Windows 10 users sometimes experience error 651 and similar errors when connecting. These are called "Internet connection errors". This occurs due to the occurrence of a software or hardware failure in the network equipment.

To restore the operation of the OS, you need to find out the reason why the failure occurred. This error appears when:

Internet connection error 651 Windows 10

There are several common simple options Troubleshooting Windows 10 Internet connection errors:

First you need to find out that the connection via local network works. First a window opens "Network connections". There you need to select the item Enternet, where there are items such as:

  • LAN name;
  • LAN status;
  • Network adapter used to connect a local network.

The user needs to check the state of the LAN; it has several values:

How to troubleshoot Internet connection problems?

Simple ways to fix the problem:

  • Contact technical support and find out if they may have a problem. There may have been equipment malfunctions. If the operator answers that everything is working well for them, then you need to look for the problem on your PC.
  • Reconnect your modem or router cable and try to restart your broadband connection;
  • You can fix the error by restarting your computer and router/modem;
  • Failures can occur when setting up a connection to your provider during the first launch. In this case, you should check whether all parameters are specified correctly.

Fixing an error that appeared as a result of connecting via a router (modem)

When the Internet cable is connected to the router, and the router and PC are connected via Wi-Fi, there is no need to launch a high-speed connection.

A high-speed connection in this situation will not work and error 651 will appear on the monitor screen. For normal Internet operation, it is enough that the PC is connected to the router and no other connection is required. In this case, you need to configure the router and create a connection. To do this, he needs to indicate the connection type, his name, password and other required information.

After completing the steps, the router will start working and distribute the Internet to all gadgets. No extra connections are needed. An important task in the operation of the Internet is the proper configuration of the router/modem. The instructions that come with the device will help with this.

Let's look at several reasons when the connection is made via an RJ 45 connector:

  1. One of the causes of problems is damage to the RJ 45 connector. RJ stands for Registered Jack. It is a plastic rectangular connector that contains eight metal contacts that connect to the wires. Such connectors are often used for computer and telephone networks. Provides good contact connection. First, you need to remove the element from the connector of your PC or laptop and check it for damage.

Sometimes dust accumulates in the tip; for normal operation of the device, you can simply blow it out. Sometimes, to restore your internet connection, you just need to unplug the RJ and then plug it back in. Problems may be caused by wire deformation.

  1. Problems with settings

Quite a popular reason why a connection problem occurs. In this case, it is better to create a high-speed connection:

  • First you need to left-click on the network connection icon. Then you need to select a section: "Network Control Center and shared access» ;
  • After this, a window should pop up and select the item "Set up a new connection or network";
  • In the window you need to click on "Internet connection", and then click on the word "Further";
  • Next comes the point “High-speed (with PPPoE)”. Fields will appear in which you need to specify your personal login and password.

Then the user needs to click on the button "To plug". If the methods are unsuccessful when trying to resolve error 651, then the cause of the problem may be incorrect work antivirus program or firewall.

  1. Security systems

To fix the problem, you need to shut down the systems and try to connect to the Internet. First of all, to establish a connection, you need to disable your antivirus. Each user has their own antivirus installed and to disable it you need to read the instruction manual. Then you should disable the standard firewall - a set of software that monitors the launch of programs on the PC that access the Internet.

  • To begin, you need to click "Start", find section "Control Panel" and go to the item called "Safety system".
  • A window will appear in which you need to go to the item "Windows Firewall". Next, a menu will appear on the left and there will be a section "Turn Windows Firewall on or off". Next to the phrase "Turn off Windows Firewall" checkboxes are required.
  • At the end of the procedure, you should restart the computer.

This error is also common if a router is connected. You can deal with it like this:

And download a program that resets the protocol settings. To do this, you need to click on the specified link. At the bottom there are two buttons called "Download". For the Windows 10 operating system, you need to click on the second button. When the program is downloaded, the user needs to launch it and restart the PC at the end of the procedure.

  1. Network card

In this case, there is most likely a problem with the drivers. They may either not work correctly or become outdated. The user needs to update the drivers. To do this you need to log in "Control Panel", in the line that appears, enter "Device Manager".

A list appears showing the devices. Selected from them "Updating device drivers". Then the dispatcher will appear, and select the item "Network adapters". After this, you need to select your adapter and click the mouse ( right key) per point "Update drivers". Then you need to follow the conductor's instructions.

Sometimes, when using all the methods, the error does not disappear. This happens due to a faulty router. Then you should check the operation of the modem on another computer.

Computers have firmly entered our lives, and access to the Internet today is already an urgent necessity for many. Modern equipment and operating systems are becoming more and more intelligent, and the user is less and less likely to need to do anything to configure them. However, occasionally such a need arises. Today we will tell you how to solve the problem if your computer reports that you are connected to a network without access to the Internet, and next to the connections icon you see a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark.

Why does the error occur?

Microsoft operating systems, starting with Windows 7, constantly monitor network connections, and since global network is unavailable, they report it immediately. There are many reasons why your computer may not have an Internet connection. These could be problems with the provider, incorrect equipment configuration on the part of the user, or malfunctions network protocols. Today, the new IPv6 protocol is becoming increasingly widespread, but its percentage is still very small, especially in home networks, so the main attention will be paid to the old version - IPv4.

Connecting via a router via a network cable without access to the Internet

Problems with the provider

Yesterday everything worked, but today this warning appeared. If this happened to you without visible reasons, then in most cases the problem is with the provider. Therefore, before doing anything yourself, call technical support. Most often, data lines are damaged, some technical work is being carried out, or you simply forgot to top up your account on time.

You may hear in response that everything is working well with the provider, then you need to check your network and, if necessary, configure it. The support service will probably offer the services of its technician, but, firstly, his services are not free, and secondly, by the time the technician gets to you, you may have time to solve the problem yourself.

Physical connection problem

It is not so rare that the culprit is a partially broken network cable or a loose connection in the connector. And if you have pets or children, then the likelihood of such a development of events increases. Even Wi-Fi users should not forget that there will also be a cable running to the wireless router. Check the integrity of all wiring - are there any strong kinks anywhere, are all plugs firmly inserted into the sockets and are they inserted where they really need to be. Provided that no problem is found here, we move on to the next step.

Local connection Windows network 7 without internet access

If you are using a router

Rebooting the equipment

It happens that the installed router simply freezes. In this case, rebooting it helps. To do this, just turn off its power and connect it again after a few seconds. It won't hurt to restart your computer at the same time. If your router freezes like this with annoying regularity, consider buying a new device. You should also try connecting the Internet cable directly to your PC or laptop. If there is no result, let’s first deal with the computer.

Checking your computer settings

It is possible that the problem arose “out of the blue”, then problems with the settings on the computer should not arise; much more often the problem arises during the initial configuration or making any changes to an already working network. First of all, you need to check that the IP address of your computer is correct by pressing Win+R on your keyboard at the same time. The Run window will open. In its line, enter ncpa.cpl and click OK. The network connections window will appear. It may happen that there are several of them, but the necessary one will not be crossed out with a red cross and its name is similar to “Local Area Connection” or “Wireless Connection” (in the case Wi-Fi usage). Click on the desired connection right click mouse and go to properties, where the list will contain lines with IPv4 and IPv6 entries. Check the box next to IPv6, and double-click on IPv4. Check the boxes to automatically receive settings and save the changes. If access to the Internet does not appear, move on.

Setting up a local network connection in Windows 7

Finding out the router address

Perhaps you didn’t have to do anything in the previous window, the settings for obtaining IPv4 and IPv6 protocol addresses are automatic and everything was initially as it should be. Then you just need to configure the router, for which you need to know its address. Right-click on the connection again and select “Status” and then click “Details”. There will be several lines in the window that appears; we are interested in “IPv4 Address”. If you see an entry like 192.168.x.x, remember or write down what is indicated opposite “IPv4 DHCP server” - this will be its address. It may be that the computer is not able to receive the settings automatically, then the entry will look like 169.254.x.x. You can find out the router’s IP from its documentation, or it is indicated on the device’s case, and most often it is or Open your browser and enter the established IP in the address bar, and if it is correct, you will be prompted to enter your username and password.

Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties

Setting up an internal network on the router

After correctly entering your credentials, you will be taken to the router control panel, and further actions depend on the device model and its firmware. You need to find a DHCP server control, which is responsible for automatically obtaining IP addresses and other parameters necessary for the network to function properly. Look for blocks whose names include DHCP settings, DHCP server, or similar. The block will contain a switch with the values ​​Enable or Disable. Most often, these settings are located in the LAN section. Enable the DHCP server, save the changes and reboot the router. Once this is done, an Internet connection will appear on your computer.

Check your connection settings to your provider

You should not make hasty conclusions if the previous steps did not help set up the connection. Since the network is still not working normally, we check the connection with the provider, for which in the router control panel, go to the appropriate section. Almost all manufacturers call these options WAN or Internet. There are quite a lot of settings options in this section. Which ones are intended for you, you can find out from the contract or from the technical support of your service provider.

Reinstalling network card drivers and checking the firewall

It makes sense to do this when you are sure that everything previous settings are correct, the connection with the provider has been established, but the network cannot be configured normally. The best option would be to download the most recent version of the driver from the manufacturer's website, which, it seems, will require going to a friend or neighbor. If this is not possible, the driver included with the installation disk. After reinstalling, be sure to restart your computer. Here it is also necessary to note driver failures that occur due to the installed software, which makes changes to the operation of network protocols on the computer. The most common representatives are antiviruses and firewalls. Make sure that such programs are not installed, and if they are, disable or remove them during the test, as they may block the connection.

Replacing the MAC address of a network card

Problems with MAC addresses sometimes arise in cases where the network is very large, but it is still worth excluding it. On your computer, go to the device manager, press the Win+R keys, enter devmgmt.msc and click OK. The device manager will launch, where you need to find the “Network adapters” section, expand it and select the network card with which the PC is connected. After double-clicking on it, in a new window, on the “Advanced” tab, select the Network address option and enter any twelve digits in the empty field on the right. After that, reboot and look at the result.

Clear DNS cache and reset TCP/IP settings

Subsequent actions will reset everything network settings for IPv6 and v4, so you need to follow them. If you are ready for this, and you have information about all the settings (written down somewhere, for example), find the command line in the Start menu and run it with administrator rights. Enter the following commands in the window that appears, confirming your entry by pressing Enter. After running each command, restart your computer and check the result.

  1. ipconfig /flushdns
  2. netsh winsock reset
  3. netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt - this command will completely reset all connections and you will have to configure them again!

Clearing the DNS cache using the command line

You have a direct connection to your provider

The option when your computer is connected directly to the provider, bypassing the router, is now becoming less and less common, since the number network devices is growing steadily. But what to do if you have just such a connection? Eliminate possible problems with drivers as indicated above and check that the connection settings are correct. Regarding the settings, the best option would be to contact technical support, since there are a lot of variations.

Nothing helped at all

Maybe you're lucky and your ISP provides access using the new IPv6 protocol, the configuration of which requires knowledge of some subtleties. It should be noted that the expansion of the use of IPv6 is inevitable, since the address space of the previous version of the protocol, IPv4, has come to an end, and the global network is growing every day. Since your efforts have been wasted, and your network still hasn’t started working, then there is only one piece of advice - call a specialist. It is quite possible that the problem that has arisen is non-standard or that equipment replacement/repair is required to solve it.

There is Internet access, but the error remains

This situation may well exist. The reasons may be different - most often when connecting through a proxy server. However, there is only one solution. Press Win+R, enter gpedit.msc - this will take you to the local editor group policies. In the menu on the left, go through the following items: “Local Computer” Policy - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Internet Communication Management - Internet Communication Settings. Now, on the right side of the window, find and enable “Disable active probing for network connection status indicator.” In Windows 10, this setting is called "Turn off active network connection health checks." Please note that now, even if there is truly no connection, the message will not appear.

Main mistakes:

If the registration of the computer on the network is successful (the connection is established), but not a single page opens (inaccessible), then you first need to check the balance personal account. If the balance is positive, then you should contact.

If the connection is made through a router:

First of all, reboot it by turning off the 220V power for one minute and turning it on again. If the connection does not occur, then the router’s settings may have been reset or it may have failed. Make a direct connection - connect the cable directly to the computer, use a previously created one or create a new one PPPoE connection, asking for login and password. Next, proceed according to the paragraphs with descriptions Errors 651, 691. If a direct connection (without a router) occurs, then you need to check the functionality and settings of the router yourself or with the help of a specialist.

If the connection is made directly (the Internet cable is connected directly to the computer):

Error: 629 "The connection was interrupted by the remote computer"

This error occurs if a PPPoE session has already been created and you are trying to create another session. This happens when the previous session is terminated incorrectly, when there is an open connection on the server.


Wait at least two minutes and try to connect again. And don't forget to keep your internet login details secret.

Error: 651 "The modem or other communication device reported an error"


1. The LAN cable may not be connected or there may be poor contact in the connectors.

2. Your computer's network adapter may not be working properly. To resolve the problem, you may need to reinstall the driver network adapter or replacing the network adapter.

3. There may be a cable break or the access server is disconnected.

4. The network adapter may be disabled in Device Manager. Enable the network adapter:

For Windows 7, 8, 10: (Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Network Adapters -> right-click on the Ethernet controller adapter -> select Enable). Try connecting again.

For Windows XP:

5. Check the local network connection:

For Windows 7, 8, 10: (Start-> Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings -> right-click on Local Area Connection -> select Enable).

6. Disable your antivirus program or firewall.

Error: 678 "The remote computer is not responding"


1. Check the settings of your antivirus program and firewall/firewall (if available).

2. In Device Manager, enable the network adapter.

3. Check the connection of the LAN cable and the contact in the connectors.

4. If not working correctly network card You may need to reinstall the driver or replace the device.

5. There may be a cable break on the line or the access server is disconnected. Similar to error 769.

Contact if the problem is not resolved by yourself.

Error: 691 (619) "Access is denied because the user name or password is not valid on this domain"


1. Make sure it's turned on English layout keyboard and “Caps Lock” is disabled on the keyboard. Please enter your Username and Password carefully.

2. You may have connected to the Internet, but the connection was disconnected incorrectly - you need to wait a few minutes before reconnecting to the server.

3. Remember if you gave your credentials to friends/acquaintances; perhaps you have already connected to the network under your login.

4. For Windows XP sometimes it is enough

5. Call if the problem persists.

Error: 711 "The manager service could not be started remote access»


1. Right-click on the My Computer icon, select Manage. In the window that opens, select services and applications => services and activate the Telephony and Remote Access Connection Manager services.

Error: 720 "The connection attempt failed because the remote and local computers were unable to negotiate PPP control protocols"


1. Check the box “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” in the properties of “Local Area Network Connections”;

2. Run integrity check and recovery system files. To do this, click “Run..” in the Start menu and type sfc /scannow

3. You need to reinstall the driver on the network card, if that doesn’t help, then reinstall it on your computer.

Error: 734 "The PPP link control protocol was interrupted"


1. In the Network Connections folder, right-click the connection you are using. Select the Properties command and open the Security tab. In the When scanning is used list, select Unsecured password.

Error: 769 "The specified destination is unreachable"


1. Click the Start button and select Control Panel.

2. In Control Panel, click the Performance and Maintenance icon, and then click the System icon.

3. In the System Properties window, open the Hardware tab and click the Device Manager button.

4. In Device Manager, click Network Adapters.

5. From the Action menu, select Enable.

6. Exit Device Manager.

7. Click the Start button and select Control Panel.

8. In Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections and then Network Connections.

9. In the Network Connections window, select Network Setup Wizard in the Network Tasks group, and then follow the wizard’s instructions.

10. After following all the instructions, restart your computer.

If the problem persists, call .

Error: 815 (windows vista)/651 (windows 7.8) "A high-speed connection cannot be established because the remote server is not responding"

Solution: See errors 678 and 769.

Other errors:

Error code 600, 601, 603, 606, 607, 610, 613, 614, 616, 618, 632, 635, 637, 638, 645:"Happened Internal error Windows."

Solution: Restart your computer. If the error persists, check your computer for viruses. Remove recently installed programs, or undo recent changes to Windows settings, if there were any.

Error code 611: "The internal Windows network configuration is not configured correctly."

Solution: Restart your computer and make sure that the local network is functioning normally on your computer. If the error persists, contact technical support.

Error code 612: "The internal Windows network configuration is not configured correctly."

Solution: Similar to error 611. In addition, the error may be caused by a lack of resources (memory) on your computer. Try closing running programs.

Error code 617: "Windows is in the process of connecting to the Internet, or an internal Windows error has occurred."

Solution: Wait a few minutes. If the connection is not established and the error persists when connecting again, restart your computer.

Errors when opening website pages:

Error: 404 "Page not found"

There was an error in writing the web page address. Check his spelling.

The page or site may be temporarily unavailable or deleted altogether.

Error: 403 "Access denied"

Access to a protected resource is prohibited.

Error: 503 or 504

The site is in debug mode.

Help with computer problems can be found here.

Many users sometimes encounter errors when connecting to the Internet. This may be caused by problems on a specific computer or malfunctions on the ISP side. The error number allows you to find out the cause and find a solution without the help of operator specialists.

The most common mistakes

There can be quite a lot of them. Most of them are related to incorrect user settings. Most often, subscribers of providers encounter the following errors: 691, 678, 619, 769, 800. Each of them has different reasons. At the same time, many can be eliminated with your own hands, without turning to your provider for help.

Important! If you cannot solve the problem yourself, you need to call technical support.

Error 691

Perhaps the most common Internet connection error is 691, which indicates that the password is incorrect. It appears at the stage of checking registration data. Simply put, the error means that the provider's server was unable to correctly identify the user, or he was denied access to the network.

Causes of error 691 and solutions

In fact, error 691 when connecting can occur due to a fairly large number of reasons. Among them:

  • the username or password is entered incorrectly;
  • negative balance;
  • The login is already authorized on the server.

Very often, when creating a new connection, users experience error 691 due to an incorrect login or password. In order to avoid this problem, it is recommended to first type the registration data in a notepad and copy it into the authorization window.

A negative balance with a number of telecom operators also leads to error 691 appearing on the user’s screen. The problem in this case can be solved simply by checking and topping up the account if necessary. Many providers allow you to log in Personal Area and without authorization on the server, and for some you will have to call technical support.

When trying to turn on the Internet, error 691 is given to the user, also provided that the previous session has not been closed. This happens quite rarely when disconnected from the Internet incorrectly. Just wait 5-10 minutes and connect again. If the connection continues to occur, then you should call technical support operators.

Important! In Windows 7, connection error 691 is not always shown. Very often, code 692 appears instead. Therefore, if an error message appears while checking your username and password, you should also follow the steps described above.

Error 678/651/815

Error 691, as mentioned earlier, is far from the only one that users encounter when trying to connect to the Internet. Another common problem involves the server not responding. The error code may differ in different versions of the operating system. In Windows XP it will be 678, in Vista - 815, and Windows users 7 will see a message with error number 651.

Causes of error 678/651/815 and its elimination

Error 678/651/815 has a huge number of possible causes. Among them:

  • cable break;
  • problems with the provider;
  • errors in the firewall or antivirus;
  • Incorrect configuration of the subscriber device.

If error 691 in most cases can be resolved independently, then when a message with code 678/651/815 appears, the user can only disable antiviruses and firewalls, and also check the cable inside the apartment and the subscriber device (router, optical terminal or modem) if present .

Important! Carefully check whether it is connected to the computer. This simple thing is the most common cause of errors 678/651/815.

Error 619

The technology for connecting subscribers differs slightly between different providers. The reasons for the appearance depend on this

Users connecting using PPPoE can usually detect it due to insufficient balance or incorrect username and password. This type of connection is typical for the following operators: Rostelecom, and a number of others.

Subscribers using mobile connection to the Internet via 3G/4G provided mobile operators, you may see a message with code 619 due to problems with the USB modem or computer port. In this case, you may be advised to connect the device to a different connector and reinstall the drivers.

Clients of some networks connect to the Internet through a VPN. In this case, error 619 reports incorrect security settings. In the Internet connection properties on the “Security” tab, you need to set the “Used when checking” option to “ Secure Password" This type of connection is used, for example, by subscribers home internet from Beeline.

Error 769/800

Windows XP users who have problems with drivers or local network connections will not receive a message with code 769, and those who have Vista installed will receive a message with code 800.
First of all, you need to check that your local network connection is active. This can be done in the Start menu in the Network Neighborhood section, selecting Show network connections or by accessing the Network and Sharing Center. If the local connection icon is gray, then you need to enable it using

If there is no local network connection, then the problem lies with the drivers. They must be reinstalled from the included disc or downloaded from the manufacturer's website.

Other errors

When connecting to the Internet, users may receive messages about other types of errors, but they are quite rare. It is quite difficult or even impossible for the user to eliminate some of them without the help of a specialist.

Let's look at other errors that often appear when connecting to the Internet, and ways to solve them:

  • means the PPPoE protocol has been completed. As a solution, you can try to recreate the connection.
  • Error 735 means that an incorrect IP address is being used to connect. In the settings you must indicate that network address you need to receive it automatically, or enter the correct parameters from the agreement with the provider.

In any case, if you cannot fix the problem yourself, you need to call technical support. A company specialist will suggest possible causes of errors and ways to eliminate them. And if necessary, he will also submit a request for installers to visit you.

Typical error codes

Error codes that occur when creating dial-up and VPN connections

If an error occurs while connecting to the Internet, it is recommended to follow the steps specified in these instructions. If these steps do not help, you need to contact technical support, report the error code and list the actions you have taken.

Typical problems and ways to solve them

Error codes 6XX

Errors 600, 601, 603, 606, 607, 610, 613, 614, 616, 618, 632, 637, 645- an internal Windows error occurred.
Restart your computer. If the error persists, check your computer for viruses. Uninstall recently installed programs, or undo recent changes to Windows settings, if any.
Errors 604, 605, 608, 609, 615, 620- file phone book remote subsystem Windows access and the current Remote Network Access configuration are incompatible with each other
Restart your computer. If the error persists, delete and re-create the VPN connection.
Error 611
Restart your computer and make sure that the local network is functioning normally on your computer. If the error persists, contact technical support.
Error 612- the internal Windows network configuration is not configured correctly
Similar to error 611. In addition, the error may be caused by a lack of resources (memory) on your computer. Try closing running programs.
Error 617- Windows is in the process of connecting to the Internet, or an internal Windows error has occurred
Wait a few minutes. If the connection is not established and the error persists when connecting again, restart your computer.
Error 629-VPN connection was terminated due to poor connection quality or after unsuccessful negotiation.
Contact technical support.
Error 642-your computer has been assigned a NetBIOS name that is already in use on the network.
Change the computer name in the properties of "My Computer" in the "Identification" section.
Error 678-there is no response from the VPN (PPPoE) server.
Check if your local network is working. Check VPN settings connections and settings of your firewall (if it is installed on your computer). If all else fails, contact technical support.
Error 619- unable to connect to remote computer, so the connection port is closed.
In the properties of the VPN connection, open the "Security" tab - "Normal (recommended settings)" should be selected and the "Data encryption required (otherwise disable)" checkbox should be unchecked. Restart your computer and try connecting again.
Check your firewall settings, and if you are not sure they are correct, disable it.
Error 633- the modem is already in use, or is not configured for outgoing remote access connections
This error occurs due to a stuck connection. To resolve this, restarting the computer helps.
Error 635- an unknown error occurred. This error occurs due to problems with the VPN client on your computer; it is either corrupted or installed incorrectly. Typically, this problem can occur on older Windows 95/98 operating systems. To solve the problem, you need to reinstall the VPN client (another name is Virtual Private Network) or Windows OS.
Error 638, 651, 769- errors occur in all types of equipment, let’s consider typical actions that can help resolve them:
Check if the modem is connected to the computer correctly.
Check that your modem has power (for modems with an external power supply).
If you have a modem connected to USB port, check whether the drivers for USB ports are installed correctly in the operating system; it is better to install the “native” drivers that come with the motherboard.
Check in the “Device Manager” in the “Network Cards” section that the modem driver is installed correctly. If you have a modem connected to an Ethernet port, check the settings of the network card driver installed on your computer.
Check that the TCP/IP protocol settings for the network card installed on your computer are correct:
Check the type of cable used when connecting the modem to the computer (use the cable from the purchased kit to connect).
Check the connection between the computer and the modem using the modem indicator.
Check the connection between the computer and the modem using the ping command in the command line (Start/Run/cmd command) to the TCP/IP address set on your modem (ping
Check that the modem parameters are set correctly according to the instructions included on the CD included with the equipment.
Check that the connection parameters are set correctly according to the instructions included on the CD included with the equipment.
If WinPoET is required to establish a connection, install it. The WinPoET program is used in operating systems Windows ME, Windows 2000.
Check the presence of a DSL signal using the modem indicator; the corresponding indicator on the modem should be constantly on.
For most USB modems, the modem indication is duplicated by the software indication.
If there is no signal, check that the connection is correct.
Error 650- the remote access server does not respond.
The Internet access VPN server is not responding.
Possible reasons: your network card settings are incorrect or your network is physically faulty.
Error 678/815 (Vista)- the remote computer does not respond
This error may occur due to a lack of communication between the modem and the station equipment (the “DSL” or “ADSL” indicator on the modem does not light up), and also if:

  • There is no connection between the modem and the computer.
  • The modem is frozen.
  • The modem is not configured correctly.
  • The connection is blocked by security programs.

Check the connection diagram. Try connecting your modem to your phone line while disconnecting all other devices connected to it (such as phones).
Error 691- error at the authorization stage.

  • Negative account balance - pay off the debt.
  • Incorrect login or password - check the login and password based on the client’s instructions.

It can also occur when the work session on the Internet is terminated incorrectly, i.e. you did not disconnect your connection, but turned off your PC. This error can also occur if the session is terminated.
Solution options - check your network access details (you received this data at the time of concluding the Agreement).
Check that you are maintaining the correct case of letters.
Make sure there are no outstanding payments for Internet access services.
Rebuild your high-speed connection. Restart your computer and modem.
If the error occurred outside of technical support service hours, try connecting again in about an hour.

Error codes 7XX

Error 721- VPN server does not respond to requests
Check your network adapter settings and make sure your local network is working.
Error 735- VPN connection is not configured correctly
Make sure that in the network settings (more precisely, in the TCP/IP protocol settings) of the VPN connection, a specific IP address is not specified, and all parameters are obtained automatically.
Error 743- encryption settings are incorrectly configured
Go to the VPN connection settings and disable the “data encryption” item.
Error 769- there is no response from the VPN (PPPoE) server.
Check if your local network is working. Check your VPN (PPPoE) connection settings and your firewall settings (if it is installed on your computer).
Error 789-incorrect VPN connection type selected
Go to the VPN connection settings and on the "Network" tab, from the "VPN Type" list, select "PPTP VPN". Try connecting again.
Error 797-in the computer settings the name is already in use
In the network identification settings, in the “computer name” field, enter your login, and in the “workgroup” field, enter “sutc” (without quotes).
Error 718- timed out waiting for a valid response from the remote computer
The Internet connection is not configured correctly. Rebuild your high-speed connection.
It is possible that there are problems on the part of the provider. You should contact technical support if the problem persists.
Error 734- problems with setting up a PPP connection.
Solution options are to go to the connection properties, Security tab, remove Data Encryption and set the Normal recommended settings.
Double-click the left mouse button on the desktop on your connection shortcut, now click the Properties button. In the window that appears, click the Network tab and in the Components used by this connection field, uncheck the NWlink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS-compatible transport item. Now click OK. After this, you can press the Call button. The connection should happen.
Error 733- this computer and the remote computer could not negotiate PPP control protocols
Probable cause: the Internet connection is not configured correctly.
Try re-creating your high-speed connection.
Error 734- PPP control protocol - communication was interrupted.
Solutions - check the settings for receiving network access details (EVERYTHING SHOULD BE AUTOMATICALLY) in the properties of the TCP/IP connection over the local network, check the security settings of the VPN connection: open the "Security" tab - "Normal (recommended settings)" should be selected and should Be sure to uncheck the "Data encryption required (otherwise disable)" checkbox.
Error 735- the requested address was rejected by the server.
The reason for this is that you have incorrectly configured the VPN connection to access the Internet.
Solution - in the TCP/IP VPN connection settings, check how the IP address is registered, it should be allocated automatically (Attention! Do not confuse the TCP/IP settings of the network card with the TCP/IP settings of the VPN connection). Check your network card settings and Internet access via a VPN connection. In the properties of your connection, the "Network" tab, open the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" properties, and the following options: - Obtain IP addresses automatically - Obtain DNS server address automatically.
Try re-creating a new connection.
Error 741, 742 - Local computer does not support the required data encryption type. (The remote computer does not support the required data encryption type.) Error 741, 742 means that the connection to the authorization server was not established due to a mismatch between the encryption levels on your computer and our authorization server. This error can be resolved by unchecking the "Require data encryption (otherwise disable)" checkbox on the "Security" tab in the properties of your Internet connection.
Error 769/814 (Vista)- the specified destination is unattainable.
The reasons for this may be the following:

  • there is no link - on the “local network connection” icon the inscription “network cable is not connected” (if the network cable is connected correctly, call technical support),
  • IP address, mask or gateway are entered incorrectly. Check if VPN settings are correct - disable/unload firewall service (if installed)
  • "Local Area Connection" is disabled.

Turn on “Local Area Connection” (Control Panel? Network Connections).
Error 789- an L2TP connection attempt failed due to an error that occurred at the security level during negotiations with the remote computer.
In the properties of the VPN connection, open the “network” tab - in the “VPN type:” list, select “PPTP VPN”; try to connect.
Error 797- the connection to the remote computer could not be established due to the fact that the modem was not found or was busy
Possible reasons: the modem is frozen, the modem driver is not installed. The Internet connection is not configured correctly, the modem is faulty. Possible solutions - restart the computer if you have a USB modem, reinstall the modem driver, recreate the high-speed connection, if the modem malfunctions, contact the service center.

Error codes 8XX

Error 800- lack and/or network problems. Problems on both the provider and client side.

  • no connection - check the connecting cables, remove and insert the plug (RJ45) into the network card socket.
  • check and reinstall the network card drivers.
  • check security settings, locks.
  • lack of connection between the computer and the gateway or VPN server (checked with the command ping your_server)
  • reinstall VPN connection(create a new VPN connection? using the connection wizard)
  • check your computer for viruses.
  • check the properties of the network connection "Local Area Connection" should be "Internet Protocol TCP/IP/Properties/Obtain an IP address automatically/Obtain a DNS server address automatically"

Error 652- failed to connect to the network due to the existence of matching names.
Possible solutions: try changing the computer name in the network properties (Windows 98/ME) or the properties of "My Computer" (Windows 2000/XP), you can also try checking the network components; if Microsoft Loopback Adapter is installed, remove it (in the Russian version " The Microsoft Loopback Adapter is a virtual network card, or rather, it is just a driver). If this does not help, you need to understand your computer.

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