One of the areas of development of IT technologies is artificial intelligence (AI). Analysts report that in 2011, 67 deals were concluded with companies leading developments in the field artificial intelligence , then over the past year their number increased to 400. It is too early to talk about statistics for 2016, but a record 140 transactions in the first quarter of this year alone suggest a rise in the demand for this sector. This is justified, because technology can find application in many areas of life.

Diagram – Dynamics of the number of deals with developers artificial intelligence, units.

In agriculture, artificial intelligence is used in processing and harvesting equipment. Work in this area is being carried out by both foreign and Russian engineers.

For example, Autonomous Tractor Cooperation introduced the unmanned-control Spirit tractor back in 2012. Its equipment contains the AutoDrive system, which is a symbiosis of radio navigation and laser gyroscope. This system ensures independent movement of the tractor along the route that it previously traveled with the driver.

This year, the Russian manufacturer Cognitive Technologies organized testing of an unmanned tractor equipped with computer vision. This solution allows you to prevent damage to agricultural machinery, because detects foreign objects in the treated areas in advance. Video cameras and navigation sensors provided by his device collect information about the location of dangerous objects in real time.

The independent tractor was developed by CNH Industrial. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it accumulates information using a lidar system based on the phenomenon of reflection and scattering of light.

Developers such as Blue River Technology and PlantVillage have taken the vector to develop weed control technologies. Intelligent machines recognize and destroy unwanted plants.

Autonomous transportation solutions are expected to significantly increase agricultural productivity. Perhaps in the future this sector will be able to function completely without human intervention. Scientists believe that artificial intelligence will find its niche in so-called vertical farms, i.e. completely greenhouse agriculture. The devices will be able to monitor indicators important for the crop, such as humidity, light and temperature, quickly responding to their fluctuations.

Artificial intelligence in gpublic sector

Artificial intelligence has been used in the West for several years in law enforcement agencies and fire services.

The developers of the Series Finder program have identified nine theft scenarios. The algorithms underlying the technology analyze many factors, including the ease of breaking into a house, time of day, day of the week, etc., and reproduce the potential behavior of the criminal. This contributes not only to the rapid detection of crimes ready-made template, but also allows you to predict and prevent danger.

Experts from the University of Rochester claim that with the help of intelligent systems, drug dealers can be identified based on user behavior on Instagram.

Meanwhile, NASA is designing an “iron” assistant for firefighters, the purpose of which is to organize coordinated interaction between the fire team, as well as promptly inform each specialist at the fire site about the status of the situation.

Researchers believe that trust in smart technologies that provide security will only grow in the near future, including in private environments. The advantage of AI is that it can capture what humans miss, is able to accumulate and analyze large amounts of data, generate patterned situations and remain impartial and indifferent in any situation. However, scientists clarify that it will not be possible to completely exclude a person from government structures that organize the safety of the population. There are processes and decisions that require psychological analysis, subject only to “living” specialists. At the same time, smart machines can take on dangerous functions. For example, to examine a burning building, provide protection from bullets, etc.

Technology is man's best friend. AND artificial intelligence at home and in everyday life

For many years now, dozens of engineers have been working on a smart home project. They want to entrust artificial intelligence with the responsibility of setting the temperature in the room, automatic adjustment lighting, opening/closing entrance gates, maintaining cleanliness and order and many others. The creators aim to simplify the process of control and “communication” with a highly intelligent home as much as possible, so that the algorithms are not launched from a remote control or other remote control device, but recognize voice and gestures.

In parallel with the development of a “smart” home, scientists are testing intelligent assistants that are designed to create a perfect life for a person. Various models of social robots can determine the temperature that is comfortable for a particular person. environment and regulate it indoors, maintain a conversation, remember faces and follow directions.

It is expected that by 2030, home robots will become the norm. They will not be able to completely free a person from everyday duties, but they are able to provide the most favorable living conditions, automate a number of basic processes, predict and prevent housing and utility accidents, be responsible for the safety of property, etc. Some solutions may be useful for people with disabilities.

Artificial Intelligence in the Education Sector

Modern technologies are actively modernizing the education system. For example, in Russia, a number of metropolitan schools are testing electronic journals that provide parents with information about their child’s progress and attendance online, and simplify “paper” work for teachers. This year, on Teacher’s Day, the robot conducted a computer science lesson in tandem with a teacher in one of the Kazan lyceums, which is a unique event for our country.

The world is already familiar with intelligent educational systems that determine the student’s level of knowledge, evaluate the correctness of answers and develop a personalized learning program. As an example, we can name such solutions as AutoTutor, Knewton, SHERLOCK. The latter is used by the US Air Force for pilot training. A number of online learning platforms have been developed quite well. In particular, the services Coursera and Duolingo are familiar, including in Russia.

In the field of education, artificial intelligence is the future. It is attractive because it is able to create a unique development plan for each student, which takes into account the student’s abilities and interests, and, therefore, realizes his potential as effectively as possible. Also artificial intelligence impartial when assessing knowledge or checking assignments. Robots can not only teach autonomously from a teacher, but also help him.

Scientists at the Knowledge Lab at University College London predict that in the future, every person will have their own learning mentor. Machine learning will identify human abilities and make recommendations for training, always being “at hand” through an application on a mobile device.

Artificial intelligence in ffinancial sector

In the banking system and financial sector, artificial intelligence can become both an assistant and a threat. For example, using automatic systems It's easier to track financial fraud and suspicious transactions. MasterCard is testing a similar solution with the support of National Savings Bank.

Banks also intend to use robotic employees in working with clients. AND artificial intelligence can process customer requests, inform about services and opportunities, provide technical support. The Swedish bank Swedbank tested an artificial assistant back in 2014. According to Swedbank representatives, a year after its launch, the robot resolved 80% of all calls received by the bank.

Financial institutions have found use artificial intelligence and in the personnel management system. Intelligent technologies control the decisions of employees, promptly responding to unlawful actions on their part, thereby preventing violations of legislative norms due to the fault of the bank.

In the summer of 2016, information appeared that financial organizations Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley Citigroup and UBS Group were investing in developments artificial intelligence for hiring staff. Among the possibilities of such a solution are the selection of acceptable resumes, assessment of the professional qualities of applicants and the organization of video interviews. Company representatives hope that smart technologies will not only automate the hiring process, but also reduce staff turnover.

Application developers Pefin and have entrusted personal finances to online platforms. Services, taking into account economic indicators such as inflation and taxes, build an individual financial system, calculating how much a person can spend or invest.

This year, the analytical services of the law firm Baker & McKenzie published the results of their study, according to which in the next three years artificial intelligence will begin to be widely used in finance. Half of the 424 bank executives surveyed announced plans to introduce intelligent systems into the work of the institution, of which 39% - to prevent illegal money transfers, and 26% - to monitor the legality of the bank’s actions.

Artificial intelligence in the transport system

The main direction of development of artificial intelligence in transport infrastructure is the creation of unmanned vehicles. Google, Tesla, General Motors and others are actively testing such systems. The automobile concerns Ford and BMW are also announcing plans to produce independent cars by 2021.

On this moment self-driving cars include algorithms that can analyze the environment, recognize the presence of a person on the road and transfer control to the driver in emergency situations.

Also artificial intelligence used in “smart” public transport stops, which track the movement of transport along the route and calculate the approximate time of its arrival.

Four years ago, engineers at Carnegie University launched “smart” traffic lights. They assess the situation on the road and automatically turn on the green light when there is a congestion of cars. According to the developers, self-controlled intersections have shown their effectiveness: drivers save 21% of their travel time, thanks to a 40% reduction in the waiting interval for a permit signal.

Experts believe that the capabilities of artificial intelligence will be widely used in traffic management. By 2020, there will be about 10 million unmanned vehicles on the roads, including flying ones. Smart transport will be popular not only in the private sphere. For example, a self-driving bus was launched in France. Scientists believe that such devices will protect road traffic, help avoid many accidents and will monitor the situation on the road online.

Artificial intelligence in pindustry

Many European factories are already using robotic solutions to automate production processes. This saves employees from hard and dangerous production work. AND artificial intelligence helps to avoid production errors, thereby improving the quality of the product and reducing time and material costs for its production, and also allows for continuous production.

Book example of commercial enterprises that have implemented artificial intelligence in the production process, is the port of Hamburg and Harley-Davidson. The first one succeeded with the help latest technologies increase capacity by more than 2.5 times. The second is to reduce the motorcycle assembly time from 21 days to 6 hours.

In 2014, Cisco, AT&T, IBM and Intel merged to form the Industrial Internet Consortium, IIC, which aims to promote IIoT technologies and projects.There are no examples of domestic factories using intelligent systems in the work environment. The National Industrial Internet Consortium, formed in August of this year, is called upon to help change the situation.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

IBM introduced the Watson solution. It is a supercomputer that can analyze medical data and even images to make a diagnosis. Improving the technology, IBM is training Watson to detect subtle signs of rare diseases in children. The company is collaborating with nearly two dozen medical centers, which should accelerate the widespread implementation of the technology in healthcare institutions.

By using artificial intelligence plan to diagnose cancer in the early stages. The developers of report that the cure for this disease will not be in the usual form of medication. Their goal is to teach AI to detect malignant tumors from X-rays extremely early, which is not to treat, but to prevent the development of the disease.

Partners Bay Labs and Arterys plan to diagnose heart diseases in a similar way. The technology is based on ultrasound analysis, so “smart” equipment is able to see what is inaccessible to the doctor.

Scientists say that in the future, smartphones will scan human health. Based on an analysis of activity, sleep, and sociability, even mental disorders, such as depression, can be diagnosed. Also artificial intelligence assign a role to the research of new drugs. Algorithms will detect virus vulnerabilities and select effective combinations of molecular structures to eliminate them.

To the defeated creator from the superior intellect

Many predictions by scientists about the “smart” world, digitalized life, robots in the neighborhood and the Internet of Things civilization seem fantastic today. But regardless of faith or doubt in limitless possibilities artificial intelligence, technology is dynamically changing everything around us. Developers, with discovery after discovery, small inventions and revolutionary ideas, are leading the planet into a highly intelligent machine reality.

It is difficult to name the exact dates when the fruits of the imagination of science fiction writers will take on physical embodiment. It is not only technology that needs to progress, but also people. Society must be ready to accept the “iron” world and the intelligent nation of devices. The adaptation period takes time. For people to start trusting robotic police officers, doctors and drivers, their artificial intelligence must be equal to human intelligence. At the same time, can an imperfect person create a perfect system? Will he be able to trace the line where artificial intelligence– a friend, not a danger? And will he be able to avoid technical dependence?

At the same time, the question arises about the readiness of the infrastructure for the “artificial” future. Is there enough energy capacity? Obviously for work artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and cloud systems needed uninterrupted sources power and broadband global mobile network.

Learn more about innovative solutions in the field mobile communications existing and new generations, as well as the services of the present and future can be found in the book "

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a part of our lives. It helps you relax, shop, study and work. The machines have also found extensive use in marketing.

In this article you will see examples of how artificial intelligence works in marketing.

Website construction

The Grid service presents the robot assistant Molly. She helps develop websites on different platforms for a short time.

What's the point? Molly creates a website without developers or engineers. The company asks for no more than $100 per year for one website. Agree, this is nothing compared to the annual salary of the development team.

But there’s still nowhere without people: they select images, text, CTAs. Molly takes this data and builds a website.

Watch how this happens in a short video:

Content Creation

Copywriters can rest assured that AI will not penetrate too deeply into their field. But machines can do some things in the area of ​​content. Many large publishers and media use tools like Wordsmith:

Machines create clickable content - news, descriptions of hotels, clothing and products, and help with reports. They use templates, fill out forms with the right words and keywords, and create other unique content that is practically indistinguishable from human content.

Of course, AI will not receive a Pulitzer Prize for such texts, but the sentences and phrases are quite readable.

News about a baseball game for The Associated Press was written by AI:

Not the most exciting story, but the message is clear: the State College team beat the Brooklyn Cyclones with a score of 9:8.

Machine-written text can be edited in the Hemingway app:

This is also artificial intelligence. A simple application that squeezes the water out of text.

The domestic analogue is the Glavred service.

It's good when you don't have to get up from the couch to run new series or a movie. Many media companies are using AI. When one movie ends, the machine automatically starts another one so as not to bother people.

AI analyzes user behavior and suggests content. This can, for example, IBM Watson:

The sports social network UNDER ARMOR RECORD uses Watson to customize messages to app users, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has created an art bot based on AI Watson. The bot communicates with museum visitors and art lovers. It analyzes the message and shows pictures:

“- The sun has arrived. - Robert Bechtle, Watsonville Olympia, 1977."

He knows the users of Yandex quite well, which is closely involved in neural networks. This is how Yandex.Music is looking for ways to get to know us better:

Search engines

What do users want? Knows artificial intelligence. Content optimization, which marketers do, depends on this knowledge. Machines also influence search and search engines.

For example, the door to the future was opened voice search and Google's search results ranking system RankBrain. She interprets the data and makes suggestions about what you might be interested in. The AI ​​independently tries to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Machines - Amazon Echo, Google Home, Siri and Microsoft's Cortana - make life and discovery easier. Just press a button or say a word - and they will find necessary information. Instead of “restaurants in Moscow” it is enough to say “where can I eat?” and AI will show the way.

Search parameters change, content changes. Long queries disappear, replaced by short conversational phrases. The principle of content creation is changing. If there were before keywords, today the emphasis is on topic clusters. One topic is taken and content from several articles is created around it.

Marketing Automation

Brands use AI to customize mailings to customers. Machines take into account customer preferences and behavior to make more relevant offers.

Boomtrain analyzes the history of customer interaction with content and creates mailings:

Online lingerie store Adore me works with Optimove:

The tool uses AI to segment your customer list for subsequent engagement and conversion. The machine sends different offers to different groups and interacts with users in the application. The brand is in the black: revenue and the number of active customers have increased.

Artificial intelligence frees up a lot of time, which can be spent on what is really important and necessary.

Social network

Games with images

Photo filters - you can play with them for hours. And these are also neural networks. Machines have learned to recognize human faces so that social network users don’t get bored and have fun with photo filters.

With the help of AI, brands and celebrities are getting closer to potential buyers.

Lecture1 5 . Artificial Intelligence Technologies


    The concept of artificial intelligence.

    Areas of application of AI.

    The concept of expertsystems.

    Artificial intelligence concept

« Intelligence– the totality of all cognitive functions of an individual: from sensations and perception to thinking and imagination; in a narrower sense - thinking. I. is the main form of human knowledge of reality. There are three varieties in understanding the function of intelligence: 1) ability to learn; 2) operating with symbols; 3) the ability to actively master the patterns of the reality around us" (Rapatsevich E.S. Dictionary-reference book on scientific and technical creativity. - Mn.: LLC "Etonim", 1995. - 384 pp. - P. 51-52.). ( DC 2)

Any intellectual activity is based on knowledge. This knowledge includes the characteristics of the current situation, assessments of the possibility of performing certain actions, the laws and patterns of the world in which the activity takes place, and much more. In the programs that began to be created when computers appeared, the necessary knowledge was stored in the memory of the programmers who wrote the programs. Its computer mechanically executed the sequence of program commands stored in its memory. The computer did not require any knowledge for this.

« Artificial intelligence– 1) a symbol for cybernetic systems and their logical and mathematical support, designed to solve certain problems that usually require the use of human intellectual abilities; 2) the totality of the functional capabilities of an electronic computer (computer) to solve problems that previously required mandatory human participation” (Ibid., p. 54).

The fundamental difference between artificial intelligence systems is that for such systems the programmer does not prepare specific programs for execution. A person only gives the machine the required task, and the system must build the program itself to carry out this task. This requires knowledge of both subject area, to which the task relates, and about how programs are built. All this knowledge is stored in intelligent systems in a special block called a knowledge base.

The knowledge stored in the knowledge base is recorded in a special formalized form. The knowledge base can implement procedures for generalizing the correction of stored knowledge, as well as procedures that create new knowledge based on what is already there.

Artificial intelligence is one of the newest areas of science, which appeared in the mid-60s. XX century based on computer technology, mathematical logic, programming, psychology, linguistics, neurophysiology and other branches of knowledge. Artificial intelligence is an example of interdisciplinary research that combines the professional interests of specialists in different fields. The very name of the new science arose in the late 60s. and in 1969 the first World Conference on Artificial Intelligence was held in Washington (USA).

When in the late 40s - early 50s. When computers appeared, it became clear that engineers and mathematicians had created not just a fast-running device for computing, but something more significant. It turned out that with the help of EIM you can solve various puzzles, logical problems, play chess, create game programs. Computers began to take part in creative processes: composing musical melodies, poems and even fairy tales. Programs have appeared for translation from one language to another, for pattern recognition, and proof of theorems. This indicated that with the help of computers and corresponding programs it is possible to automate such types of human activity that are called intellectual and are considered accessible only to humans. Despite the wide variety of non-computational programs created by the early 60s, programming in the field of intellectual activity was in a much worse position than solving computational problems. The reason is obvious. Programming for computational problems was based on the corresponding theory - computational mathematics. Based on this theory, many problem solving methods have been developed. These methods became the basis for the corresponding programs. There was nothing like this for non-computational problems. Any program here was unique, like a work of art. The experience of creating such programs has not been generalized in any way, the ability to create them has not been formalized.

When a programmer created a program for playing chess, he used his own knowledge of the game process. He put them into the program, and the computer only technically executed this program. We can say that the computer did not “distinguish” between computational programs and non-computational ones. He found the roots of a quadratic equation or wrote poetry in the same way. The computer's memory had no knowledge of what it was actually doing.

One could talk about the intelligence of a computer if it myself, based on knowledge of how the game of chess proceeds and how people play this game, managed to compose a chess program or synthesized a program for writing simple waltzes and marches.

Not the procedures themselves by which this or that intellectual activity is performed, but understanding how to create them, how to learn a new type of intellectual activity, - this is where what can be called intelligence is hidden. Special procedures for teaching new types of intellectual activity distinguish a person from a computer. Consequently, in the creation of artificial intelligence, the main task is the implementation by machine means of those procedures that are used in human intellectual activity. What are these procedures?

It is possible to formulate the main goals and objectives of artificial intelligence. Object of study artificial intelligence are procedures used when a person solves problems traditionally called intellectual or creative. But if the psychology of thinking studies these procedures in relation to humans, then artificial intelligence creates software (and now software and hardware) models of such procedures.

Target research in the field of artificial intelligence - the creation of an arsenal of procedures sufficient for computers (or other technical systems, for example, robots) could find their solutions based on problem statements. In other words, they have become autonomous programmers, capable of performing the work of professional programmers - applied engineers (who create programs to solve problems in a specific subject area). Of course, the formulated goal does not exhaust all the tasks that artificial intelligence sets for itself. This is the immediate goal. Subsequent goals are associated with an attempt to penetrate into areas of human thinking that lie outside the sphere of rational and verbally expressible thinking. For in the search for solutions to many problems, especially those that are very different from previously solved ones, a large role is played by the sphere of thinking that is called subconscious, unconscious, or intuitive.

The main methods used in artificial intelligence are various kinds of software models and tools, computer experiments and theoretical models. However, modern computers no longer satisfy artificial intelligence specialists. They have nothing to do with how the human brain works, so there is an intense search for new technical structures that can better solve problems associated with intellectual processes. This includes research on neural-like artificial networks, attempts to build molecular machines, work in the field of holographic systems, and much more.

There are several main problems studied in artificial intelligence.

    Knowledge representation – development of methods and techniques for formalizing and subsequent entering into memory an intellectual system of knowledge from various problem areas, generalization and classification of accumulated knowledge when solving problems.

    Reasoning modeling is the study and formalization of various schemes of human reasoning used in the process of solving various problems, the creation of effective programs for implementing these schemes in computers.

    Dialogue communication procedures in natural language, ensuring contact between an intelligent system and a human specialist in the process of solving problems.

    Planning expedient activities - developing methods for constructing programs for complex activities based on knowledge about problem area, which are stored in the intelligent system.

    Training intelligent systems in the process of their activity, creating a set of tools for accumulating and generalizing the skills accumulated in such systems.

In addition to these problems, many others are being studied, constituting the groundwork on which specialists will rely in the next round of development of the theory of artificial intelligence.

Intelligent systems are already being introduced into the practice of human activity. These are the most well-known expert systems, which transfer the experience of more trained specialists to less trained ones, and intelligent information systems (for example, machine translation systems), and intelligent robots, and other systems that have every right to be called intelligent. Without such systems, modern scientific and technological progress is no longer possible.

Currently, AI is a powerful branch of computer science, which has both fundamental, purely scientific foundations, and highly developed technical and applied aspects related to the creation and operation of workable models of intelligent systems. The emergence of 5th generation computers depends on the results of this work.

Any task for which the solution algorithm is not known can be classified as AI (chess playing, medical diagnostics, text summary, translation into a foreign language). Characteristic features of AI tasks are the use of information in symbolic form and the presence of a choice from many options under conditions of uncertainty.

The most promising direction in the development of computer learning systems is artificial intelligence technology. Systems that use AI techniques are called intelligent teaching systems (ITS). IOS implements adaptive and two-way interaction aimed at the effective transfer of knowledge. The most promising way to develop IOS is, apparently, the path of creating self-learning systems that acquire knowledge in dialogue with a person.

2. Areas of application of AI

Systems with AI are understood as devices or programs that have such characteristics inherent in human intellectual behavior as understanding and using language, causality of behavior, the ability to solve problems, the ability to respond flexibly to a situation, take advantage of favorable situations, find solutions in ambiguous or contradictory situations, recognize the relative importance of different elements of situations, find similarities between them despite their differences.

Software systems that implement algorithms for which there is no formal solution model are called heuristic and belong to AI. AI problems are those in which it is not the solution process that is formalized, but the process of finding a solution.

Artificial intelligence systems are most widely used to solve the following problems:

    Pattern recognition is a technical system that perceives visual and audio information (encodes and stores it in memory), problems of understanding and logical reasoning in the process of processing visual and speech information.

    Reasoning modeling - the study of human reasoning in artificial intelligence is just beginning, but without creating formal models for such reasoning, it is very difficult to produce in intelligent systems all the features of the reasoning of specialists solving the problems that we want to make available to artificial systems. In the expert systems created today, not only reliable logical conclusions are implemented, but also plausible reasoning and a number of other non-monotonic reasoning. The first programs for reasoning by analogy and association appeared.

    Symbolic computing systems

    Systems with fuzzy logic - fuzzy inference is used very widely, because it reflects the sum of human knowledge about many phenomena of the real world. When planning behavior in robots and other artificial intelligence systems operating in incompletely described environments, when making decisions in the absence of comprehensive information, in expert systems with partial knowledge of the subject area, and in many other situations, fuzzy inference cannot be avoided

    Cognitive psychology is one of the areas of modern psychological science associated with the search for internal causes of one or another behavior of a living system. As a rule, the object of study is a person’s knowledge about himself and the world around him, as well as the cognitive processes that ensure the acquisition, preservation and transformation of this knowledge.

    Natural language understanding – analysis and generation of texts and their internal representation.

    Expert systems are systems that use the knowledge of specialists in specific types of activities.

    Computational linguistics was born at the intersection of computing and linguistics. The new science changed its name several times; At first it was called mathematical linguistics, then structural linguistics, and computational linguistics, then computer linguistics.

    It became possible to automate many labor-intensive processes, maintaining a variety of vocabulary and lexical cards. Machine translation is now a reality.

    Machine Intelligence- a set of computer hardware and software, with the help of which communication between a person and a machine (interface) is ensured, which in its level approaches the communication between specialists solving a joint problem.

    Behavior planning– one of the areas of research in artificial intelligence. The main task of this direction is to search for procedures that could automatically offer the shortest path to achieving the goal, based on a given situation. Problems of this type turned out to be most relevant for robots operating autonomously. When solving a task assigned to it, the robot must draw up a plan for solving it and try to carry it out. If, in the process of implementing this plan, the robot becomes convinced that there are insurmountable obstacles, then it must build another plan in which these obstacles do not exist.

    Intelligent robots.

    Games are games characterized by a finite number of situations and clearly defined rules, in which the level of a person of average ability is exceeded; but the level of the best specialists has not been reached.

    Problem solving is the formulation, analysis and presentation of specific life situations, the solution of which requires ingenuity and the ability to generalize. They are trying to use computer technology to implement intellectual processes of finding solutions when the final result is unpredictable and is the fruit of logical conclusions and conclusions that one comes to independently.

The newest Russian fighter is equipped with artificial intelligence systems. Much more radical changes have been made to the aircraft's on-board electronic systems. As a result of the introduction of a multi-channel digital fly-by-wire aircraft control system, including artificial intelligence systems, the Su-37, compared to the Su-35, will receive additional unprecedented capabilities: The ability to launch preemptive strikes against any air enemy (including stealth aircraft); Multi-channel and algorithmic security of all information and targeting systems; Attacking ground targets without entering the enemy’s air defense zone; Low-altitude flight with overflight and avoidance of ground obstacles, including in automatic mode; Automated group actions against air and ground targets; Countering enemy radio-electronic and optical-electronic weapons; Automation of all stages of flight and combat use

Panasonic announces the start of shipments of the new pt AE500E projector with artificial intelligence. Built-in artificial intelligence that automatically controls lamp brightness depending on the input video signal, providing a contrast level of 1300:1.

The development of information technology has been exciting the human mind for a good half century. Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives. Working in a modern office is unthinkable without the Internet, Email, and for many, a well-deserved rest begins only when the game console is turned on. Third-generation mobile phones now not only transmit voice, but also easily replace almost any office equipment. There were even cars with on-board computers, which can create a travel route and deliver the passenger to the destination.

The first processor, released by Intel on November 11, 1971, contained 2,300 transistors on a circuit the size of a fingernail. The microchip performed 60 thousand operations per second - nothing by modern standards, but then it was a serious breakthrough. Since then, computing technology has come a long way. For example, it is estimated that over the 30 years of the existence of microprocessors, the minimum size of processor elements has decreased by 17 times, while the number of transistors has increased by 18 thousand times, and the clock frequency has increased by 14 thousand times. Current processor technology used by Intel allows the production of transistors the size of a molecule, and in the future - in several atomic layers.

Industry information technologies- one of the most dynamically developing areas of life. In accordance with Moore's law, in 2020, computers will reach the power of the human brain, because... will be able to perform 20 quadrillion (i.e. 20,000,000 billion) operations per second, and by 2060, as some futurologists believe, the computer will be equal in mind power to all of humanity. However, back in 1994, processor-based PCs Intel Pentium with a ridiculous, in modern times, frequency of 90 MHz, he beat several of the strongest grandmasters in the world, including the current champion of the planet, Garry Kasparov, in a series of chess tournaments.

Already today there are real possibilities for using intelligent technologies in almost any car. For example, Johnson Controls' BlueConnect headset, an integrated hands-free vehicle module based on the Intel PXA250 and Intel PXA210 processors, allows the driver to perform a wide variety of voice-activated actions using a cell phone and Bluetooth technology.

It is obvious that every year more and more powerful microprocessors will be used in an increasing number of different household devices. Recently, Intel specialists have developed transistors whose operating speed exceeds the speed of the Pentium 4 by almost 1000%. Thus, the corporation's scientists say, it has been proven that there are no fundamental obstacles to the continued development of microprocessors in accordance with Moore's law until the end of the current decade.

Such transistors, measuring only 20 nanometers, will allow Intel by 2007, create processors with a billion transistors operating at frequencies up to 20 GHz with a supply voltage of about 1 volt. And the company's management is already talking about upcoming processors with clock frequencies of up to 30 GHz. Intel has already created the prerequisites for the production of such microprocessors, company representatives say.

Supporters of artificial intelligence sincerely believe that the purpose of human existence is to create a computer superintelligence

Artificial intelligence, in the truest sense of the term, implies a surrogate, but competitive with respect to the human type of mind, “living,” for example, on a computer basis. So far it has been possible to create only some similarities, “monkey imitators” of human intelligent activity. Yes, Mars rovers, independently avoiding trivial obstacles, autonomously plow open the lifelessness of the deserts of the Red Planet, but to set the direction of research, a human team from Earth is still needed. Yes, semiconductor units, stuffed with hundreds of millions of transistors, have learned, at the very least, to write down text from dictation, but the most basic clause, understandable to a living listener, immediately confuses them. Yes, the computer has been taught to automatically translate words from one language to another, but the texts received from such an “artificial translator” without editing by a living language expert are still not of very high quality.

Will artificial intelligence (AI) prevail over humanity? Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, denies such an assumption. To make sure of this, the famous innovator invested 10 million US dollars in 37 different scientific projects.

Despite the categorical statements of Elon Musk and his like-minded people, including Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking, most scientists predict people’s acceptance of AI. One has only to look at MindMeld (natural language processing through voice and chat assistants) or VIV (development of “smart” assistants). It is believed that the next 10-15 years will be a turning point for the world's population. Moreover, the implementation will occur not only at the level of information technology, but also in public opinion, laws and everyday habits.

This is due to two factors.

First, an AI robot can automate processes that require human intervention. Secondly, it is able to process and analyze a huge amount of information. The advantage of a computer is that its performance is not related to the human factor, be it personal problems or bad mood.

Thus, artificial intelligence has wide application: it is found everywhere in medicine, industry, education, the agricultural industry, traffic and everyday life.


This area values ​​AI's memory and ability to generate and collate vast amounts of information.
For several years now, everyone has heard about DeepMind Health (developed by Google) - smart assistants that not only give advice to doctors, but also find out genetic predisposition to pathologies. Thus, IBM Watson is already identifying and developing a treatment plan for 13 types of malignant neoplasms: from cervical cancer to colon cancer.

Artificial intelligence comes to the aid even of patients. Telemedicine applications that collect data from fitness bracelets and other sensors, as well as “questionnaires” that determine the exact symptoms and diseases of patients, are becoming increasingly popular. Thus, AI is able to recognize tuberculosis and dysfunction of internal organs, incl. brain.

Some of the applications parse human speech and respond verbally, while others give preference to written communication. Applications receive necessary information, and then give recommendations on what measures to take next, or send the data to the therapist. The most popular intelligent assistants are Your.MD and Ada, which can be downloaded from App Store or Google Play.

Particular importance is given to systems capable of developing new drugs. According to Pfizer executive Judy Sewards, it takes an average of 12 years to develop and bring a new drug to market. AI will make it possible to create the molecular structure and simulate a drug, which will increase its quality and reduce the time to release new drugs. Pioneers in the field of creating supercomputers that solve this problem are Atomwise and Berg Health.


Large industrial companies from countries such as Japan, China, the USA, Germany and Switzerland are investing in new technologies. Today there is a trend towards a reduction in jobs related to intellectual work and an increase in the number of computers.

The following jobs will be affected in the coming decades:

  1. Collecting parts. Every day there are more and more reductions in workforce. The robot, remembering the sequence of actions, copes with connecting the parts independently.
  2. Accounting calculations. Compared to a person, a machine accurately calculates data and does not keep “black” and “white” accounting, which is very beneficial for the state. Supercomputers learn and make logical decisions.
  3. Replacement of consultants. A robot, just like a human, can conduct a dialogue with a buyer on high level and provide answers to standard questions. The communication algorithm becomes more complex due to the machine’s ability to learn and accumulate experience.

Robotization in the near future will also affect such professions as secretaries, cashiers, truck drivers and waiters. An example of the successful implementation of AI was the H&H linear plant. Technology that tracks workers' gaze helped save 400 hours in trainee training over one year and reduce the likelihood of accidents.

MIT Technology Review reported that Andrew Ng, robotics researcher and machine learning, is developing a new project Landing.AI. It is designed to establish the production mechanism in factories and factories. His first partner is Foxconn, which produces Apple gadgets.


In the near future, the education sector will develop rapidly in two directions - adaptive learning and proctoring.
Adaptive learning is designed to solve the problem of different achievements of pupils and students. The fact is that one person learns material much faster and more successfully than another. Therefore, AI will monitor the student’s level of knowledge and adapt the order of course blocks to his abilities or inform the teacher how well the student has mastered the material. An example of such a system would be the Third Space Learning platform, which is currently under development.

Proctoring represents the control of students during tests and examinations. If in the past students were “under the gun” of a web camera, now AI comes to the rescue. It tracks how often a student looks away from the computer screen, whether he changes browser tabs, and whether there are unnecessary voices in the room. As soon as the AI ​​notices any violation, it immediately notifies the human proctor.

But can a machine replace a regular teacher? Rosa Lukin, a professor at University College London, denies this. According to her, it is worth finding a compromise. After all, the goal is not to replace teachers with machines, but to improve the education process. You certainly can’t do this without a human teacher.


The view that farming and livestock farming are backward and old-fashioned industries is a thing of the past. Today, the intensive growth of the global AI market in the agricultural industry is caused by the following factors: the introduction of a data management system, irrigation automation, increasing the productivity of agricultural crops through the introduction of training methods, and the growing number of people on the planet. At the same time, the growth of the AI ​​market is limited by the high cost of collecting information about agricultural land.

The widespread introduction of robotics in agriculture is represented by the following developments:

  • Unmanned aerial vehicles. Drones equipped with radar and GPS monitoring spray crops, ensure reliable delivery of hazardous chemicals, and provide aerial photography.
  • Robots for harvesting. While grain harvesting machines have been around for a long time, a robot that picks strawberries was created quite recently.
  • Weed-killing AI. Hortibot, developed by Aarhus University in Denmark, recognizes and eliminates weeds in two ways: mechanically and by spot spraying with herbicides. This robot was a real breakthrough, because distinguishing weeds from useful plants is a great success of modern robotics in agriculture. In addition, machines are being created that recognize pests and diseases of agricultural crops.

According to Energias Market Research, the AI ​​market in the agricultural industry will grow by 24.3% by 2024. It will actively develop in the USA and the Asia-Pacific region. The list of central players in the smart agribusiness market includes Agworld, Farmlogs, Cropx, Microsoft, AGCO and others.

Road traffic

The goal of introducing AI in this area is to combat traffic jams. Such systems are already successfully operating in major cities in Europe, North America and Asia.

Collecting information from traffic lights, analyzing traffic density, accidents, weather data and other factors that create traffic jams - these are the functions of the computer. As a result, intelligent system monitors roads online, predicts what traffic will be like, and switches traffic lights accordingly.

It monitors not only the traffic on the road, but also helps drivers. For example, the system calls a tow truck if necessary. It is clear that completely eliminate traffic jams this decision will not be able to, but it is quite possible to speed up the movement several times over.
It is likely that progress will be noticeable if self-driving cars - these are vehicles that are able to move without human intervention - come into widespread use. They are being developed by Google, AKTIV, Tesla Motors and some others.


Of course, everyone is hearing about “” (smart house), which in the future will become a typical example of AI. The largest manufacturers are Yamaha, Siemens, Abb, Beckhoff and Legrand.

Such developments greatly simplify human life. For example, such a system will open the curtains in the morning, wake up the owners and make coffee. In the future, the functionality of the “smart home” will be expanded to the point that the closet will automatically steam clothes, and the refrigerator will automatically order food. This solution optimizes costs associated with energy supply, ventilation, heating, adapting to a convenient schedule.

Also popular are vacuum cleaners that can not only clean, but also move objects and charge independently.
Another example of everyday use of AI is automatic translators. If previously “machine translation” left much to be desired, today the situation has changed dramatically. This is demonstrated by Google Translate: the algorithm is built on the fact that the computer perceives not individual words, but a complete sentence. It allows you to obtain high-quality text, so in the near future this method will become the basis for automatic translation.

Humanoid androids are used not only for housework, but also for communication. An iron “friend” will not let you die of boredom, and sometimes becomes a full-fledged member of the family. So, in China, one lucky man managed to marry a robot. It turned out to be engineer Zheng Jiajia, who made his own bride.

Undoubtedly, the future of humanity is intertwined with robots, as new areas of application of artificial intelligence are developing every year. Most likely, it will exceed a person's abilities, but at the same time significantly improve his quality of life. The main thing here is to find a reasonable framework before the AI ​​learns to reproduce itself. According to Elon Musk, it is worth taking a proactive position and limiting the use of AI now, at least in the military industry.

You've probably heard about the robot that comes up and gives you a can of Coke when you tell it you're thirsty. You've also probably heard about the speech recognition system that controls your household appliances? And you've probably heard of aircraft simulators that can help recreate the real flight environment of an aircraft?

In 1956, the world famous American scientist John McCarthy coined the term that is at the heart of all these possibilities and many more. The term he coined was “Artificial Intelligence”. Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, is the science and engineering that works to create intelligent machines as well as intelligent computer programs who are able to react like a person. That is, the creation of such machines capable of sensing the world around them, understanding conversations and making decisions similar to human choices. Artificial intelligence has given us everything from a scanner to robots in real life.

Today, the field of artificial intelligence can be described as a soup of cognitive informatics, psychology, linguistics and mathematics, waiting for a flash of lightning - an attempt to pool the efforts of researchers and resources, develop new approaches, use the world's repositories of knowledge to create a spark, such that it will create new uniform life.

In the field of artificial intelligence, we nurture a child's machine from childhood to adulthood in such a way that we create entirely new approaches to machine learning.

Branches of artificial intelligence

John McCarthy has identified some of the branches of AI that are described below. He also noted that several of them are yet to be identified.

Artificial Intelligence Logic: The AI ​​program must be aware of facts and situations.

Pattern recognition: When a program makes an observation, it is usually programmed to recognize and match a pattern. For example, a speech recognition system or a facial recognition system.

Performance: There must be a way to present facts about the world to an AI device. For representation, mathematical language is used.

Conclusion: inference allows one to extract new facts from existing facts. From some facts others can be inferred.

Planning: a planning program begins with facts and a statement of purpose. From these, the program generates a strategy to achieve the goal.

Having Common Senseand Reasoning- This active area of ​​​​research and study of AI arose in the 1950s, but still the result is still far from human level.

Epistemology– this is the ability of the device to learn and gain knowledge. Allows you to study the types of knowledge required for a specific type of task.

Heuristic is a way to try to find the idea embedded in the program.

Genetic programming– automatic creation of a LISP (List Processing) program that allows you to solve the problem.

Tools used to solve complex problems in creating AI

Over the past six decades, there have been various tools developed to solve complex problems in Computer Science. Some of them are:

Search and optimization

Most problems in AI can be solved theoretically with the help of competent search possible solutions. But a simple exhaustive search is rarely useful or sufficient for most real-world problems. In the 1990s, different kinds search engines became popular which were based on optimization. For most problems, you can make a guess and then refine your query. Various optimization algorithms have been written to assist the search process.


Logic allows for the study of arguments. In AI it is used to represent knowledge and also be used to solve problems. Various types logics are used in artificial intelligence research. First order logic uses quantifiers and predicates, and helps in representing facts and their properties. Fuzzy logic is a kind of first order logic that allows one to find the truth of a statement that will be represented as 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Probability theory

Probability is a way of expressing knowledge. This concept was given mathematical meaning in probability theory, which is widely used in AI.

Artificial intelligence and its applications

Artificial intelligence is currently used in a wide range of fields, including modeling, robotics, speech recognition, finance and equities, medical diagnostics, aviation, security, gaming, etc.

Let's take a closer look at some of the areas:

Gaming Sphere: There are machines that can play chess at a professional level. AI is also applicable to various video games.

Speech recognition: Computers and robots that understand human-level language have AI built into them.

Simulators: Modeling is an imitation of some real thing. It is used in many contexts, ranging from video games to aviation. The simulators include flight simulators for pilots to prepare for piloting an “airship.”

Robotics: Robots have become commonplace in many industries as robots have proven to be more efficient than humans, especially in repetitive jobs where humans tend to lose concentration.

Finance: Banks and other financial institutions rely on intelligent software, which provide accurate data analysis and help make predictions based on this data.

Medicine: Artificial intelligence systems are used in hospitals to manage patient schedules, ensure staff rotation, and provide medical information. An artificial neural network, which is a mathematical model inspired by the structure and/or functional aspects of biological neural networks, helps in medicine in determining the diagnosis.

Artificial intelligence is finding use in various fields and applications. Security systems, text and speech recognition systems, data mining, email spam filtering and a huge number of other examples. A British telecommunications group used heuristic search in a scheduling application that schedules the work of over twenty thousand engineers. AI has also found its way into the trucking industry, where fuzzy logic controllers have been developed for automatic transmissions in cars.

Challenges faced by artificial intelligence creators

Over the past six decades, scientists have been actively working to imitate human intelligence, but growth has slowed due to many challenges in simulating artificial intelligence. Some of these problems are:

Knowledge base: the number of facts a person knows is simply too much. Preparing a database that will contain all the knowledge of this world is a huge time-consuming task.

Deduction, reasoning and problem solving: AI must solve any problem step by step. Typically, people solve problems based on intuitive judgments and then create an action plan, a program. Artificial intelligence is making slow progress to imitate the human method of problem solving.

Natural language processing: Natural language- This is the language that people speak. One of the main challenges AI faces is recognizing and understanding what people are saying.

Planning: Planning tends to only limit people because they can think. The ability to plan and think like a human is essential for intelligent agents. Like humans, they must be able to visualize the future.

Positive aspects of using AI

We can already see small applications of artificial intelligence in our homes. For example, smart TV, smart refrigerator, etc. In the future, AI will be present in every home. Artificial intelligence with nanotechnology or other technologies can lead to the emergence of new industries in the field of science. Surely, the development of artificial intelligence will lead to the fact that it will become a part of our everyday life. Humans are already being replaced by robots in some workplaces. In the military industry, artificial intelligence will make it possible to create various modern weapons, such as robots, which will reduce mortality in the event of wars.

Negative aspects of using AI

Although artificial intelligence has many advantages, there are many disadvantages.
At a more basic level, the use of artificial intelligence in everyday tasks can lead to the formation of laziness on the part of a person, and this can lead to the degradation of the bulk of the people.

The use of artificial intelligence and nanotechnology in the military industry certainly has many positive aspects, such as creating an ideal protective shield against any attack, but there is also a dark side. With the help of artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, we will be able to create very powerful and destructive weapons, and if used carelessly, they can lead to irreversible consequences.

The massive use of artificial intelligence will lead to job cuts for people.

In addition, the rapid pace of development and application of artificial intelligence and robotics could push the Earth towards an environmental disaster. Even now, waste of computer components and other electronic devices are causing great harm to our planet.

If we give intelligence to machines, they will be able to make the most of it. Machines with intelligence will become smarter than their creators and this can lead to the outcome that was demonstrated in the Terminator film series.

Conclusion and future application

Artificial intelligence is an area in which a lot of research continues. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science about understanding the nature of intelligence and construction computer systems capable of reasonable action. Even though people have intelligence, they are not able to use it to the maximum extent possible. Machines will be able to use 100% of their intelligence if we give them that intelligence. This is an advantage as well as a disadvantage. We depend on machines for almost every application in life. Machines are now a part of our lives and are used everywhere. So we should know more about machines and should be aware of the future what can happen if we give them intelligence. Artificial intelligence cannot be good or bad. It changes as we use it.