Agree, the situation is familiar - you urgently need to convert a document from the format PDF into format DOC or DOCХ. For what? For example, we needed to correct something in a PDF document. Or the teacher requires you to submit the work in exactly this format. Time does not wait, and everything needs to be done at pace. Directly copying text from pdf to word is far from the best solution. It is applicable if the text in the PDF file is not copy-protected, but often the formulas and formatting “float”. As a result, instead of the beautiful and neat text that we worked so hard on, the output we get is anything but. It’s not just a shame to show this to the teacher, it’s embarrassing to show it to your friends.
How to avoid such a situation and resolve the issue quickly and elegantly? Let's talk!

To begin with, let’s figure out what these formats are and what each one is intended for.

PDF - Portable Document Format. This format was created by specialists from Adobe Systems and is intended for storing text documents, images, and e-books. His main feature This is - when opened on any computer, in fundamentally different operating systems, your document will look exactly the same. Information losses in this format are reduced to zero. This is why PDF is so widely used. PDF document convenient and easy to use, takes up little disk space. On the other hand, the ability to edit such a document is very limited.

DOC,DOCX- a well-known development Microsoft, file format Word programs, which allows you to create and edit text documents. If you need a task, we recommend the article linked to it.

So how do you translate one into the other?

Let's start with translation PDFDOC.

  1. You can use online converters, of which there are a great many on the Internet. A converter is a program for converting from PDF to Word online, that is, in real time. Another thing is that, as practice shows, not each of them copes with the task. Not all existing services can efficiently convert text from PDF to Word. Many free converters are very fond of turning text into a set of “crackers”. So that you do not encounter such problems, here are working converters that we have previously tested and perform PDF-Word conversion completely free of charge:

Just upload your document, and after a couple of minutes you get it, but in a different format.

What if we convert the format back? In other words, how to save Word as pdf? In this case, everything is much simpler. If someone didn’t know, know! Word is great at saving files in PDF format - so when saving a document, just specify required format. Actually, all Microsoft Office programs can save as PDF.

We sincerely hope that this article will be useful to you. It's so nice to learn something new every day. Stay with us!

Online converters are fast and easy to use. Online PDF converter to DOC is a converter that will make the conversion task easier for you and allow you to save the PDF document in the format Microsoft Word(DOC or DOCX). The PDF to WORD converter converts the document into an editable one quickly and with good quality. Instead of installing annoying and complex applications to perform the conversion, you can use online solutions and complete the conversion in minutes.

Now, with the help of our service, you have the opportunity to freely convert PDF documents into DOC or DOCX, and you can also change and edit them at your discretion without any problems.

How to convert PDF to WORD document

Where did the need to convert files from PDF to DOC format come from?

PDF Conversion document to WORD document is important for the following reasons:

  • You need to edit the document and add new blocks of information
  • You may need to correct a document with errors

When you have a PDF document and need to convert it to DOC format, you can use online converters. An important and significant factor regarding online converters is that you are not required to create an account or subscribe to a service to perform the conversions.

A 100% free service for converting PDF documents to DOC or DOCX can be considered useful in the following cases:

PDF to WORD converter is absolutely free

You can find a huge number of Internet converter applications, but many of them may not be free or require a lot of time and effort to complete. simple steps conversion. They must be installed separately on your computer and the instructions for use must be studied. For these and other reasons, online converters come to the rescue. You follow the simple and obvious step by step instructions For PDF conversion documents in WORD. You can also convert from WORD to PDF.

Usage online converter from PDF to WORD is good decision in case you are working under a tight time frame or in case of a small budget. Follow the instructions below to convert from PDF to WORD:

  1. Go to our website and select the option to convert from PDF to WORD
  2. Download PDF document
  3. Convert it
  4. Save to disk

Key Features of Converting PDF to Word DOC

  • Preserving the style and format of the original PDF document in the resulting WORD document
  • Conversion speed and use of resources outside your infrastructure
  • No need to create accounts or providing a postal address
  • PDF to Word converter is supported by most office and mobile platforms
  • Optional conversion indicating the desired document format
  • Professional and high-quality results

Benefits of using our PDF to DOC converter

Regardless of whether you are a professional or a student working on a report, time is a very important and valuable factor. Time is money, for this reason most people want to solve the conversion problem as quickly as possible. Our converter will save your nerves and money

Ease of use

The advantage of our converter is that its use does not require special knowledge or effort. Instead of installing incomprehensible and technically complex programs and familiarizing yourself with their terms and requirements, users at any level will be able to use our PDF in WORD converter and achieve the desired result.

Optimal document size

Your PDF document may contain a lot of graphics and images that bloat the size of your PDF document. You can easily convert the document to WORD format, cut out all unnecessary media and convert back to PDF, resulting in the ideal size for online transfer.

It often happens that you urgently need to convert a PDF file into Word document. Is it worth purchasing an expensive one for a single case? software? Of course no. Thanks to the help of the international online community, users today can convert from PDF to Word completely free of charge. Moreover, the converted file can be edited and converted back to PDF format. FreelanceToday brings to your attention 8 free converters from PDF to Word.

UniPDF is completely free PDF converter with all the necessary functionality. The software is designed to make it extremely easy to use. The converter converts not only text documents, but also images and HTML code. UniPDF supports conversion from PDF and Word in batch mode. The conversion takes only a few seconds. If you need to quickly convert files, but online tools are too slow, then the easiest way is to download UniPDF and install this useful utility on your computer. The converter supports most European languages, including Russian. Works with all Windows operating systems starting from version 2000.

The Nitro service can be called free only conditionally; it is more of a tool for professionals, but a small number of files can be converted without a subscription. Features of this converter: creation of PDF files that are fully compatible with Adobe Acrobat, ease of use, convert PDF to Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and other popular formats. The converter allows you to change text formatting, change fonts, customize layouts, etc. Optical character recognition turns scanned documents into high-quality PDF files.

PDFMate PDF program Converter Free converts not only from PDF to Word. If you need to read e-book in PDF format on a device that supports EPUB, then nothing could be easier. All you need to do is download this free software and install it on your computer. Using the converter you can also convert PDF to JPG images and JPEG, convert PDF files into editable HTML documents without losing critical data, text content and hyperlinks. The software also supports conversion from PDF to SWF files. I have an opportunity batch conversion– the user can quickly convert multiple PDF files into other formats at one time. is a free online service powered by Nitro. From PDF you can convert to Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Reverse conversion is also supported. The service is very simple, you just need to select the desired pair of formats and indicate your address Email and click the Convert Now button. If you wish, you can subscribe to news, tips and offers from the Nitro service. A very useful tool when you need to convert a PDF file quickly and without much hassle. Perhaps the result will not be a very high-quality file for Word, but the conversion will be completely free. If you need high quality and advanced functionality, then on the same page you can use paid tools from the Nitro service.

Free and secure online service provides fast and high-quality conversion of PDF files to Word format. This tool is characterized by high productivity and the ability to reverse convert the most common text and graphic formats. The service will be very useful for those who often have to make format conversions - it successfully solves the problem of correctly displaying PDF documents on mobile devices. The tool is constantly updated and improved, which eliminates compatibility problems.

Looking for how to convert pdf to word? Then you've come to the right place!

Everyone has encountered the problem of conversion. What it is? Resaving the original file in a different format. There are many examples:

  1. PSD – PNG;
  2. RAW-JPG;
  3. PDF - DOC.

Let's talk about the latter.

Any student is familiar with the situation when a file or abstract searched for on the Internet is saved in . Working with him is a pleasure.

It’s much more comfortable to edit and edit in .

By the way, we have an excellent guide on working with PDF program Candy, which can make it much easier for you to process files of this format: PDF Candy is the best online service for working with PDF

Moreover, simply copying data from one document and pasting it into another will not work. You will have to use converter programs or Internet services.

Google Drive

The familiar Google Drive is not only cloud storage, but also great tool to convert PDF to Word for free. It's quite easy to master.

Click right click by “object”, and select “open with”, then click on “converter to...”.

We have a menu in English. Don't be alarmed, everything is clear here. This online converter almost always gets the job done. There are, of course, mistakes, but they are extremely rare.

What do we need?

  1. select a file downloaded to disk;
  2. (alternative) open the document on a PC;
  3. select the required file;
  4. select destination extension (doc/docx);
  5. selecting the path to save the document
  6. conversion button.

Note! If everything went well, new file will appear in the folder. This method works with small amounts of data. If it exceeds 10–12 MB, errors may occur.

Free PDF to Word Converter

This converter is also not without its advantages. The small program has scant but necessary functionality that is needed for conversion.

Open the application, and then follow the steps indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Selecting a PDF document on a PC
  2. Select the folder in which the finished DOC file is saved
  3. We start the conversion and wait.

Upon reaching 100% progress, you can safely open the file in, performing any manipulations.

The application, by the way, is paid, but for one-time use it should be fine.

ABBYY PDF Transformer

The most real professional editor PDF files. Abbyy is famous not only for its software for document scanning and subsequent processing.

This company used its know-how and experience to make a truly powerful converter.

What can this product do? At a minimum, convert the PDF into Word. Moreover, you can initially view the source file, making your own adjustments and correcting typos.

You can also merge multiple PDF documents into one, or combine multiple files with different extensions into one huge PDF.

The process of working with the program is very easy. First, open the required source.

Then click on the “convert to...” item and find Word.

We follow the instructions of the application and wait for the process to complete. Nothing complicated.

Be sure to read the contents of the PDF file first to correct any errors, if any.


This online resource is good for almost everyone. Firstly, on the site you can convert not only PDF to Word online with text recognition.

The following conversion operations are also available:

  1. DOC-PDF;
  2. PDF-RTF;
  3. PDF-TXT;
  4. DJVU-PDF and more.

The procedure itself comes down to a banal set of actions. To begin with, in the site header we select what and where we want to convert.

Then open the required source file, which is on your computer.

Click on start and wait for the operation to complete.

We save the finished file on the PC and use it.

Important! Since the service is located on the Internet, large documents will take a noticeably long time to convert. In this case, periodic errors and crashes are possible, so be patient.


Another interesting resource, but foreign. The essence of his work is the same.

You are required to select at the top what and where you are going to convert, and then follow the instructions on the screenshot.

  1. select PDF-DOC;
  2. initial file;
  3. conversion button.

Once the process is complete, which takes 3–5 minutes (in some cases up to 10), a “Download” button will appear to the right of the document. Click on it and save the finished result.

The resource can be called shareware. If you are not an authorized user, then you can use the services at intervals of 30 minutes.

On the other hand, if you need to make a large amount of changes, it would be nice to have paid account, which removes all time restrictions and prohibitions.

In isolated cases this will not be necessary.

The most popular resources that will quickly and “painlessly” carry out the work are described above, providing you with a ready-made file for further work.

Some will require registration, notably Google.

On the other hand, many people have an email account on this resource, which, by and large, is access to many services of the search giant.

In addition to conversion, Disk is capable of providing a number of other services, including cloud storage and more.

ABBYY products are also not free.

Although, if you professionally use this package for work, and you know that you will need the program many times for other manipulations, you can pay for licensed software.

In extreme cases, you can find “broken” versions of the product on torrent trackers on the Internet. They are activated and do not require license keys.

At the same time, the functionality does not suffer either.

The sites will be useful only with a stable Internet connection. Otherwise, expect connection drops and error reports.

Best Tool to Convert PDF to Word

It's simple. Download the PDF document from hard drive/ from cloud storage or drag and drop into the upload field.

After downloading the PDF file, select the Microsoft Word format from the drop-down menu. There are two options available: DOC and DOCX.

Online PDF to Word Converter Tool

You don't need to download an app or install a program. PDF2Go works online in any browser..

Forget about malware and viruses, just download the resulting Word document.

Why create Word from a PDF file?

Despite the versatility of the format, PDF documents are difficult to edit. To extract or edit text, you must convert the PDF to editable Word.

Optical character recognition (OCR) allows you to edit even scanned books. Don't waste time copying text manually, we'll take care of everything!

Safely convert PDF to Word!

If you convert PDF to Microsoft document Word on PDF2Go, your file is safe.

SSL encryption, regular server cleaning, security for uploading and downloading files. All rights to the documents remain with you.

For getting additional information read the Privacy Policy.

Mobile PDF Converter

Convert PDF files on your computer, smartphone or tablet!

PDF2Go online service allows you to convert PDF files to Word. On the train or bus, on vacation, at work or at home - just connect to the network!