From the author: Greetings, friends. From this article you will learn how to recover your DLE admin password. This topic is relevant for any site on any engine, since it is common for any person to make mistakes, and anyone can forget the password for the admin panel. So let's see how to recover your DLE password.

Let's start with the fact that password recovery may be relevant not only for the site administrator, but also for ordinary site visitors on DLE. This is logical, since each of us can forget the password, just like the administrator.

The password recovery procedure for ordinary users is quite simple. At the top of your site, find a login link and usually somewhere nearby there may be a link to a password recovery page. In the standard DLE template it looks like this:

If there is nothing similar in your template, then just use the following link - http://your_domen/index.php?do=lostpassword

The link takes us to the password recovery page, where you just need to enter your login or email to start the password recovery procedure. After this, you will receive instructions on how to reset your password by email.

However, all this by default only works for ordinary users. When attempting to recover a password, the administrator will see the following message:

It turns out that by default, administrator password recovery is disabled for security reasons. If you want to enable the password recovery function for administrators in the future, you can do this in the admin panel in the Users - User Groups Settings menu. In the table, select the Administrators group and from the Action list select Edit.

On the group settings page, enable password recovery.

But all this is possible, of course, only if you have not forgotten the password to the DLE admin panel and have access to it. But what should an administrator do if he has forgotten his password and does not have access to the admin panel? Is everything really lost?

No, don't rush to panic. There is another option for changing the password. For this option, you will need access to the site's database. As you probably already guessed, we will execute an sql query with which we will simply change the administrator password in the corresponding table. The request will look like this:

Here we update the dle_users table. Check what your table name is, because if you changed the table prefix during the installation phase, then a different prefix may be specified instead of dle_. In this case, specify it. Next, in this part - MD5(MD5('111111′)) - the password 111111 is set as the new password. Accordingly, you can set your own. Well, the last part of the query - WHERE name = 'admin' - indicates the user name. Here, accordingly, you will indicate your administrator login.

That's all for me today. If you want to get to know DLE better and learn how to create your websites from scratch using this CMS, then check out our course. Good luck!

Recovering the admin password using phpMyAdmin. Wodrpress, DLE, Joomla and other cms

When a web master has only one website or blog, and email, only in Yandex and Google, there is no confusion with access passwords to the admin panel.

Over time, new sites appear, new boxes for various purposes. Of course, it is impossible to keep this entire array of data in your head without proper accounting.

Probably the simplest and most reliable tool is a simple table created in Word or Excel. It is better if it is stored on removable storage like a flash drive. But as always, disorganization and Russian aptitude interfere, like I’ll write down the data later.

When purchasing one site, I received files and a database dump. After installation on my hosting, I was denied access to the admin panel. Since when uploading a new database, WordPress changed the password, login and email of the admin. What to do in such a case?

As always, phpMyAdmin comes to the admin's rescue! If you have access, change your password, login, Email, happens in a matter of minutes. This method is not new, it is described in various sources, but it is the most efficient and accessible for beginners.

A small digression. In the database, user passwords are stored encrypted using MD5. The operating principle is as follows. When entering the admin panel, the admin enters his password and login. A hash function is calculated from the entered password, and the result is compared with the value stored in the database. If the values ​​are equal, the password is correct.

On a well-known resource, there is a simple service that allows you to MD5 encryption:

There are many similar services on the Internet, you just have to type “MD5” in the search.

Changing password, login and email. Wordpress mail via phpMyAdmin:

Go to the phpMyAdmin panel of your site
2. Select the desired database, if there is more than one
3. Select the wp_users table, action "Browse"

4. Click the mouse and look:

user_pass- $P$BkIM9ktWqa4z5yUiGh442kNqbKx/fG0
user_nicename- admin
user_email- [email protected]
display_name- admin

Editing the data in the table:

Here I think explanations are unnecessary; we can safely change all this data to our own.

Now let's remember about MD5, we will encrypt your New Password and enter it in the user_pass field.

For example:
superadmin -
123 -
1. Insert the required password value into the user_pass field
2. Change your email to yours
3. Click on the “Go” button
An SQL query is executed and the changes made in the database table are shown:

After this, you can safely go to the admin panel, you need to enter not a hash, but a word encrypted in MD5, for example, as in my examples: admin, superadmin or 123.

This method works on any platform, such as DLE, Joomla, Joostina or Drupal, i.e. on all sites using a MySQL database. The only difference is in the names of the tables where user passwords are stored. For example, let's look at the site database on dle.

Changing password, login and email. DLE mail via phpMyAdmin:

1. Open the dle database of the site
2. Find the dle_users table, user data is stored here

3. Click on "Browse"

4. Edit and save data

Method No. 2.
1. Go to phpMyAdmin
2. Select SQL at the top
3. You must insert the following request into the form:
INSERT INTO `dle_users` (`email` , `password` , `name` , `user_group`) VALUES (" [email protected]", "d9b1d7db4cd6e70935368a1efb10e377", "newadmin", "1");
4. After this, log in to the site with the following data:
Login: newadmin
Password: 123

How to change the admin password to access the admin panel of a site on Joomla:

1. Open the database of the joomla site
2. Looking for a table
3. Edit your password, login or email
4. Save

You can work with any site in a similar way, the main thing is to find a table with users. If there are many users on the site, then the main administrator always has user_id=1.
For those new to the internet, don't worry or be afraid to use phpMyAdmin. Any operation can be canceled if you doubt the correctness of your actions. But learning and using it practically competently can only be done through trial and error.

I would like to separately note that the described method is not the only one. You can also change the password using an SQL query. But for beginners it is still complicated, and experienced webmasters do not need any explanation.

This method of recovering a password, as well as changing the login and admin email, can be used as follows: local server Denver, and on shared hosting.

Good luck in mastering phpMyAdmin, never lose your passwords and access data!

From Joomla! Documentation

This article is for Joomla! CMS Version(s)

Typically, you can add, change and delete users and passwords in the user manager of the administrative panel. To do this, you must be logged in [to your account] as a member of the Super Administrators group.

In some situations this is not possible. For example, [when] your website was hacked and the password or users were changed. Or perhaps the person who knew the passwords is no longer [working with this site]. Or maybe you forgot the password you used.

In such cases, it is still possible to change the Joomla! database so that you can still log in to the site again as a super administrator. Below are the methods available for this for Joomla! Super Administrators.


First method: configuration.php file

If on your web server you have access to your configuration.php file of your Joomla! installation, then you can recover your password using the following method.

1. Using any FTP client, connect to your website. Find your configuration.php file and look at the permissions on it. If its permissions [shown as] 444 or some other value, then change them to 644. This will help avoid problems loading the modified configuration.php file later in the process.

2. Download this configuration file.

3. Open this downloaded configuration.php file in some text editor, such as Notepad++, and add the following line [to it]

Public $root_user="myname";

at the bottom of the list, where "myname" is the name of the user with administrative access for which you know the password. A username with administrative access can be replaced by a username with "Author" level or higher.

4. Save this configuration.php file and upload it back to your website. You can leave its rights [at value] 644.

This user will now be a temporary super administrator.

5. Log into [your] admin panel and change the password of the admin user whose password was lost, or create a new user with super admin rights. If you create any new user, then, depending on your circumstances, you can either block or delete that old user.

6. When you're done, make sure you use the "Click here to try to do it automatically" link that appears inside the warning block to remove it from your configuration.php file. line. If you couldn’t use the link, then come back using some text editor remove the line added to the configuration.php file. Upload the configuration.php file back to your website.

7. Using your FTP program, make sure that the permissions on the configuration.php file [are] 444. If you deleted that added line manually, then change the permissions to 444.

If you do not have users who know their password and you cannot enable registration from the front web pages, then you may need to make a change to your database as outlined in this document below.

Second method: directly changing the database

If the above methods do not produce results, then you have two choices, both of which require working with the MySQL database directly.

Changing the password in the database

If administrative user is still determined, then in a simple way is to change his password in the database to some known value. This requires that you have a password to the MySQL database using phpMyAdmin or some other client.

Once you have regained access, make sure you change [this] password

These instructions show how to manually change the password to the word - "secret"

  1. Go to phpMyAdmin and in the [databases] drop-down list on the left, select this website's Joomla! The tables of this database will appear on the left side of the screen.
  2. Find a table called "_users" (note: in this name you will have your own value before the bottom line).
  3. Click on the "Browse" button on the toolbar. This will show all users configured for this website.
  4. Find the user whose password you want to change and click on the "Edit" button in this row.
  5. [In response to you], a web form will open that will allow you to change [value] in the password field. Copy the value below

    : trd7TvKHx6dMeoMmBVxYmg0vuXEA4199

    Enter this password field and click on the "Go" button. phpMyAdmin should [respond] with the message "Affected rows: 1". At this point the password should change to "secret".

  6. Login as this user and change this password to something secure. Check all users in the user manager and make sure that all of them [were actually created by you]. If your [site] has been hacked, you may want to change all passwords on that site.

Add new user as super admin

If changing the password does not work, or if you are not sure which user is a member of the super administrators group, then you can use this method to create some new user.

  1. Go to phpMyAdmin and select [your] Joomla! website database from the list on the left. This will show the tables in that database on the left side of this screen.
  2. Click on the "SQL" button on the toolbar to execute some data in this database. SQL query. This will show a field called "Run SQL query/queries on database<название Вашей базы данных>".
  3. Delete the text [in it] from this field, copy and paste the following query into it below and click on the “Go” button to execute this query and add a new administrative user to this table.
  4. Use below following SQL code to add account another administrator.

Make sure that the table prefix matches yours!

The following example code uses "jos31" as a database table prefix. This prefix will either be assigned randomly at your initial Joomla installation!, or you specifically assign it yourself. You need to change all references to the prefix found in the following code jos31 to the attachment used in your own installation.

SQL code for use with Joomla!

INSERT INTO ` jos31_users ` (` name ` , ` username ` , ` password ` , ` params ` , ` registerDate ` , ` lastvisitDate ` , ` lastResetTime ` ) VALUES ( "Administrator2" , "admin2" , "d2064d358136996bd22421584a7cb33e:trd7TvKHx6dMeoMmBVxYmg0vuXEA4199", "" , NOW (), NOW (), NOW ()); INSERT INTO ` jos31_user_usergroup_map ` ( ` user_id ` , ` group_id ` ) VALUES ( LAST_INSERT_ID (), " 8 " );

At this point you should be able to log into the Joomla! with username "admin2" and password "secret". Once logged into the admin panel, go to the user manager and change this password to a more secure value and add a valid email address to this account. If there is a possibility that you have been hacked, then check to see if there are any users created without your knowledge, especially in the super admin group.

How to restore login to WordPress admin panel. If you were unable to log in to the WordPress admin area! It's okay, there is a solution. In this guide, I will detail several examples of how to restore access to WordPress. Let's say you are faced with this problem, then do not rush to delete your site and throw all your endeavors into the firebox. After all, this will not solve the problem!

All problems have a logical solution, so there is no need to panic. Let's take a closer look at some examples that will help you solve this annoying problem quickly and safely. And be the most savvy if such a situation suddenly happens again in the future. How to restore WordPress admin login? Forward!

The content of the article:

Changing your WordPress admin password through the admin panel login window

The very first way to regain access to the admin panel. This is a password reset through the login window. Try this method first.

  1. Please review the information provided.
  2. In the “Username or e-mail” field, you need to indicate a valid mailbox or login from the admin panel.
  3. Click on the “Get a new password” button - in a short period of time, a letter will be sent to your mailbox with the necessary information to restore access to your admin area with a new WordPress password.

Note: The current login and mailbox that you specified when installing the engine.

There are times when this method does not help. For example, you forgot your login and mailbox. There can be a large number of reasons: the server is not responding or may not be configured to send mail, the e-mail is incorrectly specified, etc. There is no need to be scared; there are still options for restoring access to your project. The next option would be targeted correction of information Mysql databases your current project using the PHPMyadmin utility.

Recover WordPress Password Using PHPMyadmin

This is a common method for creating a new login to the WordPress admin panel. First, you need to go to the hosting, or to your server with the project located on it. If the project is hosted! Then you need to call or write to technical support of your hosting provider with a request to send necessary information, to use the PHPMyadmin utility. Any self-respecting hosting service provider is obliged to provide you with this data. If not, then move on to the next option.

PHPMyadmin is universal utility, for database management Mysql data and other bases. We need access specifically to the Mysql database. It contains all the WordPress installation parameters that are responsible for logging in and running your site. Let's get started!

After logging in to the PHPMyadmin utility, a window with a huge number of functions will open in front of you. Take a look at the image above.

  1. In the left column, find the line wp_user. Your prefix may differ. Read the article “In it you will find useful information about changing the prefix in Mysql databases. By default in all WordPress installations prefix wp_. If you find the wp_user line, then click on it. See the image above.
  2. In the utility work area you will see registered users; you need information about your account. In this field, click on the “Edit” tab.

Afterwards, a window will open for you to edit your user account data.

  1. Pay attention to the user_pass line! This line is responsible for the login password to the WordPress admin panel. We will work with her.
  2. Open the tab and select MD5 encoding.
  3. In the field with strange symbols, erase everything and enter your new password.
  4. Finally, click the “Forward” button. In some cases this is the "OK" button.

In this window, you can easily change your login; its value is located in the line above the password. Also in the same window, other information is changed, for example Email address mailbox. After completing the entire sequence of actions, log in to your admin panel with a new password and login. Let's say this example didn't help, then let's move on to even more powerful solutions to this problem.

Recovering and changing your password using a PHP file

This method will be more useful than, for example, the method of correcting Mysql database information in PHPMyadmin. Let's consider this solution for restoring information for subsequent successful authorization. Here's the required code:

ID); )

To competently resolve a situation with forced correction of information, followed by a successful transition to the administrative part of your project. You need to add an additional file with the type "password_new" with php extension. Then paste the code above into this file. You only need to change the lines ‘ Your name'And' New Password‘ to your values.

Next, you can use any FTP client; your task is to connect to the hosting or server of your project. More precisely, you need the actual site directory itself. Find the wp-content folder in it, then create another folder in this folder called mu-plugins. Next, upload the corresponding file "password_new" to this folder.

The corresponding path to your code file should be of a certain type:
After completing the steps, you can easily log into the WordPress admin panel. When logging in, you will need to enter the authorization data that you specified in a pre-created file called password_new. Then be sure to follow these steps:

  1. Then, after a successful transition to your administrative part of your project, you must change your login and password for the next authorization in the panel.
  2. Next, return to the folder with your created file. Path: Your_site/wp-content/mu-plugins/password_new.php and delete it.
  3. Otherwise, if you don't remove this code with the file. With each authorization in the administrative part of the project, your engine will try to change your password to the one corresponding to the one you created using PHP code. As a result, this will significantly reduce the speed of your project on the WordPress engine or lead to incorrect operation. Be careful.


I have described for you the most effective and safest methods for restoring access to the administrative part of the site. I recommend that you come up with a more secure authorization password for your project in the future. And be sure to write down all information in a notepad or save it in a separate file.

This will save you from unpleasant problems like this. In some articles that I plan to write. There will be additional guides on the security of the WordPress CMS admin area. I will also touch on security plugins directly and talk about implementing longer authorization addresses for site administrators. Stay tuned for future updates on the site. I wish you a great mood.

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