An idle interest has arisen (it will definitely come in handy, I’m sure, but idle for now), let’s say there are a certain number of machines on Ubuntu, and if there are a lot of them, then the traffic of requests to the repositories of all machines will be essentially directly proportional to their number and if the update of one machine - this is all right, then 20 or more, this is already serious. Unlims for corporate events are bad in our country, so the issue of traffic is often very acute. And it’s also not worth loading the channel for nothing when there are simple and elegant solutions.

If you google this topic, then first of all 2 popular solutions come up: apt-mirror and apt-proxy. Both solutions are attractive in their own way, but since in order to translate all this into a practical plane you need to understand and make a choice, I will briefly tell you the features.

Apt-mirror is a package that makes a complete local mirror of repositories. It is installed, configured, then launched and downloads all the contents of the repositories specified in the settings. In principle, it’s good, because all possible packages will be available immediately and on high speed. But on the other hand, we will have to pump out EVERYTHING we need and don’t need. At least this nuance put an end to the choice of apt-mirror.

Apt-proxy - works on a slightly different principle, I liked it better. I think the principle is even more intellectual. It doesn’t download everything, but downloads only what was requested, that is, in fact, on the first request it downloads the required package from the Internet, so you have to wait, and on subsequent calls it gives its local copy. In general, caching repository proxying is our choice!

For experiments, I had 2 cars in my hands. A small, unimportant server on Debian Squeese and a desktop with Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic. (On Debian I decided to deploy a proxy for karmika reps, on the desktop I adjusted the sources.list accordingly)

But SUDDENLY I didn’t find the apt-proxy package in the Squeese turnips. After surfing the Internet, on the apt-proxy project page, I learned that life is a complicated thing and that someone was killed in a car accident while returning from some kind of IT party. As a result, the promised refactoring is not completed and, in general, nobody knows. However, there I also saw a list of clones of the project, and lo and behold, one of them was in Debian: apt-cacher.


$ sudo apt-get install apt-cacher
$ sudo vim /etc/apt-cacher/apt-cacher.conf

Since our client machines use Ubuntu, we set path_map in the config:
path_map = ubuntu; ubuntu-updates; ubuntu-security ; ubuntu-partner

The default port of apt-caher is 3142. In order to attach it to the port<1024, надо запускать его из под рута, что в целом не нужно.

Thus we get the following connections:
http://localrepo:3142/ubuntu => http://localrepo:3142/ubuntu-updates => http://localrepo:3142/ubuntu-security => http://localrepo:3142/ubuntu-partner =>

Moreover, what was pleasing is that, unlike many packages, there is no need to specify a specific distribution, that is, with these settings we can serve machines with any Ubuntu distribution.

Enable autostart of the daemon:
$ sudo vim /etc/default/apt-cacher
Set the value: AUTOSTART=1
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apt-cacher restart
Voila. Everything is ready to go.


Now we add our repository to the sources.list of the desktop machine:
$ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

The gradual transition of an enterprise to GNU/Linux creates the need for corresponding changes in the infrastructure. Today we are solving the problem of global updating of client machines by creating a local repository. The process was initially documented as a reminder for the future, so I apologize in advance for any inconsistencies in the text. So.
First you need to decide how best to do this. The Internet identifies two favorites rsync And debmirror. I chose the latter due to its greater flexibility.

1. Obtaining keys

To create a mirror of the repository, you need to obtain the “Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key” " To do this, in the terminal from the superuser, enter:
gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring trustedkeys.gpg --recv-keys 437D05B5

2. Preparing the space

Create a folder for the repository:
sudo mkdir /path/to/repository
Important! Take the trouble to make sure you have free space in your specified path. Even two architectures i386 And amd64 will take up a decent amount of it.

3. Receiving packages

Mirroring takes place in three stages:
  • Removing unknown files (disabled by the option --nocleanup below);
  • Building a list of index archives and checking for availability in the local repository. To implement the above, we will create a file with the following content.
  • #!/bin/sh
    #This is our repository configuration. Depending on the parameters specified
    #here, we will get the content we need.

    #Cleanup option. Enabled by default. After downloading packages, deletes earlier ones
    #versions. To disable the option, the --nocleanup parameter is required
    #Option source. Uploads package source codes. If you don't use
    #source codes to study and modify applications (which is typical for
    #binary distributions), feel free to set the --no-source option

    #Host. The name of the server where we get the packages from.

    #Root. The root directory on the server we have chosen.

    #Ubuntu release name. Settings for version 10.04.


    #Synchronization protocol. Debmirror supports the following methods: http,
    #hftp, ftp, rsync

    #Architecture. If you use exclusively 32 or 64 bit systems.
    #One of the architectures can be removed. Also, if other architectures are used,
    #they should be added.

    #Repository location. Please indicate local folder, created. in paragraph 2.

    Debmirror --progress --verbose $clean $src --md5sums --host=$servername --root=$rdir \
    --dist=$release -s=$section --method=$sync_protocol -a=$arch $path

    Now let's put it in the directory /usr/local/bin and make it executable.
    chmod +x
    sudo cp /usr/local/bin/

    Next, run the resulting script and wait for the process to complete. The process is quite long. The execution time highly depends on the width of your Internet channel.
    sudo /usr/local/bin/
    Attention! The download size exceeds tens of gigabytes, and government Internet is rarely unlimited. Moreover, debmirror sensitive to connection stability, 120 seconds of downtime and everything will have to start all over again.

    4. Setting up a web server

    In order not to make unnecessary dances with a tambourine, we will choose a protocol http, as a traditional method of providing access to a repository. The choice of web server is yours. From favorites ngnix, apache And lighttpd, I chose the latter due to the lack of experience with it (both pleasant and useful, yes). So.

    Server installation.

    Sudo apt-get install lighttpd
    Everything is simple here. If you do not plan to use it as www directory other than the default, then the server does not need to be configured. All you have to do is create a symbolic link in the directory /var/www
    ln -s /path/to/repository /var/www/ubuntu

    Let's check the availability of the repository from the browser: http:// /ubuntu/

    5. Client setup

    Here we will use a little trick. In order not to make changes to /etc/apt/sources.list (you never know what will happen). Add to file /etc/hosts a couple of lines.
    Note: If you have a DNS server, you can register all this in it, and on the repository server you can register the true addresses of the above names.

    6. Automation

    And now the sweetest part. Let's make it all spin on our own.
    6.1 Server part
    In point #3, we created a script with which we received packages. Let's configure its autostart using the daemon cron.
    sudo crontab -e

    To which we add the treasured line:

    0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/
    Now every day at 0:00 our script will do all the routine work for us.

    6.2 Client part
    Let's create a script on clients in the directory /usr/local/bin the following content:
    apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y clean

    Let's not forget to make it executable.
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

    Then we open cron:
    sudo crontab -e

    And add the line:
    40 17 * * * /usr/local/bin/

    Now every day at 17:40 the system will poll our repository for updates and update if any are found.

    Attention! When working with crontab You should not forget that after the lines with tasks there must be an empty line, which is indicated by the sign " # ".
    p.s.: I apologize for the lack of attached images, but in this case I think their presence is simply inappropriate.

    Why might you need local? repository programs? Let's say you have several workstations in your office without Internet access. But they need to somehow install and update the software. In this case, a local repository is created on the server (or other machine with Internet access), which is periodically updated. And the rest of the workstations take programs from there. It may also be useful in case of limited or not always accessible internet. Download the repository - and at any time you can install any available program. There is nothing complicated in creating a local repository; now I will describe everything in detail.

    It is very advisable to place the local repository on a separate hard drive (at least, a partition), so that in the event of an accident you do not lose everything you have downloaded through back-breaking labor. Distribution repository Debian 8 for architecture amd64 weighs more 40 gigabytes. Accordingly, if you also need i386 packages (32 bit), then the volume will double. So, let's say your system has a separate HDD 500 GB, mounted in /media/repo. This is what we will proceed from. Let's start with Debian 8 Jessie.

    There are several ways to create a local repository on Debian/Ubuntu. I will use the simplest and most time-tested utility - apt-mirror. Install:

    sudo apt install apt-mirror apache2

    Create a directory for the repository:

    sudo mkdir /media/repo/debian

    And service directories:

    sudo mkdir -p /media/repo/debian/(mirror,var,skel)

    Setting it up. Open the configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/apt/mirror.list

    set base_path /media/repo/debian

    # set var_path $base_path/var

    # set defaultarch

    set run_postmirror 0

    # Service parameters, not
    set nthreads 20
    set_tilde 0

    # Mirror with packages for amd64 jessie (stable) + sources
    deb-amd64 jessie main contrib non-free

    # Mirror with security updates amd64 jessie (stable) + sources
    deb-amd64 main contrib non-free

    deb-amd64 jessie main/debian-installer


    # Mirror with packages for i386 jessie (stable) + sources
    deb-i386 jessie main contrib non-free
    deb-src jessie main contrib non-free
    # Mirror with security updates i386 jessie (stable) + sources
    deb-i386 main contrib non-free
    deb-src main contrib non-free
    # Mirror required for network installation (udebs)
    deb-i386 jessie main/debian-installer
    # Delete files not indexed in Release
    # Disable cleaning of the selected folder

    Save. Let's start downloading the repository:

    sudo apt-mirror

    After the index files are downloaded, Apt-Mirror will tell you how many packages you need to download (the volume will be very, very large). All you have to do is wait. The system will do the rest itself. To automatically synchronize and clean mirrors, you need to add a line to the settings cron and set the appropriate time. Official mirrors are updated every 6 hours: 3:00, 9:00, 15:00, 21:00. For example like this:

    crontab -e

    05 01 * * * apt-mirror >> /var/log/apt-mirror.log
    05 03 * * * /media/repo/debian/var/ >> /var/log/apt-mirror.log

    For correct operation it is necessary to add symbolic links "stable","testing", "unstable" on jessie, stretch, sid accordingly (if you have them). Example for jessie:

    ln -s /media/repo/debian/mirror/ /media/repo/debian/mirror/

    We have installed a web server Apache for good reason. We need it to distribute packages from our local repository over the network (local). First, you need to configure access to the repository. To do this, you need to create one symbolic link:

    cd /media/repo/debian/
    sudo ln -s /media/repo/debian/mirror/ debian

    Now on the client machine (which needs access to the local repository), provide the repository address. If the computer with the repository has a network name (for example server), then indicate it. Otherwise, indicate it by address IP address:

    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

    deb http://server/debian jessie main contrib non-free
    deb-src http://server/debian jessie main contrib non-free
    deb http://server/debian jessie/updates main contrib non-free

    If you specified loading 32-bit packages (i386) in the config, then do not forget to add this architecture to the system:

    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

    And update the package list:

    sudo apt-get update

    Then everything is as usual. For Ubuntu, everything is the same, except for the names of the repositories and the addition of a 32-bit architecture to a 64-bit system (not necessary). Config mirror.list for Ubuntu 14.04:

    ############# config ###################
    # Base directory, where a local mirror of the Debian repository will be created
    set base_path /media/repo/ubuntu

    # Paths to mirror files, temporary files and apt-mirror execution log
    # set mirror_path $base_path/mirror
    # set skel_path $base_path/skel
    # set var_path $base_path/var
    # set cleanscript $var_path/

    # The architecture for which the mirror is created. Default is the architecture
    # the system on which apt-mirror runs (amd64,i386 or others). No need to change
    # because Below we will explicitly indicate both the mirror and the architecture.
    # set defaultarch

    # The path to the post-processing script is missing by default, but we don’t need it yet.
    # set postmirror_script $var_path/

    # Do not run post-processing script
    set run_postmirror 0

    # Service parameters, not
    set nthreads 20
    set_tilde 0
    ############# end config ##############

    deb-amd64 trusty main restricted
    deb-amd64 trusty-updates main restricted
    deb-amd64 trusty universe
    deb-amd64 trusty-updates universe
    deb-amd64 trusty multiverse
    deb-amd64 trusty-updates multiverse
    deb-amd64 trusty-security main restricted
    deb-amd64 trusty-security universe
    deb-amd64 trusty-security multiverse

    deb-i386 trusty main restricted
    deb-i386 trusty-updates main restricted
    deb-i386 trusty universe
    deb-i386 trusty-updates universe
    deb-i386 trusty multiverse
    deb-i386 trusty-updates multiverse
    deb-i386 trusty-security main restricted
    deb-i386 trusty-security universe
    deb-i386 trusty-security multiverse

    Well, accordingly, you need to change the symbolic link:

    ln -s /media/repo/ubuntu/mirror/ /media/repo/ubuntu/mirror/

    That's all. This is the simplest and, in my opinion, correct way to create a local repository on these systems. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

    I recently thought about what would happen if my system suddenly refused to boot and I didn’t have enough intelligence or time to restore it. Then everything will have to start from scratch. But what about those packages that were faithfully downloaded throughout the year? What if there is not just one computer, but a whole network?

    Everyone doesn’t want to download 800 meters of updates at all. For a long time I used the APTonCD utility, which suited me for the time being. But there is one nuance: when we create a repository with this utility in iso image(and/or we write it on a blank), then there is no way to add one or two packages to the repository without rebuilding the entire image. And if you take into account the fact that in the local package cache (from which this utility creates images) they are not stored forever and are deleted over time, then you have to store all the image files or risk losing important packages that were downloaded relatively long ago (since they are no longer in the cache). As a result, a large number of images are assembled, in which the packages are mostly repeated. There is only one way out. Create a full-fledged local repository, which is what we will do.

    We only need to install one package: apt-move. Many will say that you can do without it and they will be right, but I was looking for a simple way to create the “correct” repository. Therefore we do:
    sudo apt-get install apt-move
    Now we need to decide on the folder where our repository will be located. I chose /home//mirror . Although the name is not very good, since our repository is not a complete mirror of the official Ubuntu repository, but only a part of it that contains packages that have been downloaded at least once, but I’m too lazy to redo the script. So let it be like this:

    Mkdir ~/mirror
    cd ~/mirror

    Now you're ready to move on to next step- at a construction site.

    First, we need to configure the apt-move utility itself. To do this, let's do:
    gksu gedit /etc/apt-move.conf
    An editor with a settings file will open. Change the value of the LOCALDIR variable to LOCALDIR=/home//mirror (it is advisable to write the full absolute path, it’s more reliable). We also change PKGCOMP to PKGCOMP=none. This is compression. The fact is that I discovered glitches while using apt-move compression, so we will compress everything in our script without using this apt-move function. That's it, save and close. Now let's do it
    gedit ~/mirror/
    We will write our future script into this file. Let's start:

    sudo apt-move get
    sudo apt-move move

    I won’t comment on this in detail, I’ll just say that here we check the packages in the local cache and copy them to the local repo, adhering to the official folder structure. (that's why we needed the apt-move package). Next we enter:

    Prefix=/home/ /mirror
    cd $prefix

    Mkdir -p $prefix/pool/main
    mkdir -p $prefix/pool/partner
    mkdir -p $prefix/pool/non-free

    Mkdir -p $prefix/dists/stable/main/binary-i386
    mkdir -p $prefix/dists/stable/partner/binary-i386
    mkdir -p $prefix/dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386

    We check the presence of the necessary folders. We set the prefix variable in accordance with our location of the repository root. A caveat needs to be made here. It is possible that while working and updating your repository, you will have other components in the /pool folder (there are only three here: main partner non-free), then you will need to add lines by analogy with a simple copy-paste and replace them with the appropriate names. It's simple... Let's move on:

    apt-ftparchive packages pool/main > $dir/Packages
    gzip -9c<$dir/Packages >$dir/Packages.gz
    bzip2 -9c<$dir/Packages >$dir/Packages.bz2
    apt-ftparchive release $dir > $dir/Release
    cat > $dir/Release<< EOF
    Archive: stable
    Suite: stable
    Component: main
    Label: APT-Move
    Architecture: i386

    We create so-called index files with a description of all packages that are included in a given distribution branch. (here this is main) We also create a Release file, which contains a description of this branch. In total, four files are created:
    the Packages file itself and the accompanying Release file. You need to copy and paste this part of the code as many times as there are branches in your repository (I have three, so I copy two more times and change the corresponding names to non-free and partner). Next we add:

    cat > $dir/Release<< EOF
    Label: APT-Move
    Suite: stable
    Codename: unknown

    Echo Date: `date -u +"%a, %d %b %Y %T UTC"` >> $dir/Release
    cat >> $dir/Release<< EOF
    Architectures: i386
    Components: main non-free partner
    Description: unknown

    Apt-ftparchive release $dir >> $dir/Release

    Here we create a Release file for the entire distribution (ours is stable) as a whole, which, in addition to other information, will contain checksums all Packages (and Release) files in all branches listed in Components: (as you can see, I still have three of them :)). Therefore, if you have other branches, be sure to edit this line. We save the script after executing the command

    You can already create a repository and update from it. But the fact is that untrusted repositories have lower priority than trusted ones (or they are also called signed ones). Therefore, we will give our repository the same priority as the official one. For this we need a pgp key. If you don’t have one yet, you can create it using the seahorse program (Programs-Standards-Passwords and Encryption Keys). You can, of course, run the gpg program from the console, but the GUI is somehow closer to me. We create a key and now we need to export it so that clients can add it to the trusted ones. To do this, let's do

    Cd ~/mirror gpg --export<имя_вашего_ключа>> apt.key

    Apt-ftparchive release $dir >> $dir/Release zenity --entry \ --title="Key password" \ --text="Введите Ваш пароль:" \ --entry-text "" \ --hide-text | gpg -abs --yes --passphrase-fd 0 -o $dir/Release.gpg $dir/Release!}

    As you can see, the zenity and gpg utility are used here. The first is a regular “decoration”. Well, I don't like sad people command line in English. language :), so here a graphical window is called up asking you to enter the password for your key. The second one directly signs our repository and it becomes trusted. That's all, save and close. If you have not yet given the right to execute to our script, then give it:

    Sudo chmod +x ~/mirror/
    True, I haven’t stopped there yet. Since I need to update the repository from the Internet at work, and update the system from the repository at home, I decided to pack the entire local repository into one file and unpack it at home. So I added the following:

    Zenity --question \ --title="Archiving" \ --text="Создать архив репозитария?" if [ "$?" = 0 ] ; then cd $prefix tar czf ../repo_`date +"%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S"`.tar.gz ./ zenity --info --text="Архивирование завершено!" fi!}

    Again, we use zenity to display graphic windows and, if the user agrees, we make an archive of the current turnip into the user’s folder.

    In order to connect our repository, you need to add it to the /etc/apt/sources.list file. We do:

    Gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
    and add the following line to the beginning of the file

    Deb file:/home/ /mirror stable main non-free partner #Local repository
    If you have other branches besides main non-free partner, you need to remember to add them. In addition, we need to add the public key of the repository with which we signed our rep. To do this you need to do

    Sudo apt-key add apt.key

    That's it, now we update the list of packages

    Sudo apt-get update

    P.S. Anyone who still gets a package from the Internet that is in the local repository, read this topic,5403.msg44916.html#msg44916
    P.P.S. Can someone help with a description of the Approx caching proxy server. It would be nice to use it here.

    In this article we will look at how to create a new empty Git repository. We will create a local repository and also look at how to create a remote repository using Github as an example.

    How to create a new empty repository

    Create an empty directory for your future repository and go to it:

    Mkdir myproject cd myproject

    Now, to create a new repository in our directory, run the command:

    Git init

    This will create a new local empty repository. A message like this will be displayed on the screen:

    Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/myproject/.git/

    In the directory myproject will appear hidden folder .git. You can see it by running ls -al

    How to create a repository from existing files

    Let's assume that you already have a project for which you want to create a Git repository. Creating a repository is done exactly as described above. Go to your project folder:

    Cd myproject

    Create a repository:

    Git init

    Now you can add all files to the index and make the first commit:

    Git add -A git commit -m "First commit."

    How to create a remote repository (using Github as an example)

    You have created a local repository, now, for example, you need to add it to Github, thereby effectively creating a remote repository.

    Go to and log in to your account. Click the New repository button. On the page that opens, enter the name of the repository ( Repository name) and press the button Create repository.

    In your local repository now run the command:

    Git remote add origin

    This command will add a remote repository named origin that points to your Github repository. So far we have only added an entry about the remote repository.

    You can now run the git push command to push all your changes to the remote repository:

    Git push -u origin master

    You will need to enter your Github account login and password. The output of the command will be something like this:

    $ git push -u origin master Username for "": [email protected] Password for "https:// [email protected]": Counting objects: 4, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 252 bytes | 252.00 KiB /s, done. Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: remote: Create a pull request for "master" on GitHub by visiting: remote: /new/master remote: To * master -> master Branch "master" set up to track remote branch "master" from "origin".

    In the git push command we used the -u switch. This key is used to link the local branch master from remote origin/master(in our case, the remote branch did not exist, it was automatically created). Since the link is established, subsequent git pushes from the master branch can be done without specifying branches. That is, instead of git push origin master ), you can simply run the git push command.