing for it to blend onto.

There are seven buttons at the bottom of the Layers palette:

Link layers. Links (but does not merge) selected layers. Linked layers remain independent layers, but when you try to move them, they move as a single unit.

Add a layer style. Allows you to apply various special effects to the layer, such as shadow, glow, outline, etc. Styles are rarely used when processing photographs and are mainly used in graphic design.

Add layer mask. Adds a mask to the selected layer. By default, the mask is white, i.e. the contents of the layer are fully visible. See below for more information on masks.

Create new fill or adjustment layer. Creates an adjustment layer or fill layer for non-destructive editing. See below for more information on adjustment layers.

Create new group(Create a new group). Creates a new empty group. To combine existing layers into a group, select them and press Ctrl/Cmd+G. To disband a group, press Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+G. Groups are useful when a document contains many layers and there is a need to organize them somewhat. In addition, masks and styles applied to a group automatically affect all layers included in the group. Otherwise, groups are similar to linking layers.

Create a new layer. Creates a new layer. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N. The new layer does not contain any image and is therefore invisible.

Delete layer. Deletes the active layer. You can use the Del button.

Why are masks needed?

A layer mask is needed to selectively and reversibly hide from view (in other words, mask) part of the pixels of a layer. For example, when working with HDR, I take several photographs of the same scene, taken at different exposures, then paste them into one file as separate layers, and use masks to specify which elements of each photograph should be present in the final image.

The mask is a black and white image the same size as any layer. The color of the mask encodes the transparency of the layer. White color means normal visibility of the layer, black color means its absolute transparency. Different shades of gray correspond to different degrees of transparency - the darker, the more transparent. Thus, if the mask contains white areas, the corresponding areas of the layer retain their original density, and where the mask is painted black, the image will become invisible, and the underlying layer will be visible through it. The areas marked in gray on the mask will be only partially transparent.

To see the entire mask, just hold down Alt/Option and click on the mask icon.

The mask created using the “Add Layer Mask” command is completely filled with white, i.e. leaves the layer completely visible. If you click on the mask icon and press Ctrl/Cmd+I, the mask will be inverted and painted black. The layer will completely disappear from view, i.e. will be disguised.

If you want to hide some part of the active layer, create a white mask, select it by clicking on it, take a black brush and paint over the areas you don't like - they will disappear, as if you had used an eraser. However, unlike an eraser, which actually erases part of a layer, a mask does not destroy the layer itself, but simply hides it. At any time you can take a white brush and restore any area of ​​the image. This approach is called non-destructive editing.

Often you need to apply an effect to only a small part of the image. In such cases, I duplicate the working layer (or create an adjustment layer), modify it in the way I need (for example, increasing the contrast, sharpening, shading or brightening the image), then hide this layer using a solid black mask, and then use a white brush to show the effect where necessary.

Of course, editing masks is not limited to just painting on them with a brush. You can use any tools. Very often you have to resort, for example, to a gradient fill, or create a mask based on an area selected according to the principle of a color or brightness range. Sometimes the template for a mask is one of color channels. In short, there are countless ways to create masks, and I won’t even try to list them all. Just keep in mind that, if you wish, you can create masks of very complex shapes if the artistic tasks in front of you require it. There are even special plugins for Photoshop (for example, MASK PANEL) that partially automate the creation and editing of complex masks.

Adjustment layers are needed for non-destructive image editing. Instead of applying curves, levels, or some other tool directly to the layer, you create a special adjustment layer and work with it. The adjustment layer itself does not contain any image, but rather represents instructions on how the program should modify the image underlying the adjustment layer. Advantage this method is that you can return to the adjustment layer many times and freely change its parameters without fear of ruining the image. The adjustment layer can be turned off, its opacity can be changed, and if desired, it can be completely removed without any consequences for the photo. It's also convenient to be able to copy an adjustment layer and paste it into another document, thus applying the same settings to several photos at once.

Adding a new adjustment layer is done through the special Adjustments palette, or through the corresponding button in the Layers palette, or through the Layer > New Adjustment Layer menu.

Each adjustment layer is automatically supplied with a mask that allows you to control the area of ​​influence of the adjustment layer. It's only natural that different areas of an edited photograph may require the intervention of different tools. With the help of several adjustment layers, limited by masks, this is quite doable. Adjustment layer masks are no different from regular masks and can be edited using standard methods.

When combining an adjustment layer with underlying layers, the correction made is rasterized, i.e. the changes are finally transferred to the real image and become irreversible. In this regard, you should merge layers only when you are completely satisfied with the result and do not plan further changes.

Thank you for your attention!

Vasily A.

Post scriptum

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This tutorial is something like a “stamp of my memory” in the SQL language (DDL, DML), i.e. this is information that has accumulated along the way professional activity and is constantly stored in my head. This is a sufficient minimum for me, which is used most often when working with databases. If there is a need to use more complete SQL constructs, then I usually turn to the MSDN library located on the Internet for help. In my opinion, it is very difficult to keep everything in your head, and there is no particular need for this. But knowing the basic structures is very useful, because... they are applicable in almost the same form in many relational databases, such as Oracle, MySQL, Firebird. The differences are mainly in the data types, which may differ in detail. Basic designs SQL language not so many, and with constant practice they are quickly memorized. For example, to create objects (tables, constraints, indexes, etc.) it is enough to have at hand text editor environment (IDE) for working with a database, and there is no need to study visual tools tailored to work with a specific type of database (MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Firebird, ...). This is also convenient because all the text is in front of your eyes, and you don’t need to run through numerous tabs in order to create, for example, an index or constraint. When constantly working with a database, creating, changing, and especially re-creating an object using scripts is many times faster than if you do it in visual mode. Also in script mode (and, accordingly, with due care), it is easier to set and control the rules for naming objects (my subjective opinion). In addition, scripts are convenient to use when changes made in one database (for example, test) need to be transferred in the same form to another database (productive).

The SQL language is divided into several parts, here I will look at the 2 most important parts:
  • DML – Data Manipulation Language, which contains the following constructs:
    • SELECT – data selection
    • INSERT – inserting new data
    • UPDATE – data update
    • DELETE – deleting data
    • MERGE – data merging
Because I am a practitioner, as such there will be little theory in this textbook, and all constructions will be explained in practical examples. In addition, I believe that a programming language, and especially SQL, can only be mastered through practice, by experiencing it yourself and understanding what happens when you execute this or that construct.

This textbook was created according to the Step by Step principle, i.e. you need to read it sequentially and preferably immediately follow the examples. But if along the way you need to learn about a certain command in more detail, then use a specific search on the Internet, for example, in the MSDN library.

When writing this tutorial, the MS database was used SQL Server version 2014, I used MS SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to execute the scripts.

Briefly about MS SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a utility for Microsoft SQL Server for configuring, managing and administering database components. This utility contains a script editor (which we will mainly use) and graphics program, which works with server objects and settings. The main tool of SQL Server Management Studio is Object Explorer, which allows the user to view, retrieve, and manage server objects. This text is partially borrowed from Wikipedia.

To create a new script editor, use the “New Query” button:

To change the current database you can use the drop-down list:

To execute a specific command (or group of commands), select it and press the “Execute” button or the “F5” key. If there is only one command currently in the editor, or you need to execute all commands, then you do not need to select anything.

After running scripts, especially those creating objects (tables, columns, indexes), to see the changes, use refresh from context menu by selecting the appropriate group (for example, Tables), the table itself, or the Columns group in it.

Actually, that's all we need to know to complete the examples given here. The rest of the SSMS utility is easy to learn on your own.

A little theory

A relational database (RDB, or hereinafter in the context simply DB) is a collection of tables interconnected. Roughly speaking, a database is a file in which data is stored in a structured form.

DBMS – Database Management System, i.e. this is a set of tools for working with a specific type of database (MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Firebird, ...).

Because in life, in colloquial speech, we mostly say: “Oracle DB”, or even just “Oracle”, actually meaning “Oracle DBMS”, then in the context of this textbook the term DB will sometimes be used. From the context, I think it will be clear what exactly we are talking about.

A table is a collection of columns. Columns can also be called fields or columns; all these words will be used as synonyms expressing the same thing.

The table is the main object of the RDB; all RDB data is stored row by row in the columns of the table. Lines and records are also synonyms.

For each table, as well as its columns, names are specified by which they are subsequently accessed.
The object name (table name, column name, index name, etc.) in MS SQL can have a maximum length of 128 characters.

For reference– in the ORACLE database, object names can have a maximum length of 30 characters. Therefore, for a specific database, you need to develop your own rules for naming objects in order to meet the limit on the number of characters.

SQL is a language that allows you to query a database using a DBMS. In a specific DBMS, the SQL language may have a specific implementation (its own dialect).

DDL and DML are a subset of the SQL language:

  • The DDL language is used to create and modify the database structure, i.e. to create/modify/delete tables and relationships.
  • The DML language allows you to manipulate table data, i.e. with her lines. It allows you to select data from tables, add new data to tables, as well as update and delete existing data.

In SQL, you can use 2 types of comments (single-line and multi-line):

One line comment

/* multiline comment */

Actually, this will be enough for the theory.

DDL – Data Definition Language (data description language)

For example, consider a table with data about employees, in a form familiar to a person who is not a programmer:

In this case, the columns of the table have the following names: Personnel number, Full name, Date of birth, E-mail, Position, Department.

Each of these columns can be characterized by the type of data it contains:

  • Personnel number – integer
  • Full name – string
  • Date of birth – date
  • Email – string
  • Position - string
  • Department - line
Column type is a characteristic that indicates what type of data it can store. this column.

To begin with, it will be enough to remember only the following basic data types used in MS SQL:

Meaning Notation in MS SQL Description
Variable length string varchar(N)
Using the number N, we can specify the maximum possible string length for the corresponding column. For example, if we want to say that the value of the “Name” column can contain a maximum of 30 characters, then we need to set its type to nvarchar(30).
The difference between varchar and nvarchar is that varchar allows you to store strings in ASCII format, where one character occupies 1 byte, and nvarchar stores strings in Unicode format, where each character occupies 2 bytes.
The varchar type should only be used if you are 100% sure that the field will not need to store Unicode characters. For example, varchar can be used to store addresses Email, because they usually contain only ASCII characters.
Fixed length string char(N)
This type differs from a variable-length string in that if the length of the string is less than N characters, then it is always padded on the right to a length of N with spaces and stored in the database in this form, i.e. in the database it takes up exactly N characters (where one character takes up 1 byte for char and 2 bytes for nchar). In my practice, this type is very rarely used, and if it is used, it is used mainly in the char(1) format, i.e. when a field is defined by a single character.
Integer int This type allows us to use only integers in the column, both positive and negative. For reference (now this is not so relevant for us), the range of numbers that the int type allows is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Usually this is the main type that is used to specify identifiers.
Real or real number float If we talk in simple language, then these are numbers that may contain a decimal point (comma).
date date If the column needs to store only the Date, which consists of three components: Day, Month and Year. For example, 02/15/2014 (February 15, 2014). This type can be used for the column “Date of admission”, “Date of birth”, etc., i.e. in cases where it is important for us to record only the date, or when the time component is not important to us and can be discarded or if it is not known.
Time time This type can be used if the column needs to store only time data, i.e. Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds. For example, 17:38:31.3231603
For example, daily “Flight departure time”.
date and time datetime This type allows you to simultaneously save both Date and Time. For example, 02/15/2014 17:38:31.323
For example, this could be the date and time of an event.
Flag bit This type is convenient to use to store values ​​of the form “Yes”/“No”, where “Yes” will be stored as 1, and “No” will be stored as 0.

Also, the field value, if it is not prohibited, may not be specified; the NULL keyword is used for this purpose.

To run the examples, let's create a test database called Test.

A simple database (without specifying additional parameters) can be created by running the following command:

You can delete the database with the command (you should be very careful with this command):

In order to switch to our database, you can run the command:

USE Test
Alternatively, select the Test database from the drop-down list in the SSMS menu area. When working, I often use this method of switching between databases.

Now in our database we can create a table using the descriptions as they are, using spaces and Cyrillic characters:

CREATE TABLE [Employees]([Personnel number] int, [Name] nvarchar(30), [Date of birth] date, nvarchar(30), [Position] nvarchar(30), [Department] nvarchar(30))
In this case, we will have to enclose names in square brackets […].

But in the database, for greater convenience, it is better to specify all object names in Latin and not use spaces in names. In MS SQL, usually in this case each word begins with a capital letter, for example, for the “Personnel Number” field, we could set the name PersonnelNumber. You can also use numbers in the name, for example, PhoneNumber1.

On a note
In some DBMSs, the following naming format “PHONE_NUMBER” may be more preferable; for example, this format is often used in the ORACLE database. Naturally, when specifying a field name, it is desirable that it does not coincide with the keywords used in the DBMS.

For this reason, you can forget about the syntax with square brackets and delete the [Employees] table:

DROP TABLE [Employees]
For example, a table with employees can be named “Employees”, and its fields can be given the following names:

  • ID – Personnel number (Employee ID)
  • Name – full name
  • Birthday – Date of birth
  • Email – Email
  • Position - Position
  • Department - Department
Very often the word ID is used to name an identifier field.

Now let's create our table:

CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int, Name nvarchar(30), Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), Position nvarchar(30), Department nvarchar(30))
To specify required columns, you can use the NOT NULL option.

For an existing table, fields can be redefined using the following commands:

Update ID field ALTER TABLE Employees ALTER COLUMN ID int NOT NULL -- update Name field ALTER TABLE Employees ALTER COLUMN Name nvarchar(30) NOT NULL

On a note
The general concept of the SQL language remains the same for most DBMSs (at least, this is what I can judge from the DBMSs that I have worked with). The differences between DDL in different DBMSs mainly lie in the data types (not only their names may differ here, but also the details of their implementation), and the very specifics of the implementation of the SQL language may also differ slightly (i.e., the essence of the commands is the same, but there may be slight differences in dialect, alas, but there is no one standard). Having mastered the basics of SQL, you can easily switch from one DBMS to another, because... In this case, you will only need to understand the details of the implementation of commands in the new DBMS, i.e. in most cases, simply drawing an analogy will suffice.

Creating a table CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int, -- in ORACLE the int type is the equivalent (wrapper) for number(38) Name nvarchar2(30), -- nvarchar2 in ORACLE is equivalent to nvarchar in MS SQL Birthday date, Email nvarchar2(30) , Position nvarchar2(30), Department nvarchar2(30)); -- updating the ID and Name fields (here MODIFY(...) is used instead of ALTER COLUMN) ALTER TABLE Employees MODIFY(ID int NOT NULL,Name nvarchar2(30) NOT NULL); -- adding PK (in this case the construction looks the same as in MS SQL, it will be shown below) ALTER TABLE Employees ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY(ID);
For ORACLE there are differences in terms of implementation of the varchar2 type; its encoding depends on the database settings and the text can be saved, for example, in UTF-8 encoding. In addition, the field length in ORACLE can be specified both in bytes and in characters; for this, additional options BYTE and CHAR are used, which are specified after the field length, for example:

NAME varchar2(30 BYTE) -- the field capacity will be 30 bytes NAME varchar2(30 CHAR) -- the field capacity will be 30 characters
Which option will be used by default BYTE or CHAR, in the case of simply specifying the varchar2(30) type in ORACLE, depends on the database settings, and it can sometimes be set in the IDE settings. In general, sometimes you can easily get confused, so in the case of ORACLE, if the varchar2 type is used (and this is sometimes justified here, for example, when using UTF-8 encoding), I prefer to explicitly write CHAR (since it is usually more convenient to calculate the length of the string in characters ).

But in this case, if the table already has some data, then for successful implementation commands, it is necessary that the ID and Name fields in all rows of the table be filled in. Let's demonstrate this with an example: insert data into the table in the ID, Position and Department fields; this can be done with the following script:

INSERT Employees(ID,Position,Department) VALUES (1000,N"Director",N"Administration"), (1001,N"Programmer",N"IT"), (1002,N"Accountant",N"Accounting" ), (1003,N"Senior Programmer",N"IT")
In this case, the INSERT command will also generate an error, because When inserting, we did not specify the value of the required Name field.
If we already had this data in the original table, then the command “ALTER TABLE Employees ALTER COLUMN ID int NOT NULL” would be executed successfully, and the command “ALTER TABLE Employees ALTER COLUMN Name int NOT NULL” would produce an error message, that the Name field contains NULL (unspecified) values.

Let's add values ​​for the Name field and fill in the data again:

The NOT NULL option can also be used directly when creating a new table, i.e. in the context of the CREATE TABLE command.

First, delete the table using the command:

DROP TABLE Employees
Now let’s create a table with the required ID and Name columns:

CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int NOT NULL, Name nvarchar(30) NOT NULL, Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), Position nvarchar(30), Department nvarchar(30))
You can also write NULL after the column name, which will mean that NULL values ​​(not specified) will be allowed in it, but this is not necessary, since this characteristic is implied by default.

If, on the contrary, you want to make an existing column optional, then use the following command syntax:

ALTER TABLE Employees ALTER COLUMN Name nvarchar(30) NULL
Or simply:

ALTER TABLE Employees ALTER COLUMN Name nvarchar(30)
With this command we can also change the field type to another compatible type, or change its length. For example, let's expand the Name field to 50 characters:

ALTER TABLE Employees ALTER COLUMN Name nvarchar(50)

Primary key

When creating a table, it is desirable that it have a unique column or a set of columns that is unique for each of its rows - a record can be uniquely identified by this unique value. This value is called the table's primary key. For our Employees table, such a unique value could be the ID column (which contains the “Employee Personnel Number” - let in our case given value unique for each employee and cannot be repeated).

You can create a primary key to an existing table using the command:

Where "PK_Employees" is the name of the constraint responsible for the primary key. Typically, the primary key is named using the prefix “PK_” followed by the table name.

If the primary key consists of several fields, then these fields must be listed in parentheses, separated by commas:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY(field1,field2,…)
It is worth noting that in MS SQL, all fields that are included in the primary key must have the NOT NULL characteristic.

The primary key can also be determined directly when creating a table, i.e. in the context of the CREATE TABLE command. Let's delete the table:

DROP TABLE Employees
And then we'll create it using the following syntax:

CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int NOT NULL, Name nvarchar(30) NOT NULL, Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), Position nvarchar(30), Department nvarchar(30), CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY(ID) -- describe PK after all fields as a limitation)
After creation, fill the table with data:

INSERT Employees(ID,Position,Department,Name) VALUES (1000,N"Director",N"Administration",N"Ivanov I.I."), (1001,N"Programmer",N"IT",N" Petrov P.P."), (1002,N"Accountant",N"Accounting",N"Sidorov S.S."), (1003,N"Senior Programmer",N"IT",N"Andreev A. A.")
If the primary key in a table consists of only the values ​​of one column, then you can use the following syntax:

CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY, -- specify as a characteristic of the field Name nvarchar(30) NOT NULL, Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), Position nvarchar(30), Department nvarchar(30))
In fact, you don’t have to specify the name of the constraint, in which case it will be assigned a system name (like “PK__Employee__3214EC278DA42077”):

CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int NOT NULL, Name nvarchar(30) NOT NULL, Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), Position nvarchar(30), Department nvarchar(30), PRIMARY KEY(ID))

CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Name nvarchar(30) NOT NULL, Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), Position nvarchar(30), Department nvarchar(30))
But I would recommend that for permanent tables you always explicitly set the name of the constraint, because With an explicitly specified and understandable name, it will be easier to manipulate it later; for example, you can delete it:

But such short syntax, without specifying constraint names, is convenient to use when creating temporary database tables (temporary table name begins with # or ##), which will be deleted after use.

Let's summarize

So far we have looked at the following commands:
  • CREATE TABLE table_name (listing of fields and their types, restrictions) – used to create a new table in the current database;
  • DROP TABLE table_name – used to delete a table from the current database;
  • ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name... – used to update the column type or change its settings (for example, to set the NULL or NOT NULL characteristic);
  • ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY(field1, field2,...) – adding a primary key to an existing table;
  • ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name – removes a constraint from the table.

A little about temporary tables

Extract from MSDN. There are two types of temporary tables in MS SQL Server: local (#) and global (##). Local temporary tables are visible only to their creators until the connection session to the SQL Server instance ends when they are first created. Local temporary tables are automatically deleted after a user disconnects from the instance of SQL Server. Global temporary tables are visible to all users during any connection sessions after those tables are created, and are deleted when all users referencing those tables disconnect from the instance of SQL Server.

Temporary tables are created in the tempdb system database, i.e. By creating them we do not clog the main database; otherwise, temporary tables are completely identical to regular tables; they can also be deleted using the DROP TABLE command. Local (#) temporary tables are more commonly used.

To create a temporary table, you can use the CREATE TABLE command:

CREATE TABLE #Temp(ID int, Name nvarchar(30))
Since a temporary table in MS SQL is similar to a regular table, it can also be deleted using the DROP TABLE command:


You can also create a temporary table (like a regular table) and immediately fill it with the data returned by the query using the SELECT ... INTO syntax:

SELECT ID,Name INTO #Temp FROM Employees

On a note
The implementation of temporary tables may differ in different DBMSs. For example, in the ORACLE and Firebird DBMS, the structure of temporary tables must be determined in advance by the CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE command, indicating the specifics of storing data in it, then the user sees it among the main tables and works with it as with a regular table.

Database normalization – splitting into subtables (directories) and identifying connections

Our current Employees table has the disadvantage that in the Position and Department fields the user can enter any text, which is primarily fraught with errors, since for one employee he can simply indicate “IT” as the department, and for a second employee, for example , enter “IT department”, the third has “IT”. As a result, it will be unclear what the user meant, i.e. Are these employees employees of the same department, or did the user describe himself and these are 3 different departments? Moreover, in this case, we will not be able to correctly group the data for some report, where it may be necessary to show the number of employees by each department.

The second disadvantage is the volume of storage of this information and its duplication, i.e. For each employee, the full name of the department is indicated, which requires space in the database to store each character from the department name.

The third drawback is the difficulty of updating these fields if the name of a position changes, for example, if you need to rename the position “Programmer” to “Junior Programmer”. In this case, we will have to make changes to each row of the table whose Position is equal to “Programmer”.

To avoid these shortcomings, so-called database normalization is used - splitting it into subtables and reference tables. It is not necessary to go into the jungle of theory and study what normal forms are; it is enough to understand the essence of normalization.

Let's create 2 directory tables “Positions” and “Departments”, the first one will be called Positions, and the second one will be called Departments:

CREATE TABLE Positions(ID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_Positions PRIMARY KEY, Name nvarchar(30) NOT NULL) CREATE TABLE Departments(ID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_Departments PRIMARY KEY, Name nvarchar(30 ) NOT NULL)
Note that here we used the new IDENTITY option, which says that the data in the ID column will be numbered automatically, starting from 1, in increments of 1, i.e. When adding new records, they will be sequentially assigned the values ​​1, 2, 3, etc. Such fields are usually called auto-incrementing. A table can only have one field defined with the IDENTITY property, and usually, but not necessarily, that field is the primary key for that table.

On a note
In different DBMSs, the implementation of fields with a counter can be done differently. In MySQL, for example, such a field is defined using the AUTO_INCREMENT option. In ORACLE and Firebird, this functionality could previously be emulated using SEQUENCE. But as far as I know, ORACLE has now added the GENERATED AS IDENTITY option.

Let's fill these tables automatically, based on the current data recorded in the Position and Department fields of the Employees table:

We fill the Name field of the Positions table with unique values ​​from the Position field of the Employees table INSERT Positions(Name) SELECT DISTINCT Position FROM Employees WHERE Position IS NOT NULL -- discard records for which the position is not specified
Let's do the same for the Departments table:

INSERT Departments(Name) SELECT DISTINCT Department FROM Employees WHERE Department IS NOT NULL
If we now open the Positions and Departments tables, we will see a numbered set of values ​​for the ID field:

SELECT * FROM Positions

SELECT * FROM Departments

These tables will now play the role of reference books for specifying positions and departments. We will now refer to job and department IDs. First of all, let's create new fields in the Employees table to store identifier data:

Add a field for position ID ALTER TABLE Employees ADD PositionID int -- add a field for department ID ALTER TABLE Employees ADD DepartmentID int
The type of reference fields must be the same as in directories, in this case it is int.

You can also add several fields to the table at once with one command, listing the fields separated by commas:

ALTER TABLE Employees ADD PositionID int, DepartmentID int
Now let's write links (reference restrictions - FOREIGN KEY) for these fields so that the user does not have the opportunity to write into these fields values ​​that are not among the ID values ​​​​found in the directories.

And we'll do the same for the second field:

ALTER TABLE Employees ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_DepartmentID FOREIGN KEY(DepartmentID) REFERENCES Departments(ID)
Now the user will be able to enter only ID values ​​from the corresponding directory in these fields. Accordingly, in order to use a new department or position, he will first have to add a new entry to the corresponding directory. Because Positions and departments are now stored in directories in one single copy, so to change the name, it is enough to change it only in the directory.

The name of a reference constraint is usually a composite name, consisting of the prefix "FK_", followed by the table name, and followed by an underscore, followed by the name of the field that refers to the reference table identifier.

An identifier (ID) is usually an internal value that is used only for relationships and what value is stored there is completely indifferent in most cases, so there is no need to try to get rid of holes in the sequence of numbers that arise while working with the table, for example, after deleting records from the directory.

ALTER TABLE table ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name FOREIGN KEY(field1,field2,…) REFERENCES reference_table(field1,field2,…)
In this case, in the “reference_table” table, the primary key is represented by a combination of several fields (field1, field2,...).

Actually, now let’s update the PositionID and DepartmentID fields with ID values ​​from the directories. Let's use the DML UPDATE command for this purpose:

UPDATE e SET PositionID=(SELECT ID FROM Positions WHERE Name=e.Position), DepartmentID=(SELECT ID FROM Departments WHERE Name=e.Department) FROM Employees e
Let's see what happens by running the query:

SELECT * FROM Employees

That’s it, the PositionID and DepartmentID fields are filled with the identifiers corresponding to positions and departments; the Position and Department fields are no longer needed in the Employees table, you can delete these fields:

ALTER TABLE Employees DROP COLUMN Position,Department
Now our table looks like this:

SELECT * FROM Employees

ID Name Birthday Email PositionID DepartmentID
1000 Ivanov I.I. NULL NULL 2 1
1001 Petrov P.P. NULL NULL 3 3
1002 Sidorov S.S. NULL NULL 1 2
1003 Andreev A.A. NULL NULL 4 3

Those. We eventually got rid of storing redundant information. Now, based on the job and department numbers, we can unambiguously determine their names using the values ​​in the reference tables:

SELECT e.ID,e.Name,p.Name PositionName,d.Name DepartmentName FROM Employees e LEFT JOIN Departments d ON d.ID=e.DepartmentID LEFT JOIN Positions p ON p.ID=e.PositionID

In the object inspector we can see all the objects created for a given table. From here you can perform various manipulations with these objects - for example, rename or delete objects.

It is also worth noting that the table can refer to itself, i.e. you can create a recursive link. For example, let's add another field ManagerID to our table with employees, which will indicate the employee to whom this employee reports. Let's create a field:

ALTER TABLE Employees ADD ManagerID int
This field allows a NULL value; the field will be empty if, for example, there are no superiors over the employee.

Now let's create a FOREIGN KEY for the Employees table:

Let's now create a diagram and see how the relationships between our tables look on it:

As a result, we should see the following picture (the Employees table is connected to the Positions and Depertments tables, and also refers to itself):

Finally, it is worth saying that reference keys can include additional options ON DELETE CASCADE and ON UPDATE CASCADE, which indicate how to behave when deleting or updating a record that is referenced in the reference table. If these options are not specified, then we cannot change the ID in the directory table for a record that is referenced from another table, and we will also not be able to delete such a record from the directory until we delete all rows referencing this record or, Let’s update the references in these lines to a different value.

For example, let's recreate the table specifying the ON DELETE CASCADE option for FK_Employees_DepartmentID:

DROP TABLE Employees CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int NOT NULL, Name nvarchar(30), Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), PositionID int, DepartmentID int, ManagerID int, CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY (ID), CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_DepartmentID FOREIGN KEY(DepartmentID ) REFERENCES Departments(ID) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_PositionID FOREIGN KEY(PositionID) REFERENCES Positions(ID), CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_ManagerID FOREIGN KEY (ManagerID) REFERENCES Employees(ID)) INSERT Employees (ID,Name,Birthday,PositionID,DepartmentID,Man agerID )VALUES (1000,N"Ivanov I.I.","19550219",2,1,NULL), (1001,N"Petrov P.P.","19831203",3,3,1003), (1002 ,N"Sidorov S.S.","19760607",1,2,1000), (1003,N"Andreev A.A.","19820417",4,3,1000)
Let's delete the department with ID 3 from the Departments table:

DELETE Departments WHERE ID=3
Let's look at the data in the Employees table:

SELECT * FROM Employees

ID Name Birthday Email PositionID DepartmentID ManagerID
1000 Ivanov I.I. 1955-02-19 NULL 2 1 NULL
1002 Sidorov S.S. 1976-06-07 NULL 1 2 1000

As you can see, the data for department 3 from the Employees table was also deleted.

The ON UPDATE CASCADE option behaves similarly, but it is effective when updating the ID value in the directory. For example, if we change the ID of a position in the position directory, then in this case the DepartmentID in the Employees table will be updated to the new ID value that we set in the directory. But in this case it simply won’t be possible to demonstrate this, because the ID column in the Departments table has the IDENTITY option, which will not allow us to execute the following query (change department ID 3 to 30):

UPDATE Departments SET ID=30 WHERE ID=3
The main thing is to understand the essence of these 2 options ON DELETE CASCADE and ON UPDATE CASCADE. I use these options very rarely and recommend that you think carefully before specifying them in a reference constraint, because if you accidentally delete an entry from a directory table, this can lead to big problems and create a chain reaction.

Let's restore department 3:

We give permission to add/change IDENTITY value SET IDENTITY_INSERT Departments ON INSERT Departments(ID,Name) VALUES(3,N"IT") -- we prohibit adding/change IDENTITY value SET IDENTITY_INSERT Departments OFF
Let's completely clear the Employees table using the TRUNCATE TABLE command:

And again we will reload the data into it using the previous INSERT command:

INSERT Employees (ID,Name,Birthday,PositionID,DepartmentID,ManagerID)VALUES (1000,N"Ivanov I.I.","19550219",2,1,NULL), (1001,N"Petrov P.P." ,"19831203",3,3,1003), (1002,N"Sidorov S.S.","19760607",1,2,1000), (1003,N"Andreev A.A.","19820417" ,4,3,1000)

Let's summarize

At the moment, several more DDL commands have been added to our knowledge:
  • Adding the IDENTITY property to a field – allows you to make this field an automatically populated field (counter field) for the table;
  • ALTER TABLE table_name ADD list_of_fields_with_characteristics – allows you to add new fields to the table;
  • ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN list_fields – allows you to remove fields from the table;
  • ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name FOREIGN KEY(fields) REFERENCES table_reference (fields) – allows you to define the relationship between the table and the reference table.

Other restrictions – UNIQUE, DEFAULT, CHECK

With help UNIQUE restrictions we can say that the value for each row in a given field or set of fields must be unique. In the case of the Employees table, we can impose such a constraint on the Email field. Just pre-fill Email with values ​​if they are not already defined:

UPDATE Employees SET Email=" [email protected]" WHERE ID=1000 UPDATE Employees SET Email=" [email protected]" WHERE ID=1001 UPDATE Employees SET Email=" [email protected]" WHERE ID=1002 UPDATE Employees SET Email=" [email protected]"WHERE ID=1003
Now you can impose a uniqueness constraint on this field:

Now the user will not be able to enter the same E-Mail for several employees.

A unique constraint is usually named as follows - first comes the prefix “UQ_”, then the name of the table and after the underscore comes the name of the field on which this constraint is applied.

Accordingly, if a combination of fields must be unique in the context of table rows, then we list them separated by commas:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE(field1,field2,…)
By adding a DEFAULT constraint to a field, we can specify a default value that will be substituted if, when inserting a new record, this field is not listed in the list of fields of the INSERT command. This restriction can be set directly when creating the table.

Let's add a new Hire Date field to the Employees table and call it HireDate and say that the default value is of this field will be the current date:

Or if the HireDate column already exists, then the following syntax can be used:

Here I did not specify the name of the constraint, because... in the case of DEFAULT, I have the opinion that this is not so critical. But if you do it in a good way, then I think you don’t need to be lazy and you should set a normal name. This is done as follows:

Since this column did not exist before, when it is added to each record, the current date value will be inserted into the HireDate field.

When adding a new entry, the current date will also be inserted automatically, of course, unless we explicitly set it, i.e. We will not indicate it in the list of columns. Let's show this with an example without specifying the HireDate field in the list of added values:

INSERT Employees(ID,Name,Email)VALUES(1004,N"Sergeev S.S."," [email protected]")
Let's see what happened:

SELECT * FROM Employees

ID Name Birthday Email PositionID DepartmentID ManagerID HireDate
1000 Ivanov I.I. 1955-02-19 [email protected] 2 1 NULL 2015-04-08
1001 Petrov P.P. 1983-12-03 [email protected] 3 4 1003 2015-04-08
1002 Sidorov S.S. 1976-06-07 [email protected] 1 2 1000 2015-04-08
1003 Andreev A.A. 1982-04-17 [email protected] 4 3 1000 2015-04-08
1004 Sergeev S.S. NULL [email protected] NULL NULL NULL 2015-04-08

The CHECK check constraint is used when it is necessary to check the values ​​inserted into the field. For example, let's impose this restriction on the personnel number field, which for us is an employee identifier (ID). Using this constraint, we say that personnel numbers must have a value from 1000 to 1999:

The constraint is usually named the same way, first with the prefix “CK_”, then the name of the table and the name of the field on which this constraint is imposed.

Let's try to insert an invalid record to check that the constraint works (we should get the corresponding error):

INSERT Employees(ID,Email) VALUES(2000," [email protected]")
Now let’s change the inserted value to 1500 and make sure that the record is inserted:

INSERT Employees(ID,Email) VALUES(1500," [email protected]")
You can also create UNIQUE and CHECK constraints without specifying a name:

But this is not a very good practice and it is better to specify the name of the constraint explicitly, because To figure it out later, which will be more difficult, you will need to open the object and look at what it is responsible for.

With a good name, a lot of information about the constraint can be learned directly from its name.

And, accordingly, all these restrictions can be created immediately when creating a table, if it does not exist yet. Let's delete the table:

DROP TABLE Employees
And we will recreate it with all the created restrictions with one CREATE TABLE command:

CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int NOT NULL, Name nvarchar(30), Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), PositionID int, DepartmentID int, HireDate date NOT NULL DEFAULT SYSDATETIME(), -- for DEFAULT I will make an exception CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY (ID), CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_DepartmentID FOREIGN KEY(DepartmentID) REFERENCES Departments(ID), CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_PositionID FOREIGN KEY(PositionID) REFERENCES Positions(ID), CONSTRAINT UQ_Employees_Email UNIQUE (Email), CONSTRAINT CK_Employees_ID CHECK (ID BETWE EN 1000 AND 1999))

INSERT Employees (ID,Name,Birthday,Email,PositionID,DepartmentID)VALUES (1000,N"Ivanov I.I.","19550219"," [email protected]",2,1), (1001,N"Petrov P.P.","19831203"," [email protected]",3,3), (1002,N"Sidorov S.S.","19760607"," [email protected]",1,2), (1003,N"Andreev A.A.","19820417"," [email protected]",4,3)

A little about the indexes created when creating PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints

As you can see in the screenshot above, when creating the PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints, indexes with the same names (PK_Employees and UQ_Employees_Email) were automatically created. By default, the index for the primary key is created as CLUSTERED, and for all other indexes as NONCLUSTERED. It is worth saying that the concept of a cluster index is not available in all DBMSs. A table can only have one CLUSTERED index. CLUSTERED – means that the table records will be sorted by this index, we can also say that this index has direct access to all data in the table. This is the main index of the table, so to speak. To put it even more roughly, this is an index attached to a table. A clustered index is a very powerful tool that can help with query optimization, but let's just remember this for now. If we want to tell the clustered index to be used not on the primary key, but on another index, then when creating the primary key we must specify the NONCLUSTERED option:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED(field1,field2,…)
For example, let's make the constraint index PK_Employees non-clustered, and the constraint index UQ_Employees_Email clustered. First of all, let's remove these restrictions:

Now let's create them with the CLUSTERED and NONCLUSTERED options:

Now, by selecting from the Employees table, we will see that the records are sorted by the UQ_Employees_Email clustered index:

SELECT * FROM Employees

ID Name Birthday Email PositionID DepartmentID HireDate
1003 Andreev A.A. 1982-04-17 [email protected] 4 3 2015-04-08
1000 Ivanov I.I. 1955-02-19 [email protected] 2 1 2015-04-08
1001 Petrov P.P. 1983-12-03 [email protected] 3 3 2015-04-08
1002 Sidorov S.S. 1976-06-07 [email protected] 1 2 2015-04-08

Previously, when the clustered index was the PK_Employees index, records were sorted by the ID field by default.

But in this case, this is just an example that shows the essence of a clustered index, because Most likely, queries will be made to the Employees table using the ID field and in some cases, perhaps, it itself will act as a directory.

For directories, it is usually advisable for the clustered index to be built on the primary key, because in requests we often refer to the directory identifier to obtain, for example, the name (Position, Department). Let us remember here what I wrote above, that a clustered index has direct access to table rows, and it follows that we can get the value of any column without additional overhead.

It is advantageous to apply a cluster index to fields that are sampled most frequently.

Sometimes tables are created with a key based on a surrogate field; in this case, it can be useful to save the CLUSTERED index option for a more suitable index and specify the NONCLUSTERED option when creating a surrogate primary key.

Let's summarize

On at this stage we became acquainted with all types of restrictions, in their very in simple form, which are created by a command like “ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name …”:
  • PRIMARY KEY– primary key;
  • FOREIGN KEY– setting up connections and monitoring referential integrity of data;
  • UNIQUE– allows you to create uniqueness;
  • CHECK– allows you to ensure the correctness of the entered data;
  • DEFAULT– allows you to set a default value;
  • It is also worth noting that all restrictions can be removed using the command “ ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name".
We also partially touched on the topic of indexes and examined the concept of cluster ( CLUSTERED) and non-clustered ( NONCLUSTERED) index.

Creating standalone indexes

By independent here we mean indexes that are not created under the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint.

Indexes on a field or fields can be created with the following command:

CREATE INDEX IDX_Employees_Name ON Employees(Name)
Also here you can specify the options CLUSTERED, NONCLUSTERED, UNIQUE, and you can also specify the sorting direction of each individual field ASC (default) or DESC:

When creating a non-clustered index, the NONCLUSTERED option can be omitted, because it is implied by default and is shown here simply to indicate the position of the CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED option in the command.

You can delete the index with the following command:

DROP INDEX IDX_Employees_Name ON Employees
Simple indexes, as well as constraints, can be created in the context of the CREATE TABLE command.

For example, let's delete the table again:

DROP TABLE Employees
And we will recreate it with all the created restrictions and indexes with one CREATE TABLE command:

CREATE TABLE Employees(ID int NOT NULL, Name nvarchar(30), Birthday date, Email nvarchar(30), PositionID int, DepartmentID int, HireDate date NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_Employees_HireDate DEFAULT SYSDATETIME(), ManagerID int, CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY (ID ), CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_DepartmentID FOREIGN KEY(DepartmentID) REFERENCES Departments(ID), CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_PositionID FOREIGN KEY(PositionID) REFERENCES Positions(ID), CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_ManagerID FOREIGN KEY (ManagerID) REFERENCES Employees(ID), CONSTRAINT UQ_Emplo yees_Email UNIQUE(Email), CONSTRAINT CK_Employees_ID CHECK(ID BETWEEN 1000 AND 1999), INDEX IDX_Employees_Name(Name))
Finally, let’s insert our employees into the table:

INSERT Employees (ID,Name,Birthday,Email,PositionID,DepartmentID,ManagerID)VALUES (1000,N"Ivanov I.I.","19550219"," [email protected]",2,1,NULL), (1001,N"Petrov P.P.","19831203"," [email protected]",3,3,1003), (1002,N"Sidorov S.S.","19760607"," [email protected]",1,2,1000), (1003,N"Andreev A.A.","19820417"," [email protected]",4,3,1000)
Additionally, it is worth noting that you can include values ​​in a non-clustered index by specifying them in INCLUDE. Those. in this case, the INCLUDE index will be somewhat reminiscent of a clustered index, only now the index is not attached to the table, but the necessary values ​​are attached to the index. Accordingly, such indexes can greatly improve the performance of selection queries (SELECT); if all the listed fields are in the index, then access to the table may not be needed at all. But this naturally increases the size of the index, because... the values ​​of the listed fields are duplicated in the index.

Extract from MSDN. General syntax commands to create indexes

CREATE [UNIQUE] [CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED ] INDEX index_name ON (column [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ]) [ INCLUDE (column_name [ ,...n ]) ]

Let's summarize

Indexes can increase the speed of data retrieval (SELECT), but indexes reduce the speed of table data modification, because After each modification, the system will need to rebuild all indexes for a specific table.

It is advisable in each case to find optimal solution, a golden mean so that both the performance of sampling and data modification is at the proper level. The strategy for creating indexes and the number of indexes can depend on many factors, such as how often the data in the table changes.

Conclusion on DDL

As you can see, DDL is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Here I was able to show almost all of its main structures using just three tables.

The main thing is to understand the essence, and the rest is a matter of practice.

Good luck in mastering this wonderful language called SQL.

ALTER TABLE - change table definition


ALTER TABLE [IF EXISTS] [ONLY] Name [ * ] action[, ... ] ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ ONLY ] Name[ * ] RENAME [ COLUMN ] column_name TO new_column_name ALTER TABLE [IF EXISTS] [ONLY] Name[ * ] RENAME CONSTRAINT constraint_name TO new_constraint_name ALTER TABLE [IF EXISTS] Name RENAME TO new name ALTER TABLE [IF EXISTS] Name SET SCHEMA new_scheme ALTER TABLE ALL IN TABLESPACE Name[OWNED BY role_name[, ... ] ] SET TABLESPACE new_table_space[NOWAIT] Where action could be as follows: ADD [COLUMN] [IF NOT EXISTS] column_name data_type[COLLATE sort_rule ] [ column_constraint[ ... ] ] DROP [ COLUMN ] [ IF EXISTS ] column_name[ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name[ SET DATA ] TYPE data_type[COLLATE sort_rule] [ USING expression] ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET DEFAULT expression ALTER [COLUMN] column_name DROP DEFAULT ALTER [COLUMN] column_name( SET | DROP ) NOT NULL ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET STATISTICS integer ALTER [COLUMN] column_name SET ( attribute = meaning[, ... ]) ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name RESET ( attribute[, ... ]) ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET STORAGE ( PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN ) ADD table_constraint[ NOT VALID ] ADD ALTER CONSTRAINT constraint_name[DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ] VALIDATE CONSTRAINT constraint_name DROP CONSTRAINT [IF EXISTS] constraint_name[ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] DISABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name| ALL | USER ] ENABLE TRIGGER [ trigger_name| ALL | USER ] ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER trigger_name ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER trigger_name DISABLE RULE rewrite_rule_name ENABLE RULE rewrite_rule_name ENABLE REPLICA RULE rewrite_rule_name ENABLE ALWAYS RULE rewrite_rule_name DISABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY NO FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY CLUSTER ON index_name SET WITHOUT CLUSTER SET WITH OIDS SET WITHOUT OIDS SET TABLESPACE new_table_space SET (LOGGED | UNLOGGED) SET ( storage_parameter = meaning[, ... ]) RESET ( storage_parameter[, ... ]) INHERIT table_parent NO INHERIT table_parent OF type_name NOT OF OWNER TO ( new_owner| CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER ) REPLICA IDENTITY ( DEFAULT | USING INDEX index_name| FULL | NOTHING) And table_constraint_by_index: [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name] ( UNIQUE | PRIMARY KEY ) USING INDEX index_name[DEFERRABLE | NOT DEFERRABLE ] [ INITIALLY DEFERRED | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ]


ALTER TABLE changes the definition of an existing table. Several of its varieties are described below. Note that different flavors may require different levels of locking. Unless explicitly noted otherwise, an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock is required. When listing multiple subcommands, the strongest lock they require will be requested.


This form adds a new column to the table, using the same syntax as CREATE TABLE. If IF NOT EXISTS is specified and a column with that name already exists, this will not be an error. DROP COLUMN [IF EXISTS]

This form removes a column from a table. This will automatically remove the indexes and table constraints associated with that column. If any objects outside the table depend on this column, such as foreign keys or views, you can remove them by adding the CASCADE hint. If the command specifies IF EXISTS and the column does not exist, this is not considered an error; instead, a note is simply issued. SET DATA TYPE

This form changes the table column type. Indexes and simple table constraints that include this column will be automatically converted to use the new column type by re-parsing the expression that defines them. The optional COLLATE clause specifies a collation rule for the new column; if omitted, the default collation for the new type is selected. The optional USING clause specifies how the new column value will be derived from the old one; if it is missing, a default type cast is performed, just like a normal assignment of a value from an old type to a new one. The USING clause becomes mandatory if implicit cast or the assignment casting the old type to the new one is undefined. SET / DROP DEFAULT

These forms set or remove default values ​​for columns. Default values ​​apply only to subsequent INSERT or UPDATE commands; their changes are not reflected in rows that already exist in the table. SET / DROP NOT NULL

These forms determine whether the column will accept NULL values ​​or not. You can specify SET NOT NULL only if the column does not contain NULL values. SET STATISTICS

This form sets the benchmark for collecting statistics on the column for subsequent ANALYZE operations. Range of valid reference values: 0..10000; if -1, the system default value (default_statistics_target) is applied. Behind additional information For the use of statistics by the PostgreSQL query planner, see Section 14.2.

SET STATISTICS requests a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock. SET ( attribute = meaning [, ... ])
RESET ( attribute [, ... ])

This form sets or resets attribute settings. Currently, the only attribute parameters are n_distinct and n_distinct_inherited , which override the number_of_distinct_value estimates produced by subsequent ANALYZE operations. The n_distinct attribute affects the calculation of statistics for the table itself, and n_distinct_inherited affects statistics for the table and its descendants. If the specified value is positive, ANALYZE will assume that the column contains that many distinct non-NULL values. If the given value is negative (it must be greater than or equal to -1), ANALYZE will assume that the number of distinct non-NULL values ​​in the column varies linearly with the size of the table; the exact number will be obtained by multiplying the approximate size of the table by the absolute value of the parameter. For example, -1 will assume that all values ​​in the column are different, and -0.5 will assume that on average each value is repeated twice. This can be useful when the table size changes over time, since the multiplication by the number of rows in the table is only done during query planning. With 0, the number of different values ​​is evaluated as usual. For more information about the PostgreSQL query planner's use of statistics, see Section 14.2.

To change attribute settings, a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock is requested. SET STORAGE

This form sets the column's storage mode. It determines whether the data is stored within a table or in a separate TOAST table, and whether it is compressed. PLAIN mode should be used for fixed-length values ​​such as integer ; This is an internal storage option without compression. MAIN mode is used to store internally but compressed data, EXTERNAL is used to externally store uncompressed data, and EXTENDED is used to externally store compressed data. EXTENDED is the default for most data types that support non-PLAIN storage. Using EXTERNAL allows you to speed up operations with substrings on very large text and bytea values, at the cost of losing storage space. Note that the SET STORAGE clause itself does not change anything in the table, it only specifies the strategy that will be implemented for future changes to the table. For more information, see Section 62.2. ADD table_constraint[NOT VALID]

This form adds a new constraint to the table, with the same syntax as CREATE TABLE with the additional NOT VALID hint, which is currently only allowed for foreign key and check constraints. If a constraint is marked NOT VALID , the potentially lengthy initial check that all rows satisfy it is skipped. However, this constraint will remain in effect for subsequent additions or changes to the data (that is, these operations will not be performed if the new row violates the check constraint, or if there is a foreign key in the main table, there is no corresponding row). But the database will not assume that the constraint holds for all rows in the table until it is checked using the VALIDATE CONSTRAINT hint. ADD table_constraint_by_index

This form adds a new PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint to the table based on an existing unique index. This limit will include all columns in the index.

An index cannot be partial and cannot include expression columns. Additionally, it must be a B-tree index with the default sort order. With these restrictions, the added indexes will be no different from the indexes created by the regular ADD PRIMARY KEY and ADD UNIQUE commands.

In the case of specifying PRIMARY KEY , if the index columns are not already marked NOT NULL , this command will try to ALTER COLUMN SET NOT NULL for each column. In this case it will be necessary to make full scan tables to ensure that the column(s) do not contain NULLs. In all other cases, this is a quick operation.

If a constraint name is specified, the index will be renamed to the specified name. Otherwise, the name of the constraint will be the name of the index.

After running this command the index becomes "belonging" constraint, just as if it had been created with a regular ADD PRIMARY KEY or ADD UNIQUE command. This means, in particular, that when a constraint is deleted, the index will be deleted along with it.


Adding a constraint based on an existing index is useful in situations where you want to add a new constraint without blocking changes to the table for a long time. To do this, you can create an index with the CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY command, and then use it as a full constraint using this entry. See the following example.


This form changes the attributes of a previously created constraint. Currently, only foreign key constraints can be modified. VALIDATE CONSTRAINT

This form tests a foreign key constraint or check constraint that was previously created with the NOT VALID clause, scanning the entire table to ensure that all rows satisfy the constraint. If the constraint is already marked as true, nothing happens.

Checking large tables can be quite time-consuming. The point of separating the check from the actual creation of the constraint is that it allows you to postpone the check during times of less activity or do additional work with existing errors and at the same time prevent new ones. Note also that while the check is running, it does not in itself prevent normal table write commands from executing.

The check only requests a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock on the target table. Foreign key constraints also require a ROW SHARE lock on the table referenced by the constraint. DROP CONSTRAINT [IF EXISTS]

This form removes the specified table constraint. If IF EXISTS is specified and the specified constraint does not exist, this is not considered an error. In this case, only a note is issued. DISABLE / ENABLE [ REPLICA | ALWAYS] TRIGGER

These forms configure the trigger(s) that belong to the table to fire. A disabled trigger is stored in the system, but is not executed when the triggering event occurs. For deferred triggers, the enable state is checked when the event occurs, not when the trigger function is actually called. This command can disable or enable a single trigger by name, all table triggers, or only custom triggers (excluding internally generated constraint triggers, such as triggers that implement foreign key constraints or deferred uniqueness or exception constraints). Superuser rights are required to disable or enable generated internal system restriction triggers; Disabling them should be done with caution, as it is obvious that the integrity of the constraints cannot be guaranteed if the triggers do not work. The trigger mechanism is also affected by the session_replication_role configuration variable. Triggers enabled without additional instructions will fire when the replication role is " "origin"(default) or " local". Triggers enabled by specifying ENABLE REPLICA will fire only if the current session mode is " replica », and after specifying ENABLE ALWAYS, triggers fire regardless of the current replication mode.


These forms configure how rewrite rules specific to a table are triggered. A disabled rule is saved in the system, but is not applied during query rewrite. In essence, these operations are similar to the operations of enabling/disabling triggers. However, this does not apply to ON SELECT rules - they are always applied to ensure that views continue to work, even in sessions that do not perform a primary replication role. DISABLE / ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY

These forms control the application of table-specific row protection policies. If protection is enabled, but no policies are defined for the table, the default access denial policy is applied. Note that policies can be defined for a table even if row-level security is disabled - in this case the policies are NOT applied and their restrictions are ignored. See also CREATE POLICY. NO FORCE / FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY

These forms control the application of table-specific row protection policies when a user is the owner of the table. If this behavior is enabled, row-level security policies will also apply to the owner of the table. If disabled (the default), row-level protection will not apply to the user who owns the table. See also CREATE POLICY. CLUSTER ON

This form selects the default index for subsequent CLUSTER operations. The actual clustering of the table is not performed.

To change clustering parameters, a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock is requested. SET WITHOUT CLUSTER

This form removes the last specified index reference for CLUSTER. Its effect will affect future clustering operations for which an index is not specified.

To change clustering parameters, a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock is requested. SET WITH OIDS

This form adds the oid system column to the table (see Section 5.4). If the table already has such a column, it does nothing.

Note that this is not the same as the ADD COLUMN oid oid command (this command will add not a system column, but a regular column with appropriate name oid). SET WITHOUT OIDS

This form removes the oid system column from the table. This is exactly the same as DROP COLUMN oid RESTRICT , except that there will be no error if the oid column is missing. SET TABLESPACE

This form changes the table's tablespace to the specified one and moves the data files associated with the table to the new space. Table indexes, if any, are not moved; however they can be moved separately additional commands SET TABLESPACE. The ALL IN TABLESPACE form allows you to move all the tables in the current database to another tablespace by first locking all the tables and then moving each of them. This form also supports the OWNED BY clause, which moves only tables of the specified owner. If the NOWAIT option is specified, the command will fail if it cannot acquire all required locks immediately. Note that this form does not move system directories; if you need to move them, you should use ALTER DATABASE or explicit ALTER TABLE calls. information_schema relationships are not considered part of the system catalogs and are subject to relocation. See also CREATE TABLESPACE. SET (LOGGED | UNLOGGED)

This form changes the logging characteristic of the table, making the table logged/unlogged, respectively (see UNLOGGED). It does not apply to a temporary table. SET ( storage_parameter = meaning [, ... ])

This form changes one or more table storage options. More details about valid parameters are described in Storage Options. Note that this command does not immediately change the contents of the table; Depending on the setting, you may need to overwrite tables to get the desired effect. This can be done using the VACUUM FULL, CLUSTER, or one of the ALTER TABLE forms of commands, which force an overwrite of the table.

A SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock is requested to change the fill factor and autovacuum settings.


Although CREATE TABLE allows you to specify OIDS in WITH syntax ( storage_parameter), ALTER TABLE does not treat OIDS as a storage parameter. Therefore, to change the OID characteristic, you should use the SET WITH OIDS and SET WITHOUT OIDS forms.

RESET ( storage_parameter [, ... ])

This form resets one or more storage options to their default values. As with SET, updating the table completely may require you to overwrite the table. INHERIT table_parent

This form designates the target table as a child of the specified parent table. Subsequently, queries against the parent table will include records from the target table as well. For a table to become a child, it must contain the same columns as its parent (although it can include additional columns). The columns must have the same data type, and if any of them have a NOT NULL constraint in the parent table, they must also have a NOT NULL constraint in the child table.

Also, the child table must contain all CHECK constraints of the parent table, with the exception of non-inheritable ones (that is, those created by the ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT ... NO INHERIT command), which are ignored; however, all corresponding restrictions in the descendant table must not be non-inheritable. Currently the UNIQUE , PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY constraints are not respected, but this may change in the future. NO INHERIT table_parent

This form removes the target table from the list of children of the specified parent table. The results of queries against the parent table will then not include records taken from the target table. OF type_name

This form associates a table with a composite type as if it had been created by the CREATE TABLE OF command. In this case, the list of column names and types must exactly match what forms the composite type; the difference is possible in the system column oid. In addition, the table must not be a child of any other table. These restrictions ensure that the CREATE TABLE OF command will create a table with the same definition. NOT OF

This form breaks the connection between a typed table and its type. OWNER

This form changes the owner of a table, sequence, view, materialized view, or foreign table to the specified user. REPLICA IDENTITY

This form modifies the information written to the write-ahead log to identify rows that are modified or deleted. This setting is only effective when using logical replication. DEFAULT mode (the default for non-system tables) records the old values ​​of the primary key columns, if there is one. USING INDEX mode records the old values ​​of the columns that make up the specified index, which must be unique, not partial, not deferred, and include only columns marked NOT NULL . In FULL mode, the old values ​​of all columns in the row are recorded, and in NOTHING mode (the default for system tables), no information about old line not recorded. In all cases, old values ​​are logged only if at least one of the columns that should be logged has changed in new line. RENAME

RENAME forms change the name of a table (or index, sequence, view, materialized view, or foreign table), the name of an individual table column, or the name of a table constraint. This does not affect the stored data. SET SCHEMA

This form moves the table to another schema. The indexes and constraints associated with it, as well as the sequences belonging to the table columns, move with the table.

All types of ALTER TABLE that affect a single table, except RENAME and SET SCHEMA , can be combined into a list of multiple changes and applied together. For example, you can add multiple columns and/or change column types in one command. This is especially useful for large tables, since the entire table is processed in one pass.

Only the owner of the corresponding table can execute ALTER TABLE. To change the schema or tablespace of a table, you must also have the CREATE right in new scheme or tablespace. To make a table a child of another table, you must also be the owner of the parent table. To change ownership, you must be a direct or indirect member of the new owning role, and that role must have CREATE privilege on the table schema. (With these restrictions, nothing happens when you change ownership that you couldn't do if you had the right to drop and recreate the table. However, a superuser can change the owner of a table anyway.) To add a column, change a column's type, or apply an OF clause, you must also have the USAGE right for the corresponding data type.


The name (possibly complete with schema) of the existing table to be modified. If ONLY is specified before a table name, only the specified table is modified. Without ONLY, both the specified table and all its descendants (if any) are changed. You can also add an optional * after the table name to explicitly indicate that all child tables are affected. column_name

The name of the new or existing column. new_column_name

New name for an existing column. new name

New table name. data_type

Data type of the new column or new type existing column data. table_constraint

New table constraint. constraint_name

Name of new or existing restrictions. CASCADE

Automatically delete objects that depend on the column or constraint being deleted (for example, views containing that column), and in turn all objects that depend on them (see Section 5.13). RESTRICT

Refuse to delete a column or constraint if there are objects that depend on it. This is the default behavior. trigger_name

The name of the trigger to enable or disable. ALL

Disable or enable all triggers belonging to the table. (This requires superuser rights if these triggers include generated internal exception triggers, such as those that implement foreign key constraints or deferred uniqueness and exception constraints.) USER

Disable or enable all triggers that belong to a table, except for internally generated exception triggers, such as those that implement foreign key constraints or deferred uniqueness and exception constraints. index_name

The name of the existing index. storage_parameter

Table storage parameter name meaning

New value for the table storage parameter. This can be a number or a string, depending on the parameter. table_parent

The parent table from which the table will be linked or unlinked. new_owner

The name of the user to be designated as the new owner of the table. new_table_space

The name of the tablespace to which the table will be moved. new_scheme

The name of the schema to which the table will be moved.


The COLUMN keyword has no meaning and can be omitted.

When a column is added using ADD COLUMN , all existing rows in the table are initialized to that column with a default value (or NULL if there is no DEFAULT clause for the column). If the DEFAULT clause is missing, this amounts to only changing the metadata; there is no direct change to the table data; added NULL values ​​are printed when read.

Adding a column with a DEFAULT clause or changing the type of an existing column will overwrite the entire table and its indexes. But there may be an exception when changing the type of an existing column: if the USING clause does not change the contents of the column and the old type is binary cast to the new one or is an unconstrained domain over the new type, a table rewrite is not required; although all indexes with affected columns still need to be rebuilt. Adding or removing a system oid column also requires rewriting the entire table. Rebuilding large tables and/or their indexes can be a lengthy process that temporarily requires twice as much disk space.

Adding a CHECK or NOT NULL constraint requires you to scan the table to ensure that all existing rows satisfy the constraint, but does not require you to overwrite the table.

The ability to combine multiple changes into a single ALTER TABLE command is useful primarily because it allows you to combine the table scans and table rewrites required by these operations and perform them in a single pass.

The DROP COLUMN form does not physically remove the column, but simply makes it invisible to SQL operations. Subsequent add or update operations will record a NULL value in this column. Thus, deleting a column is fast, but does not reduce the size of the table on disk because the space occupied by the deleted column is not freed up. This space will be freed over time as existing rows are modified. (When the system oid column is dropped, this behavior is not observed because the table is immediately overwritten.)

To force space occupied by a column that has been deleted, you can issue one of the ALTER TABLE forms, which overwrites the entire table. As a result, all rows will be recreated so that the deleted column contains NULL.

ALTER TABLE overwrite forms are not MVCC safe. After the rewrite, the table will appear empty to concurrent transactions if they are working on a snapshot taken before the rewrite. Refer to Section 13.5 for details.

In the USING clause of the SET DATA TYPE clause, you can actually write an expression with the old row values; that is, it can refer to both the columns being converted and others. This allows very general data transformations to be written to SET DATA TYPE. Because of this flexibility, the USING expression does not apply to the default value of a given column (if there is one); the result may not be a constant expression, which is what is required for the default value. This means that in the absence of an explicit cast or assignment from the old type to the new, SET DATA TYPE may fail to convert the default value, even though the USING clause is applied. In these cases, you must remove the default value using DROP DEFAULT , issue ALTER TYPE , and then use SET DEFAULT to set a new appropriate default value. Similar considerations apply to indexes and constraints on this column.

If a table has child tables, you cannot add, rename, or change the type of a column, or rename an inherited constraint in the parent table without doing the same in all child tables. That is, the ALTER TABLE ONLY command will not be executed. This ensures that child tables will always contain the same columns as the parent.

The recursive DROP COLUMN operation will remove a column from a child table only if the column does not inherit from any other parent and was not independently defined in the child table. The non-recursive DROP COLUMN operation (that is, ALTER TABLE ONLY ... DROP COLUMN) never deletes inherited columns, but instead marks them as independently defined rather than inherited.

TRIGGER, CLUSTER, OWNER, and TABLESPACE actions never propagate recursively to child tables; that is, they are always executed as if ONLY had been specified. The add constraint operation is performed recursively only for CHECK constraints that are not marked NO INHERIT.

Any changes to the system catalog tables are not allowed.

For a more detailed description of valid parameters, see CREATE TABLE. You can learn more about inheritance in Chapter 5.


Adding a varchar column to a table:

ALTER TABLE distributors ADD COLUMN address varchar(30);

Removing a column from a table:


Changing the types of two existing columns in one operation:

ALTER TABLE distributors ALTER COLUMN address TYPE varchar(80), ALTER COLUMN name TYPE varchar(100);

Changing the type of an integer column containing Unix-style time to a timestamp with time zone type using the USING clause:

ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN foo_timestamp SET DATA TYPE timestamp with time zone USING timestamp with time zone "epoch" + foo_timestamp * interval "1 second";

The same thing, but in the case where the column has a default value that is not automatically cast to the new data type:

ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN foo_timestamp DROP DEFAULT, ALTER COLUMN foo_timestamp TYPE timestamp with time zone USING timestamp with time zone "epoch" + foo_timestamp * interval "1 second", ALTER COLUMN foo_timestamp SET DEFAULT now();

Renaming an existing column:

ALTER TABLE distributors RENAME COLUMN address TO city;

Renaming an existing table:

ALTER TABLE distributors RENAME TO suppliers;

Renaming an existing constraint:

ALTER TABLE distributors RENAME CONSTRAINT zipchk TO zip_check;

Adding a NOT NULL constraint to a column:


Removing a NOT NULL constraint from a column:


Adding a check constraint to a table and all its descendants:

ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT zipchk CHECK (char_length(zipcode) = 5);

Adding a check constraint only to a table, but not to its children:

ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT zipchk CHECK (char_length(zipcode) = 5) NO INHERIT;

(This check constraint will not be inherited by future children either.)

Removing a check constraint from a table and all its descendants:

ALTER TABLE distributors DROP CONSTRAINT zipchk;

Removing a check constraint from only the table itself:


(The check constraint remains in all child tables.)

Adding a foreign key constraint to a table:

ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT distfk FOREIGN KEY (address) REFERENCES addresses (address);

Adding a foreign key constraint to a table with the least impact on how others work:

ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT distfk FOREIGN KEY (address) REFERENCES addresses (address) NOT VALID; ALTER TABLE distributors VALIDATE CONSTRAINT distfk;

Adding a unique constraint to a table (across multiple columns):

ALTER TABLE distributors ADD CONSTRAINT dist_id_zipcode_key UNIQUE (dist_id, zipcode);

Adding an auto-named primary key to a table (note that a table can only have one primary key):

ALTER TABLE distributors ADD PRIMARY KEY (dist_id);

Moving a table to another tablespace:

ALTER TABLE distributors SET TABLESPACE fasttablespace;

Moving a table to another schema:

ALTER TABLE myschema.distributors SET SCHEMA yourschema;

To recreate a primary key constraint without blocking changes during an index rebuild:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY dist_id_temp_idx ON distributors (dist_id); ALTER TABLE distributors DROP CONSTRAINT distributors_pkey, ADD CONSTRAINT distributors_pkey PRIMARY KEY USING INDEX dist_id_temp_idx;


The forms ADD (without USING INDEX), DROP , SET DEFAULT and SET DATA TYPE (without USING) follow the SQL standard. Other forms are extensions to the SQL standard implemented in PostgreSQL. Additionally, an extension is the ability to specify multiple modification operations in a single ALTER TABLE command.

ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN allows you to drop a single column of a table and leave the table with no columns. This is an extension of the SQL standard, which does not allow tables with zero columns.

ALTER TABLE tbl_name alter_spec [, alter_spec ...]


ADD create_definition

or ADD (create_definition, create_definition,...)

or ADD INDEX (index_col_name,...)

or ADD PRIMARY KEY (index_col_name,...)

or ADD UNIQUE (index_col_name,...)

or ADD FULLTEXT (index_col_name,...)

or ADD FOREIGN KEY index_name (index_col_name,...)

or ALTER col_name (SET DEFAULT literal | DROP DEFAULT)

or CHANGE old_col_name create_definition

or MODIFY create_definition

or DROP col_name


or DROP INDEX index_name



or RENAME new_tbl_name

or ORDER BY col

or table_options

The ALTER TABLE statement provides the ability to change the structure of an existing table. For example, you can add or remove columns, create or destroy indexes, or rename columns or the table itself. You can also change the comment for the table and its type.

The ALTER TABLE statement creates a temporary copy of the original table at runtime. The required change is performed on the copy, then the original table is deleted and the new table is renamed. This is done so that all updates except failed ones are automatically included in the new table. During ALTER TABLE execution, the source table is readable by other clients. Update and write operations on this table are suspended until the new table is ready.

It should be noted that when using any other option for ALTER TABLE other than RENAME, MySQL will always create a temporary table, even if the data does not strictly need to be copied (for example, when a column name changes). For MyISAM tables, you can increase the speed of rebuilding the index portion (which is the slowest part of the table recovery process) by setting the myisam_sort_buffer_size variable to a large value.

To use the ALTER TABLE statement, you must have ALTER, INSERT, and CREATE privileges on the table.

The IGNORE option is MySQL extension relative to ANSI SQL92. It controls how ALTER TABLE works when there are duplicate unique keys in the new table. If the IGNORE option is not specified, then the process for this copy is interrupted and rolled back. If IGNORE is specified, then for rows with duplicate unique keys, only the first row is used and the rest are removed.

You can run multiple ADD, ALTER, DROP, and CHANGE statements in a single ALTER TABLE command. This is an extension of MySQL to ANSI SQL92, where only one of the expressions mentioned in a single ALTER TABLE command is allowed.

The CHANGE col_name, DROP col_name, and DROP INDEX options are also MySQL extensions to ANSI SQL92.

The MODIFY option is an Oracle extension to the ALTER TABLE command.

The optional word COLUMN represents "white noise" and may be omitted.

When using ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_name without any other options, MySQL simply renames the files corresponding to the given table. In this case, there is no need to create a temporary table. The create_definition statement for ADD and CHANGE uses the same syntax as for CREATE TABLE. Note that this syntax includes the column name, not just its type.

A column can be renamed using the CHANGE column_name create_definition statement. To do this, you must specify the old and new column names and its current type. For example, to rename the INTEGER column to b, you could do the following:


If you change a column's type but not its name, the CHANGE expression syntax still requires both column names to be specified, even if they are the same. For example:


However, starting with MySQL version 3.22.16a, you can also use a MODIFY expression to change the type of a column without renaming it:


When using CHANGE or MODIFY to reduce the length of a column that is part of an index (for example, an index on the first 10 characters of a VARCHAR column), you cannot make the column shorter than the number of characters indexed.

When you change a column's type using CHANGE or MODIFY, MySQL attempts to convert the data to the new type as correctly as possible.

In MySQL version 3.22 and later, you can use FIRST or ADD ... AFTER column_name to add a column at a given position within table row. By default, the column is added at the end. As of MySQL 4.0.1, you can also use keywords FIRST and AFTER in the CHANGE or MODIFY options.

The ALTER COLUMN option sets a new default value for a column or removes an old one. If the old default value is removed and the column can be NULL, then the new default value will be NULL. If the column cannot be NULL, then MySQL assigns a default value. The DROP INDEX option removes an index. It is an extension of MySQL to ANSI SQL92. If columns are removed from a table, those columns are also removed from any index that they are part of. If all the columns that make up an index are deleted, then that index is also deleted.

If a table contains only one column, then that column cannot be deleted. Instead, you can drop this table using the DROP TABLE command.

The DROP PRIMARY KEY option removes the primary index. If such an index does not exist on a given table, then the first UNIQUE index on that table is removed. (MySQL marks the first unique key UNIQUE as the PRIMARY KEY if no other PRIMARY KEY has been explicitly specified.) When you add a UNIQUE INDEX or PRIMARY KEY to a table, it is stored before any other non-unique keys so that duplicate keys can be identified as early as possible.

The ORDER BY option allows you to create a new table with rows in a specified order. Please note that the created table will not retain this row order after insert and delete operations. In some cases, this feature can make sorting operations easier in MySQL if the table has a column layout that you would like to have in the future. This option is mainly useful if you know in advance a specific order in which the rows will be predominantly requested. Using this option after significant table transformations allows for better performance.

When you use the ALTER TABLE command on MyISAM tables, all non-unique indexes are created in a separate batch (like REPAIR). This will make ALTER TABLE faster when you have multiple indexes.

As of MySQL 4.0, the above feature can be enabled explicitly. The ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE KEYS command blocks MySQL from updating non-unique indexes on MyISAM tables. You can then use the ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE KEYS command to recreate the missing indexes. Because MySQL does this using a special algorithm that is much faster than inserting keys one by one, locking keys can provide significant speedup on large arrays of inserts.

By using the C API function mysql_info(), you can determine how many records were copied, and also (when using IGNORE) how many records were removed due to duplicate unique key values.

The FOREIGN KEY, CHECK, and REFERENCES statements actually do nothing. They are included for compatibility reasons only, to make it easier to port code from other SQL servers and run applications that create referenced tables.

The following examples show some uses of the ALTER TABLE command. The example starts with table t1, which is created as follows:

mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (a INTEGER,b CHAR(10));

To rename a table from t1 to t2:

mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 RENAME t2;

To change the type of a column from INTEGER to TINYINT NOT NULL (keeping the name the same) and change the type of a column from CHAR(10) to CHAR(20) and renaming it from bnac:


To add a new TIMESTAMP column named d:


To add an index to column d and make column a the primary key:


To delete column c:


To add a new AUTO_INCREMENT numeric column named c:


Note that the column is indexed because AUTO_INCREMENT columns must be indexed; In addition, column c is declared NOT NULL because indexed columns cannot be NULL.

When you add an AUTO_INCREMENT column, the values ​​in that column are automatically populated with sequential numbers (as records are added). The first sequence number can be set by executing the command SET INSERT_ID=#beforeALTER TABLE or using the table option AUTO_INCREMENT = #.

ALTER TABLE tbl_name alter_spec [, alter_spec ...] alter_specification: ADD create_definition or ADD (create_definition, create_definition,...) or ADD INDEX (index_col_name,...) or ADD PRIMARY KEY (index_col_name,...) or ADD UNIQUE (index_col_name,...) or ADD FULLTEXT (index_col_name,...) or ADD FOREIGN KEY index_name (index_col_name,...) or ALTER col_name (SET DEFAULT literal | DROP DEFAULT) or CHANGE old_col_name create_definition or MODIFY create_definition or DROP col_name or DROP PRIMARY KEY or DROP INDEX index_name or DISABLE KEYS or ENABLE KEYS or RENAME new_tbl_name or ORDER BY col or table_options

The ALTER TABLE statement provides the ability to change the structure of an existing table. For example, you can add or remove columns, create or destroy indexes, or rename columns or the table itself. You can also change the comment for the table and its type. See section.

If an ALTER TABLE statement is used to change a column's type definition, but DESCRIBE tbl_name indicates that the column has not changed, then MySQL may be ignoring the modification for one of the reasons described in section Silent Column Definition Changes. For example, if you try to change a VARCHAR column to CHAR, MySQL will continue to use VARCHAR if the table in question contains other variable-length columns.

The ALTER TABLE statement creates a temporary copy of the original table at runtime. The required change is performed on the copy, then the original table is deleted and the new table is renamed. This is done so that all updates except failed ones are automatically included in the new table. While ALTER TABLE is running, the source table is readable by other clients. Update and write operations on this table are suspended until the new table is ready.

It should be noted that when using any other option for ALTER TABLE other than RENAME , MySQL will always create a temporary table, even if the data does not strictly need to be copied (for example, when a column name changes). We plan to fix this in the future, however, since ALTER TABLE is not executed very often, we (the MySQL developers) do not consider this a priority. For MyISAM tables, you can increase the speed of rebuilding the index portion (which is the slowest part of the table recovery process) by setting the myisam_sort_buffer_size variable to a large enough value.

  • To use the ALTER TABLE statement, you must have ALTER, INSERT, and CREATE privileges on the table.
  • The IGNORE option is a MySQL extension to ANSI SQL92. It controls how ALTER TABLE works when there are duplicate unique keys in the new table. If the IGNORE option is not specified, then the process for this copy is aborted and rolled back. If IGNORE is specified, then for rows with duplicate unique keys, only the first row is used and the rest are removed.
  • You can run multiple ADD, ALTER, DROP, and CHANGE statements in a single ALTER TABLE command. This is an extension of MySQL to ANSI SQL92, where only one of the expressions mentioned in a single ALTER TABLE command is allowed.
  • The CHANGE col_name, DROP col_name, and DROP INDEX options are also MySQL extensions to ANSI SQL92.
  • The MODIFY option is an Oracle extension to the ALTER TABLE command.
  • The optional word COLUMN represents ``white noise'' and can be omitted.
  • When using ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_name without any other options, MySQL simply renames the files corresponding to the given table. In this case, there is no need to create a temporary table. See section 6.5.5 RENAME TABL E Statement Syntax.
  • The create_definition statement uses the same syntax for ADD and CHANGE as for CREATE TABLE. Note that this syntax includes the column name, not just its type. See section 6.5.3 CREATE TABLE statement syntax.
  • A column can be renamed using the CHANGE column_name create_definition statement. To do this, you must specify the old and new column names and its current type. For example, to rename an INTEGER column from a to b , you could do the following: mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE a b INTEGER; If you change a column's type but not its name, the CHANGE expression syntax still requires both column names to be specified, even if they are the same. For example: mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE b b BIGINT NOT NULL; However, as of MySQL 3.22.16a, you can also use a MODIFY statement to change the type of a column without renaming it: mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY b BIGINT NOT NULL;
  • When using CHANGE or MODIFY to reduce the length of a column that is part of an index (for example, an index on the first 10 characters of a VARCHAR column), you cannot make the column shorter than the number of characters indexed.
  • When you change a column's type using CHANGE or MODIFY, MySQL attempts to convert the data to the new type as gracefully as possible.
  • In MySQL 3.22 and later, you can use FIRST or ADD ... AFTER column_name to add a column at a given position within a table row. By default, the column is added at the end. As of MySQL 4.0.1, you can also use the FIRST and AFTER keywords in the CHANGE or MODIFY options.
  • The ALTER COLUMN option sets a new default value for a column or removes an old one. If the old default is removed and the column is NULLable, then the new default will be NULL. If the column cannot be NULL, then MySQL assigns a default value as described in section 6.5.3 CREATE TABLE Statement Syntax.
  • The DROP INDEX option removes an index. It is an extension of MySQL to ANSI SQL92. See section 6.5.8 DROP INDEX Statement Syntax.
  • If columns are removed from a table, those columns are also removed from any index that they are part of. If all the columns that make up an index are deleted, then that index is also deleted.
  • If a table contains only one column, then that column cannot be deleted. Instead, you can remove this table using the DROP TABLE command.
  • The DROP PRIMARY KEY option removes the primary index. If such an index does not exist on a given table, then the first UNIQUE index on that table is removed. (MySQL marks the first unique UNIQUE key as the PRIMARY KEY if no other PRIMARY KEY has been explicitly specified.) When you add a UNIQUE INDEX or PRIMARY KEY to a table, it is stored before any other non-unique keys so that duplicate keys can be identified as early as possible.
  • The ORDER BY option allows you to create a new table with rows in a specified order. Please note that the created table will not retain this row order after insert and delete operations. In some cases, this feature can make sorting operations easier in MySQL if the table has a column arrangement that you would like to have in the future. This option is mainly useful if you know in advance a specific order in which the rows will be predominantly requested. Using this option after significant table transformations allows for better performance.
  • When using the ALTER TABLE command on MyISAM tables, all non-unique indexes are created in a separate batch (similar to REPAIR). This will make the ALTER TABLE command faster when there are multiple indexes.
  • As of MySQL 4.0, the above feature can be enabled explicitly. The ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE KEYS command blocks MySQL from updating non-unique indexes on MyISAM tables. You can then use the ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE KEYS command to recreate the missing indexes. Because MySQL does this using a special algorithm that is much faster than inserting keys one by one, locking keys can provide significant speedup on large arrays of inserts.
  • By using the C API mysql_info() function, you can determine how many records were copied, and also (when using IGNORE) how many records were removed due to duplicate unique key values.
  • The FOREIGN KEY , CHECK and REFERENCES statements don't actually do anything. They are included for compatibility reasons only, to make it easier to port code from other SQL servers and run applications that create referenced tables. See section 1.9.4 Differences between MySQL and ANSI SQL92.

The following examples show some uses of the ALTER TABLE command. The example starts with table t1, which is created as follows:

Mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (a INTEGER,b CHAR(10));

To rename a table from t1 to t2:


To change the type of a column from INTEGER to TINYINT NOT NULL (keeping the name the same) and change the type of column b from CHAR(10) to CHAR(20) and rename it from b to c:


To add a new TIMESTAMP column named d:


To add an index to column d and make column a the primary key:


To delete column c:


To add a new AUTO_INCREMENT numeric column named c:


Note that column c is indexed because AUTO_INCREMENT columns must be indexed, in addition, column c is declared NOT NULL because indexed columns cannot be NULL .

When you add an AUTO_INCREMENT column, the values ​​in that column are automatically populated with sequential numbers (as records are added). The first sequence number can be set by executing SET commands INSERT_ID=# before ALTER TABLE or using the table option AUTO_INCREMENT = # . See section 5.5.6 SET Command Syntax.

If the AUTO_INCREMENT column for MyISAM tables is not changed, then the sequence number remains the same. If you remove an AUTO_INCREMENT column and then add another AUTO_INCREMENT column, the numbers will start again at 1 .