Apple ID is an identifier that is given to every user of an Apple device. The designation is generated during registration in the system; most often it repeats the e-mail address, but not always.

It is worth remembering: if you know the password and ID, you can access Apple resources and nothing else.

Various things happen in life, people may forget their ID, so it’s worth knowing how to find out your Apple ID.

Problem or not - forgetting the ID?

Losing information is quite unpleasant, however, if you have forgotten the ID, then looking up it will be easy, there are many ways to do this. It’s worse if you purchased an iPhone where the previous owner’s profile was not logged out. Such a device can be considered blocked. Therefore, it will be useful to understand how to find out your Apple ID on iPhone.

How to find out the identifier?

To find the ID on your device, you may need to do the following:

  1. If you logged into the AppStore, then the information you require is located in the “Selection” column at the very bottom of the page.
  2. In iTunes, the login is at the bottom, where there are sounds, movies, music.
  3. Open "Podcasts", go to the "Selection" column and you will also see your own identifier.

Where can I see the identifier in the device parameters?

If you don’t know Apple, then synchronizing with one of the company’s services will help you. If you do this, you can find the identifier in the device parameters:

  • The iCloud column is under the user name.
  • Chapter App Store- upper area.
  • “Messages” or iMessage - open the “Sending, Receiving” tab and your ID will be there.
  • FaceTime is in the second line.
  • “Music” - you need to go to the “Home Collection” tab.
  • “Video” is the same as in the “Music” section.
  • Game Center - at the beginning.

As you can see, looking up the ID is easy. Using one of these methods, you can see the ID of the previous owner of the device if you bought the device used and he did not log out of his account.

Is it possible to find out the ID on a computer?

If you do not have the opportunity to view the ID on your own mobile device, then you can do all this from your desktop computer. There are certain techniques that can help you figure out how to find out your Apple ID. This:

  1. If you logged into your profile in iTunes, you need to activate it and click on “Store”. Next, in the pop-up menu you will need to select the “View” tab account"or you can simply click on your profile picture in the upper right area. A window with information will appear, where under the name you can also see the ID.
  2. The MacBook App Store program will also be useful to you to solve the problem, the main thing is that you have previously logged in. In such a situation, you will need to launch the application and repeat the steps from the first point. An alternative method is to go to the “Selections” column. WITH right side You will need to click on “Account”.
  3. If it so happens that you have not logged in to any of the services, you will need to activate iTunes, go to the “Programs” tab and find the “My Programs” field. Then press right click computer mouse element from the list and select “Information”. In the new field you will need to click on “File”. In the “Buyer” line you will see the owner’s name and ID. Here's how to find out your Apple ID.

What to do if you have a MacBook?

Don't worry, if you have a MacBook, you can also find out your ID. How to find out Apple ID in this case? Follow these instructions:

  1. Open the menu of your MacBook, find the section " System Settings».
  2. Find the iCloud icon and open it.
  3. A new window will display your profile information and ID.

If you have an identifier, but no access to the profile

It happens that you roughly remember your ID, you need it in certain time, but I don’t have an Apple device at hand. What to do in this case? Are you wondering how to find out your Apple ID by phone number? Then do the following:

  1. Go to the recovery page -
  2. Enter your ID, then the verification code from the image.
  3. Now you will need to enter the phone number to which your account is linked. This is how you will restore access to your profile.
  4. If there is no access to the phone, then you can simply select the item where it says that there is no access to testing devices.
  5. Then simply click on “Request recovery”.
  6. Confirm your bank card and follow the instructions.
  7. If the option with a card is not suitable, then choose the answer option that says that you cannot use credit card.
  8. Then you will be offered to receive instructions via SMS or phone call.

Difficulties with resale

It happens that a person does not buy a new gadget. In such a situation, you may have some difficulties if the codes were not created by you, but by the previous owner. You can find out your Apple ID by its serial number. How exactly?

  1. If a similar situation arises and you do not have an ID, please contact support. Everything can be done online by simply writing an application. You can also use the services of authorized services.
  2. Your employees will ask you to inform serial number, which is indicated on the packaging of the gadget and a receipt confirming the first purchase.

A little advice: when purchasing a device from someone else, ask for the purchase receipt and the box with the device; only with these items will you be able to restore access to your profile if something happens.

Search service

The official Apple portal has a service that makes it possible to remember the client ID. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Go to!§ion=appleid.
  2. Please indicate your first name, last name and e-mail.
  3. Enter the verification code and go to your Mailbox, follow further instructions.

What to do if you forgot your profile password?

It also happens that you completely forgot your account password. What to do in this case? How to find out the Apple ID password on iPhone? It's very easy to do this:

  1. Go to your account page in the browser, click on the “Forgot your Apple ID or password?” field.
  2. Next, enter your ID (in most cases, e-mail) and click on search for Apple ID.
  3. Enter your data, e-mail. The necessary information will simply be sent to you.

How can I remember my password in the future?

Never select prime numbers; this is what an attacker will use when trying to obtain data on your device. If you want to protect your profile, but don’t want to remember long combinations, you can use one trick. Associate the password with something close to you, or you can simply store the password in a safe place. Which one exactly?

  • cloud storage from other developers;
  • password manager with fingerprint access.

Don't forget that if a person receives data from your device, he will be able to conduct banking transactions, find personal photos, and use confidential information. Nobody wants such a risk.

Attackers never sleep

Often, attackers try to gain access to user profiles of Apple devices by sending people letters from fake organizations. The letter will be similar to the original one, but always check the sender's address. For example, letters from Apple come from only one address: [email protected]

If you see the slightest difference in the address, then close the letter without hesitation and never click on links from a “suspicious” e-mail - these are scammers who are trying to gain access to your device. Also, never tell anyone your ID, don't store passwords in accessible places, and always lock your devices. If you block the device, the attacker will not be able to do anything with it - at most, they will sell it for parts.

The process of activating any Apple device is the first thing the owner has to do new iPhone or iPad. But in order to use all the capabilities of the “Apple device”, you will need to create a special account, the so-called Apple ID— the authentication system used in the company.

What is an Apple ID for?

Apple ID This is an original user account that allows you to fully use all the resources, services and services offered by the company to owners of all kinds of Apple devices. It is by Apple ID that the company's servers recognize their gadgets and thus compare the user's rights to provide him with the appropriate services.

As you know, the company has many services. An Apple ID can be created when registering for any of the company's services, such as the App Store or iCloud. Moreover, there is no need to create an account for each service separately. The same ID will be legitimate in all other Apple services. In addition, it does not matter at all how many Apple devices a user has - one Apple ID is required. , if you forgot it, perhaps thanks to security questions.

The most popular Apple services that require an ID are:

  • App Store;
  • iTunes and all its services;
  • iMessage;
  • iCloud;
  • iBooks Store;
  • Find iPhone.

Naturally, this is not the entire list of company services that may require an ID. In addition, the ID will be needed to contact support, manage your account, and receive advice.

Registration ID

It is possible to register an Apple ID from a computer (using iTunes or via the Internet on the company’s website) or directly from an Apple device. Registration from the gadget begins through the “Settings” item. When you try to download content from the App Store, the system will also lead you to the Apple ID registration procedure.

During the registration process, the user will be asked to fill out a form, answer some questions and will be asked to provide information for subsequent communication. Next, you will need to set a password to log into the system and select questions to restore Apple ID. The entire registration procedure is quite clear and is accompanied by prompts on the screen. During registration you will also need to enter your payment card details. Of course, you don’t have to link the card, however, in this case the procedure will take a little longer. After creating a new ID, the company will send a confirmation email to the email address that was specified during registration. In the future, all you have to do is follow the link provided in the message to activate the ID.

The Apple ID contains all user settings and personal information. Upon entering Apple device The device will automatically install settings from your Apple ID. So, for example, if you enter an existing identifier into a new device, the computer itself will fill in all the available information from the Apple ID into Apple settings Mail, contact details and address book.

Changes to Apple ID

You can make changes to your existing Apple ID on the “My Apple ID” page by clicking on the “Account Management” link. Moreover, the changes will affect all applications and services where this identifier is used.

Hi all! In today's article I will cover the question: how to create an American apple id. This information will be useful for current or future iOS device owners.

This account provides privileges in the form of the ability to use various applications, purchase audio and video. The owner also has at his disposal iOS services and OS X.

Benefits of American Apple ID

In fact, having a foreign account has its advantages. For example, many applications are not available to users in other regions, and the ability to listen to iTunes Radio for residents of Russia is not yet available at all.

How to create an American apple id

If you are interested in the question of how to create an American apple id, I recommend reading the article carefully and following the following points:

Purchases will be updated according to the original location of purchase.

I hope my instructions on how to create an American apple id were clear to you.

How to create and delete an Apple ID

For users who have purchased Apple products, you are probably familiar with the standard verification procedure, which requires you to create an Apple ID - a unique key that uniquely identifies a person, and is sometimes necessary when deleting an account. We will talk about some methods of working with this “beacon of personality.”

System registration methods

A user can get their ID in two ways. An easy way to create new Apple ID using a computer looks like this:

  1. You need to download and install iTunes. This is easy to do - a download link is available on the official Apple website.
  2. When you start the application, the option to create a new identifier appears.
  3. During registration, you will be asked to confirm your agreement to the terms of service. Please read them carefully to understand that all digital purchases from the Apple Store are final and non-refundable.
  4. The data form is a standard set of information - full name, date of birth, gender, and so on.
  5. When filling out the registration information, you must indicate the email address to which the reset password will be sent; the use of this data will be required to log into the AppStore and iCloud services.
  6. At the end of the procedure, you can create an Apple ID by specifying a password in compliance with the following requirements:
  1. To complete the creation of your Apple ID account, you must provide a security question and answer to it. This information will be used to recover your password if you forget it or lose it.
  2. The final touch, without which standard method It is impossible to create an Apple ID - specifying credit or debit card information. The company considers this step an additional security measure, and the purchase of multiple necessary programs, the price of which is 1-3 dollars, will become more convenient.

This completes the procedure. All you have to do is check what you specified during registration. email address, to which account information will be sent. The procedure is similar when an Apple ID is created from a tablet or phone.

Video on how to create an Apple ID:

Information security and financial protection

Often a tablet or phone is bought for a child. And parents absolutely do not want their child to have uncontrolled access to finances on a bank card. In the Apple store, most applications are offered at a low cost, but there are also some that have a hefty price tag. Therefore, there is always a desire not to indicate data bank card.

Although the company promises that filling out this item will soon be mandatory, it is still possible to create an Apple ID account without a card. The procedure for such registration is as follows:

  • You need to go to the AppStore.
  • Download any free offer and install the program.
  • Click the button to create a new Apple ID account.
  • The registration procedure is no different from that described above, with the exception of the last point. In the list of payment methods there will be a “No” option, which you need to select.

That's it - your account has been created, all you have to do is check your email address.

Destroying an ID

We will not consider the reasons why you need to delete your Apple ID - each user may have their own reason. This could be the sale of a device, the need to register a new Apple ID with the same email address, and so on. Let's look at two main ways to delete an identifier.

Neutralizing your Apple ID account

This method does not destroy the identifier, it simply makes it impossible for an attacker to use it, for example. To achieve this goal, it is enough to change the credentials to obviously incorrect or absolute rubbish. This can be done through the corresponding settings item in the Apple iTunes menu.

Enter whatever you want, change your security question. The result will be that it will be impossible for someone else to reset the password and they will not have access to the ID. A small note: you cannot change your email address, since all changes are confirmed using it.

Contacting support operators

This method will remove the identifier completely. To do this, you need to fill out the application form on the official website and state your request that you need to delete your Apple ID account. Naturally, you need to write in English. If language knowledge is not enough, you can find many template options where you just need to enter your registration data.

Modern world with many digital technologies- an ideal platform for cybercrimes. The owner's data can be stolen and successfully used for fraud or illegal income. Although these are extreme cases, they confirm the need for measures that manufacturers software and information services undertake to protect themselves and their clients.

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How to create an Apple ID: step-by-step instructions

There are two mobile giants in the world operating systems. This is iOS from Apple and Android from Google. If in the first case, IOS can only be installed in phones from the company that produces them. Things are different with android. For a fee, it can be used by all companies that produce smartphones. Anyone who has switched from one Android mobile platform to an iPhone is probably interested in the question of how to create an Apple ID?

Benefits provided to the user when registering with Apple ID

You become a full user of your iPhone. You have the opportunity to download games, as well as some applications. Of course, as is the case with the Play Market on Android. In the Apple Store you will have to pay to use some applications. But there are seasonal discounts and you can grab the game you like for next to nothing. Sometimes application developers make them temporarily free. And then everyone can receive the treasured item forever and without payment. This is why creating an Apple Id account is so important. It also allows you to use other services from the Apple company.

Five benefits of using Apple ID

The full list of features provided by registering with the service on an iPhone is as follows:

  1. Opportunity free installation applications in the App Store.
  2. Listening to licensed music through the iTunes Store.
  3. Use of provided instant messengers, such as iMessage, FaceTime or any others.
  4. If the device has been lost, it is possible to prevent it from being blocked and searched through special service from the apple company.
  5. Work with cloud storage iCloud from Apple.

Now we know about the various bonuses provided when registering an account, it’s time to find out how to create one Apple iPhone ID. For convenience, all actions are divided into several stages.

First stage. Registration in the store

You need to go to the App Store, to do this you need to find the corresponding application icon on the phone’s home screen. Once you've entered the Apple Store, you need to find the " Free apps". In the list of games provided to you, select what you liked best and download. It is possible to download an application that costs money. In this case, you will need to enter the card number or mobile phone. After you have chosen the right application, click on the “Free” button. We've almost learned how to create an Apple ID on iPhone.

Stage two. Create a new account

The button that was called “Free” will now look like “Install”. Click on it again, and a new window will appear in front of you where you need to select a download method. Either from an existing Apple ID or create another one.

Now we will learn how to create a new Apple ID on an iPhone. To do this, click on the “Create new” item and in the window that opens, select the country in which you are currently located or live.

Third stage. Agreement with all terms and conditions

As always, you will be asked to read the license agreement that is between you and the company. IN open window you must agree that you have read the information and read it carefully.

You will then be asked to provide your email. This is done in order to create an Apple ID account. There are no preferences for mail; you can specify both your Gmail and an address from Mail or Yandex.

If you forget your Apple ID password, you can recover it through your email. You will be sent a notification with a link to recovery. forgotten password.

Security measures

The most important step of all is creating your unique password. You need to create a password that will consist of various combinations of numbers and letters. Be extremely careful and do not use your personal data (such as your year of birth or your first and last name) in your password.

It is also not recommended to use passwords consisting only of numbers or letters. Or primitive ones that are easy to pick up. Approach this action carefully and with caution. It is best to have a password consisting of the following sequence: number-letter and so on. And in order not to forget it, write it down on some paper.

The importance of this step is due to the fact that your password can be compromised in various ways. And then you risk losing not only your personal data, but also your phone forever.

Additional measures for protection

Large services always use security questions. After all, you can forget the password and even lose the piece of paper where it was written down. A letter to the post office does not always help.

Often people don't use the same email. They are created only for registration on certain services, and then conveniently forgotten. For example, we learned how to create an Apple Id, registered the account, and with peace of mind threw out all the information from memory.

In a new window, you will be given the opportunity to create a secret question that will help you subsequently recover data from Apple ID. Here, as with the password, you need to be extremely careful and not ask questions like “What’s my name?” or “What is the name of my first dog?” It should be something extremely personal that you will never get out of your head. Knowing how to create a new Apple ID on your iPhone makes you a more tech-savvy person.

Filling out your profile

Once all the previous steps have been completed, you will be required to fill out your personal information. Namely, your date of birth. After you have indicated everything, a new window will open in front of you, where you are asked to choose the method by which payment will be made in the service. It contains all available international payment systems.

After this, you are asked to enter your first and last name. And also fill out the line about your place of residence; it is important to indicate exactly the country in which you are currently located or will live in the next few years. Then you enter your state's world zip code and your address. We've almost learned how to create an Apple ID.

Letter to the mail

This is the practical completion of all actions. A letter confirming the completion of registration in the service will be sent to the mailbox you specified. It indicates the password and login for your Apple ID account.

If you cannot remember your login information, copy it into a separate document. And it’s even better, because there will always be an opportunity to return to them. Then go to your mobile device and select app Store, find your profile and fill out the “login and password” fields. Now you know how to create an Apple ID, and you can freely download applications from the store.

The second way to register in the service

If the first one was good for those who use mobile devices, then the second one is suitable for users Apple MacBook or computers. To implement it you need to download it iTunes program. Below is a list of steps to create an Apple ID:

  1. Installing and launching the program in the iTunes Store. Next, click on any available application and click on Free or “Free”.
  2. In the new window, select “Create an Apple ID” and click “Continue.”
  3. Agree with license agreement by clicking on “I agree”.
  4. Enter your personal information, create a password and set three secret question and so on.
  5. You are asked to provide payment information. If you do not live in the USA, then scroll to the top of the page and click on the inscription click here. Now, instead of states, you can indicate your country.
  6. After the fifth act, you will see new page, where enter your address and confirm the action by clicking on the “Create Apple Id” button.
  7. You receive a letter by email. It contains a link that you need to click to confirm your account registration.

Now you know how you can create an Apple Id in two ways. And which one to choose is up to you.

Every day, month and year looks great.

The Photos tab will remind you of your best photos and videos. In Years mode, the app highlights the best shots from each year. Months mode organizes your photos by significant events in your life. In Days mode, you see a feed of all your best shots. And the All Photos mode displays all your photos and videos in a beautiful grid.

Play Pause Repeat

Focus on the best photos.

Algorithms machine learning will automatically hide unnecessary repetitions, screenshots, photos of checks and receipts, leaving you only the best pictures. And to make the gallery look perfect, Photo will find the best fragment in each frame and enlarge it.

Rediscover the best moments from your photo collection.

The “For You” tab contains Memories and the most important shots from your media library. Here you can also monitor activity in Shared Albums. Smart suggestions will help you find photos that can be improved by applying various effects. Memories recognizes events, trips, people, animals and more in your photos and videos, then compiles them into stunning compilations. The Memories feature combines your best photos and videos into one movie - with music, titles and spectacular transitions. Memories can be edited and shared.

  1. Supported on iPhone XR and later.
  2. Requires iCloud subscription with 200GB or 2TB storage and management device smart home, such as Apple TV or iPad.
  3. The feature is available in select US cities.
  4. New maps of some cities and states will become available in the United States at the end of 2019, and in other countries in 2020.
  5. Available on iPhone 8 or later and iPod touch(7th generation), and the device must have newest version iOS.
  6. Supported when using AirPods 2nd generation. Siri voice assistant is available on iPhone 4s or later, iPad Pro, iPad (3rd generation or later), iPad Air or newer, iPad mini or later and iPod touch (5th generation or later). Internet connection required. Siri may not be available in all languages ​​or regions. Siri features may also vary. For data transfer via cellular networks charges may apply.
  7. Testing was carried out by Apple in May 2019 on iPhone X and iPhone XS Max samples with peak performance support and on iPad Pro 11-inch with using iOS 12.3 and pre-release versions of iPadOS and iOS 13. The side or top button was used to wake devices. Performance may vary based on specific configuration, content, battery capacity, device usage, and other factors.
  8. Testing conducted by Apple in May 2019 using iPhone XS units running peak performance and iPad Pro 11-inch units running iOS 12.3 and pre-release versions of iPadOS and iOS 13. third party applications, repackaged in a preview version of the App Store server environment; Smaller app download sizes are based on an average of a sample of the most frequently used apps. Performance may vary based on specific configuration, content, battery capacity, device usage, software versions, and other factors.
  9. Supported on iPhone XR or later, iPad Pro 11-inch (1st and 2nd generation), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd and 4th generation), iPad Air (3rd generation), and iPad mini (5th generation).
  • Features are subject to change. Some features, applications and services may not be available in all regions or languages.
  • Movie