Business details displayed on Google come from a variety of different sources. They’re meant to provide customers with the most complete and up-to-date information possible. The details associated with your business come from the information you provide when creating and updating a verified business listing, reports from users, and other sources.

Information in Google My Business

For example, if customers search for a restaurant you manage, they can find information you’ve added, such as when you’re open and where you’re located. They also might get information you haven’t added, such as a link to your menu or photos customers have uploaded of meals they’ve enjoyed. The combination of information provided by you and other sources lets customers make informed decisions about your location. Users may also find personalized recommendations and matches based on their preferences.

How Google sources business information

There are 4 main sources of information that you may find in your business listing:

  • You: Information you've added about your business. You can add, edit, and remove this information as it changes to keep customers up to date and showcase your products and services. Learn how to manage your business information.
  • Your website: Information from your business’s official website.
  • Users: Information from people who use Google services. Google gets a wide variety of information about businesses from its users. This user-generated information includes reviews, popular times, and photos. Your Business Profile is updated when someone takes an action like leaving a review, uploading a photo, or reporting a problem.
  • Third-party sources: Information from other places online. If Google finds information about your business that could be helpful to customers, it may be added to your listing. This can include links to restaurant menus, social profiles, hotel amenities, or booking/ticketing availability.

Information in local search results

Google uses business information to help surface relevant local search results across Google, such as in Google Maps and Search.

For example, if you own a hair salon, your business might appear in local search results for people who search for “salons near me” or “salons open now” because you’ve provided information that includes your address and hours.

When you take actions on Google services, we collect data about them. To learn more about what information we collect, why we do it, and how you can manage your information, read our Privacy Policy. It also explains why the shelf life different types data is not the same.

You can delete some data yourself at any time, others are deleted automatically, and we store others for a long time if necessary. If you delete any data, we will follow specific rules. As a result, your data completely disappears from our servers or is stored there only in anonymized form. How Google anonymizes data

What information do we keep until you delete it?

There are many tools that let you manage the data stored in your Google Account. In particular, you can:

  • delete entries on the My Actions page;
  • delete photos, documents and other content;
  • remove various products from your Google account;
  • Delete your Google account completely.

The data will remain in your Google Account until you delete it. If you use our services without signing in to your Google Account, you may also have the option to delete some information, such as information about your use of our services through a device, browser, or app.

Data that is stored for a certain period of time

In some cases, we do not provide the opportunity to delete any data, but store it for a certain period of time. The retention period for all types of information depends on the purpose for which it was collected. For example, so that service interfaces are displayed correctly on screens different devices, we can store browser height and width information for up to 9 months. Some data is anonymized during a specified storage period. For example, advertising data stored in server logs is stripped of the IP address after 9 months and the cookie information is removed after 18 months.

Information that is retained until your Google account is deleted

Some information helps us better understand how we can improve our services and how users experience them, so we store it for as long as your Google Account is active. For example, if you delete a specific Google search from your My Activity page, information about how often you search may be saved, but not what you searched for. Once your Google account is closed, information about your search usage frequency is also deleted.

Information that is stored for a long time for specific purposes

We retain some information for specific purposes for long periods of time as required by law or business requirements. For example, if Google makes a payment to you or accepts funds from you, the corresponding data is retained for as long as necessary for tax or accounting purposes. Some purposes for which data may be stored for a long period of time:

Secure and complete data deletion

Once a user has erased their Google Account, we immediately begin removing it from the service and all of our systems. First of all, we exclude any possibility of viewing the data and using it to personalize your experience with Google services. For example, if you delete a video you watched on your My Activity page, YouTube will no longer be able to tell you when you stopped playing that video.

Next, we launch the procedure for safe and complete removal data from our storage systems. Thanks to it, we can provide protection against accidental data loss and peace of mind for users. The entire procedure usually takes about two months. This often includes a period to allow data to be restored if it was deleted unintentionally. It usually lasts up to one month.

IN different systems Google uses different procedures to securely and completely delete data. In many cases, data is erased only after performing the operation multiple times. In addition, there may be slight delays so that in the event of an error the information can be restored. In other words, sometimes it takes longer than usual to securely and completely delete your data.

So that data can be restored if necessary, our services provide additional remedy protection – encrypted storage systems backup copies. These systems can store data for six months.

The data deletion procedures and timing described in this article may be affected by factors such as routine maintenance, technical issues, failures, and protocol errors. In order to quickly detect and eliminate such problems, we have implemented special solutions.

protection against fraud and other illegal activities;


Ensuring the protection of users and others and Google from fraud and other illegal activities


Google suspects someone of ad fraud.

financial statements;


Google's participation in a financial transaction, such as by making a payment to you or accepting funds from you. Long-term retention of information is often required for accounting purposes, dispute resolution, financial compliance regarding taxes, escheats, anti-money laundering, etc.


You purchase apps from the Play Store or make purchases from the Google Store

compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;


Comply with legal requirements, court order or government agency requests, as well as enforce the Terms of Use or investigate possible violations thereof


Google gets subpoenaed

ensuring the operation of services;


Support continuous operation our products


If you share your information with someone (for example, by sending an email) and then delete it from your Google Account, it will remain in the content you share with others

direct correspondence with Google.


If you contacted by Google By contacting support, providing feedback or reporting an error, we may store information about it.


You've submitted a review in Gmail, Drive, or another Google app

It is known that the American search engine collects information about users and their actions. But what exactly does Google know about you? How to delete information about yourself and your actions from the Google server? Information in our article.

What Google knows about you

To analyze the collected data you need to go to this address. According to Google, this information is available only to the account holder, which is indicated on the website.

For mobile phone On Android, the list of recorded user actions is impressive. Everything is taken into account: from watching videos on YouTube to opening applications.

Open More Google Actions and select Location History (manage history hyperlink).

All your movements around the world over the past few years are collected here.

How to delete Google user statistics

From the menu on the left, select Select a deletion option.

Select the period and criteria for selecting the actions to be deleted and click the Delete button.

How dangerous is Google surveillance?

It is clear that when using the services of any company, you trust it to collect certain data about yourself. If you want to prevent the pages you visit from being recorded, use secure browsers or Incognito mode. You can additionally disable the collection of movement information on your phone.

It’s worth looking at what the American service knows about you to understand the importance of ensuring the security of your account. If you have a simple password, change it to a more complex one. Be more responsible about your safety. But if anything happens, we now know where to erase all the accumulated information.

The practical benefit of such surveillance is the ability to control your child’s account if there is access to it. You can see what videos he watches, what sites he goes to. At the same time, there is no serious violation of the privacy of correspondence. Google will record that you used the VKontakte application, but will not be able to read the messages.

Google does not hide the fact that it will know, if not everything, then a lot about its users. Even when you created your account, you were warned that they would track your search history, YouTube views, audio information, purchases, contacts, and call data. But all this is spelled out in a multi-page agreement, which not everyone can read to the end.

Google explains that all this is done in order to adapt to users and make products more convenient. For example, provide customized offers, content or applications. But most importantly, the information is used to select the most tailored advertising for you.

Why Google Surveillance is Dangerous

One of the best ways to limit the data Google collects by default is because your personal information could fall into the wrong hands. And not only if someone hacks your account.

Your information may be leaked to the Internet. It's your fault

So, in July, the Yandex search engine indexed files from the service Google Docs, not protected by privacy settings. , listed in Google files Docs. The first thing users found through Yandex search was passwords. IN open access turned out to be passwords to personal and work accounts on social networks, email and other services. In addition, the documents revealed numbers electronic wallets. However, all password-protected documents in search results didn't show up. The leak occurred due to the negligence of the users themselves.

Your information may be passed on to strangers. Completely legal

The user agreement clearly states who Google can share your information with. confidential information:

  • To private companies, if you have given your consent. Example from Google: “If you are with using Google Home contacted the driver call service, we will provide your address to this service only with your permission.”
  • To Google affiliates and other trusted companies and persons for processing from Google name.
  • Law enforcement agencies, security forces, FSB.
  • Publishers, advertisers, developers. Example from Google: “We provide this information so that users can study trends in the use of our services. We also allow select partners to collect information from your browser or device through their own cookies and other technologies and use it to display advertising and evaluate its effectiveness.”

Why does Google track you?

Google Challenge, like any commercial structure in this world, make money. One way is to sell advertising more effectively. To do this, the service collects a huge amount of information about everything. After all, you register and use the product for free, but for every free product you have to pay, one way or another.

Excerpt from Google's user agreement:

How to get rid of Google tracking

If you're just fed up Google advertising, which offers you products tailored to your needs (you never know what and when you were looking for and don’t want to advertise it), then you can disable personalization. For this . But this does not mean that Google will stop collecting information on you. It will just be less of a bother.

However, any user can block Google not only offer advertising, but also collect information.

So that Google stops tracking completely and completely(at least according to the parameters that are officially spoken about), it’s just that it’s now enabled by default.

If you are ready to provide information about your preferences to YouTube, but do not want to be intercepted, then the following instructions are for you:

To access your personal file, you need to log into your account,

Here are the settings for search queries and pages viewed; places you have visited; information from devices; voice requests and commands; the video you searched for and watched on YouTube.

All data from your phone's microphone is stored. All you have to do is say “OK, Google” once, and everything that interests you will become known to advertisers.

Few users think about online security and privacy. Very often we go online and log in personal accounts With various devices— from smartphones and computers that are accessible to other users. In addition, modern sites and web services collect a large amount of statistics and data about users. Google is no exception. In fact, Google knows even more about you than you might imagine. So, what's wrong interesting Google knows about us, the users?

Google has developed quite a lot of services that are used by more than 1 billion people around the world. This is a search engine (google), mail (gmail), Google Earth ( Google Earth), maps (Google Maps), YouTube and others. Each of these services collects data about users that is used for effective online advertising and for other purposes known only to Google.

Sites that share user data with Google

Google uses its own services in which users indicate up-to-date information About Me. In this case, you agree that the data specified when registering accounts is real, and also give your consent to the processing of personal data by Google. I doubt that more than 1% of users from the CIS countries read the entire terms of the user agreement or public offer before clicking “Agree” and starting to use the service or program.

In addition, the company collects numerous technical data and parameters related to software And technical characteristics user devices (computer, mobile phone from which you logged into Google services).

Which sites share user data with Google?

There are not that many sites that send user data to Google. But the specificity of the information Google receives allows us to assess the scale of “surveillance” of users.

Google+ Profile

A personal profile on Google+ is similar to pages on others. in social networks. You fill in the basic data - your age, gender, main interests (you agree to the processing of this data by Google). This data is taken into account when selecting relevant advertisements that will be shown to you on the pages of partner sites using Google.Adwords. detailed information about the user is available at

User location and movement history

If you are using an Android smartphone, it has the ability and ability to send your current coordinates and speed to Google. In addition, some applications require permission to send the coordinates of the user's device in order to function correctly. You've probably noticed that when you find yourself in a certain location, a notification appears on your smartphone about the possibility of uploading photos and descriptions for this place. You can view the history of your movements and display it in the file

Google search history

Google constantly monitors queries that the user asks the search engine, especially if the user is logged in to one of the Google services. In this case, sent requests are encrypted and hidden from built-in statistics systems. The user's reaction to pop-up advertising and any user behavior with search results are also monitored and controlled. This is used to improve search algorithms, select more relevant (relevant) advertising

Account login devices

Google keeps records of devices, IP addresses, locations, methods of accessing its services and accounts Google users. The user can look at the corresponding lists and find out whether anyone else is using his Google accounts and services

List of apps that have access to your Google data

This list shows apps that can handle Google users' personal data. The user can see what rights and capabilities these programs have, and also change the level of access to personal data

Export Google user data

Users of Google services have the ability to export or archive their personal data from google accounts. Information from the following applications and services is available for export: bookmarks, mail, contacts, calendar, files from Drive, videos from YouTube, picasa photos, etc.

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