AlertPay registration in Russian. Account - how to register for Alert Pay. Details about registration, replenishment, transfer, withdrawal of AlertPay money. Before moving directly to Alert Pay registration, a little important information about the payment system.

Let's consider the advantages of the Internet system, registration data, types of AlertPay email accounts. We will also evaluate the opportunity to earn money through the Alert Pay affiliate program. Let's find out how to enter AlertPay, withdraw funds, exchange electronic currencies... The payment system dates back to the registration of the domain in 2004. About a year later, the AlertPay payment system was registered in the city of Montreal (Quebec, Canada). Later it became an international payment system.

Advantages of AlertPay:
1) Registering an Alert Pay account is free.
2) International status of the system. A resident of any country in the world can register with AlertPay.
3) The payment system offers a variety of options when depositing or withdrawing money.
4) Good conditions, tools and organization of Alert Pay payments on websites.
5) Easy to use – sending and receiving payments.
6) The affiliate program gives you the opportunity to use the services of the system and at the same time earn money. Earn AlertPay money at home without having to worry.

AlertPay accounts, account types. Selecting an account, registering an Alert Pay account.

1. Account Personal Starter account – is the initial personal account of the payment system. AlertPay account for beginners. It has several disadvantages, namely, you cannot transfer money from Alert Pay to a credit card and the account balance must not exceed $400. It is prohibited to organize the acceptance of alertpay payments on websites. There are also positive aspects: AlertPay does not charge a commission for sending and receiving funds and, if necessary, you can change the account type for free.

2. Personal Pro Account — professional version of the account. This type of account removes the restrictions inherent in a personal Starter account. It allows you to use credit cards, replenish your AlertPay account without a limit, but there is already a commission, the recipient of the funds loses 2.5% plus $0.25 USD. See table.

3. Business Account – business account. Designed for online business owners, offering the maximum range of functions and tools. Built-in protection against scams alertpay fraud, SSL data encryption, accepting and sending payments via credit cards Alert Pay, convenient panel management for several areas of your activity, integration of third-party programs and much more. And if you have decided on the type of Alert Pay account, I suggest going directly to the account registration itself and registering with AlertPay, instructions in Russian.

To register you will need an unlit email address Email(a security issue, since it will be your account), such as from Google. Mail with the domain ru or ua is not accepted. Well, now the process itself.

Entering registration data. Click on the banner, now, or on this link - AlertPay registration Payza. The payment system website will open in a new window, and you can start registering Alert Pay - Payza and, if necessary, look at an example of registration in AlertPay. The pictures show what and where to write. Please note that during registration in the system, all forms must be filled out in Latin letters, that is, English language.

How to register alertpay, first step.
On home page HOME click on the inscription SING UP NOW - upper right corner. You will be taken to the page for selecting your country and the future of your payment account in AlertPay (

Alert Pay registration, step two.
Select your country and the type of payment system account that suits you. Click NEXT. You will be taken to one of the main alertpay registration forms.

We continue to register Alert Pay, the third step.
Enter the information carefully and in English. Entering incorrect data reduces your reputation in AlertPay. If there is any difficulty in what this or that word means or how to write, use Google translator– After filling out the form, click NEXT. You will be taken to the most important registration form.

How to register for alertpay, step four.

I divided this page into two parts, the picture turned out very bold. At this stage, you will enter email alertpay, your email address. Password twice (you need to enter both letters and numbers, at least 6 characters), alertpay transaction pin - pin code twice (from 4 to 8 digits), answer two secret question(the main thing is not to forget what the question is and what you answered, in English).

Knowing the questions and answers will help you recover your Alert Pay payment system password. Duplicate all this data at once in Text Document on a flash drive or write it down with pens in a notepad. It is not advisable to store passwords on your computer, especially the monetary key AlertPay.

Next comes the question of whether the account can be used only by you or by someone else. The answer is NO. Enter the numbers and letters from the picture, check the box that you agree with the rules. Click register AlertPay address. You have been redirected to a page with your details, check them again and click on confirm.

Registration in AlertPay email verification, fifth step.
Go to the email you entered during registration, you should receive an Alert Pay email. AlertPay id mailbox verification. Click on the link in the letter, you will be taken to the website, thereby confirming your rights to email and link your email to your account in the payment system. More precisely, your email will become an account - Alert Pay account. Registration in the system is completed. Using your email and password, log into your account.

Account verification. Optional step.
Account verification – confirmation of your data. Increases the degree of trust of the system and users in you. You need to do two operations:

1. Send a copy of your passport or driver’s license (page with photo).

2. Send a copy of a document confirming your residential address (a receipt for payment for something, a bank account statement).

That's all registration is in Russian, you are a registered AlertPay user. And you can safely make payments all over the world. I hope I answered the original question of what AlertPay is. Good luck!

Earn money alertpay, earn money from an affiliate program, easy money at home.

The Alert Pay affiliate program provides earnings, rewards for attracting new sites to the system, for integrating (implementing) the accept alertpay terminal. Earnings from $10 to $500, depending on the turnover of funds (payment). There is also a reward for attracting new users via Alert Pay. Under the affiliate program, the payment system transfers from 5 to 10 dollars for each participant registered using your link. But under one condition, his balance must exceed $250.

How to withdraw money. Conclusion AlertPay money. We withdraw money from
Until recently, depositing/withdrawing money via AlertPay was quite problematic and quite risky for residents of the sunken USSR.

1) It was possible to make a prohibited exchange alertpay webmoney. But the search for an intermediary and webmoney exchange alertpay did not always bring the desired results.

2) Register with a bookmaker, search for a Forex alertpay trader. The withdrawal method is not for gambling people.

3) Since the fall of 2009, the ban on withdrawing Alert Pay money via MasterCard and Visa cards, transaction alertpay (dollar, pound, euro), in any bank in the world.

Best wishes

First of all, you need to prepare for registration. You should have your full postal address, your first name, last name and e-mail at hand (everything must be written in Latin characters). Prepare it all in separate file, check each item carefully. This way we will avoid annoying mistakes and typos, which, of course, are undesirable in such a matter as registering with Alertpay. You can immediately type the password in this file - in Latin letters and numbers, at least 6 characters. Of course, you should not store such data in clear form on your computer for security reasons, so after registration, do not forget to erase the file. If you may need this data again, store it in special program, which stores them in encrypted form - the free KeePass, for example. Believe me, it's very convenient. You will also store passwords, logins, email addresses, etc. in it.

A few words about e-mail. Free mailboxes should be avoided because... Some of them simply may not receive an email with a confirmation code. The best option is is quite suitable, even though it is free.

Go to In the upper right corner there is a button to start registering with Alertpay.

Click Sign Up Now and you will be taken to the account type selection page.

In the drop-down menu we indicate the country - it must be real, otherwise there may be problems when transferring money. Now select the account type.
Alertpay offers 3 types of accounts.

1. Personal Starter(personal). This best choice for beginners, and for most users too. The commission for transfers is fixed at $1, which is not very pleasant when transferring small amounts, for example $10. You can “link” no more than two e-mail addresses to this type of account. The account replenishment limit is no more than $400 per month ($2000 per year). Another limitation: the inability to receive payments on your website;
2. Personal Pro(premium). Higher account type. With it there will no longer be restrictions on account replenishment and the number of e-mail addresses. The premium account fee is 2.5% + $0.25 per transaction, regardless of the amount. In addition, the account owner will have access to a set of tools for receiving payments on their websites using the Alertpay web interface.
3. Business(business). an account for serious business, more secure. The system commission here is 3.9% + $0.59 per transaction. You can choose any one - registration is free, as is the transition to a more advanced account type (but not vice versa!).

Select personal and click Next. We get to the page for entering contact information (Contact Information), where we will have to fill out a form. We open our file, copy and transfer our data to the appropriate fields. Remember! Everything is filled with Latin characters.

  • First Name:- enter the name.
  • Last Name:- enter your last name.
  • Address Line 1:- home address.
  • Address Line 2:- if the address does not fit here, you can continue it.
  • City/Town:- City of residence.
  • Region:- enter the area. If you live in a regional center (for example, London), write London Region.
  • Postal Code:- enter the postal code.
  • Country Of Citizenship:- indicate citizenship.
  • Home Phone:- enter home phone NO HYphenS OR SPACES. It is possible in the usual format without the country and city code (3332211).
  • Work Phone:- enter your work phone number (optional).
  • Mobile Phone:- And finally, we enter mobile phone(also not necessary).
  • Occupation:- indicate the type of activity (you can, in principle, choose any one). If you don’t know what to choose, put the last one - Other.
  • Date Of Birth:- select your date of birth (month/day/day).
Next we read the inscription “Must be at least 18 years of age to register for an AlertPay account”, which warns that the person registering must be at least 18 years old. Click Next.
We continue to enter data - this time for the account (Alert Account Login).
  • Email Address- your e-mail address, which will be your login.
  • Re-enter Email Address- repeat the e-mail address.
  • Password- enter the password. Password length is at least 6 characters.
  • Re-enter Password- repeat password.
  • Transaction PIN- PIN (transaction password) from 4 to 8 digits.
  • Re-enter Transaction PIN- repeat PIN.
Enter the data to recover your password (Password Recovery). You need to choose 2 secret questions and your answers to them.
Secure Question #1(secret question 1):
  • Street name did you grow up?- the street where you grew up.
  • Mother's maiden name?- Mother's Maiden Name.
  • Name of first car you owned?- the name of your first car.
  • City of birth?- the city in which you were born.
Secure Question #2(secret question 2):
  • What is your favorite city?- your favorite city.
  • What is your favorite animal? - your favorite animal.
  • What is your favorite song?- your favorite song.
  • What is your favorite book?- your favorite book.

The next question is: Will this account be used by any individual or organization other than yourself? (i.e. a "Third Party")? (Will your account be used by someone else besides you?) The procedure for restoring control over the account in the event of unauthorized access depends on the answer. Select "No".
Check the box I agree to AlertPay's terms and conditions(I agree to Alertpay's terms and conditions).
Then enter the control set of characters from the picture and click Register. If there is a need to go back, click the Previous button.
After this, we are taken to a page where it is reported that an email with an e-mail confirmation code has been sent to your email address. If the letter does not arrive, click Click Here to resend it.

We check our mail, receive a letter, click on the link (or copy it into address bar browser and press Enter).

We get to the Email Validation page, where you need to enter a password. Enter, click the Log In button and get into your account. Hooray! Registration in AlertPay is completed.

Affiliate program in Alertpay

Alertpay exists affiliate program to attract new participants (referrals). There are two types of partnerships:
1. Attracting referrals. After registering with AlertPay, you can find your referral link in your account (Earn Money/Referrals/Your referral URL is:***). It looks like this ID - your personal number. For each transaction of your referral you will receive $5 and if you have more than 10 referrals - then $10. 2. Bonus for integrating Alerpay as a payment method on websites for sale software. For active promotion of the system, Alertpay promises rewards to sellers from $10 to $500.

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Payza, an electronic payment system that was once called Alertpay, began operating in 2004 in Canada.

Today it is a successful representative of a large army of companies making payments and money transfers on an international scale - about 197 countries in total.

The rebranding was carried out quite recently in 2013, Alertpay by this time had already been able to win a large number of fans, so the renewed company had sufficient credibility.

A Russified interface has not yet been developed for users, but this is not a big problem.

After all, most of those who need to open a wallet here cooperate with foreign sites or partners.

History of the Payza (Alertpay) system

The idea of ​​​​creating a new payment system belongs to two brothers - Fairoz and Ferhan Patel, the actual place of its birth is Montreal, the Canadian province of Quebec.

Just a year after its creation in 2005, it was possible to establish online activities. At the very beginning, only 6 people worked on the project; today it is a developed network with at least a hundred employees.

The approximate audience of the system at the moment is 6 million people all over the world, which means at least 21 monetary currencies, even such well-known ones as , cannot boast of such achievements.

The brand received a new name on May 14, 2012, when Alertpay merged with the leader at that time in the field of prepaid cards - the company UK-based MH Pillars Ltd.

Registration, login to Payza wallet

For some users, registration may present some difficulties due to the lack of an adapted version of the site. But the process itself is simple, and it is important to use letter designations only using the Latin alphabet.

So, let's get started, on the main page of at the top of the page you will see the “Sign Up” link, which means the command to start the procedure.

After clicking on it, you will see a field in which you need to select the country (detected automatically) and the account type - “Personal” and “Business”. That is, for personal use and for companies and organizations.

To choose the right profile, pay attention to the presented advantages.

Let's take a personal account:

This is an opportunity to send and earn money, make payments, make purchases safely, exchange currencies, use the API.

Click on the “Select” command, that is, “Select” and proceed to registration.

To do this, enter the type of contact you are receiving (optional), first and last name in Latin, email address and New Password, click “Get started”:

By the way, you can always change your email, add several addresses and make only one the main one.

In the meantime, you can directly log into your personal account by clicking on the “Take me home” command:

Advantages of the payment system, reviews

One of additional features systems - earning money through a referral program, this is not unique, many advanced payment systems offer such a function.

How it works?

You must invite as many referrals as possible; for this, a special link is created that will need to be sent to those you have chosen.

  • The invited user opens a wallet of any type (Personal or Business);
  • The minimum deposit or transfer amount is $250;
  • The minimum number of referrals is 10, only after that you will start receiving $10 for each subsequent participant in the system, for the first ten - $5;
  • Naturally, shipments from your own address or several from the same address will not be counted. Enrollment is made within 30 days after actual fulfillment of these requirements.

For greater convenience, it is possible to place a banner with a link to your personal website.

It’s quite convenient to follow potential referrals - they will be reflected in the list, which means that someone has already followed your link.

It is worth highlighting several advantages of the Payza payment system:

  • High speed of financial transactions;
  • The above-mentioned affiliate program, which provides the opportunity to earn additional income;
  • A sufficient number of methods for depositing and withdrawing funds;
  • Access to personal account, including from mobile devices.

Among the features, it is worth highlighting that you can create only one wallet in the selected currency; there is such a limitation. That is, hypothetically it could be 21 different wallets.

It is also worth paying attention to reviews from Russian users of the system in order to draw conclusions about its popularity and ease of use.

Among the disadvantages– a long verification procedure and not always quick withdrawal of funds.

Despite the fact that the system is trustworthy, it is quite clear that it is not yet sufficiently adapted to Russian realities.

Therefore, it is hardly possible to talk about competition with the popular system or.

However, a business account will definitely be useful for those who transfer money in different currencies and supply services or goods online.

is a private company of the same name,, founded in 2004. The company's office is located in Montreal (Canada). The system is distinguished by relatively low commissions that are charged to payment recipients.

This system has several advantages:
- Opening an account is free
- Accounts can be opened for residents of any country
- 3 types of accounts are possible.
If you open a Personal Account, do not pay commissions for sending and receiving funds when making payments with other participants in the system.
- Ability to accept and send payments to users who have not yet opened an account with Alertpay.

Video instruction

Your account number is e-mail, which you will enter during registration. This allows you to accept/send payments to users who do not have an AlertPay account.

So, let's start registering:
1. Go to the website and click on the “Sign Up Now” link in the upper right corner

2. On the page that opens, select a country from the list, put a dot opposite “Personal Starter” (Personal Beginner) and press "Next Step" .

The initial account allows you to send and receive money, but has a limit on monthly ($400 per month) and annual ($2000 per year) money turnover.
To begin with, this will be enough for us. If you exceed these limits, your account automatically becomes “Personal Pro”.
A huge plus of this type account is FULL no commission fees for transfers.

3. After selecting the account type, we are taken to a page for entering your personal data. ALL data must be entered in Latin letters. is not an anonymous electronic payment system, so I recommend entering correct information, since if necessary, it will need to be documented. I advise you to spend more time carefully filling out all fields in order to avoid unnecessary problems in the future.

Fill out all personal data accurately and without errors!
The first and last name cannot be changed after registration!!!
Fill in only Latin letters!

1) Contacting you

2). Name.
3). Surname.

4). Address.

5). City.
6). Region.
7). Postcode.
8). Citizenship.

9). Phone number.

10). Occupation. You can just choose Other

eleven). Date of Birth. If you are under 18 years old, then it is better to open an account in the name of your parents

(otherwise there may be problems).

After entering the data, press the button"Next Step".

4. Now we need to enter the data required to log into your account.

1). Your e-mail and its confirmation.
It will be your identifier in the payment system. Theoretically, anyone will do Mailbox, but I recommend creating a mailbox on a reliable mail server, for example or

Be sure to write down your password and PIN in your notebook first!!!

2). Password and password confirmation. Minimum 6 characters.

3). Second password (PIN) for making monetary transactions and confirmation of PIN. 4 – 8 digits.

4). Two security questions/answers. I advise you to be responsible when choosing a password, PIN and two security questions, since if you forget your password or PIN, then using the answers to Control questions you can restore it.

5). Will your account be used? third parties? The answer to this question changes the procedure for regaining control of an account in the event of unauthorized access. We set at our discretion either “Yes” (they will) or “No” (they will not).

6). Enter the characters shown in the picture.

7). We put a “bird” that we agree with the terms and conditions of use of the service.

A page like this will appear

5. A letter with an activation link was sent to the mailbox you specified during registration. Find this email and click on the link to activate your Alertpay Account.

After activating your account, you are automatically taken directly to your Alertpay account.
Happy earnings!


AlertPay: add VISA card

Log in to your AlertPay account.

WITH right side up
Press Add Credit Card

Enter your credit card details:

1. Card number

2. Card validity period (Expiration date)

3. CVV code usually this code is located on the back of the card, the very last three digits of the number.

4. Click Next

Check the details and completed data.
Read the agreement.

1. Check the box

2. Press the button Finish

Your credit card has been added successfully.



Verification can be completed in several ways - but most often they choose using credit card, attached to your account and using your phone.

Let's consider the simplest and quick option- verification by phone:

Go to your My Account, then click Profile ,
on the left in the section Personal choose Verification.

Choose - Option C

On the next page you need to select the phone number that you specified during registration or enter another number, preferably a cell phone.

And in the line Phone Type choose a word Mobile, in this case you will receive an SMS with a code to your specified cell phone.
But be prepared that there may be a call on the phone and three numbers will be dictated to you by voice in English!
In line Call me choose when to send you the code - immediately or after some time.

After you click on Send Validation Code, a page will open where you will need to enter three numbers that will be sent to you via SMS (or dictated)
and press Send

Your account is all verified!

Everyone, congratulations, you have passed verification!

Click on the banner

Step 3.

01 will be sent to your card and the payment note will indicate the code that you need to enter in your alert account to verify the card. Check the box “By checking this box, I agree to these terms and conditions” and click “Finish”.

That's it, now you can go to Credit Cards and there will be your card and the inscription Validation Code Requested. Payment

AlertPay com - registration in Russian

Click on the banner

Using an exchanger. For exchange you will pay 4%

Step 3. The final stage is the exchange of LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney to AlertPay through the xChanger exchanger. org. This exchanger requires registration to perform exchange operations. At the time of writing this text, you would pay 4% to exchange LibertyReserve for AlertPay. Check the interest rates on the day of exchange on the exchanger’s website

https://www. /?%2bbbHNlL9XE7aMO6fJE2ZkQ%3d%3d My link for registering with AlertPay.

01 can last quite a long time (a week or more). So after the payment arrives in your account, periodically click on the card number in the “My Accounts” section and check if the statement has been updated. The code will look like this:

After receiving

AlertPay com - registration in Russian

Click on the banner

Using an exchanger. For exchange you will pay 4%

Step 3. The final stage is the exchange of LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney to AlertPay through the xChanger exchanger. org. This exchanger requires registration to perform exchange operations. At the time of writing this text, you would pay 4% to exchange LibertyReserve for AlertPay. Check the interest rates on the day of exchange on the exchanger’s website

https://www. /?%2bbbHNlL9XE7aMO6fJE2ZkQ%3d%3d My link for registering with AlertPay.

01 go to the “Credit Cards” section of your AlertPay account and see that the Validation Code Requested inscription has changed, click on this inscription and get to a page with a field for entering the code

That's it, the card is verified and you can receive transfers to it. The transfer from AlertPay to the card also takes about a week.

How to top up your account inAlertPey

Since AlertPay sets limits on plastic cards, and if you do not want to attach the card to your AlertPay account or have difficulties with this, then for payments and purchases you need to top up your AlertPay account directly. You won’t be able to top up your account directly, so you’ll have to use either the services of private exchangers or exchangers electronic money. In any of the replenishment options, be prepared to pay for exchange services in the region of 5-10%.

One of the reliable private money changers is Denis. Due to the increased demand for alethra, he may not have the amount you need. And then you will have to use exchangers.

I offer you the following exchange option.

1 step. To get started, use the LiqPay payment system to deposit money online. This payment system allows you to top up your account without card verification up to $60 per day. Interest for replenishment and internal transfers is not charged. The registration process in this payment system is very simple - just indicate your number cell phone. You can also use the CHAT tab on the right side of the screen to help you work with this system - this is a 24-hour technical support service. support.

Step 2. Next step your money will be exchanged from LiqPay to LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney through one of the following exchangers:

Using the Exchange Me exchanger. For exchange you will pay 3%

Using an exchanger. For exchange you will pay 4%

Step 3. The final stage is the exchange of LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney to AlertPay through the xChanger exchanger. org. This exchanger requires registration to perform exchange operations. At the time of writing this text, you would pay 4% to exchange LibertyReserve for AlertPay. Check the interest rates on the day of exchange on the exchanger’s website

https://www. /?%2bbbHNlL9XE7aMO6fJE2ZkQ%3d%3d My link for registering with AlertPay.