- I'm not kidding. Since the transition to such an interface is obviously inevitable for everyone, the question is: how to return the old VKontakte design has only a temporary solution. But because albeit temporarily, but disable new design In contact with and it’s still possible to continue working with the usual sane interface, then that’s what we’ll do.

This question is relevant, perhaps, for all VKontakte users who, over 10 years, have become accustomed to the simplicity and convenience of the old design and use its functionality on full blast. In particular, this applies to those who created and administer communities and groups - the developers of the new VK.com have certainly made their lives difficult with their innovations.

By the way, for this category of VK users I would like to give a practical recommendation: in order not to waste precious time on independent public promotion both on VKontakte and in all other popular social networks, and to fully concentrate on quality content for your community, you should contact the service Soclike. Judging by the numerous positive feedback, this PR team knows their business and will be able to quickly provide your group with the required number quality subscribers.

Let's return to the main question. Let's make a reservation right away - we will talk about browser version social network. Android and iOS applications, alas, will not be considered in this article.

Upd. 08/17/2016. Dear Reader, in order not to waste your precious time, I would like to immediately inform you: “The uprising has been suppressed, Skynet has won.” Well, jokes aside, the inevitable happened: despite all the protest sentiments of VKontakte users, the developers, after several “waves” of transferring users to the new design, decided that enough wasted time: on 08/17/16 ALL users of the social network were transferred to the new design... Accordingly, the addresses are new .vk.com on this moment simply does not exist, and recommendations using its return do not work...

This does not mean that there are now no ways to return the old VKontakte design: especially for those who do not give up, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ““ block located below in the text. There you will find a method that will probably be able to extinguish the flame of righteous anger in you.

Well, before this block there will be information that has more historical than practical significance: the chronology of the fight against the disease called “ New design of Vk.com". Getting acquainted with this information will not take you, dear Readers, much time, and probably someone will be interested in knowing “how it all began,” so all previously working methods remain in the article. So let's begin.

For those who have become a “guinea pig” for VKontakte designers involuntarily (i.e. just in certain moment encountered a new interface), there should be a link “Return to old version...", located at the bottom of the left column with menus and advertising. In truth, the designers clearly tried to make the tool for how to return the old version of VKontakte as inconspicuous as possible: gray letters on a gray background - this is difficult to notice.

Those who voluntarily joined the “ranks of testers” of the new interface (by clicking on the ill-fated “Join testing” button) may not find a link to return to the old version.

And how to disable the new VKontakte design in this case?

pay attention to address bar browser:

Attention to the address bar!

As you can see, before vk.com “ new" Those. in fact, it is another user profile page. To return the usual vk.com/page_id, and with it to return the old version of VKontakte, we simply “edit” the address: you need to erase “ new." And, of course, press Enter (or the input confirmation key on a touch device).

The result will be like this:

We removed “new.” from the address and got what we needed!

Sound familiar? Probably to the point of pain :) Yes, yes, this is the good old vk.com interface, which everyone has gotten used to over the 10 years of its existence. Well, now it’s a small matter: all that remains is to bookmark this page in the browser, so as not to edit the address every time, and call up this page after logging in to the social network.

It is not yet known when exactly the redesign of VKontakte will “cover” everyone, so there is hope that the old version of vk.com will be able to be used for a long time.

Upd. 06/09/2016. It seems that the “old believers” did not rejoice for long: the VK.com team began a forced transfer to a new design without the possibility of returning to the previous version.

Upd. No. 2 - joyful (not so joyful anymore - has lost its relevance...)

It turns out that a workable method is to return old interface On VKontakte, even for those who seem to have been left with no options, there are still options (at least for this method in VK they have repeatedly thanked the “prompter”). However, we warn you right away - you will have to perform all actions at your own peril and risk, and there may be a risk. The method of returning the old vk.com design is associated with running scripts, and Netobserver does not guarantee that the body of the script does not contain code capable of stealing user login and password.

Let's look at a really working method suitable for the browser Google Chrome and its “brothers”, like Yandex.Browser (browsers on the Chromium platform):

So, the method is as follows: we find on Google Play market

Install the first plugin in the list:

After installation, the activity of the plugin can be checked by the icon in the upper right corner of the browser:

In the tab that opens, click on the “Install this script” button:

Next, a warning from Tampermonkey will appear stating that only reliable scripts should be run (i.e., it once again warns - you act at your own peril and risk), and the installed script will be displayed:

That's all - the script immediately starts working. All you have to do is go to VKontakte (or refresh the page if you are already there) and make sure for yourself that the good old vk.com is back!

Moreover, the effect will persist both when moving between elements of the VKontakte menu and when logging in again.

This is more convenient than the method that was proposed in the comments to this article (however, I would like to say “Thank you” for this option for solving the question “How to return the old VKontakte design”).

There are also extensions similar to Tampermonkey for other browsers:

  • For Ognelis: ;
  • for Opera: ;
  • at Safari - .

Well, after installing the extension for your browser, return to the step of downloading the user script - and then in order :)

Upd. 3 - for the most persistent.

Dear readers, you have 2 options: come to terms with it and start getting used to the new design (this is difficult, but possible - I confirm own experience), or fight to the end :) The remaining way to fight is to use custom styles. There are several of them currently being developed, and all of them are still very crude. But, as they say, in the absence of fish and...

For enthusiasts who do not give up and are ready to get confused, we have prepared the following recommendations:

  1. Using a custom script via Tampermonkey;
  2. Using the Stylish browser plugin with style loading(most popular option) .

For those who have already learned to work with Tampermonkey (see description in Upd.2- above in the text), an alternative script is proposed (though very crude), returning some semblance of the old version. There’s probably little point in using it for now, but you can track the changes being made—I’m sure that after a while this custom style will work much better.

https://userstyles.org/styles/userjs/128986/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0 %B7%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD%20%D0%92%D0%9A.user.js

The script will need to be edited. Specifically interested in the following lines (from 7 to 10):

// @include http://new.vk.com/*
// @include https://new.vk.com/*
// @include http://*.new.vk.com/*
// @include https://*.new.vk.com/*

You need to remove "new." on lines 7 and 8, ".new" on lines 9 and 10.

It should look like this:

The Stylish plugin is the most popular option for returning the old VKontakte design

In principle, the algorithm of Stylish is similar to the method of Tampermonkey, with the only difference being that Stylish, unlike the latter, works with styles, not scripts.

Attention: Do not run Tampermonkey with Stylish! Although both plugins are designed to do, in principle, the same thing, it is not a fact that using them together will lead to twice the best result (rather, the fact is that it will not :)).

So, if you have already tested the first method and decide to move on to the second, first deactivate the Tampermonkey plugin.

After installing the extension, you need to make sure that it is activated. For Chrome, the picture will be as follows: an icon with the letter “S” will appear in the upper right corner of the browser:

The next step is to download the style from the developer's website: .

On the page that opens, you will need to use the big green button - it’s hard to miss:

Judging by the speed of releases, the author is trying very hard to eliminate all the currently existing shortcomings. Therefore, I recommend that you bookmark this page so that after a few days (weeks) you can download the modified style for Vkontakte, which will no longer be so crude.

In the meantime, let everything be the same for you as the lucky person who left this review:

Dear readers, if you have alternative methods for solving a return to the old VKontakte design, do not hesitate to leave them in the comments! We are also waiting for feedback from those who were helped by the recommendations presented.

Good mood to you all!

Article How to return the old VKontakte design - disable the new version was modified: May 4th, 2017 by Netobserver

How to return the old VKontakte design on your computer quickly, in 5 seconds? In May, VKontakte changed its design and address from vk.com to m.vk.com, which was an unpleasant surprise for many VK users.

Hi all!
Today I hung out on VKontakte, and as a result of communication it became clear what topics I could write articles on.
Today I had to answer this question twice today, asked in different word forms, but this did not change the meaning).
For example, there was another question.
How to switch to the old version of VKontakte?
First things first.

August 17, 2016 social network VKontakte changed the website address from vk.com to m.vk.com, and also removed the old design, which for many was, to put it mildly, not a very pleasant surprise.
To be more precise, VK began to change the old design to a new one not at once for everyone, but gradually.
For example, I updated the design of my VKontakte page for the first time just a couple of weeks ago.

I’m sitting at my laptop, as always, I have a lot open tabs, you can chat there, you can look here, you can read here... in general, I click on the tab of my VKontakte page, a new version flies out... the first thought then was - this is some kind of mobile version, I look at the address, m.vk.com ... the second thought is that it’s a phishing site. In general, I poked, I poked, my problem was that I have more than one account in contact, well, they like to freeze contact pages, for no reason, people openly scatter advertisements on the open walls of groups about cheating and selling VK accounts and this normal, here you throw a thematic link and they block you... In general, the meaning is that passwords for accounts are stored in the browser’s memory, and while I’m changing the new design to the old one, VKontakte’s security is triggered, I’m thrown out of the site and I can’t come in).
To sum it all up.
I don't like the new version of Contact.
Hell, it’s a matter of habit or design, but I don’t want this design, I like the old VK on the computer.
Many people say that the new design is eerily similar to the Facebook design.

Okay, I won’t burden you with my everyday life), let’s get down to business.

How to return the old VKontakte design

At the moment this is The best way! There are simply no others. Watch the video and repeat.

In fact, returning the old design is quite easy. I heard that someone has changed it irrevocably, it seems to me that they are lying, they are lying). The control killer at the end, but it just appeared not long ago).
I will show you 2 ways to change the new VKontakte design to the old one.

First way.

Scroll your mouse almost to the very bottom of the VKontakte page, click full version.
You will return the old design of your contact page.

If this does not help you, move on to the second option.

Second option.
Consists of adding the number "0" to the url
Just write before m.vk.com, add 0, you should get something like this: 0m.vk.com...... then your id.

I hope everything worked out for you.
If not, follow the link to this site
That's all.
I'm going on vacation, don't bother me for a week).
Good luck to everyone, see you here on July 14;)

  1. Disable auto-update of the VKontakte application on Google Play;
  2. Delete new version of VK;
  3. Restore the old VKontakte client.

Disabling VK auto-update on Google Play:

  1. Run Play Store, go to “Options” by clicking on the corresponding icon (Alternatively, the icon with three horizontal stripes next to the inscription “Google Play”);
  2. Select "Settings" and uncheck "Auto-update apps" (in some versions of the application you need to check the box "Never").

After these steps, the VK application installed from Google Play will no longer be able to update automatically, and you will be able to use the familiar old version of VK for Android without worrying that the client interface may change at any time due to next program update.

Uninstalling a new version of VK:

  • Go to "Settings", then to "Applications", then select the new VKontakte application that disappointed you and delete it from your Android device.

Restoring the old VK client for Android:

Download and install previous version official client social network VK for Android (you can find it by going to).

All. You have returned to your smartphone or tablet the familiar version of the VK application with an interface convenient for you, and it will not go anywhere again without your consent. Automatic updates there is no need to be afraid of the client of the social network VKontakte - you have blocked this opportunity.

A new version The VKontakte application allowed us to once again verify that not all changes intended to improve and increase the usability of the application lead to these improvements. The tastes, habits and needs of users are purely individual. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way to return to the old, proven version of the program and continue communicating on a social network (in this case) under familiar conditions.

Information from 10/04/2017 : As a result of a change in VKontakte's audio recording policy in older versions of the client no longer available. Official response from VKontakte technical support on this matter.

Sooner or later, the usual design of the VKontakte website becomes boring and boring. This greatly affects the user's perception of information, making it more difficult to read and write. Unfortunately, the VKontakte administration has not yet developed such an option as setting a preferred theme.

Despite the lack of an official ability to install a new design for VKontakte, it is still possible to do this, and in several ways at once. To do this, importantly, you will not need to provide any personal information.

You can change the standard design of VKontakte without any problems if you follow a certain chain of actions and use only trusted methods. Please note that when we mention a change in design, we mean a change in the design, that is, the colors and partly the location of the elements.

To change the theme you can choose to use:

  • special browser;
  • browser extensions.

To date, of all possible ways Only a few custom page designs really work. It is these options that are worth using, since in this case you are guaranteed to receive:

  • data security;
  • performance when working with a designed page;
  • the ability to choose a design from a huge catalog or create a theme yourself;
  • free to use.

In some cases there is a VIP system. In this situation, installing certain themes will require financial expenses from you.

In most cases, themes for VKontakte are provided completely free of charge. You just need to choose the way you will install these styles.

Method 1: Using Orbitum Browser

This method of installing themes for VKontakte now has minimal demand among users, since it requires installing the entire Orbitum browser, which, moreover, needs to be downloaded. At the same time, a positive factor for fans of Chrome, Yandex or Opera is that it was created on the basis of Chromium.

In general, this Internet browser does not have any performance problems. At the same time, it provides each user, completely free of charge, with an extensive catalog of various design themes for some social networks, including VKontakte.

To put a topic on VK in this way, you need to follow simple instructions.

You can also create your own theme completely free of charge.

After installing the theme, each time you log into the VKontakte social network through this web browser, you will see the selected design instead of the standard one.

If for some reason you want to return the standard VKontakte design in this Internet browser, you also need to do this according to certain instructions.

Method 2: theme designer for VKontakte VKMOD

This method of changing the design of VKontakte no longer requires downloading a separate browser, since VKMOD is an extension. This add-on is installed exclusively in the Google Chrome Internet browser.

In most cases, no problems arise when working with this extension. However, the main disadvantage of VKMOD always remains relevant and is that only one single web browser is supported, albeit the most popular one.

It is worth noting that this extension was originally developed for the early design of VKontakte. Therefore, themes may appear slightly incorrectly.

In the future, this extension will probably be stabilized and adapted to the new design.

Method 3: Get-Style

The Get-Style extension is one of those add-ons that always keep up with the times. This is due to the fact that currently the design of VKontakte is changing dynamically - various new elements appear or existing ones are moved to another place, but high-quality styles are still published on Get-Style.

As for this extension, it supports both the old VK design and the completely new one. At the same time, no significant bugs are observed when using the Get-Style add-on.

Due to radical changes on VKontakte, it is recommended to use the latest themes. Thanks to this, your page will look fresh and attractive.

This extension is the best on the entire Internet, as it provides users with:

  • integration of the extension into Chrome, Opera, Yandex and Firefox;
  • large catalog of themes;
  • own constructor;
  • free installation of themes.

You can install and use this add-on by following the detailed instructions.

After all the steps taken, you can begin installing the extension.

Be sure to refresh the page before installing the theme.

The last thing left to do is change standard theme In contact with. This is done extremely simply.

In most cases, the update occurs automatically.

This extension, without modesty, is the best among all add-ons that affect the design style of the VKontakte social network. At the same time, you are required to do a minimum of actions.

Sometimes the resource administration holds rating drawings. This way you can get even more features completely free of charge.

When choosing a method for changing the design of VKontakte, it is recommended to take into account all the pros and cons. That is, in some cases, for example, if you only use the system to visit a few social networks, it is best to choose Orbitum. But if you use Yandex, Opera, Firefox or Chrome not only for social networks, it is best to install the most stable extension.

What you choose in the end is up to you to decide. We wish you good luck when choosing a theme for VK.

In April 2016, the social network Vkontakte received a new design and design. In the test version of the new VKontakte design, each user himself could turn on the new version, check it, and if he was not satisfied with it, then switch back to the old version of VK. But let’s consider whether it’s possible to return to the old version of VK now.

How to enable the new version of VKontakte?

This can be done this way: open and at the very end of the page click “Join testing” (this may no longer work).

How to enable the old version of VK?

You could return the old one back there, at the very bottom of the narrow left column of the site, pale gray link. It is called “Return to the old version of the site”. Now not everyone has it, and soon it will disappear completely.

Did the new version turn on by itself?

Since June 9, some VK users (approximately 10 percent) received the new version forcibly, that is, it turned on itself, and they can no longer return to the old one. If this happened to you, then most likely you are one of these users. What to do? You can’t do anything, you can only get used to it, because a person gets used to everything. Try to take this calmly. Some time will pass, and the old version will already seem inconvenient to you. And in any case, the developers of the VK site would not be able to save the old version for you for a long time.

Reportedly, this is the beginning of a mass transfer of all VK users to the new version. Here is the official news about it. Those who did not fall into the mentioned 10% will still be able to switch to the new version and back to the old one for some time, but then everyone will only have the new version.

New version of VKontakte on your phone

The new version refers to the full version of the site that people use on computers and tablets. This does not apply to the VK application for phones, which is developed and updated separately (see:).

Not everyone likes the new version of VKontakte. Many people demand to return the previous version, which they consider more convenient. Some argue that the new design is too similar to and even . Users even created an online petition demanding that the old version be preserved and given the “right to choose.” Most likely, this will not affect anything. Online petitions are often created for various reasons and thanks to them, information is disseminated very widely. But in reality, the petition has never helped anyone. When the noise subsides, everyone forgets about her.

VKontakte laughed at its users who promised to leave if they did not return the old version. A month after their promise, they still continued to sit on VK (look at them).

It is known that any big update Some people always meet with hostility, since changing old habits is too painful for them. But over time they calm down.

Why is it important? When you express your opinion, it will become easier, you will release your negativity. True, 92% of people will not read this, but will immediately look for a hole where they can write. Congratulations if you're reading this! If you really want to contact VKontakte employees and ask them to return the old version, try contacting their support service.

How to log in to the new or old version of VK?

You can easily log into any version of VKontakte (depending on which one you have now) through.