First of all, you need to prepare for registration. You should have your full postal address, your first name, last name and e-mail at hand (everything must be written in Latin characters). Prepare it all in separate file, check each item carefully. This way we will avoid annoying mistakes and typos, which, of course, are undesirable in such a matter as registering with Alertpay. You can immediately type the password in this file - in Latin letters and numbers, at least 6 characters. Of course, you should not store such data in clear form on your computer for security reasons, so after registration, do not forget to erase the file. If you may need this data again, store it in special program, which stores them in encrypted form - the free KeePass, for example. Believe me, it's very convenient. You will also store passwords, logins, email addresses, etc. in it.

A few words about e-mail. Free mailboxes should be avoided because... Some of them simply may not receive an email with a confirmation code. The best option is is quite suitable, even though it is free.

Go to In the upper right corner there is a button to start registering with Alertpay.

Click Sign Up Now and you will be taken to the account type selection page.

In the drop-down menu we indicate the country - it must be real, otherwise there may be problems when transferring money. Now select the account type.
Alertpay offers 3 types of accounts.

1. Personal Starter (personal). This best choice for beginners, and for most users too. The commission for transfers is fixed at $1, which is not very pleasant when transferring small amounts, for example $10. You can “link” no more than two e-mail addresses to this type of account. The account replenishment limit is no more than $400 per month ($2000 per year). Another limitation: the inability to receive payments on your website;
2. Personal Pro (premium). Higher account type. With it there will no longer be restrictions on account replenishment and the number of e-mail addresses. The premium account fee is 2.5% + $0.25 per transaction, regardless of the amount. In addition, the account owner will have access to a set of tools for receiving payments on their websites using the Alertpay web interface.
3. Business (business). an account for serious business, more secure. The system commission here is 3.9% + $0.59 per transaction. You can choose any one - registration is free, as is the transition to a more advanced account type (but not vice versa!).

Select personal and click Next. We get to the page for entering contact information (Contact Information), where we will have to fill out a form. We open our file, copy and transfer our data to the appropriate fields. Remember! Everything is filled with Latin characters.

  • First Name: - enter a name.
  • Last Name: - enter your last name.
  • Address Line 1: - home address.
  • Address Line 2: - if the address does not fit here, you can continue it.
  • City/Town: - city of residence.
  • Region: - enter the region. If you live in a regional center (for example, London), write London Region.
  • Postal Code: - enter the postal code.
  • Country Of Citizenship: - indicate citizenship.
  • Home Phone: - enter your home phone number WITHOUT HYPHENS AND SPACES. It is possible in the usual format without the country and city code (3332211).
  • Work Phone: - enter your work phone (optional).
  • Mobile Phone: - And finally, enter the mobile phone (also optional).
  • Occupation: - indicate the type of activity (you can, in principle, choose any one). If you don’t know what to choose, put the last one - Other.
  • Date Of Birth: - select the date of birth (month/day/date).
Next we read the inscription “Must be at least 18 years of age to register for an AlertPay account”, which warns that the person being registered must be at least 18 years old. Click Next.
We continue to enter data - this time for the account (Alert Account Login).
  • Email Address - your email address, which will be your login.
  • Re-enter Email Address - repeat the email address.
  • Password - enter a password. Password length is at least 6 characters.
  • Re-enter Password - repeat the password.
  • Transaction PIN - PIN (password for transactions) from 4 to 8 digits.
  • Re-enter Transaction PIN - repeat PIN.
Enter the data to recover your password (Password Recovery). You need to choose 2 secret questions and your answers to them.
Secure Question #1 (secret question 1):
  • Street name did you grow up? - the street where you grew up.
  • Mother's maiden name? - mother's maiden name.
  • Name of first car you owned? - the name of your first car.
  • City of birth? - the city in which you were born.
Secure Question #2 (secret question 2):
  • What is your favorite city? - your favorite city.
  • What is your favorite animal? - your favorite animal.
  • What is your favorite song? - your favorite song.
  • What is your favorite book? - your favorite book.

The next question is: Will this account be used by any individual or organization other than yourself? (i.e. a "Third Party")? (Will your account be used by someone else besides you?) The procedure for restoring control over the account in the event of unauthorized access depends on the answer. Select "No".
Check the box I agree to AlertPay's terms and conditions (I agree to the terms and conditions of Alertpay).
Then enter the control set of characters from the picture and click Register. If there is a need to go back, click the Previous button.
After this, we are taken to a page where it is reported that an email with an e-mail confirmation code has been sent to your email address. If the letter does not arrive, click Click Here to resend it.

We check our mail, receive a letter, click on the link (or copy it into address bar browser and press Enter).

We get to the Email Validation page, where you need to enter a password. Enter, click the Log In button and get into your account. Hooray! Registration in AlertPay is completed.

Affiliate program in Alertpay

Alertpay has an affiliate program to attract new participants (referrals). There are two types of partnerships:
1. Attracting referrals. After registering with AlertPay, you can find your referral link in your account (Earn Money/Referrals/Your referral URL is:***). It looks like this ID - your personal number. For each transaction of your referral you will receive $5 and if you have more than 10 referrals - then $10. 2. Bonus for integrating Alerpay as a payment method on sales sites software. For active promotion of the system, Alertpay promises rewards to sellers from $10 to $500.

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Canadian payment system, which began operating in 2005. The system was created to serve the rapidly growing business associated with Internet marketing at that time. On this moment the system operates in 190 countries and has more than 7 million users.
Peak of popularity of has already passed, since the fall of 2011 the system has stopped working with Visa and Mastercard credit cards, so depositing and withdrawing money in the system is now problematic.

Types of accounts and registration in the AlertPay system

Alertpay has 3 types of accounts:

Personal Starter - select this type of account when registering in the system; with this type of account you will not pay commissions on transfers. For this type of account there are limits on incoming transactions - $400/month and $2000 for the entire time of working with the account. If you receive more than $400 in transfers in a month, or if you accumulate more than $2,000 in incoming transfers over the course of your work, your account will automatically become a Personal Pro. If you accidentally selected the Personal Pro account type during registration and want a Personal Starter account, you can downgrade your account status in the Profile-Personal-Downgrade Account menu.

Personal Pro - Previously, you had to choose this type of account to receive credit card payments to your account, but since AlertPay does not work with credit cards, this is no longer relevant. With a Personal Pro account you will pay 2.5% + $0.25 for each incoming transfer, there are no restrictions on the amount of transfers.

Business Account - never choose this type of account if you do not really plan to use this account for business and are ready to verify it by sending all kinds of documents to the alert about your business. If you do not verify your account, you will be able to receive money on it, but you cannot withdraw or transfer money to someone else, so it will just hang there.

On the first registration page, select your country and account type (Personal Starter), then fill out the form:

Salutation- greeting, choose Mr if you are male and Mrs if female;
First Name- your name, fill in with transliteration
Last Name- surname, transliterated (in Latin letters)
Address Line 1- write your address in Latin letters, do not use symbols like /, then there may be problems. For example Lenin street 6 apt 90
Address Line 2- leave empty
City- city
Region- region
Postal Code- Postal code
Country- the country has already been indicated by you on the previous page
Citizenship- citizenship
Home Phone- phone number, the first digits are already indicated for your country.
Occupation- profession
Date of Birth- Date of Birth

PRESS NEXT STEP, it may not work the first time, press again.

Email Address- write a real e-mail address, this will be your login in the alertpay system, you will need to indicate it to those who will send money to your account.
Password- password
Re-enter password- Repeat password
Transaction PIN- your PIN (enter a few numbers that are easy to remember), a very important field, write down your PIN immediately, without it you will not be able to withdraw money from Alertpay.
Re-enter Transaction PIN- repeat pin

Security Question - Secret Question, also an important field; the answer to this question will be required when restoring your password/pin if you forget. Write down both the question and the answer.
Answer- the answer to the secret question.

Will this account be used by any individual or organization other than yourself? (i.e. a "Third Party")? *

Put No here

Enter the captcha and click Final Step. An email is sent to you with a verification link to the e-mail that you specified in the Email Address field. Click on this link and your account will be activated.

To log into your account, enter your email and password.

Receiving and sending money in the AlertPay system

To receive money into your account, you need to give the sender your e-mail in Alertpay, this is your “wallet number” in the system.

To send money in the AlertPay system, go to the Send money menu:

To: e-mail of the AlertPay user to whom you are sending money.
Amount:- sum
Purchase Type: Other
Note- empty.
Click Next

Enter your 4 digit pin below

Click Send

Account verification in AlertPay

For Ukraine, there are no normal methods for verifying an account, so don’t bother with this, the account can be used without verification. Some sites require a verified account, but there are very few of them.

Withdrawing money to AlertPay

The only one available for Ukraine official way withdrawal of AlertPay to a bank account, transfer cost $20, withdrawal procedure is described in detail in the article

05/17/2012 AlertPay merged with the British company MH Pillars Ltd, resulting in a new brand.

You can discuss issues related to AlertPay EPS at.

The AlertPay electronic payment system has been officially operating since June 16, 2005. Legally, the owner of AlertPay is the company of the same name, founded in 2004. The main office is located in Quebec (Canada).

Thanks to the fact that the system is largely democratic and effective marketing policy, Alertpay is gaining increasingly strong positions. Registration in this payment system is free and available to citizens of almost all countries (except Nigeria, Angola, Liberia and Sierra Leone). The system has relatively low commissions that are charged to payment recipients.

The account identifier in Alertpay is the e-mail specified during registration, so you need to approach the choice of address responsibly.

A special feature of Alertpay is the ability to send money to an addressee who does not have an account in this payment system by indicating his e-mail. Later, by registering with the specified address, the person will receive his payment.

There are three types of accounts available in AlertPay:

Personal Starter Account (initial personal account). This is the best option for most system users and especially for beginners. This is the only account type that is exempt from commissions for transfers within the system. Only two email addresses can be associated with an account. Funds turnover limit of this account is $400 per month or $2000 per year. If exceeded this limitation the account will automatically be changed to Personal Pro.

Personal Pro Account (advanced personal account). The owners of this account have no restrictions on the circulation of money and the number of e-mail addresses that can be associated with the account. The commission from the payee is 2.5% + $0.25 per transaction. Users of this account have access to payments from a plastic card, as well as tools for organizing payment acceptance on the website using the Alertpay web interface.

Business Account (business account). This account has all the advantages of a Premium Account, and also allows you to work with the system on behalf of your company, make mass payments and create sub-accounts for maintaining various types business.

Registration of any type of account is free. In the future, you can freely switch from a Personal Starter to a Personal Pro account, but not vice versa. In addition, there is no way to switch from Personal accounts to Business. If you need a Business Account, you must indicate it during registration. Otherwise, you will have to register a new account using a different e-mail.

Registration in AlerPay.

To register with Alerpay you need Mailbox in (for example

Specify the country and account type and click on the "Next Step" button:

On the next page, enter your identification information to log into your account. All information must be printed only in Latin letters. Specify your real e-mail - it will be your login when logging into your account, as well as your wallet ID. At the very bottom, carefully enter the letters from the picture and click “Final Step”:

The PIN code is an additional security measure: by entering the PIN code you will have to confirm all actions with funds in your account. Select a PIN between 4 and 8 characters long. It must consist of numbers only.

If you forget your PIN, you can change it: go to your account, go to the My Profile tab and follow the Password / PIN link. Select Transaction PIN and on the page that opens you can create a new PIN (after you answer both security questions correctly).

AlertPay account activation:

At this stage, the system will send you a link to activate your account to the e-mail you specified in the previous stage. Once you follow this link, you will become the legal owner of an Alertpay account. A window will open in front of you inviting you to log into your account: login - e-mail will already be specified, you will only have to enter your password.

Account verification in Alertpay.

After registering an account, I advise you to go through verification. To do this, in your account on the main page, next to the words “Personal Starter Unverified”, click “(Become Verified)”.

Until December 2010, there was a simplified account verification system via SMS. Now this process has been complicated and there are currently three verification methods available:

Method 1: Adding a bank account for transfer (bank transfer) or bank transfer (wire). This method is not available to citizens of Ukraine.
Method 2: Bind credit card to the AlertPay account.
Method 3: Verify by phone: you receive an SMS with a code that is required on the AlertPay website. And order payment by check: a code will be printed on the check, which must also be entered on the website. Posting a check costs $4, and cashing it is not easy.

It turns out that the most acceptable option for verifying your account is to link your credit card.

Account security in AlertPay.

From measures increased security Alertpay uses, perhaps, only one: PIN for money transfers. The PIN must consist of numbers, the minimum length of the PIN code is 4, the maximum is 8. However, you can always change the PIN in your account. Logging into your account is simplified - by entering your registration e-mail and password, there is no protection by IP, browser, etc. Thus, in order to steal your account, a potential attacker only needs to know your login and password. Therefore, be very careful not to share your password with anyone and keep your computer free of viruses and Trojans!

AlertPay affiliate program.

Attracting referrals. After registration, you can find your referral link in your account in the Referral Program section. It looks like, where ID is your personal number. You will receive $5 for each transaction of your referral, and if you have more than 10 referrals, then $10 for each transaction. But in order to make money from the participant you attracted, he must meet the following requirements: an account of at least Premium; conduct a transaction (deposit or withdraw funds) with an amount of at least $250.

Bonus for integrating Alerpay as a payment method on software sales sites. For active promotion of the system, Alertpay promises rewards to sellers from $10 to $500.

Applying for a Ukrsibbank card for withdrawing money from AlertPay

The operation was carried out by my friend and colleague Gennady (Gene). Thanks to him for describing the process.

Registration of a Visa Classic bank card in the Ukrainian bank Ukrsibbank for subsequent verification in AlertPay is a cheaper procedure than in Privatbank. For those involved in the PTC business, it is ultimately important to withdraw earned funds through a payment system, such as AlertPay, to the CIS country. For Ukraine, as an alternative to Privatbank, I offer a cheaper one when registering and issuing a VISA Classic bank card, a bank whose headquarters is located in Kharkov. This is Ukrsibbank (that is, this is the former Ukrainian branch of Sibbank. Isn’t it a little comical - where is Siberia in Ukraine? But these are all words that have nothing to do with the matter). So, this bank is part of a Western financial group, it seems French, called BNP Paribas Group and has more than high level trust for the West than Privatbank. Opening/issuing a VISA Classic bank card at Ukrsibbank costs: 10 US dollars, or their equivalent in hryvnia, is credited to the card account and is the minimum, non-chargeable balance on the bank card until the card is closed and 50 hryvnia (rate September 2010) for opening an account . For comparison, in Privatbank the entire similar procedure costs $30. When you issue a card, you enter into an agreement in two copies, one of which is issued to you. Every month Ukrsibbank presents 1 free printout of the movement of funds on bank card for free. Other printouts are available for money. To open a bank card in US dollars, you must present to Ukrsibbank a foreign passport, the original identification code and the above amount of cash in cash. When registering your intention to open a card, you enter into an agreement in two copies, one of which is issued to you. Within two weeks, an employee of a Ukrsibbank branch calls you on your mobile phone and informs you that you need to appear in person with a Ukrainian passport to receive a VISA Classic bank card (in practice, much faster). Receive a card and a sealed card access code, which appears when rubbed with a coin on the surface of the corresponding information letter. Important! After receiving a VISA Classic bank card, you make a free telephone call to the bank's headquarters at any time of the day at 0-800-505-800 (this number is indicated on your bank card) to activate your card. Before calling, prepare your copy of the agreement with Ukrsibbank. Using the details of the agreement, you will be identified as the card owner. Questions will be asked, including the security question and answer specified in your contract. Before the conversation begins, a central office employee will warn you that your phone conversation may be recorded by the bank service. During the conversation, you will be asked to set a limit on the daily cash you will receive from abroad. In order not to attract the increased attention of any bastards who may listen to the recording of your conversation, I recommend answering - set the limit at your discretion, as is customary at your bank, without focusing on the amount of your earnings, which you can always regulate . After the conversation, your bank card will be activated. Verification of an AlertPay account using a bank card is sufficiently described in publications on our specialized websites. To receive funds from a card in US dollars, you must contact a bank branch and present a Ukrainian passport. For receiving US dollars in cash, the bank charges 1% of the amount received. At the ATMs of Ukrsibbank, of which there are not as many as Privatbank, you can get funds in Ukrainian hryvnias, seemingly without a commission (for the joy of receiving it, I forgot to check). I have not yet tried receiving funds in Ukrainian hryvnias from ATMs of other banks.

Dispute about the return of AlertPay money from the scammers’ account.

If after payment the recipient has not fulfilled his obligations, then you can write a letter to the AlertPay administration and describe the problem. They will contact the defendant and, if he does not resolve the issue with you within 10 days, the money will be returned to the account, unless of course there are enough funds in the defendant’s account. This letter should be written to English language.

To open a dispute, you must select "Transaction Dispute" and click the "Next" button. Next you need to fill out the form:

Name (Full name on account). Last name and first name in the AlertPay system.

Email (AlertPay login email). Login in the system.

Method of Payment. Check the box for "Payment from AlertPay Balance".

Type of Purchase. Check the "Service" box.

Merchant Website URL. The address of the website where the money was sent.

Merchant/Recipient Email. Recipient's login (can be found in your account in the History section).

Reference Number(s). The payment number, again found in your account in History, looks something like this: 6DBAF-7BE15-7AACE.

Transaction completed less than 30 days? Was the transfer made less than 30 days ago?

Have you attempted to resolve this issue with the merchant directly? Have you tried to resolve the issue directly with the seller of the service?

I understand it can take up to 30 days to complete the investigation. I will not submit multiple tickets regarding this same dispute. I understand that this matter may take up to 30 days to resolve. I will not send repeated requests regarding this matter.
It should be noted that you should not send repeated requests. You need to wait patiently for a decision.

Message Details. In this field you need to describe the essence of the problem.

Please enter the text you see in the image at the right into the textbox below. This is required to prevent automated submission of Tickets. Here you need to enter the proposed code and click the "Submit" button.

After you have sent your request, you need to be patient and wait. The complaint review process can last up to 30 business days. The AlerPay administration will notify you of the decision by email.

In this article, friends, I would like to talk about alertpay system which has recently been transformed into the Payza payment system, a serious and dynamically developing market player electronic payments. Unlike previous systems, this system is quite profitable for commerce and popular with hype projects (various investment projects, often pyramidal), is located, as expected for such systems, offshore, operates in accordance with Canadian laws (this system is owned by the company of the same name AlertPay .com, founded in 2004 in Montreal, Canada). Everything seemed fine. However, when I became interested in this payment card, the following became clear:

This program even has an affiliate program, which is a definite advantage over competitors (webmoney, paypal, etc.), and the rewards are good - for each new person who registers using your inviting (referral) link, you will receive $5 from AlertPay. This person becomes your referral. After your tenth referral, you will be paid $10 for each new one.

  • The referral will open a Pro or Business account and make a transaction of at least $250
  • New referrals that you created yourself using your link, as well as new referrals who created an account in AlertPay (Payza) from the same IP, are not paid.

You can withdraw money and top up your account under the following conditions: alertpay (Payza) allows you to withdraw money by transfer (which is not available for Russia and the CIS), by check (2 USD), to your card and even from affiliate programs(the commission is 25 USD). When an employer transfers funds to your AlertPay account, you can immediately transfer them to your card (the card must be linked to your AlertPay account). In this case, the system will charge $5 for withdrawal of money (with restrictions on withdrawals from 10 to 500 USD)

Registration AlertPay (Payza)

While registration is free for citizens of all countries, AlertPay has the following accounts:

  • Personal Starter Account – the amount of money deposited/withdrawn is no more than $400 per month, and per year no more than $2000. this does not require identity verification, but the commission is $1 and accepting payments from the site itself is not available.
  • Personal Pro – there is no limit on the amount of money deposited/withdrawn. There is verification, you can upload copies of your passport or license (which is not necessary but desirable). Accepting payments via the Internet is available, with a commission from the payee of 2.5% + $0.25 for each transaction.
  • Business Account is an analogue of Personal Pro for legal entities. persons Everything is the same, only the commission for the operation is already 3.9% + $0.59
  • As for security, like webmoney, alertpay verification is offered to the user (webmoney certification), but in AlertPay this service is free. The scheme is similar, fill out a form with a photo and a copy of the document.

    Regarding the account, it is also worth noting that without knowing the language, registering alertpay + in Russian is very difficult, even website translators, to put it mildly, cannot cope with translating the system’s website, so there is a high probability that you will insert the wrong number somewhere and then look for money until your heart stops. The system is suitable for fans of eBay, since it is presented there (although in fairness it should be said that there is WebMoney and Paypal and many others)

    The most interesting thing that we were able to find on the Internet are the following facts. This system Recently been spotted doing the following:

    A year ago, the alertpay and LibertyReserve systems became leaders in popularity in the hype sphere (as I wrote above). This aroused interest among both project managers and investors. At first, the system even returned part of the funds to unsuccessful investors if the project turned out to be fraudulent (this is what prompted me to register), but as I studied, it turned out that even then AlertPay did not return all of the investors’ funds.

    Now the system has completely changed its worldview, declaring itself a serious company operating legally, the system has begun an active fight against Internet fraud. At the same time, the alertpay system continues to work with hype projects (which it officially fights). Why do you ask?

    Yes, everything is simple, firstly, it is profitable (due to the numerous commissions paid by investors), and secondly, amid this hype, the system began (and it is generally unclear on what basis) to periodically block the accounts of these projects.

    Top up your account in AlertPay (Payza)

    It would seem that God is with them. But that’s not the case, along with the project accounts, the accounts of the investors are also blocked (and not only the interest on the projects, but also the initial funds of the investors themselves). On one of the sites I came across testimonies of such investors who spoke not about a couple of hundred dollars of losses, but about a couple of thousand dollars of profit and their own money, which the system refuses to return. At the same time (as it was before), the system now keeps information about the accounts of blocked HYIP projects (how much is left, how much was paid to investors upon requests) under seven seals.

    As a result, today we have to admit that for some reason the previously safe and convenient payment system is turning into something unknown, since the actions of this system are becoming unpredictable and I doubt that you will like it if the system, randomly choosing a source where to make money, chooses YOUR ACCOUNT! !!

    Something like that. Sorry for writing so much, but it seemed to me that more detailed information can protect visitors of the “Strategy for Success” portal from participating in such payments, which will save not only money, but more importantly YOUR NERVES, friends.

    A fairly young payment system, it was opened in 2005. Now it is actively used by many foreign projects to earn money, for example, click sponsors, investment funds. If you decide to try your hand at making money on foreign e-books, then you just need to get acquainted with the Payza system in order to receive payments. In principle, everything in Payza is simple and clear, but there is no Russian-language interface. Therefore, users who do not know English find themselves in a difficult situation. This article is designed to help you register and verify your Payza account.

    Registration in Payza

    And so, registration. Let's go to the website Click on the orange button on the right side of the page with the inscription “Sign Up Now”, or on the same inscription in the very top right corner of the page:

    We are asked to choose an account type:

    There are 3 types of accounts in the Payza system: Personal Starter, Personal Pro and Business. Business is clearly not suitable for us, because it is needed by those who want to accept payments through the AlerPay system on their projects. Although maybe that’s what you want, who knows. Most will use the account only to withdraw funds earned from foreign projects to earn money. I advise all beginners to register a Personal Starter account. There are no commissions for transfers within the system. That is, if they send you $10 to your account, then you will receive $10. However, the Personal Starter account has limitations - you will not be able to receive more than $400 per month and more than $2,000 in total. If you exceed these limits, you will be prompted to upgrade to a Personal Pro account. This type of account already has a commission on each incoming payment in the amount of 2.5% + $0.25 for each transfer. That is, if they send you $10, then you will receive 10 - 0.025*10 - 0.25 = $9.50. If you created a Personal Pro account, then you have the opportunity to downgrade it to Personal Starter once. Personal Starter can be upgraded to Personal Pro or Business at any time.

    After selecting the account type, click the “Next Step” button and get to the next stage of registration - entering personal data:

    All data is written in English. If you have a Visa or Mastercard plastic card, then on it you can find how to write your first and last name in English. As a rule, they are simply written in transliteration, unless you specified a different spelling when issuing the card. It will be better if the first and last name in the Payza account and on the plastic card match - there will be fewer possible problems.

    In the address line we write house, building, apartment and street. For example, building 213a, building 2, apartment 4, Severnaya street should be written like this - 213a/2-4, Severnaya str. Abbreviations: street - str, lane - ln, boulevard - blvd, area - sq. In severe cases with the reduction of all sorts of lanes, you can dig around.

    The telephone number is written in international format - (country code - selected from the list) (city code) (telephone) without the + sign. For example, select the country Russian Federation(+7) and write the number 4953333333. If you do not have home phone, then feel free to write your mobile phone in its place - you will save one step during verification. We write the mobile number in the same way - select the country code and write the rest of the phone number without the + sign and the number 8 at the beginning. That is, if you are used to writing your mobile number like this - 89164444444, then you should write it here like this - 9164444444, choosing the country code (+7 Russia).

    After filling out the fields, click the “Next Step” button and proceed to the next step:

    Here, pay attention to the PIN code for transactions. You need it for any transactions with money that you will perform. For example, a PIN code is needed to withdraw funds to a plastic card, when paying for any services through Payza, or when transferring money to another person on Payza. It is clear that the PIN code, like the password, should not be forgotten.

    After filling out the fields, click on the “Final Step” button and see that you need to check your EMail:

    We go to our mailbox, find a letter from Payza there, in the letter we find a link to confirm registration and follow it:

    If you can't find the email, check your spam folder. Also, some mail services may receive letters with a delay of several minutes. If you still haven’t received anything, click on the link on the Payza page to resend the letter.

    After clicking on the link in the letter, you will immediately find yourself in your account. Next time you will log into your account with home page. You will need to enter your EMail as your login and password. Your EMail in the Payza system is also your wallet. It must be indicated during registration, for example, on axleboxes.

    This completes the registration procedure. Now you can use your account: receive money to it, transfer it, add a plastic card to your account, withdraw funds to it.

    Payza account verification

    Why is verification needed if everything works as it is? Payza itself says that this increases security, increases the limits on money transfers, and also checks whether you are stealing money or sponsoring terrorists. In fact, we need verification in order to receive payments from those projects that pay only to verified accounts. Plus, if you do not pass verification right away, Payza employees can ask you to do so at any time. And this moment is usually the most inopportune. Therefore, to make life easier, we verify immediately, especially since the verification procedure has become very simple. I would like to note that previously there were problems with verification, since previously this required sending scans of documents confirming identity and address, after which it was necessary to wait 10 days for manual verification. Very often this manual check did not go away either after 10 days or after half a year. People had to write to technical support in English and then they were verified. I experienced the same thing. But now the verification procedure has been simplified and become automatic.

    There are 2 verification options available: by mobile phone and by plastic card Visa or Mastercard. We will consider the first option, since it is simpler and I have already tested it in action. And so, we are in the account. Click on the inscription "Become Verified":

    On the next page click again big button"BECOME VERIFIED":

    When registering, we only indicated our home phone number, so we need to add a mobile phone number as well. If you specified a mobile phone as your home phone, then immediately select it from the list and click “Next”:

    If you did not indicate a mobile number, then click “click rere”, enter the number in the line for the mobile and click “Update Profile”:

    You will be returned to the previous page and can select mobile number from the list.

    On the next page it will be written that they will now send you an SMS message with a 3-digit digital code. Click the "Send Validation Code" button and wait for an SMS with the code:

    I received an SMS within 5 seconds. In the SMS we find 3 numbers and enter them on the next page, after which we press the “Submit” button:

    If the SMS did not arrive, then press the "Restart Process" button and repeat everything again. If the SMS does not arrive, it means that you most likely entered the phone number incorrectly. Go to your account settings and edit the number.

    After entering the code, your account automatically becomes verified and your soul becomes calm.

    If you want, you can try to verify your account using a plastic card. The card data must be added to your account, and during verification, select the option with a plastic card. In this case, Payza will send you 1 cent ($0.01), and the payment note will indicate a code that you will need to enter. The problem here is that withdrawing funds from Payza to Visa card or Mastercard took about 4 days for me personally. Plus, you need to have access to Internet banking, and not every bank has this all so conveniently implemented. That is, the verification procedure may take a long time. But a whole cent is free :-) Maybe it’s worth a try...

    Article written 06/10/2010

    Update from 07/09/2010: Payza has changed its design, so the pictures have been replaced with current ones and the registration and verification procedures have been slightly corrected.