Installing new programs is one of the most important points when working with your system. Previously, we already looked at adding a PPA to the system and installing programs from sources. But even the PPA does not have all the packages, and installation from source is too difficult for beginners.

Often there is a need to install a program for which there are already compiled deb packages on the Internet. This could be some not very popular program or even drivers that you downloaded and want to install on a computer where there is no network. On a computer without a network, installing programs from an ubuntu flash drive may be the only solution. This article will discuss installing deb packages in ubuntu. We'll look at where to get them and how to install deb in ubuntu.

The answer is simple - on the Internet. If this is the program you need, then you already know where to get the package for it. In the case of drivers, the situation is a little more complicated. All programs and drivers that are in official Ubuntu repositories you can find them on the website, this is very convenient if there is no Internet on the machine where they are to be installed. For example, we look for linux-firmware and open its page on Launchpad, select the program version below:

And all that remains is to get the deb file for our system:

If you have another computer with the Internet or you plan to install programs later, but now you only need to download deb packages, then this can be done using apt:

apt download package_name

apt download package_name $(apt-rdepends package_name|grep -v "^ ")

Now you have not only the package, but also all its dependencies.

Installing Ubuntu deb packages

Installing the Ubuntu Deb package is not that difficult, there are even several utilities for this. Can be installed either using the GUI or in the terminal.

The easiest way to install is in the graphical interface, using the application center, so let's start with that. Open file manager in the package folder:

I don’t really like installing Ubuntu programs using the Application Center, it usually takes a long time and does not always open the program correctly, but you can use another graphical utility - gdebi. First you need to install it:

sudo apt-get install gdebi

Now click right click mouse over the file, select to open with And gdebi:

Installing deb from the Ubuntu console is not much more difficult. The dpkg utility is used for this. First, go to the folder where the deb package was downloaded:

cd ~/Downloads/

Then install:

sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb

Abbreviations are available for this command, for example, you can write like this to install all deb packages from this directory:

$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

The program does not know how to resolve dependencies, even if there is network access, it only installs the package, so to install dependencies after installing deb ubuntu, run:

$ sudo apt-get -f install

Now that the dependencies have been downloaded, you can launch and use the program.

This is not the only way to install ubuntu packages through the terminal; the gdebi utility can also be launched this way:

sudo gdebi package_name.deb

You may not know, but apt can also install deb packages and is even more than successful at resolving dependencies. Only the utility needs to pass the full path to the file for installation. If you are in the folder with the deb package run:

sudo apt install ./package_name.deb

The program will automatically install all dependencies and you won't have to do anything else.


That's all. Now installing deb packages in Ubuntu will not cause you any problems. It turns out that there are several ways to install programs in Ubuntu and they all have their advantages. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

Is downloading them directly from the repositories of the online store Cydia. However, not everyone knows about alternative way installing deb extensions from the store (Saurik). Of course, you can only install tweaks on a jailbroken iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.

In contact with

Why then do we need another method, you ask. But why. For example, if not permanent access To Wi-Fi networks or the application itself Cydia refuses to start or works incorrectly.

The reason may be even more banal, in Cydia a repository in which the tweak is distributed for free has not been added, and a disinfected version of the extension in deb format has been circulating on the Internet for a long time.

All tweak installation packages have the extension “ .deb“, only these and no other files can be installed using this method. Please note that sometimes extensions are packaged in an archive and must be unzipped before installation. So, to install a deb package using a PC, you will need any file manager or . Both programs are free and available for both Windows and OS X. The *.deb tweak file downloaded from the Internet can be simply transferred to the folder Cydia-Installation or CydiaAppinstall(depending on the file manager). There is no need to search for it, each of the programs contains a separate link for this path in the access menu file system. Just in case, I’ll still say that the path to this folder is as follows: .
You can copy several required deb packages to this folder at once. Please note that some tweaks are installed along with dependencies (other tweaks), without which they will not work. Sometimes the authors of distribution of deb files include them in the distribution or save them in one archive; all of them must be installed along with the extension. After copying, just restart the iDevice; when you turn on the device, the tweak will be installed. There are cases when a tweak does not work entirely correctly; to fix the problem, it is enough to respring it in any available way.
The second method of installing deb packages allows you to do without a computer at all. In this case, you must have a file manager installed on your device. By the way, this application is a prime example of a deb application with a large number of dependencies during installation.
In Safari, just click on the link to download the deb file and the browser itself will offer to open it in iFile. By clicking on the tweak, you will see a pop-up menu with the function “ Install» (« Install"), she is responsible for installing the extension. After downloading, just make sure that last line The text displayed will be "O". This line notifies you about errors when installing the tweak. If an error occurs, you can do it differently: copy the deb file along the path /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall and restart iDevice.

IN Ubuntu Linux There are many ways to install programs. Here you can use the application store built into the system, and the package manager, and install programs from repositories using commands in the terminal, as well as download software packages from the Internet, and then install them - also different ways. And in this article I want to talk in detail about each method of installing programs on Ubuntu Linux.

Ubuntu Application Center

The Ubuntu Application Center is what is usually called the "App Store" on other systems, for example on Android it is the equivalent Google Play. You can find it in the main menu of Ubuntu if you start typing the word “center” in the search bar.

In the application center, everything is quite simple: on the left there are categories ("Games", "Office", "Internet" and so on), on the top there is a search bar. We find the desired application, click “Install”, enter the administrator password, wait a little and everything is ready to use the newly installed program.

The Application Center contains all the programs that are available in the official Ubuntu repositories (i.e., "repositories"), as well as paid and free ones. paid programs and games from third party sources. If you want to install free program from third-party sources, then despite the fact that the price of the program will be indicated as zero, instead of the “Install” button you will still see the “Buy” button - do not be alarmed, feel free to click. And know that in any case, without your knowledge, they will never take money from you here, even if you try to install paid programs - before you buy it, you will have to fill in your payment information (number credit card and so on), so chance is certainly excluded here.

Please be aware that the Ubuntu App Center does not contain all existing software. Ubuntu programs, but nevertheless, beginners should start searching required applications exactly from here.

Synaptic package manager

Synaptic is a graphical package management utility that was used in Ubuntu long before it had an "App Center". Today, by default, this program is not available in Ubuntu at all, but you can install it, for example, by clicking here. Let me remind you that everything installed programs can be found in the main menu of Ubuntu by starting to type its name or what it is for in the search bar, as shown above in the image with "App Center".

With Synaptic, you can very easily and conveniently view which packages you already have installed, remove them, update them (if updates are available), and also search the repositories for the required packages by name or description. For all this, Synaptic has a very good set of filters by category ("Games", "Administration", "Internet", etc.), by status ("Installed", "Not installed", "Manually installed", "Updating" ", etc.), by origin (i.e. from what source this or that program is installed or can be installed) and others.

Synaptic is a much more "professional" program, so to speak, compared to Application Center. For finding the necessary packages, it can be simply irreplaceable.

ِapt-get - manage packages from the terminal

The next method for installing programs is apt-get. By the way, apt-get can not only install them, but also remove, update, download lists of packages from the Internet, and much more. In general, everything that Synaptic can do, but only from command line. And at first glance, it may look scary, especially for beginners, but don’t rush - in most cases apt-get is the simplest and in a fast way to install something in Ubuntu, and this is why most of the instructions you find on the Internet for installing anything in Ubuntu include terminal commands using apt-get.

Using apt-get assumes that you know exactly what you want. For example, you want to install text editor Geany, then you need to run the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install geany

Let's look at what was written briefly:

sudo- means that the commands following it will be executed on behalf of the system administrator (since only the administrator has the right to install or delete anything);

apt-get- the apt-get package manager itself, which we are talking about, actually calls;

install- command to install the package. There are also many other commands, some of which I will list below in examples;

geany- the name of the package that needs to be installed, and in this case, it is the Geany text editor. You can specify multiple packages by simply putting a space between them.

Here are some other examples of using apt-get:

Download lists of available applications from the Internet (roughly speaking, “check for updates”):

sudo apt-get update

Install all available updates:

sudo apt-get upgrade

Install vlc player and graphics editor gimp with one command:

sudo apt-get install vlc gimp

You can also remove the above mentioned ones with one command, saving their settings in the system:

sudo apt-get remove vlc gimp

The same thing, but with all settings cleared:

sudo apt-get purge vlc gimp

Also, when working with apt-get, you can use one nice feature V Ubuntu terminal: autocompletion. Let's assume that you don't know the full package name, for example, if you want to install add-ons in Gimp, then you can write "sudo apt-get install gimp" in the terminal and press the "Tab" key - you will be automatically prompted various packages, starting with "gimp*".

Here's how to install anything very easily using the command line and apt-get in Ubuntu. Now imagine that if I were explaining to you, as a newbie to Ubuntu, how to install Gimp, I would give you just one command: “sudo apt-get install gimp”, as opposed to a whole saga about what you need to find in the main menu of Ubuntu Ubuntu application center, write “Gimp” in the search bar, select the appropriate package and click on the “Install” button, not taking into account the speed of launching the application center itself and running several meters across the table.

GDebi package installer

If in the Ubuntu repositories the desired program was not found, or was found, but not latest version(and this happens often), then most likely you will go to the website of the program or game developer and download the installation package in *.deb format. When you double-click on no, the “Ubuntu Application Center” will open and you can easily install it by clicking on the corresponding button. However, if you do this procedure quite often, then you will probably get tired of the very slow startup and operation of the Application Center. And then a very small and quick utility GDebi, which can be installed by clicking , or using the command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install gdebi

After it is installed, right-click on the downloaded package and select "Open with - GDebi package installer". GDebi will open the package and install it faster than Ubuntu Application Center.

Installing downloaded packages from the terminal

In addition to the GDebi graphical utility, you can install packages downloaded from the Internet in Ubuntu with a simple command in the terminal. To do this you need to run the command:

sudo dpkg -i package_name

For example, if you downloaded a package from VirtualBox from the official website, and most likely it is now in the “Downloads” folder in your home directory, then you can install it from the terminal like this:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/virtualbox-4.3_4.3.8-92456~Ubuntu~raring_amd64.deb

ٌBy the way, auto-completion also works here, so you can just start entering the name of the file with the package and press Tab - the rest of the file name will be completed by itself. dpkg also supports templates, that is, you can write it like this:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/virtualbox*.deb

Which is very convenient if you downloaded a program that comes in the form of many packages (for example, many games or LibreOffice downloaded from the official website) - you can simply put all the packages in one folder, and then run something like this command:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/*.deb

(this example will install ALL packages from the Downloads folder).

Installing programs from third-party repositories

Majority necessary programs are stored in the official Ubuntu package repositories ("repositories"), from where they are downloaded whenever you install something through the Ubuntu Application Center or apt-get in the terminal. However, some applications (for example, narrow-profile, rarely used or recently appeared) are not in the official Ubuntu repositories, or they are, but in older versions. In such cases, it is usually necessary to add a new application source ("repository") to the system.

Usually, articles with instructions for installing something already contain ready-made commands, which you just need to copy into the terminal and execute. I want to give an example of such commands here with comments to clarify them for new Ubuntu users.

For example, to install the classic menu ClassicMenu-Indicator, you must first connect its repository, i.e. add to your system's application sources the source from which it should be installed and updated. The developer's website provides a ready-made command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diesch/testing

sudo- run as system administrator;

add-apt-repository- add a repository;

ppa:diesch/testing- repository name.

Once the repository is added, it is necessary that Ubuntu system I downloaded the list of applications that are available in this source. To do this, use the command:

sudo apt-get update

and finally, installing the package:

sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator

We talked in detail about how apt-get works at the beginning of this article, so if these commands are not clear to you, return to the corresponding heading above.

Installing programs from source

You can often hear today from people who are very far from Linux that if you switch to Ubuntu or others Linux distributions- "you will install programs from source codes." Of course, such a possibility exists, but the necessity is very doubtful. And just 10 years ago, the average Linux user installed programs this way - compiled them from source code, often encountering many pitfalls. If you decide to install a program on Ubuntu from source today - I really don't think you need to. Read this article from start to finish to see that all existing modern Linux programs, with very rare exceptions, can be installed either from the repositories or by downloading the *.deb package and simply clicking on it.

If you still decide to dare such a big step- read the INSTALL and README files, which are usually supplied in the source archive, in which you will find instructions for compiling and installing the program - they can vary greatly between different programs.

Often, installing programs in Linux systems, in particular in Ubuntu, occurs in the standard way: adding a repository, if necessary, importing a security key, updating data about the new repository and, directly, installing the application.

However, this method does not always take place, since not all applications are available in standard repositories or in ones you added, therefore, let's consider another option for installing applications using .deb packages. Eg, Chrome browser most often it is installed in this way - with official page a .deb package is downloaded, when installed, the Google repository is automatically connected to the system for further program updates.

Let's look at an example of installing a .deb package using the Transcoder program as an example. On the Internet you found the Transcoder program, however, to install it, the manufacturer offers to download the .deb package. Well, let's do this. Select the system bit size and download the file. In most cases, the developer has already made sure that the package is ready for installation; exception cases will not be considered in the article. Also, programs that do not have a ready-made .deb package and do not have their own repository can be found in third-party repositories.

So, the file has been downloaded. We find it in the Downloads folder and just run it. After this, the Ubuntu Application Center window will open in front of you, as in the figure below:

Click on the Install button and enter the superuser password. We wait for some time, watching the picture below:

Upon completion of all operations, the program will be installed on your system, and you can find it in the Dash menu.

There is also Alternative option installing a deb package for users who prefer a terminal window.
Go to the folder with the downloaded file:

Cd ~/Downloads

(or cd ~/Downloads, depending on your system language)

and run the following command:

Sudo dpkg -i downloaded_file_name.deb

where downloaded_file_name is the name of your file. Enter the superuser password and wait for the installation to complete.

Deb is the installation package format used by all Debian-based distributions. Deb packages can be installed and removed using the command line or graphic manager packages.

In this tutorial we will explain how to install debian .deb packages on Ubuntu 18.04. The same instructions apply for Ubuntu 16.04 and any Debian-based distribution, including Debian, Linux Mint and Elementary OS.

Before you start

The Ubuntu repositories contain thousands of deb packages that can be installed from software Ubuntu Software Center. If you want to install from the command line, you can use the apt command line utility.

But there are applications that are not included in Ubuntu or any third party repositories. These applications must be downloaded from the developers website and installed manually.

Be careful when installing deb packages from unofficial sources.

Downloading deb packages

For demonstration purposes in this article, we will download and install the TeamViewer.debug file. TeamViewer is an all-in-one solution for remote support, sharing desktop, online meetings and transferring files between computers.

Launch your web browser and go to the TeamViewer for Linux download page. Download the deb package by clicking the Ubuntu and Debian download link.

If you prefer to use the terminal, you can download the deb file using wget or curl:

wget --no-check-certificate

curl -k -O -L

Installing deb packages from the command line

When it comes to installing deb packages from the command line, you have several tools at your disposal. In the following sections, we will show you how to use the apt, gdebi and dpkg utilities to install deb packages.

Installing deb packages with apt

APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a command line interface for a package management system. It was introduced in Ubuntu 14.04 and combines the most commonly used apt-get and apt-cache commands.

To install local deb packages with apt you need to provide the full path to the deb package. If the package is in your current working directory, instead of using an absolute path, you can add ./ before the package name. Otherwise apt will try to extract and install the package from the Ubuntu repositories.

sudo apt install ./teamviewer_amd64.deb

You will be prompted to enter Y:

0 upgraded, 84 newly installed, 0 to remove and 64 not upgraded. Need to get 21.0 MB of archives. After this operation, 66.3 MB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue?

The apt package manager will resolve and install all package dependencies.

Installing deb packages using gdebi

gdebi is a tool for installing local deb packages. It is not installed by default in , but you can install it from the Ubuntu Software Center or using the following command:

sudo apt install gdebi

You can now install gdebi deb packages by typing:

sudo gdebi teamviewer_amd64.deb

Do you want to install the software package? :

Type y when prompted by gdebi , resolve and install the deb package and all its dependencies for you.

Installing deb packages with dpkg

dpkg is a package manager low level for Debian based systems. Use the -i (or --install) option to install dpkg deb packages.

sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_amd64.deb

Unlike apt and gdebi, dpkg does not resolve dependencies. If you are getting dependency errors while installing deb packages, you can use the following apt command to resolve and install all package dependencies:

sudo apt install -f

Installing deb packages using GUI

If you prefer to use GUI, just download the deb file and open it by double click.

The default graphics software center will open

Click the Install button and the Authentication dialog box will open.

Installation may take some time depending on the size of the file and its dependencies. Once the deb package is installed, the Install button in the Ubuntu Software Center will change to “Uninstall”.

That's it, the application is installed on your system and you can launch it from the applications menu.


In this article, you learned how to install local deb packages.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.