The financial success of an enterprise depends on the efficiency of making production decisions and the ability to rebuild business processes in the shortest possible time, if the market situation requires it. Automated information processing will ensure productive activities of the company in all selected areas.

Benefits of Using Computer Systems for Data Analysis

The company's development strategy is directly related to the collection and analysis of data coming from external and internal sources. Introduction of automated control systems (ACS for short) into production for integration necessary information has a number of advantages:

  • the number of employees is reduced, which leads to lower costs wages(key feature);
  • when changing any individual parameters in ready-made reporting, new values ​​are recalculated as soon as possible;
  • when researching competitors, market segments and internal business processes, computerized systems form a single database with the ability to sort information in different ways for later comparative analysis according to the selected parameters;
  • maximum efficiency of analysis.

Formalized databases resulting from automatic collection information include:

  • classification of contained objects in accordance with officially approved classifiers;
  • template description of parameters;
  • identification of each object based on its unique characteristics;
  • coding and other security measures to protect information.

Protection of information databases

Security against unauthorized access to an automated system is determined by the following regulatory documentation:

  • ISO/IEC 15408 is an international standard;
  • GOST 15408-2002 – in Russia.

The security of any database is based on three parameters:

  1. confidentiality;
  2. availability;
  3. integrity.

Important! Most automated information processing systems follow a model in which there is a constant race between database protection tools and new threats.

In other words, a new security measure is installed after the previous security system has been compromised. But such a scheme is unacceptable for structures of critical use:

  • military industry;
  • environmentally hazardous industries;
  • transport facilities;
  • financial and credit systems, etc.

After all, disruption of their functionality due to unauthorized hacking will cause significant damage not only to representatives of individual specialties, but also to society as a whole, therefore, the automated data processing systems (ADPS) used for these industries are distinguished by the priority of security over functionality. Therefore, they are characterized by the use of proven technologies that have already been tested in other sectors of business and production.

ASOD principles and concepts

Automated systems collection and processing of information (ASOPI), as a rule, are based on the following principles:

  • integration of information in real time with the condition of collaboration of all possible users;
  • distribution of data across modern channels transmissions using modern communication methods;
  • application of various management techniques;
  • modeling of a working situation in the mode of changeable information (the function allows you to automate online processes);
  • taking into account the features of the analyzed information.

This utility can be installed on personal computer in a large office or private home. A standard 1C product consists of a platform and application solution. Thanks to segmentation, each program module can be replaced without losing data on another. Due to the detailed instructions, even an untrained user can work with the program.

Computerization of office and production helps to increase the efficiency of any enterprise. If the organization operates without using funds complex automation, it becomes uncompetitive in the modern market in almost every industry.

Theoretical preparation includes study and knowledge of:

Methodological and regulatory materials on the design and development of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks); technologies for design and development of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks); development prospects and trends information technologies; technical characteristics and economic indicators of the best domestic and foreign samples of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks); procedure, methods and means of protecting intellectual property; methods for analyzing the quality of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks); modern means of computer technology, communications and communication; basic requirements for labor organization when designing computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks); rules, methods and means of training technical documentation; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production organization and scientific research; basics of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Types of activities of a graduate (who is being trained), what a graduate can do

Practical skills are implemented in the following areas:
  • design and engineering activities:
    development of requirements and specifications for individual components of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks) based on an analysis of user requests and models subject area and opportunities technical means; designing the architecture of components of hardware and software systems; design of human-machine interface of hardware and software systems; the use of computer technology (CT), programming tools for the effective implementation of hardware and software systems; design of elements of mathematical, linguistic, information and software of computer systems (CS) and automated systems based on modern methods, tools and design technologies, including using computer-aided design systems;
  • production-technological and service-operational activities:
    creation of aircraft components, automated systems and production of programs and software systems of a given quality within a given time frame; testing and debugging of hardware and software systems; diagnostics and troubleshooting, carrying out preventive measures, setting up, adapting objects professional activity, analysis of the operational characteristics of objects of professional activity, development of proposals for their modification; development of testing programs and methods, testing of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks); integration of hardware and software, layout of computer systems, complexes and networks; certification of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks);
  • research activities:
    selection and transformation of mathematical models of phenomena, processes and systems for the purpose of their effective software and hardware implementation and their research using computer technology; selection of mathematical models, methods, computer technology and decision support systems in scientific research, design and engineering activities, management of technological, economic, social systems and in the humanitarian areas of human activity; analysis, theoretical and experimental research of methods, algorithms, programs, hardware and software complexes and systems; assessment of the reliability and quality of functioning of the design object; creation and research of mathematical and software models of computing and information processes related to the functioning of objects of professional activity; development of plans, programs and methods for researching software and hardware systems; development and improvement of formal models and methods used in the creation of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks);
  • organizational and managerial activities:
    organization of individual stages of the development process of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks) with a given quality within a given time frame; assessment, control and management of the development process of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks); choice of technology, tools and VT tools when organizing the process of development and research of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks); training of personnel within the framework of the accepted organization of the process of developing computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks);
  • operational activities:
    installation, configuration and maintenance of system, instrumental and application software, aircraft and automated systems; accompaniment software products, aircraft and automated systems; selection of methods and means for measuring the operational characteristics of computer-based systems (computers, complexes and networks), organization of the work of the primary team of performers; organizing the work of a structural unit of an organization or the organization as a whole.

Basic disciplines

The specialist training program includes the study of five cycles of disciplines:
  • GSE - general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines (economics, law, sociology, etc.);
  • EN - general mathematical and natural science disciplines (mathematics, programming, systems theory and system analysis, etc.);
  • OPD - general professional disciplines ( Information management, operating systems, databases, information technologies, etc.);
  • SD - special disciplines, including specialization disciplines (for example, theoretical basis automated control, system modeling, programming technology, system software, network technologies, systems artificial intelligence and etc.);
  • FTD - optional disciplines.

Possible areas of activity for graduates

Engineer; software engineer; Leading software engineer, electronics engineer (electronics engineer); Lead Engineer; automated control systems engineer; Leading Engineer, Task Engineer; network administrator; logistics engineer; Lead Engineer; team leader; head of the automated control system department; head of the automated control system department; head of the information and computing center; deputy head of the enterprise for information support; head of the enterprise.

Examples of graduate employment

LLC "LUKOIL - Western Siberia", Tyumen region, LLC "OSK "Grad", Samara, OJSC "Samara Diagnostic Center", Samara, LLC "EPAM Systems", Samara, LLC " Software technologies", Samara, LLC "Kulity Softwear Systems", Samara, LLC "BIT Business and Technologies", Samara, Samara branch of ZAO "Raiffeisenbank", LLC Povolzhsky Information Analytical Center "Inform-S", LLC "Electronics" plus", Samara, OJSC "Confectionery Association "RUSSIA", FSUE "RUSSIAN POST" OSP Samara Post Office, LLC "Samara Automobiles-M", LLC "Iron Logic", Samara, LLC "Firm "SVET", Samara, CJSC WebZavod, Samara, OJSC Samaraneftekhimproekt, CJSC ER-Telecom Company, etc.

Companies with which the department cooperates, communication with enterprises where internships take place

  • JSC "Kraft-S"
  • CJSC AvtovazBank
  • OJSC KB "Solidarity"
  • TsSKB "Progress"
  • OJSC "ER-Telecom"
  • Microsoft Company
  • D-Link Company
  • SoftLine IT Academy
  • Department of the Federal Service for Social Protection of the Samara Region model training center
  • CJSC "Garant-Service Samara"
  • Fujitsu Siemens Computers LLC Regional information center of the all-Russian distribution network legal information Consultant Plus
  • STC AvtoVAZ, Tolyatti, etc. CJSC "Kraft-S"

/ Automated information processing and control systems (ASOPI)

Information technologies (IT) occupy an important place in all spheres of human life and activity. A special place in the diversity of IT is occupied by automated information processing and management systems (ASOIU), the main purpose of which is the automation of activities related to the storage, transmission and processing of information. Since information is the most important resource in the modern world, automated information systems play a decisive role in any field of activity (accounting, banking, warehouse, administrative and management automated systems). Modern automated information systems rely on the use of local and global networks, graphic, video and audio information, multimedia technologies, artificial intelligence systems. Without this kind of systems it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise, regardless of the size and direction of activity. This largely determines the existing stable demand in all sectors of the economy for specialists in the field of design, creation and use of automated control systems. This also explains the great interest in this area among young people.

Specialty 230102 "Automated information processing and control systems" - this is a specialty for those who love mathematics and programming, want to be fluent in modern computer technology and software, network technologies of various scales: from local to corporate and global.

This specialty is included in the general direction of training 230000 "Informatics and computer technology." The direction “Informatics and Computer Science” is a field of science and technology that includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating and using:

· Computers, systems and networks;

· automated information processing and management systems;

· computer-aided design systems;

· computer software and automated systems.

An engineer in the field of training “Informatics and Computer Science” can perform the following: types of professional activities:

Ø design and engineering;

Ø production and technological;

Ø scientific research;

Ø organizational and managerial;

Ø operational.

Basic disciplines Junior year students study mathematics and physics, which provide basic fundamental knowledge; computer science, programming and information technology, developing algorithmic thinking and creation skills own programs; circuitry, which provides basic knowledge about computer architecture and operating system and an understanding of what is happening inside the computer. In senior years programming technologies, databases, networks, expert systems are studied, different environments programming, methods of systems theory and system analysis, systems design. Students receive advanced education in the field of system analysis, mathematical methods of information processing, methods of scientific research, design of information systems. It is this cycle that transforms students from computer users into highly qualified specialists capable of developing and improving modern information systems.

All of the listed disciplines include the mandatory use of computers in laboratory classes and independent work of students. In all cycles of disciplines and especially in special disciplines, teachers who took part in and supervised the development of real complex projects of automated systems pass on their practical and theoretical experience and knowledge to students. The organization and content of the educational process is constantly being improved. Every year new sections of disciplines and entire disciplines are introduced, the content is updated laboratory work, new software is being studied and included in the educational process.

The demand for graduates who have completed this specialty increases in proportion to the growth of the computer park, because The level of informatization is becoming one of the significant factors in the development of society.

Many students of the faculty actively participate in departmental scientific research, participate in scientific conferences.

Graduates of the department who have completed their studies with honors can enter the

“Basic concepts of control of automated information processing and control systems”

Automated information processing and control systems (ASOPI) - a field of science and technology that includes a wide range of means, methods and methods of activity aimed at developing technical, information, software, mathematical, linguistic, ergonomic, organizational and legal support for the named systems, as well as the structure of the systems as a whole.

In accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education, a specialist in the field of automated information processing and control systems, in accordance with fundamental and special training, can perform such types of professional activities as: design, scientific research, operation in this field.

He must know and be able to use basic mathematical concepts and methods, mathematical models of processes in natural science and technology, probabilistic models for analysis and quantitative assessments of specific processes, basic concepts of information science and computer technology, patterns of information processes in control systems, operating principles of technical and software means, basic techniques for processing experimental data.

From the point of view of general professional disciplines, an engineer in the field of automated systems must have an understanding of:

  • - about the basic laws of the functioning of systems and the possibility of their system analysis;
  • - about modern methods of research, optimization and design of ASOIU;
  • - on the use of the basic principles of control theory in various fields of science and technology;

Under automated information processing and management system is understood as a set of economic and mathematical methods, organizational measures, information and technical means that ensure the collection, transmission, processing and presentation of results on the activities of any object, enterprise, division.

  • - about the possibilities of information technologies and their application in industry, scientific research, organizational management and other areas;
  • - about the current state and trends in the development of computer architectures, computer systems and networks, about the architecture and capabilities of microprocessor tools;
  • - about modern algorithmic languages, about the problems and directions of development of programming technology, about the main methods and means of automating software design, about methods of organizing work in software development teams.

Information in ASOIU can be classified according to several criteria.

Based on the nature of the change, information can be classified as follows:

  • · conditionally constant, changing its quantitative characteristics occasionally;
  • · a variable that quickly changes its quantitative characteristics during processing.

An example of conditionally permanent information is planned and regulatory indicators, prices, and the cost of fixed assets.

Let's consider the classification of information according to the method of use in the system:

  • · input information,
  • · output information.

Input information submit source documents. The entered information can, in turn, be divided into basic and current (operational). The basic one is formed on the basis of input information and is stored during the entire operation of the ASOIU, undergoing correction and replenishment if necessary. The base includes planned performance indicators of the managed process or object. Operational information is generated on the basis of constantly arriving source data and is regularly used for processing.

The quality of management depends entirely on the completeness and reliability of the source data.

Output information is the result of logical and mathematical processing of basic information. It is presented in the form of documents reflecting the state of the managed process, and in the form of commands sent to the executive bodies.

In addition to the basic information (databases) characterizing the problem being solved, the information support includes the so-called service information: arrays reference information, dictionaries that simplify the process of communication between the user and the system, as well as an information coding system.

It is useful to consider the concept of “data” and how to organize it. On the one hand, the data is characterized by details. The props contain two groups of information: basis and attributes. The basis is related to quantitative assessment. An example of a basis is price, quantity of material, final indicators. Signs express qualitative properties and characterize the processes by which they were obtained: names of materials, works, grade, size, storage warehouse, date of receipt.

Data can be presented in two ways:

  • * specific quantities - constants that do not change values ​​in the process of solving the problem;
  • * in generalized form as variables.

A variable is a named data whose value may change during the process of solving a problem or when solving it repeatedly.

Data processed in a computer differ in the set of permissible values ​​and types of operations that can be performed on them. These two characteristics determine the type of the given. There are numeric, symbolic, logical and date data types.

Numeric data accept signed or unsigned numeric values. The operations that are allowed on numerical data and implemented in a computer can be divided into two groups. The first group is represented by arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation. The result of their execution is a number. The second group includes operations comparing two quantities (relational operations): greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to. The result of their execution is boolean value TRUE (true) if the condition is true, and FALSE (false) otherwise.

Character data takes values ​​as a sequence of any characters.

Note. Typically, character data is highlighted with special characters (for example, `hello').

It is permissible to perform the following operations on character data:

  • - comparison operation “equals”, as a result of which the value TRUE or FALSE is formed;
  • - the operation of concatenating two character data into one.

Logical data takes one of two possible values ​​(TRUE, FALSE).

Valid operations on logical data are operations of the algebra of logic: negation, disjunction, conjunction (see section 3).

Data of the “date” type accept date values ​​represented in the computer in the form MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY, where MM is the two-digit number of the month in the year, DD is the number, YY is the last two digits of the year.

The following operations can be performed on data of this type:

  • - arithmetic - addition, subtraction (an integer can be added to a date or subtracted from a date - the number of days), the result of which is a date;
  • - an operation of comparing two dates, the result of which, of course, is the logical value TRUE or FALSE.

Let's look at ways to organize data. It is possible to organize data into arrays, structures, lists.

ASOIU software includes system software in the form operating system(OS), application software (for example, database management systems, table processors), as well as specialized software aimed at solving a specific class of problems.

An OS is understood as a set of programs that supports the functioning of a computer, freeing the user from allocating resources and controlling their use for the purpose of storing and managing data, optimally performing several tasks in parallel (including taking into account the priority of their execution), and using input/output devices.

The following processing modes are distinguished: user programs: Batch, Conversational and Real-time. The latter, as mentioned above, is a control mode for real processes.

As a rule, automated information processing and control systems are a complex complex of parallel operating subsystems that occupy a certain place in the overall control chain. Complex problems are expediently decomposed into smaller subtasks (“divide-and-concuer” - “divide and conquer”). At the same time, the choice of decomposition into subtasks - structuring the problem statement - is one of the most important steps in the design of an automated control system. Each subsystem has its own control area with independent inputs and outputs. The results of solving problems of one subsystem serve as initial data or restrictions for the performance of functions by another subsystem.

Multi-level systems provide for both vertical and horizontal information links. Based on interaction, a distinction is made between monohierarchical and polyhierarchical multi-level systems. In the first, only radial information transmission lines are implemented. In Fig. 2 presented structural scheme single-level automated information processing and management system.

The following figures show block diagrams of multi-level automated information processing and control systems. They differ in the nature of the lines of communication between the sources of information and the centralized point of its processing. There are radial (Fig. 3), main or chain (Fig. 4), tree-like (Fig. 5) and hierarchical, that is, mixed structures (Fig. 6). As the number of managed objects increases, the structure of the automated control system also becomes more complex. The most characteristic are chain and tree structures. With a chain structure, the subsystems are dispersed along the communication line. This design principle is typical for transport and other systems.

When choosing the structure of the ASOIU, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • · minimizing the number of hierarchy levels and communication lines,
  • · providing the most simple circuits interactions between system elements.

But at the same time, it is necessary to comply with the condition of complete independence of each of the subsystems.

In Fig. Figure 7 shows a more detailed block diagram of the automated information processing and control system.

Let's consider the essence of each of the components.

Information base is a collection of data, namely arrays of processed information, dictionaries and arrays of reference information.

Software should be considered as a set of system software that controls the functioning of the computer, application software that implements the processes of text processing, database maintenance, processing tabular information. In addition, each ASOIU is characterized by a specialized software, implementing control procedures.

Organizational component unites people whose joint activities, on the basis of certain rules and procedures, are aimed at achieving management goals. It regulates the flow of information in the system, the timing of information submission in accordance with the network management schedule.

Software is based on the theory of automatic control and is a set of mathematical methods and algorithms for implementing a task on a computer.

Technical support is based primarily on computer technology, and is also represented by telecommunications means of receiving and transmitting information, equipment for interfaces with communication lines, means of documenting information, and devices for human interaction with a computer.

The following requirements apply to the technical support of ASOIU:

  • - provision of necessary bandwidth(response time to a user request should not exceed two to three seconds);
  • - unity information base all users of the system with the right of collective access to it while ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access;
  • - interactive mode of human interaction with the system;
  • - possibility of system development;
  • - ability to work online.

Methodological support presented with documentation reflecting the composition and functioning of the ASOIU.

Let's consider basic functionality automated information processing and management systems.

These include:

  • 1. Collection of information.
  • 2. Data processing: carrying out calculations, sorting information.
  • 3. Search for information using standard queries.
  • 4. Issuance of certificates on all indicators characterizing the information being processed.
  • 5. Generation of information and analytical data for human decision-making necessary at various stages of management and planning.

Automated information processing and control systems - human-machine systems. A person participates in decision making based on the analysis and evaluation of the information received. ASOIU should always be focused on the general user (a specialist in his professional activity) and have a dialog interface that involves the implementation of the following modes:

  • · “question-answer” mode with the initiative to ask questions at the computer,
  • · extensive use of hints,
  • · providing the user with various menus with the right to choose one of the positions.

There are three levels of communication between a person and a computer:

  • - logical,
  • - relational,
  • - level of knowledge representation.

Information issues are dealt with by a special branch of knowledge - information theory, which studies the processes by which relevant information can be collected and transmitted through communication channels. In this case, information is assessed using quantitative characteristics, as a rule, without taking into account the meaning of the transmitted information.

The main problem that arises with this approach to assessing information is the creation of the most effective forms of transmitting information while maintaining reliability.

The information message consists of symbols , specified by an alphabet of letters and numbers. If a message contains N characters, then the number of possible different states in this message is L = MN. When using the binary number system, a bit is used as a unit of information - one binary digit. To measure information, a byte is used - eight binary digits sufficient to represent the codes of all characters of the alphabet used in the binary number system. Coding significantly reduces the total amount of information used in the system and, accordingly, the memory required to store it.

Basic information processes , characteristic of ASOIU can be formulated as follows:

  • · identification of information,
  • · transfer of information,
  • · data storage,
  • · information processing,
  • · presentation of information,
  • · generation of new information as a result of management measures taken.

The introduction of automated information processing and management systems is associated with a large amount of work to study information flows, formalization of operations, unification of primary documents, eliminating their duplication.

Analyzing information processes, it should be noted that one of the first tasks solved when creating an automated information management system is the typification of documents, which is associated with the selection of a minimum number of indicators from which, through appropriate processing, information sufficient to achieve a result can be obtained.

In connection with the multi-level ASOI system, the problem of information aggregation arises, which is associated with the hierarchical nature of management: different information is needed to make a decision at each level. On top level they deal with generalized information, while the lower ones deal with detailed indicators.

Analysis of information flows in ASOIU shows that, along with the necessary information, there is a large proportion of redundant information. The urgent task is to highlight essential information and reduce the share of redundant information.

An automated information processing and management system is understood as a set of economic and mathematical methods, organizational measures, information and technical means that ensure the collection, transmission, processing and presentation of results on the activities of any object, enterprise, division.

Automated information processing and control systems belong to the class of human-machine systems, and their development in each specific area of ​​application follows the line of increasing the role of computers both in the field of decision-making and in the field of implementation of decisions made.

The limiting case is when responsibility for both decisions made and their implementation is assigned to computer, should be considered as a separate field of computer application, namely the field of automatic control in real time. To enable real-time operation, corresponding programming languages ​​and programs must contain time-dependent constructs.

In this case, the computer is used in the circuit feedback some control system, that is, human intervention in the control process is completely excluded.

So, one should distinguish between the terms “automated” and “automatic”.

» Department of Automated Control Systems | Story

Department of Automated Control Systems | Story

The Department of Automated Control Systems (ACS), part of the Faculty of Management, was organized at MADI (GTU) in March 1981 by separating it from the department " Industrial electronics and automation" (PEiA). Since 1972, the Department of PEiA began training system engineers in specialty 0646 - automated control systems. Considering the promising nature of the specialty, the USSR Ministry of Higher Education and the MADI administration soon decided to create an independent graduating department in this specialty.

Initially, the ACS department consisted of 19 teachers and 13 engineering and laboratory staff. The department was tasked with providing training for two groups of full-time education in specialty 0646; in addition, the rector’s office entrusted the department with teaching the disciplines of the “Computer Science and Programming” cycle at all faculties of MADI.

At the first stage, the department was called “Providing automated control systems” and its first head in 1981 was Professor Yu.N. Bakaev, a specialist in the field of synchronization theory, which has a very wide area of ​​application in control automation and computer science: from vibration-type devices in construction equipment to digital mobile radio and television systems. His best known works are on the theory of stability of dynamic systems with cylindrical phase space. In 1986, as part of a team of authors, Professor Yu.N. Bakaev was awarded the State Prize in the “Science” section.

From 1984 to 1986, the department of automated control system was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor D.B. Bayasanov. From 1987 to 1992, the department was headed by Professor T.M. Alexandridi. Her scientific activity, from 1951 to the present, is related to the problems of creating and using computer technology. She is one of the creators of the first domestic computers M1 and M2. Subsequently, at the Institute of Automation and Telemechanics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, she obtained significant results on the fundamentals of theory and design multi-channel systems digital regulation and control.

From 1992 to 2017 The department was headed by the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation, doctor technical sciences, Professor A.B. Nikolaev. Directions of scientific research Nikolaeva A.B. - automation and control technological processes and production based on new information and telecommunication technologies, advanced training, training and certification of personnel for enterprises of the transport complex using multimedia systems and distance learning technologies.

From 2018 to the present, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleg Igorevich Maksimychev. Directions of scientific research Maksimycheva O.I. automation and control of technological processes and production in construction and transport, provision of construction technologies in the paradigm information modeling expensive

The teaching staff of the department (including part-time employees) includes 6 professors, 28 associate professors, 6 senior teachers, 3 assistants, of which 6 are doctors of science, 28 candidates of science. To conduct a number of special disciplines, leading specialists from the parent enterprises and organizations were involved as part-time and hourly workers: JSC NICEVT, Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Design Systems, MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman, MEPhI, JSC AtlanticTransGasSystem, etc.

The department is actively working to solve the problems of training highly qualified specialists for the automotive industry and other sectors of the national economy of our country and a number of foreign countries. More than 100 foreign students, masters, graduate students and applicants study at the department.

The department graduates engineers with a specialty in “Automated information processing and control systems” in the areas of “Integrated automated control systems” and “Intelligent systems”, bachelors of engineering and technology in “Informatics and Computer Science”, masters of engineering and technology in “Informatics and Computer Science”.

Students study a variety of programming languages, disciplines in modeling and optimization of complex systems, control theory, organization of computers and systems, databases and data banks, design principles intelligent systems, expert systems, various application software packages.

A number of teachers of the department are full academicians of the International Academy of Information Technologies and other public academies. Scientific and business contacts have been established and maintained with related departments of MADI, with domestic and foreign companies (“City Economics”, State Unitary Enterprise “MOSGORTRANS”, Kurchatov Institute, VINITI, 1C, DIRECTUM, consortium Codex “Techexpert”, etc. Annual research and scientific-methodological conferences are held, collections of scientific works of employees and graduate students of the department are published.